Top 18 Apps Similar to Cash Closing Calculator FREE

Cash Register - FREE 2.0.21
Are you looking for an alternative to enter the items ofyourfoodstall, garage sale or any other kind of sales booth?Thiscashregister offers the solution! Usually, big sales dealslackthespace and power supply to plug in a great cashregister.However,sales people can make use of a technology ofwhicheverybodydisposes anyway: use the cash register app and turnyoursmartphone into a cash register! At the moment, youreceiveourapplication as a 1-place solution: all items are beingenteredonyour user -respectively cashier- account. Look forwardtotheupcoming updates: we’re working on an option thatletsseveralcashiers enter the items at the same time. Then,thisapplicationwill clearly facilitate an attribution of entereditemsto therespective cashier and thus facilitates your accountatclosingtime. Currently, you can already use thefollowinghighlights ofthis proceeding application for free: +automaticallysumming up ofthe entered items: you save a lot of timewhileaccounting atclosing time or shift changeover + speedandassortment of goods atseller’s option: per each sheet, 20 keyscanbe allocatedindividually so that the respective goods andtheirexact price canbe booked with just one single click. Havingmorethan 20 goods,you can individually arrange them on severalsinglesheets saving20 goods per sheet. + no need of any knowledgeofprogramming: thebuttons and their allocation can be varied inaclearly-arrangedchart + the sold goods and the number of itemscaneasily beexported. You can already check in the evening whichitemswerebestsellers of the day and which items do not have tobereorderedright away. + a better overview, especially fornewemployees:various colours (for example for food and drinks)offer abetterusability + facts and figures: using this application,youreceivea fast survey of the total revenue and especiallyitsattributionto respective products It has never been easiertoreceive a surveyof the daily successes for self-employees.Pleasenotice that thisapplication is in process of development andis anoffer free ofcharge. It practically offers all functions of acashregister.However, we cannot guarantee a legally compliantaccountat themoment since this would require a full permissionoftaxauthorities. The cash register application is a toolwhichoffers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannot replace thefulllegaldocumentation though. Please mind your tax computationandadhereto deadlines on your own responsibility. The programmerof„cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
 Before reallytestingtheapplication, have a look at the application’s featuresand testthebest allocation of the buttons. If you’re reallyenthusiasticaboutour application, we are looking forward to anevaluationwhichprovides an orientation for other users. If youhavesuggestionsfor improvement or remark anything that does notworkproperly yet,we are looking forward to your feedbackbeingaddressed to:[email protected] Let us know what does notansweryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
Scontrino Semplice 3.1.155
SCONTRINO SEMPLICEIL PUNTO CASSANON È PIÙ ALLA CASSACon SCONTRINO SEMPLICE il registratore di cassadiventamobile,facilitando le fasi di vendita e di pagamento intutti isettorimerceologici: negozi di ogni tipologia, bar,pizzerie,piccoliristoranti, bed & breakfast...Ti basterà scaricare l’ App SCONTRINO SEMPLICE sutablet,oaddirittura su smartphone e potrai gestire tutte leoperazionidiun registratore di cassa tradizionale intotalemobilitàall’interno del punto vendita. Inoltre, collegandoinmodalitàwi-fi il device alla stampante fiscale OlivettiPRT200FX,potraieffettuare la stampa dello scontrino fiscale e diogni tipodirapporto gestionale.L’utilizzo della App è immediato: l’interfaccia utente èsempliceedintuitiva e potrai personalizzarla in base ai tuoi gustied alletueesigenze.SCONTRINO SEMPLICE è la soluzione che ti permettedidedicaremaggior attenzione al tuo cliente accompagnandoloedassistendolonella sua esperienza d’acquisto.Non solo, SCONTRINO SEMPLICE consente di archiviare incloudtuttii dati di vendita e di consultarli da remoto attraversounaampiascelta di rapporti e statistiche. Una funzioneindispensabileperavere sempre sotto controllo la propria attivitàe gestire inmododinamico e personalizzato il negozio moderno.Caratteristiche principaliOperatività generale* Gestione della vendita al banco con collegamento aOlivettiPRT200FX* Interfaccia grafica con tasti e immaginipersonalizzabiliindiverse dimensioni, colori e contenuti* Lettura e gestione dei codici a barre con Lettore BluetoothoWebCam del device* Gestione delle diverse aliquote IVA* Anagrafica clienti* Gestione operatori con limitazioni di accesso e d’uso* Gestione dei venditori* Gestione tavoliOperatività di cassa* Totali e parziali giornalieri* Prelevamenti e versamenti* Chiusura fiscale* Gestione pagamenti, mobile payment readyOperatività su articoli e reparti* Vendita sia per articoli sia per reparto* Gestione reparti* Gestione dei listini prezzo sull’articolo* Statistiche sul venduto per articolo e/o per repartoOperatività di vendita* Modifica o annullo dei dati della transazione incorsoprimadell’emissione dello scontrino o fattura.* Cambio listino* Memorizzazione scontrino (sospensione conti)* Subtotale* Sconti e maggiorazioni sull’articolo e sul subtotale* Storni e resiStampa documenti fiscali* Scontrino, Ricevuta Fiscale* Fattura* Scontrino parlante* Scontrino di cortesiaStatistiche consultabili sul device e su cloud* Statistiche su aliquota IVA operatori e venditori* Statistiche per tipologia di pagamento* Statistiche venduto per reparto* Statistiche pagamenti per operatore* Statistiche percentuali reparti* Statistiche reparti* Statistiche e grafici interattiviSINGLE TICKETCASH POINTIS NO LONGER THE CASESIMPLE RECEIPT with the cash register goes mobile,facilitatingtheselling steps and payment in all sectors: shops ofall types,bars,pizzerias and small restaurants, bed & breakfast...Just download the 'App SIMPLE RECEIPT on the tablet, orevenonyour smartphone and you can manage all the operationsofatraditional cash register total mobility within the store.Also,byconnecting to wi-fi devices to the fiscalprinterOlivettiPRT200FX, you can make a print of the receiptandmanagement ofeach type of relationship.Using the app is straightforward: the user interface issimpleandintuitive and you can customize it to your tastesandyourneeds.SINGLE TICKET is the solution that allows you todevotemoreattention to your customers and assisting initsaccompanyingbuying experience.Not only that, SINGLE TICKET lets you store all your datainthecloud sales and consult remotely through a variety ofreportsandstatistics. A function essential to have under controlandmanagetheir business in a dynamic and personalized themodernshop.Key FeaturesGeneral Aspects* Management of the sale over the counter in connectionwithOlivettiPRT 200FX* Graphical user interface with customizable buttons andimagesindifferent sizes, colors and content* Reading and management of barcode reader with Bluetoothdeviceorthe Web Cam* Management of the different VAT rates* Customer Master Data* Management operators with limited access and use* Management of vendors* Management tablesOperating cash* Total and partial daily* Withdrawals and payments* Closing Tax* Manage payment, mobile payment readyOperation of articles and departments* Sale is for both items by department* Management departments* Manage price lists on Article* Statistics on the sold item and / or departmentOperation of sale* Change or cancellation of the transaction data in thecoursepriorto the issuance of the receipt or invoice.* Change list* Storing receipt (suspended account)* Subtotal* Discounts and surcharges on this Article and subtotal* Transfers and madePrint tax documents* Receipt, Fiscal Receipt* Invoice* Receipt speaking* Proof of courtesyStatistics available on the device and cloud* Statistics VAT rate operators and vendors* Statistics by type of payment* Statistics sold by department* Statistics for payments operator* Statistics percentages departments* Statistics departments* Statistics and interactive graphics
My Inventory (free) 3.2
You need an effective and easy to use tooltomanage your stock?You want to do a quick inventory?You have problems with your stock? For example, you have 50 pensbutonly 10 sheets of paper?Then, this app is for you!That’s what you can do with it :- You can add products in your inventory, with theseattributes:name, type, location, price, quantity, purchase date,inventory(you can create several inventories).- You can also look for a product and sort them withthesecharacteristics.- You have the possibility to create several inventories(officestationery, drink,…). Then, you can sort your productsbyinventory.- This app is connected with several providers. So, most ofthefields will be fill in automatically.- You can also export your inventories in an excel sheet. So,youcan, for example, print the list of your products.- Additionally, thanks to the auto fill, you have the possibilitytofill in the reports quickly.-You can export your products, inventories, check in-out entriesinxml or csv.-Once you have created your inventory you can bulk scanyourproducts and follow your check in-out entries.-You can add custom items in the report.-You can change the color of the app.In the paid version, you can import lists from an Excel sheetandthere are no ads.
Cash Register 1.02
------------------- - no permissions - no advertising -supportthedeveloper ------------------- Are you looking for analternativetoenter the items of your food stall, garage sale or anyotherkindof sales booth? This cash register offers thesolution!Usually,big sales deals lack the space and power supply toplug ina greatcash register. However, sales people can make use ofatechnologyof which everybody disposes anyway: use the cashregisterapp andturn your smart phone into a cash register! At themoment,youreceive our application as a 1-place solution: all itemsarebeingentered on your user -respectively cashier- account.Lookforwardto the upcoming updates: we’re working on an optionthatletsseveral cashiers enter the items at the same time.Then,thisapplication will clearly facilitate an attribution ofentereditemsto the respective cashier and thus facilitates youraccountatclosing time. Currently, you can already usethefollowinghighlights of this proceeding application for free:+automaticallysumming up of the entered items: you save a lotoftime whileaccounting at closing time or shift changeover +speedandassortment of goods at seller’s option: per each sheet, 20keyscanbe allocated individually so that the respective goodsandtheirexact price can be booked with just one single click.Havingmorethan 20 goods, you can individually arrange them onseveralsinglesheets saving 20 goods per sheet. + no need of anyknowledgeofprogramming: the buttons and their allocation can bevaried inaclearly-arranged chart + the sold goods and the number ofitemscaneasily be exported. You can already check in theeveningwhichitems were bestsellers of the day and which items donot haveto bereordered right away. + a better overview, especiallyfornewemployees: various colours (for example for food anddrinks)offera better usability + facts and figures: usingthisapplication, youreceive a fast survey of the total revenueandespecially itsattribution to respective products It has neverbeeneasier toreceive a survey of the daily successesforself-employees. Pleasenotice that this application is in processofdevelopment and is anoffer free of charge. It practicallyoffersall functions of a cashregister. However, we cannot guaranteealegally compliant accountat the moment since this would requireafull permission of taxauthorities. The cash register applicationisa tool which offers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannotreplacethe full legaldocumentation though. Please mind yourtaxcomputation and adhereto deadlines on your own responsibility.Theprogrammer of „cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
Beforereally testing theapplication, have a look at theapplication’sfeatures and test thebest allocation of the buttons.If you’rereally enthusiastic aboutour application, we are lookingforward toan evaluation whichprovides an orientation for otherusers. If youhave suggestionsfor improvement or remark anythingthat does notwork properly yet,we are looking forward to yourfeedback beingaddressed to:[email protected] Let us know what doesnot answeryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
POS Point of Sale - Cash Regis 1.10.48
POS Point of Sale - Cash Register
TabShop: POS & Point of Sales 212
Efficiently manage sales & invoicing with TabShop's POS app.
Cash Desk 2.2.3
Please check our new and improved Cash Desk2.0 looking for a cash desk app to support your small business?Orsimply a cash desk app for your android smartphone? ThentryCashDesk. This app was designed to support sellers in theirdailybusiness. The appealing and supportive features include:•intuitive usability • appealing graphics • fast andeffectivenavigation • up to eight different colors per button •integratedCRM • cash balance display • revenue display • import ofmanualsand displays • short summary (can be switched off) •changecalculation (can be switched off) • easy reversal of wronginput •export of revenue information into CSV format • user manual(freedownload) Cash Desk is visually appealing and clearly designedtoget an easy and concise overview on your smartphone. Allfunctionsare easy and and you can reach most through only oneclick. Buttonscan be customised and configured to your needs. Theconfigurationis very simple and can be done without any previousexperience viasimple long click to the corresponding button. Thanksto this,working with different menus is not required, which willsave you alot of time. CashDesk can be operated intuitively and isthereforealmost entirely self-explaining. If you do need anysupport, a fullexplanation is given in the usermanual( We placegreatimportance on easy usability for our users. Because of this,wehave set up features such as modifying your settings, yoursellingsummary or the change display so that they can be easilyswitchedon or off and thus saves time. Wrong input, too, can easilyberevered via a long click on the corresponding article.Therefore,time consuming searching and cancelling of features isnotnecessary with this app. Another important feature is the exportofthe revenues to CSV format. This allows you to transferyourrevenues to a spreadsheet tool like Excel. We highly valueourcustomers´ opinion, which is why we encourage you to give usyourfeedback and to give it a rating in the GooglePlayStore.Questions,feedback etc. may also be directed to [email protected] hopeyou enjoy the features of Cash Desk, and that this appcontibutesto an easy, stress free work process for you!
Restaurantkasse 3.0.7
Altiros GmbH
Altiros RestaurantkasseDas einfach zu bedienende Kassensystem für die Gastronomie.Alles was Sie benötigen: Ihr Tablet, diese App undeinenBondrucker.Sie sollten möglichst ein Gerät mit 7" Größe und einerAuflösungvon mindestens 1280 * 720 Punkten benutzen.Die Anwendung benötigt einen permanenten Netzzugriff.Und gleich eine Bitte: Sollten Sie mit IhremGerätSchwierigkeiten haben, dass z.B. etwas nicht korrektdargestelltwird, informieren Sie uns bitte. Nur so können wirSieunterstützen.Sollten Sie auf Ihrem Mobilgerät Probleme haben, können SiedieAnwendung auch auf Ihrem Computer testen. Starten Sie dazueinenWebbrowser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet-Explorer)undgeben Sie als Adresse ein:https://kasse1.azurewebsites.netDie Anwendung kann Bondrucker ansteuern. Drucker vom TypEPSONTM-T88V-i oder EPSON TM-T70V-i können direkt angesteuertwerden.Bei anderen Bondruckern ist ein Windows-PC zurAnsteuerungerforderlich.Die Anwendung steht auch als reine HTML5-BrowseranwendungzurVerfügung. Sie können alle Buchungen, die Sie auf Androidgemachthaben, parallel auf der Browseranwendung verfolgen:https://kasse1.azurewebsites.netAltirosrestaurantContents CheckoutThe simply-to-use POS system for gastronomy.Everything what you need: your tablet, this app and aBondRucker.You should as possible use a device with 7 "size and aresolutionof at least 1280 * 720 points.The application requires a permanent net access.And equal to a Please: Should you with your devicehavedifficulties, that eg something will not correctlydisplayed,please inform us. Just so we can you support.Should you have problems on your mobile device, you can testtheapplication also on your computer. You this, start a webbrowser(Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet-Explorer) andenter you aas the address:https://kasse1.azurewebsites.netThe application can actuate Bond Rucker. Printer from theTypeEPSON TM-T88V-i or EPSON TM-T70V-i can be driven directly.Withother receipt printers a Windows PC for triggering isrequired.The application is available also as pureHTML5-browserapplication available. You can all bookings that youhave made onAndroid, Pursuing parallel on the browserapplication:
Cash Desk Pro 2.2.2
Tablet-Version: you looking for a cash desk app to support yoursmallbusiness? Or simply a cash desk app for your androidsmartphone?Then try CashDesk Pro. This app was designed to supportsellers intheir daily business.The appealing and supportive features include:• intuitive usability• appealing graphics• fast and effective navigation• up to eight different colors per button• integrated CRM• cash balance display• Import of Menus and displays• Organising tips• revenue display• short summary (can be switched off)• change calculation (can be switched off)• easy reversal of wrong input• export of revenue information into CSV format• user manual (free download)Cash Desk Pro is visually appealing and clearly designed togetan easy and concise overview on your smartphone. All functionsareeasy and and you can reach most through only one click.Buttons can be customised and configured to your needs.Theconfiguration is very simple and can be done without anypreviousexperience via simple long click to the correspondingbutton.Thanks to this, working with different menus is notrequired, whichwill save you a lot of time.CashDesk Pro can be operated intuitively and is thereforealmostentirely self-explaining. If you do need any support, afullexplanation is given in the user manual ( place great importance on easy usability for our users.Becauseof this, we have set up features such as modifying yoursettings,your selling summary or the change display so that theycan beeasily switched on or off and thus saves time. Wrong input,too,can easily be revered via a long click on thecorrespondingarticle. Therefore, time consuming searching andcancelling offeatures is not necessary with this app.Another important feature is the export of the revenues toCSVformat. This allows you to transfer your revenues to aspreadsheettool like Excel.If the app does not meet your expectations, you have theoptionof returning it to the GooglePlayStore within 2 hours ofpurchasingit. This gives you enough time to test all its functionswithoutcommiting to a buy. We highly value our customers´ opinion,whichis why we encourage you to give us your feedback and to giveit arating in the GooglePlayStore. Questions, feedback etc. mayalso bedirected to [email protected] hope you enjoy the features of Cash Desk, and that thisappcontibutes to an easy, stress free work process for you!
Restaurant Point of Sale | Cash Register - W&O POS 11.12.10
W&O POS - Restaurant Point of Sale is a phone/tablet POSbuiltfor restaurant to allow you easily use pos system.W&ORestaurant POS - Point of Sale is perfect for diningrestaurant,quick service restaurant, bar/nightclub, pizzeria andcoffee shops,food trucks and food events. No monthly or annualfees. No needInternet connection. Key Features ★ Support dinner in,takeout, taband delivery ordering ★ Print receipt, kitchen, bar,order, report★ Various discount, gratuity, surcharge and tax ★Flexiblepermissions ★ Sales reports ★ Table reservations ★ Pay in& payout ★ Expense management ★ Customer membership ★Inventorymanagement ★ Kitchen display ★ Delivery management How tosetupprinters Printer setupguide: Supportfollowingprinters: 1. W&O POS Printer Adapter (Support all kindofprinters) Download PC-PrinterAdapter 2.Wi-Fi/Lan orUSB (Support most thermal printers with ESC/POSCommand) Bestsupport printer:TSP143LAN( printer (Support specific printers with ESC/POSCommand)Best support printer: StarSM-L200( supports FireTablets about thehardware How to use withW&OKitchen DisplaySystem full version Tosupportmultiple phones/tablets taking order at same time, you willneedserver version, you can download the trial version fromourwebsite. To get userguide To report bugsorrequest features P.S.If you like theapp,we will love it if you could give us a good rating. It reallydoeshelp on our mission to making small business Point of Sale asfastand hassle-free as possible. Thank you for choosing our W&OPOSsystem!
Scloby - Point of Sale 3.5.27
Scloby srl
Scloby is an effective alternative to the cash registerandisapproved by the inland revenue (in some count- ries.e.gItaly).You will be able to issue receipts and invoices with afewtapsfrom your tablet, Smartphone or computer while on the move.Youcanmanage payments with cash, credit cards, debit cardortheinnovative payments through smart- phone. Sclobysupportssomeselected card readers (POS) for credit and debit cardsas wellaspayment services through QrCode, NFC and the Internet. Allyouneedis a tablet and a mini printer which are supplied by us.Thewizardallows you to set up a new tablet or Smartphone usingSclobyinless than 5 minutes and without any particulartechnicalknowledge.Much lower prices rispect to the other solutionsandguaranteed tohave no hidden costs: after the activation isallincluded in asingle monthly fee. Why just stop at your shopwindowwhen you canhave the World? With Scloby selling productsandservices on theInternet is no longer a complex task. You canchoosewhich productsin your inventory to sell. It will be Scloby topostthem on youre-commerce or sales sites such as eBay. Each timeasale is madeScloby will notify you and in just a few taps,willissue taxdocuments and the organization of the expedition, youwilljusthave to put them in the box.
My Cash Register (free) 3.5
Are you looking for a mobilecashregister?You need a mobile cash register for you mobile sales?Are you just looking for a cash register for you shop?Then this app is for you!This is what you can do with My Cash Register:• You can add your products• You can classify your products by categories and with aspecificcolor• You can add a price and a photo for each product• When you add products on a cash register ticket with thescanneror by clicking on a specific item• You can export your ticket to PDF or text and send itbyemail• You can manage your stock thanks to the check in-outentries• You can create backups, export your tickets, check in-outentries,products to csv or xml that you can open directly inExcel• You can import your products from Excel• You can translate by yourself the app• You can synchronize the app between multiple devices.• You can add payments• You can link a ticket with a Client/Table.• You can add custom items in all reports.In the Paid version there are no ads and you can importfromExcel.Visit our site for more information :
Cassa in Cloud 4.18.1
TwinLogix srl
Cassa in Cloud is a cutting-edge App, for Android and iPad,thatwillenable you to replace your bulky and obsolete cashregisterswith atablet, handy, easy to use and highly performant.All thetraditionalfeatures of your old cash register will beavailable onCassa inCloud but, moreover, you will benefit fromadditionaladvantages suchas: handiness, operating speed, chance towork inmobility and somuch more. Cassa in Cloud fits any businessdue toits highconfiguration capabilities and customization.Intuitiveanduser-friendly, users will meet a completely new way ofworkingwithcash registers, easier and more functioning! Cassa inCloudlets youtrack your inventory, including quantities andpricing.You canupdate your stocks level and set the relatedwarningthresholds bytapping or using a barcode scanner. Inputtingyourinventory andsetting up your cash register has never beeneasier!Furthermore youwill be able to track and analyze live saledatausing a wide arrayof complete and clear reports. Cassa inCloudtakes into account ofthose operators who work in closeconnectionwith electronic scales,so with the new release it willbe possibleto connect Cassa in Cloudwith scales of differentbrands incheckout mode. Cassa in Cloud willhelp you to increasetheproductivity of your point of sale. With asimple download youwillbenefit from a cash register equipped withall thenecessaryfeatures for your store’s success!
Point of Sale CASHFIX App 1.185
Perfect Cash Register for your business. Track yourSales,Inventoryand Employees with easy to use Android system.It'sperfectcombination of online & offline system. Doesnotrequire networkconnection to operate. •  Track yourcompletebusiness retailoperations •  Control your employees andimproveyour businessSUITABLE FOR • Hospitality and restaurantbusiness• Servicebusinesses • Convenience stores • Mobile salesforcemanagementFEATURES • Cash and Credit Card Sales • DetailedSalesReports• Multi-user support • Remote management (onlinefromWeb)• Reservations calendar • Customer ManagementSystem• CashManagement • Printer support (Bluetooth, LAN, Wireless,USB)• SumUp Payment Terminal Support •  Litecoin andCryptocurrencyPOSLOCAL FEATURES • Supports Electronic Online CashRegisterfeaturesin following Countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia,Poland,Indonesia
Cash Register POS Tablet 5.4
Tablet Cash Register offers a cashier function , awarehousemanagement and many other useful features Despitecarefulmonitoring of the functionality and the calculations Iassume noliability for this app .
Phone Kasa 1.0
Phone Kasa je prava mobilna fiskalna blagajna zaAndroidpametnetelefone i tablete. Telefonirajte, SMS-ajte, a odsada iizrađujtefiskalne račune u sekundi gdje god bili, na svommobilnomuređaju.Treba Vam samo mali pos printer. APLIKACIJA JEBESPLATNA ZASVEKORISNIKE SUSTAVA
Restaurant SMART POS 5.10809
Must have system for those who run restaurant, cafe,bar,coffeeshop. FoodZaps is an integrated QR/Web Ordering,POS,eWaiter,eKitchen, TV Menu Board and Queue that allow yourstaffsandcustomers view and place order any time any where. TheQR/WebMenuOrdering can be easily setup within 5 mins. FoodZapsalsoprovideintegrated customer loyalty program which requirenophysical cardand easy to signup.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FoodZapsis aone-stopsolution used by waiters, to key in orders, ordoubleconfirmSelf-Ordering from customers, on the spot real-timeandon-premise,with your choice of Android operating devices,tablet,hand-heldmobile and terminals. The orders will be sentimmediatelyto theKitchen Printer and Kitchen Display Unit. There isno needfor staffto memorise the menu, as the menu is displayed onthehandhelddevice, a great opportunity for the staff to upsell,focusonhospitality and level up the customer experience.AbsoluteBenefits:• Let your customer self-order using their ownmobile(Apple andAndroid) • Use Pineapple Loyalty to reward yourcustomer• Let yourwaiter up-sell and suggest popular dishrecommendations• Orderaccuracy eliminates writing errors andmissing papersorders • Startor Continue to order at any time, forany table •Order are sentimmediately from the eWaiter to theKitchen • Easyconfiguration •Increase in labour efficiency •Flexible HardwareFoodZaps has afull suite of solutions that allowyou to choose therighttechnology that fits into your business modeland budget toachievethe ultimate business goals with greatercustomerexperience.Customer Self-Order - Using Customer’s OwnMobile -Scan QR &Self-Order - Pineapple Loyalty (auto sign upwithFacebook andGoogle) Dine-In Restaurant - SMART POS -MobileeWaiter Grab &Go - SMART POS - Customer Display -QueueDisplay Kitchen - KitchenDisplay Unit - Inventory Staff-Attendance (Clock In/Out) - OrderHistory - Access Control-Performance Report - Auto Email - AutoBackup - OnlinePortalFoodZaps POS help to save money, savemanpower, bettercustomerexperience and increase sales! FoodZaps isalso the GrandWinner ofSingapore’s IT Federation, Best InnovativeInfocomm Product-Digital Services (Gold) Award 2017. If you needmore support,pleaseclick on the followinglink:
My Invoices (free) 3.4
Have you ever been at a customer withoutanypossibilities to show him a quote?You make invoices everyday and you would do them withyourAndroid mobile or tablet?Then, this app is for you!That’s what you can do with it:- You can manage your invoices, sales order, order form,…withyour Android mobile.- You can have directly a preview of the PDF document. Then, youcansend this PDF by mail to customers or prospects.- This app allows managing customers, prospects and products.- Indeed, every product is determined by several fields: name,salesprice, tax, description, bar code, picture, category, totalandtype.- As regards customers, you can fill in a report withpersonaldetails for everyone.- You can have a glimpse of all invoices already make foracustomer.- You can do researches in order to find easily a customer ororderform for example.- Thanks to the expiry date on each document, your device willbering when the invoice expired.- You can add the logo of your company in the PDF. This logocancome from picture, SD cart or you can import fromtheInternet.- You can export documents, customers and products to anExcelsheet.- In order to manage better your products, this app isconnectedwith several providers. Thanks to this, the differentfields willbe filling in quickly.- You can synchronize this app between several devices(mobile,tablets).- You can add a signature to an Invoice or Estimate- All pdfs generated are saved on your sdcard:sdcard/CamelDroid/Invoices/Export- You can keep track of the customer payments- You can add a button to pay by Paypal on your documents.- You can manage your inventory thanks to the check-incheck-outentries.- You can translate the entire application or just the documentsinyour language by yourself!- You can add custom field on the reports and exports.In the paid version, you can import documents, customersandproducts from an Excel sheet. Obviously, you don’t have ad. Anditwill possible to bulk scan the products in order to gaintime.Finally, this app is available in French and English. If youwantit in another language, don’t hesitate to contact us.Please visit our website forfurtherinformation