Top 13 Apps Similar to Spiritek spirit box

Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio
Exelerus Apps
Ghost EVP/EMF Radio has been developedforexciting paranormal detection and exploration. We've put a lotofeffort into making the app easy to use, so that bothprofessionaland enthusiast paranormal researchers and ghost hunterscan enjoyit.If you are either easily frightened, a super skeptic"leftbrainer" or have a serious heart-related medical condition,you areprobably better off avoiding this app.Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is the collective nameforthe sounds sometimes detected on electronic recordingsandreminiscent of human speech. These sounds are usually foundinrecordings with noise or poor radio reception, and is consideredbymany to be the voices of paranormal beings such as ghosts,spirits,demons and other energy based entities. EVP is a formofInstrumental Trans-Communication (ITC), a term coinedbyprofessor Ernst Senkowski in the 1970s.This app has taken the traditional ghost box to the next level,andalso incorporates an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) scanner. Aswithtraditional ghost boxes, chaotic noise seems to be bothinvitingand sensitive to paranormal manipulation. The app generatesaudiblespeech by detecting meaningful phrases and words togetherwithproperties such as gender, age and current mood ofthecommunicating entity. We continuously improve the app, basedonuser feedback, and use it during our own paranormalinvestigationsas well.*** Features **** A built-in EMF scanner: Used as entropy seed for thenoisegeneration and shown on the TV screen.* Quick text log: Tap on the main TV screen to togglebetweenmodes.* Text log screen: The persistent text log is where you cansort,share and delete.* Record your encounters with or without the microphone ofyourdevice.* Real-time audio visualization: Oscilloscope and Spectrometer(tapto toggle).* In-app audio analyzer; which enables you to performfurtherstudies by visualizing the audio and changing theplaybackrate.* Open your EVP recordings in compatible audio apps with thetouchof a button.* Optional Auto Recording only produces recordings whensomethinginteresting is encountered.* Optional vibration and audible alarms every time an entityhasbeen detected.* UI themes, including the new theme for Halloween.* Share your recordings with friends and family.*** Languages ***Full support for English (US/UK), Czech, Dutch,French,German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak,Spanish,Swedish and Turkish*** Contact/Support **** Use the help buttons, located on every screen, to start thein-appguides.* Reach us by email, our supportsite, or use the buttons ontheSettings screen.* Twitter* Facebook* Google+* Mailing list* The Ghost Radiowebsite:*** Usage **** Patience required; Don't expect amazing results after justacouple of minutes. The analyzer needs time to calibrate, andmayinitially not detect any patterns at all or may even give youfalsepositives.* When fully calibrated the speech to text translation andspeechquality should be improved.* The EMF scanner use the magnetometer sensor of your devicesoensure it is calibrated (by waving the device in a eight patternacouple of times).We hope that you, like many others, will be fascinated bytheparanormal experience of Ghost EVP Radio. Thanksfordownloading!DisclaimerEvery effort has been made to make this app truly unique, but wecanoffer no guarantee that you will get specific results by usingit.Since the results of this app haven't been scientificallyverified,it should only be used for entertainment purposes. Pleaseuse itresponsibly.
Bluff Portal 1
This fun ghost box app containsactualchoppedup audio from a rant video by a guy that singlehandedly settheITC Research field back 20 years at least.Audio bits taken from: played.There are hidden easter eggs in this app that can be heardontheslower speed settings. :)Proceeds from app sales help fund REAL paranormal research.
Ghostcom Communicator Pro
Ghostcom Communicator Pro is astartlingapplication which attempts to receive messages anddrawings fromthe spirit world. If you like creepy apps you'llloveGhostcom!Automatic DrawingGhostcom Automatic Drawing is an incredible instrumentwhichattempts to receive drawings from the spirits. Simply touchthescreen and watch in amazement as your drawing eerily appears.Earlyresults have been astounding and we would love to hear aboutyourown experiences.Ghost CommunicatorGhostcom Ghost Communicator is a truly remarkable applicationthatattempts to receive messages from the spirits. Simply placeyourfinger within the on-screen circle and your message willeerilyappear...Ghostcom is a professional quality application and avaluableaddition to any ghost hunter’s arsenal.Use often to uncover a few hidden surprises!Ghostcom works by utilizing randomization based algorithms.Pleaseremember that it is currently impossible to verify thatouralgorithms are affected by paranormal forces in any way, shapeorform. With this in mind we ask that you use this appresponsiblyand for entertainment purposes only. The creators ofGhostcom willnot be held responsible for any consequences that mayarise duringor after the use of this application.WARNINGThis app contains graphics, audio and effects that mayscarechildren or those of a nervous disposition.HAPPY GHOST HUNTING!
Ghost Radar®: CONNECT 4.5.15
Spud Pickles
The socially connect Ghost Radar®.
Real Ghost Tools - Ghost Radar
A set of tools to detect, and listen for spooky andmysteriousmessages!
Dead Speak. EVP session 1.1.2
Application is to communicate with dead relatives. Psychicabilitydevelops.
Ghost Speaker 5.1
Ghost Speaker uses your phone's sensors to speak words fromourdictionary
Bluff Portal App 1
This fun ghost box app containsactualchoppedup audio IN REVERSE SPEECH from a rant video by a guythatsinglehandedly set the ITC Research field back 20 years atleast.Audio bits takenfrom: arerandomlyplayed.This REVERSE SPEECH - CLEAN edition does NOT containanyhiddeneaster eggs and functions as a legitimate ghost boxapp.Suitablefor all ages.Proceeds from app sales help fund REAL paranormal research.
Ghost Hunter (EMF, EVP, SCAN) 1.1.7
All in One Ghost Hunter App!Why pay MORE for other Ghost Hunting Apps that offer LESS?CAUTION - This application leverages sensors and frequenciesthatmay disturb paranormal energies and disturb unknownentities.Please use with caution. This app is for entertainmentpurposesonly, enjoy!Includes FIVE paranormal detection apps in one!EMF DetectorElectromagnetic Frequency Detector uses the sensorometer andthebuilt in magnetic frequency detector in your mobile devicetodetect paranormal field readings with the same accuracy asheavyequipment that costs thousands of dollars! A must have foreveryparanormal investigator!Paranormal Visual ScannerThe only one of its kind! The Visual Scanner employs severalcomplexalgorithms which compute live data from theelectromagneticfrequencies, the barometer, and hardware fieldsensors. This allowsthe Scanner to produce actual visual displaysof disturbances asthey occur!WARNING - Please exercise caution when approaching intensefieldsof activity as not all paranormal entities are friendly.EVP DetectorCapture white noise in real time with the EVP Detector! No needforplayback and analysis, the EVP detector has a built inanalysisdetection engine that interprets anomalous audio trafficand playsfeedback in real time. This allows actual conversationswithparanormal entities in real time!(NEW) RECORD EVP to SDCARD. This EVP Detector allows for up to6long term EVP recordings to be saved to the SD Card. Therecordingscan be played back immediately with the play button orspecificrecordings can be played back for analysis or deleted byusing thecorresponding menu button."(NEW) The Advanced Analysis EVP detector allows advancedandimmediate analysis of EVP recordings. Recordings are saved tothedevice's memory bufer and can be played back at 9variousfrequencies and speeds including reverse playback at 3differentfrequencies! Best for use with short recordings inhighlyparanormal areas, longer recordings increases chances offorceclose error depending on the individual device's bufferspace(NEW) Spirit Board - a ouija like board that uses sensordetectionto answer Yes and No questions posed to it.MapThe Map displays your present location as well as all oftheestablished haunted locations in your area on a map foreasynavigation. Locations are represented by graphics andbackgroundinformation on the various haunts. Map locations willbecontinuously updated so be sure to check for new locations astheyarrive!CAUTIONThis app is for entertainment purposes only and the developer isnotresponsible for unforeseen paranormal activities andresults.If you like this APP please rate it or leave a comment! Itisgreatly appreciated!If you dislike, are unhappy with, or believe this app to betheworst thing to ever happen to you in your life then pleasecontactthe developer, We have ALWAYS issued a COMPLETE refundwheneverrequested and strive to make this APP as fun and satisfyingas itcan possibly be.
EVP Audio Recorder 2 1.0
Bizarre Magic Now you can record your ghost's sounds
BooAlert 2.1.16
BooAlert LLC
Use your phone or tablet to explore the world in a different way
EMF Hunter 1.3
User your phone as an EMF (electromagnetic field) detector.