Top 5 Apps Similar to Ayyıldız Demir Çelik

Elektrik Kesintisi Sorgulama
SNC Bilişim
Elektrik Kesintisi sorgulama, planlı bakım çalışmaları,vearızabildirimi ile ilgili uygulamalar barındırmaktadır.Ayrıcaindirimlielektrik ile ilgili de bilgiler, elektrik faturasorgulamavekampanyalar bulunmaktadır.Bilgiiçin: SorgulamaYapabileceğinizElektrikDağıtım Firmaları Listesi: Enerjisa ArasElektrik DağıtımAkdenizElektrik Dağıtım Anadolu Yakası ElektrikDağıtım - AESASBaşkentElektrik Dağıtım Boğaziçi Elektrik Dağıtım -BEDAŞÇamlıbelElektrik Dağıtım Çoruh Elektrik Dağıtım GedizElektrikDağıtımDicle Elektrik Dağıtım Fırat Elektrik DağıtımGöksuElektrikDağıtım Kayseri Civarı Elektrik Dağıtım AydemElektrikDağıtımMeram Elektrik Dağıtım Osmangazi Elektrik DağıtımSakaryaElektrikDağıtım Trakya Elektrik Dağıtım Toroslar ElektrikDağıtımUludağElektrik Dağıtım Van Gölü Elektrik DağıtımYeşilırmakElektrikDağıtım İstanbul Elektrik Kesintisi AnkaraElektrikKesintisi İzmirElektrik Kesintisi Sorgulama
MCM Mozaik 1.0 (2016 #1)
MCM Mozaik Satış Temsilcisi YönetimPaneli,sadece MCM Mozaik personelleri tarafından kullanılmaküzerehazırlanmıştır.MCM Mercan Cam Mozaik ve Seramik Ltd. Şti.İstiklal Mah.Gazi Bulvarı No:171/2 - 171/2A Kemalpaşa / İZMİR0 232 873 43 33 - 0232 873 43 [email protected] - www.mcmmozaik.comUygulama Geliştirici FirmaInteso Yazılım ve Bilişim Hizmetleri1202/1 Sokak No:69 D:506 İnşaatçılar İş Merkezi Yenişehir - Konak/İZMİR0 232 469 37 60 - 0 544 468 37 [email protected] - www.intesoyazilim.comMCM MosaicSalesRepresentative Management Panel is only intended to be used byMCMstaff of Mosaic.MCM Coral Glass Mosaic and Ceramics Ltd. Sti.Mah.gaz Independence Boulevard No: 171/2 - 171/2 Kemalpaşa/IZMIR0 232 873 43 33-0232 873 43 [email protected] - I www.mcmmozaik.coDeveloper CompanyINTESO Software and IT Services1202/1 Sokak No: 69 D: 506 Akdeniz Builders Business Center - Host/IZMIR0 232 469 37 60-0544468 37 [email protected] - I
Ahmad Harman 1.0
Terlahir di Surabaya 1970, Anak ke 4dari5bersaudara.Kuliah di UPN veteran Surabaya angkatan tahun 1990lulus1998jurusan ilmu tanah (soil) , Tahun 1992-1993 sebagaiketuaumumsenat mahasiswa (SMPT) UPN Veteran SurabayaTahun Oktober 1993 menjalankan Network Marketing “Amway”danaktifdalam system support “network 21” sampai tahun 2001,padabulan April1994 mencapai peringkat Direct Distributor (DD)yangmemiliki ribuanorang dalam jaringannya, tahun 1996memperolehreward “Free Trip” keHawaii atas pencapaian berhasilmembawa 450orang kedalam weekendseminar.Tahun 1998-1999 bekerja sebagai agen properti“Century21”Kemenangan Surabaya dengan prestasi berturut-turutsebagaipenjualproperti terbanyak seluruh Indonesia (terbaik 10besar)dibawahgroup Ciputra.Tahun 2001-2002 menjadi trader coal (batu bara) ,tahun2005sampai 2009 awal menjalankan network marketing Tiens, danditahun2010 -2014 bergabung bisnis Networking :JimonsmanagementIndonesia, Synergy worlwide dan Ondigo NationTahun 2015 sebagai profesional Waqaf planer ,consultantofNetworking and Trainer Pengembangan diri/motivator.Born in Surabayain1970,Children's 4th of 5 children.Lecture on UPN veteran Surabaya force in 1990 graduatedin1998majoring in the science of soil (soil), Year 1992 to1993aschairman of the student union (SMTP) UPN Veteran SurabayaYear in October 1993 to run Network Marketing "Amway"andisactive in the system support "network 21" until 2001, inApril1994reached the rank of Direct Distributor (DD), whichhasthousands ofpeople in its network, in 1996 gained reward"FreeTrip" to Hawaiithe achievement of successfully brought 450peopleinto a weekendseminar.In 1998-1999 worked as a real estate agent "Century21"VictorySurabaya with successive achievement as mostpropertysellersthroughout Indonesia (Best 10) below the Ciputragroup.In 2001-2002 became a trader of coal (coal), 2005 to2009earlyrun Tiens network marketing, and in 2010 -2014joinedNetworkingbusiness: management Jimons Indonesia, Synergyworlwideand OndigoNation2015 as a professional planer Waqf, consultant ofNetworkingandDevelopment Trainer himself / motivator.
3D Charts 6.0
Create astonishingly good looking 3D Charts withinseconds.Visualizeand share data instantly! ● ● ● ad-free ● ● ● Getdozensof high endCharting types in 3D and 2D, landscape andportrait:FREE PercentageCharts: ● Pie ● Doughnut ● Pyramid ● Cone● Funnel● staggered Column● staggered Cylinder WATERMARKED (yetfullyfunctional) CombinationCharts: ● Line ● Area ● Column ●Cylinder ●Surface (colored byseries or by height/region) ●Stepline ●floating Area ● floatingColumn (Renko as single series)● floatingCylinder ● Bubble FREERadar and Polar: ● Line ● Area ●Rose Allcharts are highlycustomizable, set your own colors loadpicturesand logos asbackground and save the graph as imagerendered in 3Dto Android'sphoto gallery. Export your charts ashigh quality PNGfile withtransparency (good for graphicdesigners). Use your ownchart photosas attachment or upload. It'sgreat for mobileblogging and forsocial sites ... boost your dataanalysis. Thisapp is theenhancement for your mobile office andjournalism andpress reportingon the move. It's loaded withfeatures for sciencedevelopment andresearch. The isometric 3Dprojection makes datacomparison easy andyet it's veryeye-catching. 3D Charts is anessential tool you don'twant to miss.Set number prefix like '$ €£ ¥' or suffix like 't' fortonnes.UTF-8 font support. So typeChinese Korean Arabic Hebrew ifyoulike. ÇÖéØ Scaling (official SIabbreviations) font size boldnumberprecision can be set. 3D-2Daspect ratio and width / heightslider.Yes, the data can beexported to Android's clipboard, copyandpaste. All data isautomatically saved. 'Save As' projectoption.Intuitive Userinterface. Test play and plug and see foryourselves.To becomeprofessional with the 3D Charts app it'shighlyrecommended to readthe online user manualthoroughly,go: Tabletswithbigscreens are welcome! Wishing fun with mobile 3Dcharting,beconvincing, be successful! Make your statistic count!