Top 9 Apps Similar to ThermoDynamicsFree

Thermodynamics Notes 2.0
Juhi Goel
Thermodynamics notes app hasbeendevelopedbased on need of students before exams andforrevisionpurpose.This app covers all the topics ofbasicThermodynamics.Important points to be remembered during anyexamand relevantformulas to solve numericals are mentioned in thisapp.Many pointswhich are important for exam point of viewareunderlined orhighlighted.Please try this app and feel free to give yourfeedback&reviews.
Physics: Thermodynamics 2.5
Physics: Thermodynamics is an app basedonthermodynamics, designed for students or physics lovers.Main features:Lessons4 chapters concerning thermodynamics, with formulasaccuratelydescribed including:• Heat and temperature• Temperature scales• Zeroth law of thermodynamics• Thermodynamic systems• Heat transfer• Thermodynamic work• First law of thermodynamics• Thermodinamic processes: isochoric process,isentropicprocess...• Kinetic theory of gases• Internal energy of gases• Ideal gases• Ideal gas law• Boyle's law, Gay - Lussac's law and Charles's law• Work done by ideal gases in isothermal processes; atconstantvolume or pressure• Isentropic relations• Entropy• Second law of thermodynamics• Kelvin statement, Clausius statement, Carnot's theorem• Third law of thermodynamics• Carnot cycle• Heat engines• Efficiency of real and ideal heat engines• Refrigerator• Efficiency of real and ideal refrigeratorCalculatorPerform more than 140 calculations using thermodinamicsformulasdivided into 33 sections simply leaving empty the field youwant tocalculate like:• Thermal energy• Thermal capacity• Conduction• Thermal resistance• Radiation• Thermal linear expansion• Thermal volume expansion• Work done by gases• Work done by ideal gases• Internal energy of gases• Internal energy of ideal gases• Translational kinetic energy• Maxwell speed distribution• Root-mean-square speed• Molar mass• Number of moles• Mean free path• Ideal gas law• Boyle's law• Gay-Lussac's law• Charles's law• Isentropic relations• Change in entropy• Enthalpy• Efficiency of real heat engines• Efficiency of real refrigerator• Efficiency in Carnot cycle• Carnot refrigerator efficiency•Physical constants••Material Design••Available in English and Italian•
Applied Thermodynamics 6.0
The app is a complete free handbook of AppliedThermodynamicswithdiagrams and graphs. As a part of mechanicalengineering, theappbrings important topics, notes, news & blogon the subject.TheApp serves as a quick reference guide onchemistry,physics,mechanical & chemical engineering subject.The app isacomplete free handbook of Applied Thermodynamicswhichcoversimportant topics, notes, materials, news & blogs onthecourse.Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookforMechanical engineering programs & degree courses.ThisusefulApp lists 125 topics with detailed notes,diagrams,equations,formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in5chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student oraprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly before an examsorinterview forjobs. Track your learning, set reminders, editthestudy material,add favorite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia. Use thisuseful engineering app as your tutorial,digitalbook, a referenceguide for syllabus, course material,project work,sharing yourviews on the blog. Some of the topicsCovered in theapp are: 1.Introduction to Thermodynamic PropertyRelations 2.Internal Energy3. Graphical representation ofthermodynamicproperties 4. SomeMathematical Theorems 5. Relationsfor soundspeed and ideal gas 6.Maxwell’s Relations 7. Evaluation ofEntropy8. Derivation ofJoule’s Law 9. Constant Volume Heating 10.ConstantPressureHeating 11. Adiabatic Volume Change 12. SoundVelocity inH2O 13.Isothermal Volume Change 14. Example ofCompression of Solid15.Constant Enthalpy Expansion 16.Joule-Thompson coefficientrelatedto PvT data 17. Clapeyron Equation18. KeypointsregardingClapeyron Equation 19. Kinetic Theory ofGases 20. KineticTheoryof Gases–State Equations and Specific Heats21. Cp and Cvunder thekinetic theory 22. Variation of CP with P atconstant T23.Variation of CV with v at constant T 24. Relationbetween CP andCV25. Enthalpy Relations 26. Energy Relations 27.EntropyRelations28. Summary of Energy, Enthalpy, and EntropyCalculations29.Generating Thermodynamic Data Tables 30. Fuels 31.BASISOFCOMBUSTION ANALYSIS 32. Basic equations in combustion33.AIRREQUIRED IN COMBUSTION 34. Mass and volume of the flue gas35.THECOMBUSTION PROCESS 36. COMBUSTION OF FUELS IN AIR 37.EXHAUSTGASANALYSES 38. FINDING THE AFR FROM AN EXHAUST GASANALYSIS39.HIGHER AND LOWER CALORIFIC VALUES 40. Introductiontosteamgenerators 41. Introduction to boilers 42. How BoilersWork43.CLASSIFICATION OF BOILER 44. Boiler SpecificationTheheatingsurface 45. Boiler Systems 46. Firetube boilers47.Watertubeboilers 48. Comparison of fire tube and water tubeboilers49.Lancashire Boiler 50. COCHRAN BOILER 51. BABCOCK WILCOXBOILER52.BOILER MOUNTINGS 53. Water level Indicator 54. PressureGauge55.Steam Safety Valve 56. Fusible Plug 57. Feed Check ValveandSteamStop Valve 58. BOILER ACCESSORIES 59. Air Preheaters 60.FEEDWATERHEATER 61. SUPER HEATER 62. Performance Evaluation ofBoilers63.Direct Method for obtaining boiler efficiency 64.IndirectMethodfor obtaining boiler efficiency 65. EquivalentEvaporation66.Boiler Efficiency Each topic is complete withdiagrams,equationsand other forms of graphical representations forbetterlearningand quick understanding. Thermodynamics is partofphysicalchemistry, Chemical and Mechanical engineeringeducationcoursesand technology degree programs of variousuniversities.
Thermodynamics 1.0
From this App you can learn : Define system and surroundings andthelist different types of systems. State the thermodynamicpropertiesand identify the extensive and intensive properties.Describe threetypes of thermodynamic equilibria: thermalequilibrium, mechanicalequilibrium and chemical equilibrium.Explain internal energy, workand heat: distinguish the statefunction and path function.Discriminate between isobaric,isothermal, isochoric and adiabaticprocesses. State first law ofthermodynamics and express itmathematically. State Hess's law andmeasure the change inenthalpy(ΔH) of a process. State zeroth lawof thermodynamics andgive its application. Explain entropy as athermodynamic statefunction and apply it for spontaneity. Statesecond law ofthermodynamics and explain the spontaneity criteriain terms ofGibbs free energy change. Give the relation betweenfree energychange, equilibrium constant of a reaction and net EMFof anelectrochemical cell and solve the problems based on thisrelation.State third law of thermodynamics and apply Nernst heattheorem tocalculate transition entropies. More details pleasevisit "" hostsconceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designedfor K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students toenjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich contentwhich issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned tobestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can developstrongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to dowell inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a referencematerial tobe more creative in designing engaging learningexperiences. Parentsalso can actively participate in their child'sdevelopment throughWWK". This topic covers under Chemistry subjectas a part of theChemical Reactions topic and this topic containsfollowing subtopics Thermodynamics System and surroundingsMacroscopic propertiesof a thermodynamic system Energy, heat andwork First law ofthermodynamics Hess's law Zeroth law Second lawGibbs free energy
Chemical Engineering & Thermod 1.0.4
Chemical engineering & thermodynamics notes forchemicalengineering.
SP Met Thermo 1 3.0
Prof S Paul
Thermodynamics of Metal Extraction
Applied Thermodynamics 1.8
handbook on Applied Thermodynamics with diagrams, learn a topic inaminute
Thermodynamics_Free 1.3
Thermodynamics covers the named fieldofPhysicsin detail.The theory part is covered from wikipedia sources..Theory is followed by 11 questions whichrequiredeepunderstanding of the concepts described in theory.Answers toallquestions are provided in detail.52 exercises splitted in 6 Chapters and inincreasingdifficultylevel which require more than replacement intypes tosolve .Thisensures the user can deal with any problem inthe fieldofThermodynamics when finishes them all.Solutions toexercisesareprovided in detail.This app contains unobtrusive full screen ads fromvservandbanner ads from admob and its function is relied uponasolidInternet connection.
Thermodynamics 1.0.4
Thermodynamics notes for mechanical engineering students.