Top 1 Apps Similar to EIN Lookup

IPCalc 1.0
This is my first app so please be gentle. :)IPCalc is a simple IPv4 Subnet Calculator. The app willacceptpartial addresses and will calculate as you type. You canchoosethe masklength using CIDR length, dotted-decimal notation orusingthe slider control. You can save your searches and there is aalsoa limited history function.Flick the screen from right to left of the main screen andtheapp will calculate and list other subnets in the class withthemask selected in the main screen. You can also alter theclasslength used in the calculation using the drop down so you candothings like "show me all similar /24 subnets of a /22 class".Flick the screen from left to right of the main screen andtheapp will do a whois lookup on the address listing whoitsregistered to and current BGP route and AS Number ifapplicable.Please note data charges may apply to this part of theapp.