Top 24 Games Similar to MyPunteggio Volley

Volley Pipe 1.0.5
Volley Pipe ti permette di rimaneresempreaggiornato sulla tua squadra di pallavolo preferita!Grazie a Volley Pipe potrai conoscere in pochi click i risultatiintempo reale della tua squadra preferita, scoprirne iprossimiincontri presenti in calendario e visionarne laclassifica.Funzionalità:- Segui i campionati regionali e provinciali di tutta Italia- Maschile e femminile- Serie C, Serie D, Prima/Seconda/Terza Divisione e giovanili- Tutti i risultati, i parziali e le prossime gare- Consulta le classifiche complete dei dati relativi a promozionieretrocessioni- Controlla luogo e orario delle gare- Apri l'indirizzo della palestra direttamente su google maps- Aggiungi i preferiti per visualizzare subito ituoicampionatiVolley Pipe allows youtostay up to date on your favorite volleyball team!Thank Volley Pipe'll know in a few clicks results in real timeofyour favorite team, discover its next meetings on the calendarandpresent visionarne ranking.Functionality:- Follow the regional championships and provincialacrossItaly- Male and female- Series C, Series D, First / Second / Third Divisionandyouth- All results, the partial and the next races- Consult the complete results of the data relating to promotionandrelegation- Check location and times of races- Open the address of the gym directly on google maps- Add bookmarks to quickly your championships
Volleyball training 1.40
In this app you'll find the best workouts of volleyball,bothtechnical and physical. Workout routines that will improveyourphysical ability to be able to be at the highest level andenjoythe sport of volleyball. You will also find sessions tacticswithall types of moves. Specific training for the differentpositions:libero, setter, opposite hitters and outside hitters.You'll beable to work shifts. With this app you'll be able toimprove theservice, so important in the development of the game,your jumpability to be able to make locks and finials. Exercisesdesignedfor all levels of play. In a short time you will haveimproved yourphysical abilities and your skills as to play volleyball, do nothesitate and download this full app. Volleyballtraining caller IDhelps you identify numbers real-time while thecall is happening.Said not the unknown numbers. If your want tocall for some foodand yuor abitual phone did not answer i willsuggest alternativeplaces.
Scoreboard Volley ++ 7.14.80
Turn your smartphone or tablet into a volley and beachvolleyscoreboard.
Vero Volley 1.0
Tag4U S.r.l.
Anche il Vero Volley è ora sempreconte!Scaricando la nostra app resterai aggiornato sulmondodelConsorzio Vero Volley, potrai accedere a tutte le news,seguireledirette live delle partite, interagire con lefunzionalitàdelnostro Palazzetto. Inoltre, ascolta sempre e ovunquela nostrawebradio, Vero Volley Channel.The Vero Volleyisnowalways with you! By downloading our app keeps you updatedontheworld of Consorzio Vero Volley, you can access all thenews,followthe live results of matches, interact withfunctionalities ofourPalace. Also, always listen and wherever ourweb radio, VeroVolleyChannel.
Segnapunti 1.0
Fabio Carosi
Con qust'app puoi facilmente segnareipuntidelle tue partite a calcio, a pallavolo, a calcio balilla,atennisda tavolo e a tutti gli altri sport che necessitano ditenereilpunteggio. Quest'app contiene inoltre il conteggio deisetfunzioneutile per sport come pallavolo, tennis o ping-pong.Puoiinoltreinserire i nomi dei giocatori o delle squadre chestannogiocando escegliere u colore per ognuno di loro.With qust'appyoucaneasily keep score of your games of football,volleyball,tablefootball, table tennis and all other sports thatrequirekeepingscore. This app also contains the count of the setsfeatureusefulfor sports such as volleyball, tennis or table tennis.Youcan alsoenter the names of the players or the teams thatareplaying and uchoose color for each of them.
Beach Volley 1.00
If you want to learn how to play beach volleyball or to improveyourtechnique, this is the app that you are looking for. Amultitude oftraining exercises of this sport. Sessions of trainingof jump,serve, block, reception. High quality Videos to learn allabout thisfun sport. This sport is a kind of volleyball that isplayed on thesand beach and the teams are formed by two players.
Modena Volley 6.0.6
Mumble SRL
Download the app of Modena Volley to live the most ofgialloblùworld!
Volley Mobil 1.4
A. Sachs
Mit der App können Sie abrufen. Zum bequemen Abruf können Sie einzelneLigenoder Teams zu Ihren Favoriten hinzufügen. Bei neuenSpielergebnissen(von der ganzen Liga oder nur von einzelnen Teams)werden Sieautomatisch benachrichtigt.Weitere Informationen: the app you canplayvolleyball results of to retrieve. For easyretrievalYou can add individual leagues or teams to your favorites.With newgames results (from around the league or just by individualteams)you will be automatically notified.For more information:
My Team Manager Volley 3.4.5
Are you the coach or the manager of oneormorevolleyball teams? Do you spend hours to send SMS or emailtoyourplayers to inform about the calls-up, the time andthelocation ofthe matches or to say who is called-up? Is it hardtofind theirphone numbers or their emails?My Team Manager is the perfect application (not a game)tomanageyour volleyball teams and communicate with your playersviaSMS,WhatsApp, email or Facebook.Add the matches, the results, the match points andthetrainingsessions, create the calls-up list, define where andwhenmeet theplayers for the matches.See how the presences and the statistics of yourplayersevolveand how those of your team change.Publish everything on your team's Facebook page!The main features:- Manage more than one team- Manage your roster and your players' info and statistics- Rate your players performances and see the average rating- Add your team's matches, the calls-up, the lineup andyourpersonalnotes, the results, the points, the minutes played.Sharethem withyour players via the team Facebook page, SMS,WhatsApp oremail- Statistic section with team (segmented by competition)andplayersstats (more points, more winning services, bestratingsaverage,minutes played, match and training attendance)- Indicate the type of the matches (league, cup, friendly,other)anduse it to filterAdd and manage your training sessionsManage training attendanceadd your team's logoconfigure the medical visit date for your players, themedicalcenterand send to everyone a message (SMS, whatsapp, email)toremind theappointment- Send any message via SMS, WhatsApp, email or onyourteam'sFacebook page- Massive import of players from your phonebookContact us at [email protected]
Volleyball Score Simple 4.6.0
A scoreboard for volleyball games. You can synchronizeacrossdevices. No ads.
Shooting Volley Ball 1.1
N2i Apps2
Latest Matches Added regularly.User can watch all local Show matches videos.All videos are very good quality.User likes local shooting volley ball matches.
Volleyball Lessons 1.0
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★Want to Learn How To Play Volleyball Like A Professional!Learn How to play volleyball section gives tips how topass,set,spike and serve. It explains basic volleyball rules andgivesyou aquick introduction into the game.Volleyball can be as easy to play as it is to watch ifyouunderstandthe game play. To get started, a team is chosen toserveby means ofa coin toss, and the losing team will then decidewhichside of thecourt to play on.Each team consists of six players in the starting line upandotherplayers can be substituted into the game. The team'sstartinglineup indicates the rotational order of the players andmustbemaintained throughout the set.You will see beach volleyball played on the sands ofCopacabanabeachat the Rio Olympics but the sport is also played byover 800millionpeople worldwide.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Pallavolo C9 1.5.4
Keep up to date on the results of the matches of the Volleyball C9
Volleyball Scoreboard 1.2
The Volleyball Scoreboard is a very useful applicationwhichallowsYou keep track of sets and points of thevolleyballgame.Volleyball scoreboard is designed for classicvolleyball andbeachvolleyball. The application is very simple(intuitive)andcustomizable. Basic features: You can enter the namesof theteamsplaying the game. You can set the number of point in thesetandthe number of sets to win. If You set "BeachVolleyball"mode,volleyball scoreboard will remind You to switchsides aftereach 7points. Touching the screen of Your phone / tabletadds apoint. Ifyou make a mistake, using a special button youcansubtract apoint. After changing the fields, you can also swapsidesof theteams on the scoreboard. You can count time-outs takenby theteamsduring the match. The app measures the time of each set.Whenthematch is over, you can send the result via email, textmessage,orby BlueTooth You can also share it on socialnetworksites.Volleyball is under control now. Free volleyballscoreboardforyou.
VBALLSCORE - Free Scoreboard 1.4.5
The MITS Corp
VBallScore is a free app that lets onepersonscore a volleyball game while everyone else follows along. Nomoreguessing the score; let the referee push it to your mobiledevice!No ref? No problem! You score for the spectators! When youcan’tsee the score, VBallScore!This is done automatically unlike other scoring apps thatrequirethe scorekeeper to text a screen shot or manually post tosocialmedia. VBallScore automatically updates the score foreveryone atthe exact, same, time! Give it a try at your nextindoor, sand(beach), or grass volleyball tournament and let us knowhow well itworked for you!To watch a super quick video on how to use VBALLSCORE, visittheofficial site: the official scoreboard / flip board is not visible fromaparticular seat, watch instant live score updates.Parents, coaches, spectators, players can track any other teamorathlete’s score live at any other location.Players awaiting their next game can track the score of thecurrentmatch to gauge how much time they have to warm up beforetheir nextmatch.Every match stays in your "Watched or Scorekeeper History" toallowyou to go back later to see previous scores.Using VBALLSCORE is 75% more effective in preventing scoringerrorsthan using a flip board, no scoreboard at all, or relyingsolely onpenciling in a score on a piece of paper.Now anyone unable to see the volleyball scoreboard or attendthevolleyball tournament in person are able to follow any gameinprogress.
Scoreboard Volleyball 1.12.10
7 peace
Scoreboard app for volleyball or badminton
Scoreboard All 1.10.11
7 peace
Multisport Indoor Scoreboard
Data Volley 4 Web Client 1.2.8
Official Web Client for Data Volley 4 1.1 il portale della pallavolo.Tuttele informazioni sulla pallavolo, sul beach volley dell'Italiaedall' è la testata giornalistica leader dellapallavoloitaliana. Progettata nel novembre 1997, è andata onlinenel giugnodel 2000. Portale registrato all'albo della stampa, editodallacasa editrice Pantarei Edizioni Multimediali di Modena, èdirettodal giornalista professionista Luca Muzzioli.Con una redazione di collaboratori appassionati e competentidelmondo della pallavolo italiano e stranieri, offreunapanoramica completa, a 360°, 365 giorni l'anno, di informazionisuquesta disciplina.Oltre 3.500.000 di visite all'anno, dato i costante crescita,ilportale tratta notizie dalla serie A1 alla serie B,attivitàgiovanili, volley internazionale con inviati al seguitodelleprincipali manifestazioni sportive internazionali e nazionali,pernazionali e – a Pechino 2008 - è stato il primoportaleinternet indipendente accreditato per i Giochi OlimpicidalCONI.Questa app permette agli appassionati di restare sempreincontatto con il mondo della pallavolo, leggendo in tempo realelenotizie di e seguendo i risultati deiprincipalicampionati, ovunque.Volleyball.itportalvolleyball. All information on volleyball, beach volleyballonItaly and is the news leader of the Italianvolleyball.Designed in November 1997, it went online in June 2000.Portalregistered enrollment of print, published by the publishinghouseEdizioni Pantarei Multimedia of Modena, is directed byaprofessional journalist Luca Muzzioli.With an editorial staff of passionate and competent in theworldof volleyball Italian and foreign offers acomplete,360 °, 365 days a year, information on this subject.Over 3,500,000 visits per year, given the steady growth,theportal is news from the A1 series to series B, youthactivities,international volleyball sent to the following majornational andinternational sporting events, for national - ​​Beijing 2008 - was the firstaccreditedindependent internet portal for the Olympic Games by theOlympicCommittee.This app allows fans to stay in touch with the worldofvolleyball, reading in real-time news andfollowingthe results of the major leagues, everywhere.
Volley Scorer 1.1
Have you ever wanted to learn how toscoreaVolleyball game, or just want to keep track of the score.Wellthisapp is for you. With a simple and easy-to-useinterfaceVolleyScorer will have you scoring volleyball games likeapro!
CoachIdeas - VolleyBall Board Tactics 10.11
Volley Board for Coaches Volley Editor "Every General needsaMap,Lead your Team" FUNCTIONALITIES * Easy Coaching Designyourvolleyplays ,tactic and drills. * Board Coaching Tool :same asanyvolleycoach board + pencil * Editor View : pro design diagram .*BooksPlaybook : Save and organize all your plays andtrainingmovements* Draw Tools: Pass, Movement, Dribbling ,Screen,... *Save allyour bball plays , drills, tactics to yourplaybook ... *Export totwitter, mail or gallery and share withother coaches . *Use yourown court from your Camera or Gallery. Anycollege ,schoolor procoach needs not only shooting needs tactics ,prepare yourvolleyteam with our clipboard . Coaching Playbook boardclipboardfor provolley Coaches for all volley levels school ,college , nbaetc .Perfect for training and coaching or use thisblackboard whileseeany volley game from nba ncaa college or schoolgame... drawanytactic and share it with your friends. A BlackBoardin yourtabletor mobile.
Mijn Volleybal
The official app to keep abreast of Nevobo volleyball competition!
Risultati Live 1.1.2
Risultati in tempo reale di tutti glisportpiùfamosi: Calcio, Tennis, Basket, Hockey, Baseball,PallamanoePallavolo.Aggiornamenti sempre in Real Time di tutti i campionati,compresoleserie minori.I più importanti campionati di calcio: Serie A, Serie B,LegaPro,Premier League, Bundesliga, Liga Spagnola,CampionatoFrancese,Champions League, Europa League e tutte lecoppeNazionali.I più Importanti campionati di basket:EuroCup,NBA,EuroLeague.I match più importanti di Tennis e Pallavolo.Sono presenti anche le statistiche dei match, prima edopolosvolgimento.N.B.: L'applicazione non è ufficiale, fornisce uncollegamentoalsito i marchi rappresentati appartengonoailegittimiproprietari.Real-time resultsofallthe most popular sports: Soccer, Tennis,Basketball,Hockey,Baseball, Handball and Volleyball.Updates in Real Time for all leagues, including the minor leagues.The most important football leagues: Serie A, Serie B,LegaPro,Premier League, Bundesliga, La Liga, FrenchLeague,ChampionsLeague, Europa League and all the cupsNationals.Most Important basketball leagues: Eurocup, NBA, EuroLeague.The most important match of Tennis and Volleyball.There are also statistics of the match, before andaftertheperformance.NB: The application is not official, provides a link trademarks shown belong to their respective owners.