Top 14 Games Similar to 二人でできるゲームの決定版 Two Bazooka(無料版)

Fighting game Mokken 2.37
You can play with only punch and kick! Easy and Fun!
二人で出来るゲーム 二人忍者 1.0.1
二人で遊べる ~二人飛行機〜 1.1
二人でできる飛行機ゲーム。あなたはパイロット、早く動いて相手の背後に回り込め!操作は簡単。スワイプで移動、タップで攻撃(ミサイル)っとこれだけ。スマフォでやるならシンプルが一番。人間二人でやる、だから面白い!!※喧嘩に注意して、仲良くあそぼう。Airplane game youcandowith two people.You pilot, Mawarikome is moving quickly behind the opponent!All you have to do is.Move swipe, attack in tap (missile)Innovation this only.Simple is best if do in Sumafo.To do with human two people, so funny! !※ with care to fight, let's play get along.
Boxing two people play 1.0
Boxing game play with two people.Simple operation (left jab in the left screen tap, straightrightinthe right screen tap)In, I can enjoy the easy game.On a single iphone, and because possible game, it is notneededtimeof installation.Operating instructions---In singles wipe, moveIn doubles wipe, move rolling-In the left tap, left jabIn the right tap, straight right---Among the games that play with two people, fighting gameisquitesmall.Because there is such a hidden skills, and be nice trylookinginFutari.
金魚の達人 暇つぶし無料金魚すくい釣りゲームRPG 16.09.00
神社に潜む伝説の金魚を倒し達人を目指そう!仲間と協力し様々な生き物を釣る基本無料の本格派金魚すくいゲーム!子どもから大人まで楽しめるシンプル操作♪<公式キャラ(まきちゃん)登場!>はじめまして♪案内人の“まき”です(^○^) 皆で一緒に金魚の達人を遊ぼうね♪( ^◇^)ゞ ヨロシクオネガイシマス♪★ゲームの特徴★操作は簡単♪タップで紙を潜らせ、離すとすくうお手軽プレイ!真ん中でキャッチすると破けるリアルな再現♪ポイを育成し進化させ様々な魚を釣ろう!仲間と協力プレイでボスを討伐するバトル♪毎週開催されるイベントで超レアアイテムを無料でゲットしよう!暇つぶしにも遊べる簡単フィッシングゲーム♪★達人の世界に5つの神社ステージが登場★①お祭り お祭りを荒らす悪の金魚出現♪②清流 数百年前の凶暴な渡りカニが!③海原 出没した海賊はイルカですって?④溜池 皇帝の異名を持つ最強ペンギン!⑤深海 地球の奥深くに金魚の神様が♪⑥クエスト 強敵が潜むクエストモード出現!⑦仲間と一緒に協力イベントで大物をフィッシング!★新機能の追加★金魚の達人が大型アップデート!アップデート第2弾となる「進化合成」機能が実装!素材を合成して、高レアリティの超強力なポイに進化させよう!6月はじめに実装されたアップデート第1弾では、超絶ダメージを与える「クリティカルヒット」や、時間を止めて攻撃できる「タイムストップ」など特別なスキルが登場!さらに「バリア」や「機雷」「煙幕」などを使う巨大魚も新出現!仲間と一緒に白熱する達人の道を極めよう!★ジャンル★無料アプリ 釣りゲームRPG (アイテム課金あり)Aim Guru defeatthegoldfish legendary lurking in the shrine! cooperation with fellow fish a variety of creatures basicfreeauthentic goldfish scooping game! simple operation can enjoyfromchildren to adults ♪Nice to meet you ♪ is "sowing" of the guide (^ ○ ^) I Let's playthemaster together of goldfish in everyone ♪ (^ ◇ ^) Isuzu BestregardsOnegaishimasu ♪★ Game Features ★Operation is to dive the paper in simple ♪ tap, Easy play scoopandrelease! To foster torn realistic reproduction ♪ POI catchevolvedin the middle will Tyre a variety of fish! In the event,which isBattle ♪ weekly held to subdue the boss in cooperative playwithfriends trying to get an ultra-rare item for free! Simplefishinggame ♪ can play even to kill time★ world intofiveshrine stage of master appeared ★① festival evil of goldfish appearance ♪ rougheningthefestivalFerocious over crab ② clear stream hundreds of years ago!③ was ocean infested pirates What is a dolphin?④ strongest with the nickname of the pond Emperor penguins!⑤ God of goldfish ♪ deep in the deep sea EarthQuest mode emergence ⑥ quest formidable enemy is lurking!⑦ fishing a big fish in cooperation with the event along withthefellow!★ adding new features ★Goldfish master a large update! Update is the secondinstallment"evolution synthesis" function implementation! Bycombining thematerial, trying to evolve into a super powerful POIhighrarity!The update first series that has been implemented in earlyJune,giving the transcendence damage "critical hit" and, can attacktostop the time special skills, such as "Time Stop"appeared!Furthermore "barrier" and "mine" is also huge fish to use,such as"smoke screen" new appearance! Let Kiwameyo the way of Gurutoincandescent together withfriends!★ genre ★Free app Fishing game RPG (Therebillingitem)
2 players games 1
Booma Apps
If you are looking foe Two players gamesthathas huge game collections with stunning wonderful 2HD , 3HDdisplayand graphics,the search is over!! All Two players games isalreadyhere.This App is an amazing best app including 2 player Fightinggames,Shooting, Adventure, Racing, Arcade, Zombies, 2 player gamesforfor kidsSo download this App now and get the best Two players games injustone App-Enjoy its stunning feature.-Advanced graphics-Easy and quick guides-Play it anytime,anywhere.*The game is not installed directly. After checking thestorewill be installed.
クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ 炎のカスカベランナー!! 2.7.2
なつやすみセール!激レアコスプレもゲットできるスターターセットが限定販売! さらに!きんのたま最大30%増量キャンペーンも!
ArchersBattle for children 1.0
I finally was completed! !Game app second edition to play with two people on one screen! !Rules are simple simpleFruit is a total of sixWins who punched all the fruit in the bow and arrow!Parent-child and sibling, I playing with relatives of achild!Of course, it is also playing with adults between OK!I try to play tanks game "Kids Battle Tank" is also toplaywithtwo people.
Timing Hero: Retro Action RPG 2.3.5
Want to play Action RPG Hero Monster Game? Play FantasyBattleRoyale!
クロスサマナー(クロサマ)本格RPG 1.7.2
画面タップでザクザク敵を倒せ!儚きストーリーを彩る超迫力の本格アクションRPG!!かんたん操作でド派手奥義&連続コンボの爽快バトルを楽しもう!!主人公(CV:森田成一)と幼馴染のアルウィン王子(CV:緑川光)は、二人の前に突如現れた謎の少女、ララ(CV:野中藍)との出会いをきっかけに、壮大な冒険の旅へと導かれていくのであった…―それぞれの運命が今、交錯する―<ゲームの特長>-------------------------------------■ かんたんド派手な2Dドットアニメバトル!! ■-------------------------------------画面タップで炸裂する必殺技を繰り出し、ゲージが貯まったら奥義発動でとどめを刺せ!それぞれのユニットが固有に持つ超ド派手演出の奥義を己のフリックで発動させ、爽快バトルを楽しもう!!■ 狙え、大連鎖!空中連続コンボ!! ■-------------------------------------コンボを制するものはバトルを制す―。近接、遠隔、魔法、回復など様々な攻撃タイプのユニット特性を活かし、タイミングよく画面タップで攻撃だ!空中連続攻撃、奥義発動を操りコンボを重ねるとダメージがどんどん上昇!君だけのコンボを見つけ出し、超絶コンボで強敵を倒せ!■ 想いが交錯するドラマティックストーリー ■-------------------------------------主人公と王子、二人の儚き想いが交錯する本編ストーリーを彩るのは、冒険の途中で出会う個性豊かな仲間達。本編ストーリーとは別に、それぞれのユニットが持つサブストーリーを楽しむことができる。サブストーリーを進めた先ではユニットが驚くべき進化を遂げることも!?■ 多様な個性を持つユニットを鍛え上げよ!! ■-------------------------------------お気に入りのユニットのレベルを上げてどんどん強くさせよう!覚醒素材を集めてレア度を引き上げられるほか、5種類の属性タイプに分かれるユニットは、さらに個別スキルや状態異常耐性を持っており、敵の攻撃に合わせて戦略的にユニットを編成できる!■ やりこみ無限大!ペンタグラムシステム!! ■ -------------------------------------プレイヤー自身を自由に成長可能なやりこみ無限大の育成システム『ペンタグラム』を搭載!特定の属性のレベルを上昇させていくことで、召喚士であるプレイヤー自身を自由に成長させることが可能に!「風属性特化の召喚士」「状態異常攻撃特化の召喚士」「バランスタイプの召喚士」…どれになるかは君次第!最強の召喚士を目指そう!=======================================推奨環境: Android OS 4.0.0以上推奨端末一覧: 303SH AQUOS PHONE Xx mini 303SH304SH AQUOS Xx 304SHF-01F ARROWS NX F-01FF-03F Disney Mobile on docomo F-03FF-10D ARROWS X F-10DFJL22 ARROWS Z FJL22HTL22 HTC J One HTL22INFOBAR A02 INFOBAR A02L-01E Optimus G L-01EL-01F G2 L-01FL-04E Optimus G Pro L-04ELG-D821 Nexus5LGL21 Optimus G LGL21LGL22 isai LGL22LGL23 G Flex LGL23N-02E MEDIAS U N-02EN-03E Disney Mobile on docomo N-03EP-03E ELUGA P P-03ESC-01F GALAXY Note 3 SC-01FSC-02E GALAXY Note II SC-02ESC-03E GALAXY S III α SC-03ESC-04E GALAXY S4 SC-04ESC-04F GALAXY S5 SC-04FSC-06D GALAXY S III SC-06DSCL21 GALAXY SIII Progre SCL21SCL22 GALAXY Note 3 SCL22SCL23 GALAXY S5 SCL23SH-02F AQUOS PHONE EX SH-02FSH-04F AQUOS ZETA SH-04FSH-09D AQUOS PHONE ZETA SH-09DSHL24 AQUOS PHONE SERIE mini SHL24SO-01F Xperia Z1 SO-01FSO-03F Xperia Z2 SO-03FSO-05D Xperia SX SO-05DSOL25 Xperia ZL2 SOL25URBANO L01 URBANO L01※記載の無い推奨端末以外でもダウンロードが可能ですが、動作は保証しておりません。あらかじめご了承ください。=======================================アプリ本体: 無料(一部有料アイテムがございます)ご注意: アプリ起動時に表示されます『利用規約』は必ずご確認ください。お客様がインストールされ、本アプリをダウンロードされた場合、利用規約に同意したものとみなされます。アプリ公式サイト:運営会社: 株式会社ポケラボ
Mort & Phil: Frenzy Drive
Mortadelo & Filemon, two of themostunlikely secret agents you've ever met, are the only hope tofreethe city from Jimmy the Freak's threat.Join them on an endless car chase, dodging the attacks ofJimmy'smen, in an adventure full of excitement; with many vehiclesto pimpup, extravagant weapons to blast your enemies, andhilariouscostumes to enhance your character's features.The most stunning action/car chasing game with a hilarious senseofhumor that will keep you entertained for hours with itsaddictiveand challenging gameplay.A full free-to-play experience, with lots of goodiesandcustomization possibilities available through the shop.
Stickman fighter : Epic battle
You like fighting games and stickmangames?This game is made for you! Enter the arena and play as anheroicStickman. You must fight against your opponents. You musthave nomercy against them. To win, you have to kill them all. Watchout... you'll face numerous warriors. Their big boss will nothesitateto mangle you !Stickman Fighter Epic Battles is a game of skill and speed inwhichyou will need to string together catches, kicks andpunches.Numerous weapons are also available to you. You mustdodgeopponents or die. The universe of this game makes ittrulyunique.HOW TO PLAYStand in front of your opponents and start the combat. Eachenemyhas its specificity. A life bar shows your health.GAME FEATURES- Stickman- Combat- 40 Levels- Weapons
Red Hands – 2 Player Games 4.6
Peaksel Games
Download Red Hands – 2-Player Games and get ready for some hothandsslaps!
Frontline Army Sniper Shooter 2.0
Do you love playing action orienteddeadlyfighting games? If yes, the app Frontline ArmySniperShooter will be a grand entertainment for you onyourandroid device.The app presents a unique action-packed game-play alongwithstimulating dynamics that will keep your fighting spirit up,alive,and super charged like the deadly fighter Frontline ArmySniperShooter!The Frontline Army Sniper Shooter game canbeplayed in 8 unique surroundings to taste the ecstasy of joyandfighting success!Frontline army sniper shooter 3Dis acompleteamusement at your fingertips: like adults growing kids alsowillfind this fighting app completely addictive.How to play the app:The fighting action of the app is fairly simple to understandbutmastering the target hit is really challenging. Your sole aimisoffering assistance to keep the hero FrontlineSniperShooter safe and super-duper performing. Your actionplanwill be like,Swiping left center of the screen for moving and fixingthetarget,Taping on zoom to fix and lock the target,Knocking on shoot tab to kill the enemy,Keeping an eye on the safety and health risk oftheFrontline Shooter so that he can remain safefromenemy attack.App’s Features:Before you start playing the shooting frenzy at your targetenemygang, let’s check the rocking features ofsnipershooterapp:Brilliant user interface: smart use of graphics and sound,Play at jungle, valley, mountain, and deserts water3Denvironments with unique and challenging ambiance,It is a multilevel game: each mission is a multilevel gamepackcomprising of different fighting sessions for playing ultimatefunand entertainment with the ArmySniperShooter.The shooter will get best sniper shooterrifleto run his fight,You need to keep a watch on the health of the ArmySniperShooter; otherwise enemy can attack him tokill.Download the game Frontline army snipershooterapp and start playing its challenging mission injungle, water,desert, mountain, valley and keep on honing youraiming skill byhelping the deadly Frontline army snipershooter.Explore more imbedded challenge in thegame playand spend quality time alone with your androiddevice.