Top 18 Apps Similar to SMS Anonimi

SMS Anonimi 1.0
Questa applicazione può essereutilizzataperfare scherzi divertenti ai vosti amici.Sarete in grado di inviate sms anonimi in italia conoperatori:Tim,Tre, Vodafone, Wind.Utilizza i codici forniti dai rispettivi operatoriditelefoniamobile, pertanto pagherete il costo del singolomessaggioanonimoin base al proprio gestore. (Solo Vodafone siappoggia adunservizio di terze parti)Il mittente dei messaggi inviati con questaapplicazione,saràcomunque rintracciabile dalla polizia postale sene faràunutilizzo illecito (es. stalking).This applicationcanbeused to make funny jokes to friends foolish.You will be able to send anonymous text messages inItalywithoperators: Tim, Three, Vodafone, Wind.Use the codes provided by the respective mobile operators,soyouwill pay the cost of a single anonymous message accordingtoitsmanager. (Only Vodafone relies on a third-party service)The sender of the messages sent with this application,youwillstill be traced by the police if they will post amisuse(egstalking.)
ADMIN center
A chi non è successo di voler scrivere unsmsad una persona senza però voler rivelare il suo numero? Daoggipuoi inviare a chiunque un sms senza che il destinatariopossarisalire al tuo numero. E nella versione PRO puoianchepersonalizzare il mittente.Who has not happenedtowant to write a text message to a person without, however,herefused to reveal his number? Now you can send anyone atextmessage without the recipient can be traced back to yournumber.And in the PRO version you can also customize thesender.
Easy Secret Messages 6.1
Freedom apps
This very simple, but very powerful app will make it easy for youtokeep private information out of your email, SMS and chat logs.Basedon the open source service provided by the You won't have to worry about someonehackingyour accounts and reading your messages ever again - Youwon’t haveto go through complicated registration forms orconfigurations,everything works out of the box. - When you send amessage theperson receiving it won’t need to have anythinginstalled to readthe message. - Messages are encrypted usingpowerful algorithms andself-destroy once they are read by theirrecipient. - Only the linkto the actual message will be sent to therecipient, and thoselinks expire after 7 days if they’re not read.- Using acombination of Easy Secret Messages with Orbot (theAndroid versionof Tor) you have true anonymity in case you want tobecome the nextSnowden and start a whistleblowing scandal –messages cannot betraced this way. - When you send messages andcommunicate with theserver, all data is encrypted via SSL. - Youcan add extraprotection by password-protecting the messages. Youshould not haveto become a computer security expert to be able tosend and receiveprivate messages. Try Easy Secret Messages Today!!!F.A.Q.s Why would I use this? When you sendpeoplepasswords and private links via email or chat, there arecopies ofthat information stored in many places. If you use aone-time linkinstead, the information persists for a single viewingwhich meansit can't be read by someone else later. This allows youto sendsensitive information in a safe way knowing it's seen by onepersononly. Think of it like a self-destructing message. Why can'tI sendpictures or other kinds of files? The challenge with sendingfiles,images in particular, is that there's no way toabsolutelyguarantee it wasn't copied or shared with other people.In order toensure that no one's private information is unknowinglyshared, wedecided to err on the side of simplicity. But I can copythe secrettext. What's the difference? True but all you have istext. Withimages and other files types, they can contain metadataand otherpotentially revealing information about who the senderorrecipient. Again, this is simply to ensure that noprivateinformation is shared outside of the intended recipient. CanIretrieve a secret that has already been shared? Nope. We displayitonce and then delete it. After that it's gone forever. How longdoyou keep non-viewed secrets? We keep secrets for up to 7 daysforanonymous users and up to 14 days for free accounts. Afterthatthey are deleted automatically and gone forever. (Note: by thetimeyou read a secret, it's already deleted from our servers.) Whatisthe maximum message size? For the sake of simplicity inthisAndroid app and to avoid overloading the servicegraciouslyprovided by onetimesecret, the maximum message size is1024characters. Why should I trust you? General we can't doanythingwith your information even if we wanted to (which wedon't). Ifit's a password for example, we don't know the usernameor even theapplication that the credentials are for. If you includeapassphrase (available under "Privacy Options"), we use ittoencrypt the secret. We don't store the passphrase (only abcryptedhash) so we can never know what the secret is because wecan'tdecrypt it. Beside all that, the code is opensource so youcanreview the code and/or run your own instance.
Messaggi Anonimi 1.0
DescrizioneCosti:Tim: 0.13€Tre: 0.50€Vodafone: 0.50€Wind: Il Costo Di Un Normale SMSIl Costo Degli SMS Non Dipende Dall'App Ma Dal VostroGestore!DescriptionCosts:Tim: € 0.13Three: € 0.50Vodafone: 0.50 €Wind: The Cost Of A Normal SMSThe Cost Of SMS from the app, but not Depends On YourManager!
Invia SMS Anonimi 1.0
Costi:Tim: 0.13€Tre: 0.50€Vodafone: 0.50€Wind: Il Costo Di Un Normale SMSIl Costo Degli SMS Non Dipende Dall'App Ma Dal VostroGestore!Costs:Tim: € 0.13Three: € 0.50Vodafone: € 0.50Wind: The Cost Of A Normal SMSThe Cost Of SMS depends JPA But Not From Your Manager!
Secret Anonymous Texting App 1.1
Want to fake your friends out through SMSbyhaving some fun with a free anonymous texting app? Do you needtosend an anonymous text message from a fake phone number andreceivereplies for other reasons?Secret Anonymous Texting app on Android lets you send andreceiveanonymous text messages from a burner phone number. Yourown phonenumber will be hidden from whoever you send an SMSto.Secret Anonymous Texting features:✔ No signup is required✔ Lock your texts with a PIN code✔ Add aliases and notes about your phone contacts✔ 100% anonymous and private messaging✔ Fake text message caller id✔ Does not show up on your phone number bill✔ Untraceable SMS✔ Works online without a SIM card✔ Send and receive anonymous SMS support✔ Earn credits for free textingSecret Text is ideal for:- Sending anonymous texts from a new phone number- Business- Temporary number to buy on Craigslist- Submitting a temporary phone number when applying for anewjob- Online dating apps- Short term projects...And many other situations where you need a burner number.Try this free texting app now! You have 4 free credits thatyoucan use to send 4 text messages. ALL received texts are free,soyou only use credits for messages you send. After you run outoffree credits, credit packages start at $0.99.All the permissions are required to make the app workproperly.Your privacy is completely safeguarded and your messagesand textsare completely private. No one has access, but you.Note: Only United States and Canada numbers are eligible.Terms: You may not use the service for sending a prank text,faketext message, or spoof text. The recipient of your free SMSwillnever know who you are (unless you tell them!), but you arenevercompletely anonymous when texting — we privately storeyourconversation logs just in case you break these terms. If you doso,your device will be banned and your identity might be revealedtothe relevant authorities. You must be at least 13 years old tousethe service.Have questions, problems, or feedback? Reach out to [email protected].
In via anonima metti in mappa ituoigiudiziInvia segnalazioni utili - MessaggiaMetti sotto controllo la tua zona, crea una rete di amiciconcuiscambiarsi messaggi privati e effettuare segnalazionisututtoquello che va e che non va !. Fai conoscere i tuoigiudizisuiposti visitati e chatta con gli altri androidiani cheusanoquestaapplicazione.RepMess consente di fare molteplici segnalazioniecondividereinformazioni sulla zona che ci circonda e non solo.Imessaggiinviati vengono riportati con un segnalatore sullamappainterattivapronti per essere letti da tutti. Il segnalatorevieneriportatosulla mappa nel punto in cui e' avvenutol'invio.Potrai entrare in contatto e scambiare messaggi con gliamici,intempo reale sapere le novita' della tua citta' conleinformazionipiu' varie.Divise tra 6 canali si possono effettuare tantissimeediversesegnalazioni che diventano veloci e divertenti dacomporregraziealle schede che, gia' impostate per ognisegnalazione,aiutano afornire una descrizione rapida, essenziale,utile pertutti.Potrai segnalare:1)LE STRADE-Incidenti-Code-Autovelox-Lavori in corso-Posti di blocco-Strade dissestate-Guide pericolose-Soste selvaggie-Mezzi Insicuri2)I POSTI-Offerte-Negozi-Ristoranti-Locali-Eventi-Sport-Natura-Vacanze-Smarrimenti3)DISSERVIZI-Ritardi-Guasti impianti-File esagetate-Vicini terribili-Mancata Assistenza-Richieste extra-Degrado-Dissesti-Lavori Incompiuti4)IL METEO - Con la possibilita' di segnalare tuttelesituazioniclimatiche e le temperature.5)ABUSI-Tipi sospetti-Mancate ricevute-Abusi edilizi-Maltrattamenti animali-Abusi sul lavoro-Tangenti-Inquinamenti-Gioco d'azzardo-Falsi6) I Tuoi UmoriVisita: www.repmess.comTroverai tutte le informazioni, la mappa online dellesegnalazioniele nuove sorprese in arrivo.....L' applicazione e' appena nata, pertanto lesegnalazioniriportatesono poche, grazie a coloro che vorrannocontribuire coni loromessaggi e alla divulgazione diRepMess.QUESTA APPLICAZIONE SVILUPPATA IN FLASH USA WEBCAM - GPS -E necessita ADOBE-AIR InstallatoPRIVACY::Tutti i dati raccolti non vengono mai legati alla personamaall'applicazione garantendo il piu totaleanonimato.Conladisinstallazione dell'applicazione si perdono tuttiiriferimentialle segnalazioni postate.In an anonymous putinthemap Send your feedback to useful reports - textingPut control of your area, it creates a network of friendswithwhomto exchange private messages and make reports oneverythingthatgoes wrong and!. Shout about your opinions on theplacesvisitedand chat with other Androidiani usingthisapplication.RepMess allowsyoutodo multiple reports and share information on the area aroundusandbeyond. The sent messages are reported with a marker on amapreadyto be read by all. The warning is shown on the map atthepoint atwhich 'occurred sending.You can get in touch with friends and exchange messages inrealtimeto know the news' of your city 'with information more'varied.<br>Uniforms between channels 6 and youcanmakemany different reports that become fast and fun toputtogetherthanks to the cards that already 'set for each alert,helptoprovide a quick overview, basic, useful for everyone.You can report:1) THE STREETS-Accidents-Code-Cameras-Work in progress-Checkpoints-Bad roads-Guide dangerousStops wild-Unsure-Media2) THE POSTS-Offers-Shops-Restaurants-Local-Events-Sport-Nature-HolidaysBewilderment-3) INEFFICIENCIES-DelaysFault-plantsFile-esagetateNeighbors terrible--Failure Assistance-Extra Request-Degradation-Instability-Work Unfinished4) THE WEATHER - With the possibility 'to reportallweatherconditions and temperatures.5) ABUSE-Types suspects-Lack of information receivedAbuse-building-Animal Abuse-Abuse at WorkBribes--Pollutions-GamblingFalse-6) Your MoodsVisit: You will find all the information, the online map of thereportsandnew surprises coming ..... L 'application and' newborn, sothebugsreported are few, thanks to those who want to contributewiththeirmessages and disclosure ofRepMess.color='#000000'>THISAPPLICATIONDEVELOPED IN FLASH WEBCAMUSA - GPS -It requires ADOBE AIR-Installed PRIVACY ::All data collected are never relatedtotheperson but to 'applications, ensuring the mosttotalanonimato.Conapplication uninstall you lose all the referencestothereportsposted.
Text Ninja 0.0.3
Text Ninja
The #1 Free Anonymous SMS ServiceintheWorld!We at TextNinja believe that text messaging should be FREE.Withthatbelief in mind we have set out to create some of thebestFreeMessaging Applications in the WORLD. Messaging thatworksforeveryone, everywhere, and every time whether you havethesmartestphone or a plain old flip phone. No matter if you are ona2Gnetwork or fresh out of 5G Data you can receive a messagefromtheTextNinja Network. Got signal? Get text!At TextNinja we understand how important asimple:heart:,smile:or LOL can be and we want you to be able tosharethose momentswith Family and Friends around the globe or rightnextdoor. Wealso understand that simple messages can add up quickandbecomeexpensive even within the same country. This is whyweprovide notonly country to country or International SMS but wealsoprovidelocal messaging within your country.Our end game is to use messaging to connect the world andtoallowmore people in more places to connect with theconnectedworld. Weaim to provide messaging products that go beyondwhat youcancurrently do with today’s crop of messagingapplications. Webelievetogether we can change the world onemessage at a time.
Mask My Number[Secure Texting] 1.8
This app allows for easy two-way textmessagingwith a new anonymous phone number or alphanumeric ID.Your real phone number will be completely hidden from whoeveryousend a message to.Play a lighthearted joke on friends or legitimately sendsomeoneanonymous texts.Messages will appear to the recipient as a real U.S. numberofyour choosing. Messages can also appear to the recipient asanalphanumeric ID of your choosing.+ Prank Friends+ Hide your real number+ Doesn't show up on phone bill+ Untraceable+ Free incoming messagesThis application is intended for U.S number only (but nonU.S.numbers will still work in some cases).
Secret SMS 1.0
Worried about security while chattingusinganypopular chat application ? Or Worried on messages fromonefriendchecked by others, then Secret SMS is best solution foryourworry.It saves secret SMS behind PIN pad.Secret SMS application take care of your message security.Itseasyto use and keeps user conversation secret. All SMS sendviathisapplication is hidden and can be read only by the personwhomeyouhave send this message. Application does not store anyofyourmessages.Features :1) Incoming/Outgoing Messages will be hidden.2) Plain text message can also be send using thisapplication.3) Messages are PIN protected.5) Delete will automatically deleted message from inbox.6) Notification is received for every incoming secret SMS.7) Sender name is not displayed on the list.4) PIN code can be changed.Below are the features not provided in this version.1) Forwarding of secret SMS.2) Sending SMS to multiple recievers.3) User can send SMS upto 995 charachters.So from now onwards all your secrets messages will be safe !!!!
SMS anonyme avec REPONSE 0.1
ENVOYEZ UN SMS MASQUE PUIS RECEVEZ LA RÉPONSE!Obtenez et envoyez une REPONSE, dialoguezanonymement...AVANTAGES: Extra long jusque 1200 CARACTERES, avecou sans PIECEJOINTE :photo, document... Exemple pour resterDISCRET : cacher sarelationamoureuse par dialogue anonyme !*** Nécessite 1 code payant pour activer l'envoi duSMS-IMPORTANT : Exclusif ANDROID : SMS gratuits/offerts detempsentemps ***Dialoguez anonymement et discrètement par SMS sansqueledestinataire sache qui vous êtes, vous pouvez envoyer untrèslongtexte, possibilité de pièce jointe (photoamant,document...).AVANTAGES : SMS extra long jusque 1200 CARACTÈRES, avecousansPIÈCE JOINTE (photo, document...). Dialoguezanonymement,obtenezune RÉPONSE, des explications d'unephotocompromettante...SEND AN SMS MASKTHENGETTHE ANSWER!Get and send a RESPONSE, chat anonymously ... BENEFITS:Extralongup to 1200 CHARACTERS, with or without ATTACHMENT: PhotoPaper...Example to remain DISCREET: hide her relationshipbyanonymousdialogue!Requires 1 *** fee code to activate the SMS -IMPORTANT:ExclusiveANDROID: Free SMS / offered from time to time***Talk anonymously and discreetly via SMS withouttherecipientknowing who you are, you can send a very longtext,possibility ofattachment (photo lover, paper ...).ADVANTAGES: extra long SMS up to 1200 CHARACTERS, withorwithoutATTACHMENT (photo, documents ...). Talk anonymously, getaRESPONSE,an explanation of a compromising photo ...
SMS Flow scheduler [OLD] 0.9.122
The limitless all in one SMS schedulerwithdirect-mail features!VERSION DISCONTINUED!Please download the new one: will be removed from Google Play on December 1st.SMS Flow is a useful SMS scheduler that allows you tosendpersonalized SMS without any restrictions!Got a problem? EMAIL me please! I answer quickly!I cannot help you if you only write a bad comment since I havenoway to answer to you!Moreover, I'm actually building a complete new version of thisapp,so it's time to send your suggestions now! ;)If you move the app to your SD card, the tasks will not beexecutedafter the next reboot. (because it is how Androidworks)Features:✔ Schedule SMS (at time, delayed)✔ Direct-mail with automated text insertion(direct-sms:given/family name, date, ...)✔ Edit scheduled SMS✔ Enable/disable scheduled SMS✔ Repeat SMS send (every seconds, minutes, hours, days,weeks,months, years)✔ Stop repeat condition (never, after n times, at time)✔ Split SMS (lines, words, characters)✔ Contacts filtering✔ Sharing feature✔ Roaming send option✔ Unlimited characters count (no MMS conversion)✔ Unlimited recipients count✔ Backup/restore SQLite database✔ Supports install on SD cardInformations:* If delivery reports are not included in your contrat,pleaseuncheck the checkbox in the preferences in order to preventextracharge!* Requested permissions are explained on the officialwebsite!* Anonymous bug reports are automatically sent.Languages: English, German [Deutsch], Hungarian [Magyar],Polish[Polski], Romanian [Român], Spanish [Español]KNOWN PROBLEMS:* If you decide to send messages every seconds, you will not beableto stop the process since a lot of messages will be waiting inthemessage pool of Android! In this case, you can try to stop thetask(MENU > Tasks) and then reboot your device. But it'snotguaranteed to work!If you wanna vote for new features, gohere: shall NOT be held responsible in any way neither fortheuse you make of this software nor for any software issue.Twitter: @JoMegaSoftMail: [email protected]:
Whooming finds out the real number of anonymous calls!
SMS Anonyme gratuit 0.1
Envoyez 1 sms anonyme gratuitement etrecevezlaréponse tout en restant caché ! Confidentialité, rapiditéetréponsedepuis un lien personnel : le SMS est envoyé sous formedelienauquel le destinataire pourra répondre.1 sms offert par utilisateur, les autres sont payants.Send anonymous sms1freeand get the answer while remaining hidden!Confidentiality,speedand response from a personal link the SMS issent as a linkwhichthe recipient can respond.1 SMS offered by user, others are paid.
Anonymous SMS, Send SMS Free 2.2
An application for sending anonymoustextmessage(SMS) to the mobile phone worldwide. User can send SMSortext message to mobile phone of people from all countries intheworld. The application supports there most popularlanguages:English, French and Spanish.This is an Android application which is designed foronlineservices:- (English on bothwebsiteand app)- (French on bothwebsiteand app)- (Spanish on bothwebsiteand app).App also supports user open an account and paymentwithPaypal.The services are now serving a thousands of users all overtheworld with a large volumes of messages per day.
Threema GmbH
Threema is the world’s favoritesecuremessenger and keeps your data out of the hands ofhackers,corporations and governments. Threema can be usedcompletelyanonymously, and offers a rich set of features. WithThreema Web,you can also use Threema from your Desktop.PRIVACY AND ANONYMITYThreema is designed to generate as little data on serversaspossible – this is a core part of our concept. Groupmembershipsand contact lists are managed on your device only, andnever storedon our servers. Messages are immediately deleted afterthey havebeen delivered. Local files are stored encrypted on yourmobilephone or tablet. All this effectively prevents the collectionandmisuse of your personal information, including meta data.HIGHEST ENCRYPTION STRENGTHThreema end-to-end encrypts all your communication,includingmessages, group chats, files and even status messages.Only theintended recipient, and nobody else, can read yourmessages.Threema uses the trusted open source NaCl cryptographylibrary forencryption. The encryption keys are generated and safelystored onuser’s devices to prevent backdoor access or copies.COMPREHENSIVE FEATURESThreema is not only an encrypted and private messenger butalsoversatile and feature-rich.• write text and send voice messages• share videos, pictures and locations• send any type of file (pdf, animated gif, mp3, doc,zip,etc.)• use Threema Web to chat from your Desktop• create groups• conduct polls with the unique poll feature• choose between a dark and a light theme• quickly and silently reply with the uniqueagree/disagreefeature• verify the identity of a contact by scanning their personalQRcode• use Threema as anonymous instant messaging tool• synchronize your contacts (optional)FULL ANONYMITYEach Threema user receives a random Threema ID for identification.Aphone number or email address is not required to use Threema.Thisunique feature allows you to use Threema completelyanonymously – noneed to give up private information or to open anaccount.TRUSTED CONTACTSWe let users confirm trusted contacts with a QR code or akeyfingerprint to prevent man in the middle attacks.INDEPENDENT COMPANYWe are a 100% independent and self-financed company in the heartofSwitzerland with its own servers and in-house softwaredevelopment.Switzerland is a country with some of the most userfriendlyprivacy laws in the world.PERMISSIONSThreema is a private messenger, but it still requires thefollowingpermissions (only used if the corresponding functionalityisrequested).• Read your contacts / modify your contacts: used for addressbooksynchronization. When the synchronization is turned off,yourcontact data is not read or modified.• Precise location (GPS and network based): used for "sendlocation"feature.• Add or remove accounts, find accounts, create accounts:requiredfor contact synchronization and integration in Android'saccountmanagement.• Modify or delete the contents of your USB storage: requiredforstoring media files (images, videos, audio).• Threema's functionality can be further extended byseparatelydownloadable plugins which may require additionalpermissions (e.g.access to camera, microphone).SUPPORT / CONTACTFor questions or problems please consult ourFAQs:
WebSMS 4.9.5
WebSMS lets you send free and very cheap TXT/SMS viadifferentwebservices.You will need at least one WebSMS Connector(plugin/extension)from the market to connect this app to thewebservice of yourchoice.Pricing depends on the webservice provider connected withtheconnector.The "SMS" Connector shipped with the app itself sends messagesviastandard GSM method and is billed by your operator. It isinstalledfor backup reasons and deactivated by default.This app is open source software build in spare time. Addingbadcomments in market won't help much to make it better.Please add your issues with this app on the app's website.As WebSMS is not able to read messages you might findSMSdroiduseful.SMSdroid is an alternativ message reader for people who aresendingmessages with any other messaging app like WebSMS.Feel free to help translating this app to your languagehere:
Vodafone Call+ & Message+
Vodafone Call+ & Message+ letyoucommunicate with more than just words.Vodafone Call+ brings your conversations to life! Now you can haveamore interactive and personal calling experience by addingcontenton the go. You can replace your phone button withVodafoneCall+!Discover everything that Vodafone Call+ offers:• Let your friends know why you are calling even before theyanswerby adding importance, a subject, your location and a picture,thatwill be visible when the call rings.• Share picture, location, contact card or any file while talking,without leaving the call.• Let others see through your eyes by switching to video onthemove• Leave a voice message or a text message when a call isnotanswered. This will be visible on your contact’s missedcallnotification thread.• View all the information and content shared within the callsfromyour logsDon’t miss any opportunity to start a conversation! Expressmorewith Vodafone Call+!Vodafone Message+ gathers all your messages in one inbox. Sendandreceive SMS or Chat with your friends or group of friends allfromthe same place. You can text anyone without the need to changetoother apps: your messages get through in the best way. Youcanreplace your message inbox with Vodafone Message+!Discover everything that Vodafone Message+ offers:• Text anyone and rest assured that your message will bedeliveredto any contacts regardless on the mobile or network• Get all your SMS and chat replies back in one single inbox andinone message thread per contact• Share photos, audio, videos and stickers withcontactsimmediately, even if they do not have Message+installed• Express yourself in new ways with fun stickers• Extended Message+ functions by installing Add-Ons• Chat with your Message+ friends and have as many group chatsyoulike at the same timeEnjoy a richer messaging experience with Vodafone Message+!Vodafone Call+&Message+ is exclusive forVodafonecustomers.Voice calls and SMS will be charged according to your tariffplan.Chat messages and multimedia content will use yourinternetconnection and data allowance (mobile or Wi-Fi). Call+ itis not aVoIP service and voice calls are triggered viaVodafonenetwork.Download Vodafone Call+ & Message+ for free now and get thebestof calls, SMS and chat.Please read and agree to the Vodafone Call+ & Message+ termsandconditions.