Top 4 Apps Similar to How to Braid Fishtails

Плетение кос 1.0
Как плести косу? Хотите узнать,какплестикрасивые косы?В этом приложении вы найдете как простые косички, такисложныеэкзотические косы на любую длину волос:плетение на длинные волосыплетение на средние волосыплетение на короткие волосыКрасивая прическа с косой - теперь не проблема!Более 100 статей с фото кос и косичек. Греческаякоса,французскаякоса и много других!How to weave braid?Wanttolearn how to weave beautiful braids?In this application, you will find how simple plaitsandcomplexbraids exotic to any hair length:weaving on long hairweaving on medium hairbraiding short hairBeautiful hair with a scythe - no longer a problem!More than 100 articles with photos of braids anddreadlocks.GreekSpit, French braid, and much more!
How to French Braid Free App 1.0
Classic Books
Have you ever wanted to french braidyouhair?Follow these east steps and with a bit of practice, you'llbeabraiding hair like a professional. French Braided hairlooksprettyon everyone and you should know how to braid. If youdon'tknow,then in these easy steps you can learn and be a pro in afewshortminutes!Braiding Tips:-Never try to take out the braid from the top. It willmakedry,coarse and knotty tangles in your hair.-For a messy look don't do the braiding tightly.-Gentle tension on the braid, pulling down on the strands,willkeepit snug.-If you're having a hard time french braiding, put your hairintoahalf-ponytail and secure with an elastic. This isyourstablecenter section, and the elastic should eventually behiddenby thebraid.-Try your braids on a doll with long hair. This is greattopracticeon!-Always tighten for a neat look!-If you've never braided before, learn the pattern withthickyarn,ribbon or long-haired dolls before you start onsomebody'shair. Ittakes some practice to get the feel of it.-If you are having trouble braiding your own hair try practicingonafriend to get the hang of it.-Take the braid out by unbraiding it from the bottom.This app requires internet access, which opens yoursmartphonebrowser to a website that contains information on howtofrenchbraid to french braid freehow to french braid your hairhow to braid hairhow to braid your hairbraiding hairbraids hairstyles
How To Braid Hair - Hairstyles 1.0
Classic Books
This app teaches you how to braid hair. Abraidis an easy and quick solution to looking pretty. Braidingyour hairtakes only about two minutes of your time—and the onlystyling toolsyou need are your hands and a hair band.Hair Braiding Tips:1. Never try to take out the braid from the top. It will makedry,coarse and knotty tangles in your hair.2. Gentle tension on the braid, pulling down on the strands,willkeep it snug.3. If you're having a hard time french braiding, put your hairintoa half-ponytail and secure with an elastic. This is yourstablecenter section, and the elastic should eventually be hiddenby thebraid.4. Always tighten for a neat look!5. If you've never braided before, learn the pattern withthickyarn, ribbon or long-haired dolls before you start onsomebody'shair. It takes some practice to get the feel of it.6. Take the braid out by unbraiding it from the bottom.This app requires internet access, which opens your smartphonebrowser to a website that contains information on how to french braid freehow to french braid your hairhow to braid hairhow to braid your hairbraiding hairbraids hairstyles
Браслеты из резинок 1.0
Яркие и стильныебраслеты,которыеизготавливают,используяразноцветные резинки,популярны у людей разного возраста,но особенно у юных рукодельниц.Простота изготовления,недорогие материалы и яркиерезиновыебраслетысделали этот вид рукоделия и хобби популярнымидоступным.Существуютразные техники и способы плести браслеты из резинок,какнапример рыбий хвост,чешуя дракона,французская коса,косы стройнымиболее плетением и другие.С помощью пошаговых уроков с фото и описанием изнашегоприложениявы сможете быстро освоить разные техники плетения и научитесьделать разные по сложности браслеты из резинок своими рукамина станке и без станка,плетение на вилке,на рогатке,на пальцахидругие,а так же приобретете новое хобби и интересное увлечение.В приложение вошли темы:фенечкибраслеты из резиночекплетение из резинокбраслеты своими рукамиплетение браслетов из резинокплетение из резиночеккак плести браслеты из резинокрезинкирезиночкиПриложению требуется подключение к интернету.Bright andstylishbracelets, which are made usingmulticolored gum, popular with people of all ages,but especially in young handy people.Easy to manufacture, inexpensive materials and colorfulrubberbraceletsWe have made this kind of needlework and hobbies popularanddostupnym.Suschestvuyutdifferent techniques and ways to weave bracelets gum aseg fish tail, dragon scales, French braid, braid with atripleanda weaving and others.With step by step lessons with photos and a description ofourapplicationyou can quickly learn the different techniques of weavingandlearndo different complexity bracelets gum with his handsin the machine and without the machine, braiding on theforkslingshot on the fingers and otheras well as acquire a new hobby and interesting hobby.The application includes the theme:Baublesbracelets rezinochekweaving gumbracelets with their handsBracelet type of gumweaving rezinochekhow to weave bracelets gumsgumrezinochkiThe application requires an internet connection.