Top 9 Apps Similar to Compass Indonesia

Info BMKG 3.1.4
Weather, Climate, and Earthquake in Indonesia
Prakiraan Cuaca Gempa ID 1.1.11
weather forecasts and hazardous weather earthquake in IndonesiaBMKGdata
Warsis! Gempa & Gunung Api 1.6
Aplikasi yang di peruntukan kepadamasyarakatumum untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang bencana gempabumi danaktivitas gunung api di indonesia. Pengembang hanyamembantumenyampaikan informasi bencana ke pada masyarakat umum.Denganaplikasi sederhana ini semoga dapat bermanfaat bagimasyarakatbanyak. Data di ambil dari website BMKG dan ESDM.Fitur:Informasi terupdate setiap membuka aplikasiDi lengkapi dengan peta dengan titik gempaSudah di lengkapi dengan Push Notification (Jadi setiap adainfogempa atau perkembangan gunung api akan ada pemberitahuandihandphone anda)Di lengkapi dengan deskripsi lengkap peningkatan/penurunanstatusgunung api di Indonesia (dengan Grafik)Tag: gempa bumi, gempa, info gempabumi, gempa indonesia,gempaterbaru, gempa terasa, terjadi gempa, gunung merapi, statusgunung,gunung api indonesiaApplications are intheallotment to the general public to obtain information abouttheearthquake and volcanic activity in Indonesia. Developers onlyhelpdeliver disaster information to the general public. Withthissimple application may be useful for many people. The data istakenfrom the website BMKG and EMR.Features:Information is updated every open applicationEquipped with a map with points of earthquakeIt is equipped with a Push Notification (no info So everyearthquakeor volcano development there will be a notification onyourphone)Equipped with a complete description of the increase / decreaseinthe status of volcanoes in Indonesia (with charts)Tags: earthquake, earthquake, earthquake information,earthquakeIndonesia, recent earthquakes, felt earthquakes, anearthquake,volcano, mountain status, Indonesian volcano
Peringatan Dini Banjir Jakarta 2.0
Memberikan informasi terkini mengenaistatustinggi air lokasi pemantauan di sungai-sungai Jakarta.Informasi yang bisa didapatkan dari aplikasi ini :1. Status tinggi air sungai-sungai di Jakarta2. Grafik tinggi muka air selama 12 jam terakhir3. Data BMKG (Prakiraan Cuaca, Peta Potensi Banjir, PetaSebaranHujan, Peta Perkiraan Hujan Jakarta dan Data PeringatanBMKG)4. Info PentingLokasi Pemantauan Tinggi Muka Air :Sungai Ciliwung :1. PS. Cibogo (Bogor)2. PS. Katulampa (Bogor)3. PS. Kampung Melayu4. PS. Depok5. PS. ManggaraiSungai Pesanggrahan :1. PS. SawanganSungai Sunter :1. PA. Pulo Gadung2. PS. Sunter HuluLainnya :1. Ciganjur (Sungai Krukut)2. PA. Tanjungan (Laut)3. PS. Marunda (Banjir Kanal Timur)4. PS. Cipinang Hulu5. PA. Pasar Ikan (Laut)Providecurrentinformation on the status of the water level monitoringsites inthe rivers of Jakarta.The information can be obtained from this application:1. The status of the water level of rivers in Jakarta2. Graph of water level during the last 12 hours3. Data BMKG (Weather Forecast, Map of Potential Flood,DistributionMap Rain, Rain Forecast Map Jakarta and Data WarningBMKG)4. Important InfoLocation Monitoring High Water Front:Ciliwung River:     1. PS. Cibogo (Bogor)     2. PS. Katulampa (Bogor)     3. PS. Kampung Melayu     4. PS. Depok     5. PS. ManggaraiRiver Houses:     1. PS. SawanganSunter River:     1. PA. Pulogadung     2. PS. Sunter HuluOther:     1. Ciganjur (Krukut River)     2. PA. Tanjungan (Sea)     3. PS. Marunda (EastFloodCanal)     4. PS. Cipinang Hulu     5. PA. Fish Market (Sea)
Info Iklim NTB 1.0
Aplikasi ini merupakan Desiminasiinformasiiklim wilayah propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat yangdikeluarkan olehBadan Meteorologi Klimatologi (BMKG) StasiunKlimatologi Kediri -NTB. Informasi yang dihasilkan dapatdimanfaatkan oleh masyarakatNTB untuk mengetahui keadaan iklimdiwilayahnya.Informasi yang dihasilkan antara lain :1. Informasi Curah Hujan Terkini (Data update setiap bulan)2. Informasi Sifat Hujan (Data update setiap bulan)3. Informasi Hari Tanpa Hujan (Data update setiap 10 hari)4. Prakiraan curah hujan 3 bulan kedepan (Data updatesetiapbulan)
Malaysia Air Pollution Index 3.4.9
Shows the latest air quality index reading in Malaysia,Singaporeand Indonesia
Weather Live
Apalon Apps
Meet Weather Live. The most beautifulweatherapp. Ever.Don't let bad weather take you by surprise! Set thegorgeousanimated wallpapers with live weather conditions on yourhomescreen and be aware of any weather that is coming your way.Whetherit is cloudy, rainy, snowy or even stormy outside, WeatherLivewill provide you with current weather conditions and forecastinyour city and multiple locations all around the world.Cold or warm weather, it will magically come alive on thecrispscreen of your device. You won’t even have to look out thewindowas Weather Live will make you feel like you are alreadyoutside!With an innovative technology Weather Live™ implementedinto theapp, we made it possible!• Weather forecasts for multiple locations all aroundtheworld• Live weather scenes reflecting real-time weather conditions• Beautiful weather widgets• Fabulous animated wallpaper with live weather conditions rightonyour home screen• Cloud, satellite, rain maps• Animated weather radar for any location in the USA• Bad weather warnings and alerts to warn you about severeweatherin your area. Data provided by National WeatherService• Customizable layout. Choose weather parameters you want tobedisplayed in the layout settings• Local time in 12 or 24-hour format• 7-day and 24-hour weather forecast• "Feels Like" temperature. Today’s Min and Max• Wind direction and speed. Visibility details• Humidity and precipitation information. Pressure in inches, mmormbar• Fahrenheit or Celsius and Miles or Kilometers• Easy navigation between cities: swipe either to the left or totheright to switch between locations• New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other location worldwide–get accurate weather forecasts wherever you are!Compatible with Android Wear: tested on Moto 360, Sony Smartwatch3,Samsung Gear Live, LG G Watch.Get Weather Live and be prepared for any weather!AdChoices:
Alternative information Indonesia Earthquake
Transparent weather forecast 3.0.1_release
The widget features the following:-Basic weather info includes:current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit3 days forecastshumiditysensible temperature (feels like temperature)wind direction-Multiple weather data sources, including Weather UndergroundandOpen Weather Map-Automatic location detection and manual location addition arebothavailable-World weather: ability to change locations, so you can getweatherinfo of any city in the world: Paris, Beijing, London, NewYork,Tokyo, and so on-Automatic weather update interval: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1hour,3 hours, 6 hours and one day-Lightweight and battery-saving: the widget will not drainthebattery of your phone or occupy much of the internalstorage.-Multiple language support:English,中文(简体),中文(繁體),français,Deutsche,italiano, 日语,한국어,português, русский, Español, Català, hrvatska,čeština, danske,nederlandse, Ολλανδικά, magyar, Bahasa Indonesia,Norsk, Polskie,român, Српски, slovenský, turečtina, Ukranian, TiếngViệt, Arabic,and Hebrew.Note:If you have difficulty applying the widget to your homescreen,please watch thevideo: the clock in the widget stops working, please checkwhetheryou have turned on the service guard. What's more, apps likeTaskKiller, Service Manager, Battery Saver, Clean Master orGameBooster may prevent the widget from working properly. Pleaseaddour app to the White/ Ignore List to keep widgets in sync. Inthismethod doesn't work, please email us: [email protected]