Top 19 Apps Similar to Antifurto Smartphone New

Motion Detector Pro 2.3.4
Use your device as a motion detector to keep an eye on yourpet,office or home.
Anti theft alarm 1.4
Your phone is more precious thananythingyouown. More precious than the phone is your personal data.Howwouldyou like it if you could protect both your phone andyour data from being stolen or falling intothewronghands?.Well, we at Skeuomania have come up with theperfectsolution.Introducing Anti theft alarm.Anti theft alarm protects your phone from theft with thehelpofmotion alarm and charger alarm.It also protects your data as it doesn’t allow the thief togobeyondthe alarm screen until he swipes the right pattern orenterstheright pin number. What is even better is that if thethieftypes inthe wrong pin more than the pre-set limit, the phonesendsa messagewith the location details to the number youhaveconfigured withinthe app.Skeuomania believes in skeuomorphic design to give the appasenseof realism by protecting your phone in a maximumlevelsecurityenvironment. With lasers, modern switches andhighlydetailedbuttons, the app is full of eye-candy to show offtoyourfriends.The App in itself is very easy to use. Just flick the modeswitchforcharger or motion alarm and press the big button toactivatethealarm. Keep the phone where you wanna leave it and letantitheftalarm take over the phone’s security from there.Features:1) A notification is displayed to the user when chargerisconnectedand by just one touch you can access the app.2) Notify friends through message about phones presentlocationwhenthe phone is lost.3) Phone movement detection4) Charger unplugged detection5) Password Protection(Pattern/PIN)6) Loud alarm even if the phone is in silent mode7) Select alarm sound of your choice8) Phone vibrates and screen flashes similar to policelightswhenthe alarm is triggeredHere are a bunch of situations where Anti theft alarm willcomeinhandy(BURGLARS BEWARE OF THIS APP).1) When you leave your phone unattended and your pesky friendstrytoread your messages.2) When you keep your phone for charging and you don’t wantanyonetotouch it till it gets fully charged.3) Activate the motion alarm and keep it on your dairy,laptoporanyobject you wish to protect to prevent peoplefromaccessingthem.4) At the Restaurant or Bar where you keep your phone onthetableand need to go to the restroom.5) At the gym when you need to leave your phone and work out.6) Any place where you think there are chances of yourphonegettingstolen. Just activate the motion alarm and catch anythiefwho triesto steal your phone.7) In offices do a sting operation by keeping your phoneonyourdocuments to catch someone who is trying to leakallyourconfidential information.8) Anti theft may be used to prevent your kids fromaccessingyourphone without your consent.9) Anti theft may also be used to surprise your familyandfriends,who like to spy when you’re not around the phone. Analarmistriggered when the phone is moved or thechargerisdisconnected.The Pro version gives you more power by letting you1) Play the alarm even after phone restarts2) Adjust the sensitivity of the phone’s motion detection3) Protect phone batteryNote: This app doesn't claim that it can avoidtheftcompletely.It's the owner's responsibility to be careful, butbyusing thisapp you can avoid misfortunes. Thankyou.For any suggestions or feature requests please email us andwewillget back to youEmail ID: [email protected]
Extreme Call Blocker
** Please make sure you are NOT usinganythingelse to block the same number, either your phone'sinternalblocking list (auto reject list), or your carrier'sblockingservice, or any other call blocking app. The pick up andhang upwon't work if you are using something else to block thesamenumber. If you are not sure, turn off the blocker and see ifthecall is still blocked.New feature: Integrated FCC robocall and tele-market callreport,automatically blocks numbers on the list. Automatic syncwith FCCreport.Please Read First* Email us [email protected] for any question, no email willbeignored.* Pick up and hangup works on Kitkat, LollipopandMarshmallow.* Free trial available. Email [email protected] withsubject"request trial app" to receive a download link* Guaranteed to work or your money back, no time limit* Buy-one-get-one-free, after purchase, email us for a promocodefor a free download.News reporting, App Review, and User's Manual* Latest userreview:* Third party Appreview:* TV newsreporting:* User'sManual: Blocking Modes* Send to voice mail* Pick up-and-hang up: prevent the caller from leaving you anyvoicemail.* Mute only: only mute the ringtone on your side.* Allow call but no voicemail: allow call to ring as normal butnovoicemail allowed.* Block outgoing calls: block outgoing call to aparticularnumber.* In-Call-Popup, let you pick up-and-hangup on a call and addthenumber to blacklist directly when call is ringingMessage Blocking Modes* Erased: blocked message erased permanently, notrecoverable.* Saved in block log: blocked message saved in the log, canbeviewed/edited/replied later.* Hidden in private: blocked message hidden in private mailbox,canonly be accessed with password .* Auto response only: send auto response only, do notblockmessages.* Forward: forward message to another number.* Content filtering: message can be filtered based oncontent.Customize Blocking List* Blacklist: easiest way to block a number, add it to theblacklistand select a blocking mode.* White list: for numbers you don't want to be blocked.* Profile: build a blocking profiles and add as many numbers asyouwant to the profile, ideal for blocking a lot of numbers inthesame way.* Group blocking: block an entire Google contact group.* Area code blocking: use wildcard to block an entire area code,orall numbers contain the same pattern.Schedule Blocking* Timers: blacklist supports timers, set your blocking to startandend at a particular time during a particular day or days.* Calendars: profile and group blocking support calendarscheduling,set your blocking to start and end according to yourGooglecalendar.Private Message Vault* Support 128-bit encryption on SMS, prevent snooping fromthirdparty sms apps* Support both SMS and MMS* Password protected.* Support remote clear to erase all messages remotely.* Automatic time out.* Calls to/from private numbers automatically erased fromcalllog.Other Features* Password protected.* Invisible mode, remove app icon from your app list.* Support blocking of UNKNOWN,PRIVATE or RESTRICTED calls.* One-click option to block all numbers not in your contact.* Support sending auto response text messages to blocked callsormessages.* Support wildcard * and ? matching of phone numbers.* Support backup and restore to/from SD card or Dropbox.* Automatically erase blocked calls from your call log.* Blocking history log stores all blocked call andmessageinfo.
globio + Donation 2.6
This is exactly the same app as globio Alarm System Withtheglobioapp you can turn your Android phone into probablytheworld'seasiest alarm system. It works without anyadditionalhardware.However, the globios help you extend the systemto aprofessionalburglar alarm system. The app's securitysurveillanceprotects yourphone from burglary, theft and nosypeople. Monitoryour apartment,your cellar or your car. Get informedwhen yourbicycle, snowboardor your luggage is moving away. By call,textmessage or email withpictures/video and more. When does theglobioApp without globiostrigger an Alarm? When: • the phone ismoved •something comes nearto or moves away from the proximitysensor •the ambient brightnesschanges • a power source is unpluggedfromthe device • the phonegets unlocked • a noise is too loud •thecamera detects motionWhen does the globio App with globiostriggeran Alarm? When: with#PIA • the PIR detector detects motionwith#MAGGIE • a magneticcontact (e.g. door, window) is opened orclosed• a vibrationoccurs (e.g. breakage of glass, car,bicycle,snowboard) • a changeof position occurs with #SHANE • theairtemperature is too high ortoo low • the air humidity is too highortoo low • the airpressure is too high or too low with #ANN •anything or device(e.g. alarm system, door contact, safetyshut-offmat) opens orcloses an electric contact with #CLARE • it istoobright or toodark (e.g. ambient light, light barrier) with #JOY•at the push ofa button --- FEATURES --- • Processes 7differentinternal phonesensors • Processes many different externalglobiosensors • 8different sounds (custom sounds can be added) •PIN lock• takespictures or records a video when an alarm istriggered •precisenoise detector • when an alarm is triggered, anemailwithphotos/video/audio or a text message can be sent or anumbercan bedialled --- UPCOMING FEATURES --- • Linking of twoglobioapps •Integration of different globio actors (headlight,powerswitch,siren, automotive relay and others) • Pushnotifications andvideoclips • Video on demand • Support for iBeaconand Eddystone
Alarm Anti Theft Screen Lock v4.3.3
Mobiloucos 2
Do you fear that your phone is taken while you aredistracted?Orthat someone look at your personal information? AlarmAntiTheftthe application is right for you, if someone get yourphonewhileAlarm Anti Theft is enabled, it will sound a loud alarm,fireapolice siren, starts to vibrate and blink effects onthescreen,thus making the person desist from taking your phone,orbetter youknow someone is with him. Make your video taking anosytrying topry your mobile and send it to us enjoyed your funwiththe PegaLadrão. Formoreinformation:
Motion Alarm (Anti-Theft) 1.6.1
Do you hate when other people take your phone? Get now MotionAlarm!
Anti Theft Solution (AntTheft)
AntTheft is a completeAnti-Theftsolution.***Anti Theft Alarm***Now you can charge your device any where without worrying,AntiTheft Alarm will go off when someone tries to unplug yourdevicefrom charging..This alarm only can be stopped by entering correct password.************* How Does AntTheft Works ************AntTheft allow registration of two sim cards.Every time when a new sim is inserted it will send you atextmessage and will ask for password to register the new sim. Ifyouenter the password correctly, new sim card will beregisteredautomatically.If you already have registered two sim cards then afterenteringpassword sim registration activity will open up and willask toreplace one of the two previously registered sim cards.Pressing back button instead of entering password forsimregistration will update status to lost.Functions AntTheft will perform if your device is stolen:1) AntTheft Owner Status will be updated to lost.2) It will text you the details of newly inserted sim card,For Example:>>Sim Serial Number>>IMEI Number>>Network Operator Name>>Current Sim Contact Number3) It will take a picture through front camera.4) It will Email you the picture when internet in connected.5) It will send you location updates through sms, you do not havetobe connected to the internet.6) It will send you call logs as calls are received or madefromyour device.With this much information any thief can be busted.7) you can make your device ringing if it is misplaced and insilentmode.More Interesting functionality on the way...There are two type of settings you will must do for AntThefttowork.1, User Settings2, App SettingsUser Settings are about setting a username and a passwordtopassword protect AntTheft.App Settings:App Settings are more important because here you will entertwomobile numbers,(Primary and Secondary mobile numbers).Locationsupdates, call logs, and other information will be sent tothesenumbers. It is recommended to enter these numbers of thedeviceswhich also has AntTheft installed, because AntTheft have alivelocations map which displays the current location of deviceandalso will show you the location updates received fromlostdevicesin a list. Clicking on each location will draw that location onamap and will show you the distance between your currentlocationand your lost device location.AntTheft contains an sms code which updates the device ownerstatusto lost,,, this code should be sent to a device being stolenandstill using the owner's sim card.There is a built-in tutorial in this application which will helpandanswer your every question.*****Recovering Misplaced Devices******If a device having AntTheft installed is misplaced you only needtosend an sms code from any device and it will start ringing eveninsilent mode. More about sms codes is explained in the tutorialsandsms codes section.AntTheft automatically detects if a new sim card is insertedandwill start asking password for registering new sim. If youpressback or home button it will update its status to "LOST", willtakea picture through front camera on exiting, and will text(sms)youthe details of newly inserted sim card,which are enough totrackand bust a thief.With internet connected AntTheft will send you location updatesofyour lost device through sms.Call logs will be sent to the primary and secondary numbers asanycalls are made or received from your device if it isbeingstolen.You can always check the functionality of AntTheft by sending ansmscode explained in tutorial. On receiving the lost code AntTheftwillupdate its owner status to lost and will start asking forpassword.if you entered the correct password it will open AntTheftmainapplication and the owner status is changed from lost towithowner.
Antitheft Droid WEB - Security
Your Best Free Anti-theft protection available on theAndroidmarket.
Anti Theft - Alarm System 1.6.52
"Alarm System - Anti Theft" protectsyoursmartphone from theft or unauthorized use. Dont be afraid letyourphone on table! If someone tries to unlock, move, touch orunplugit form charger, the anti theft system will play avociferousAlarmsound or supervise the theft by video* / photorecording.In addition to that you can use the anti theft system as amobilealarm system: With the motion-detection* feature based onyourmobiles camera it is possible to save a room: When a burglarismoving by entering the room the anti theft alarm could betriggered.Changes like brightness by turning on the light switchor a suddenlyoccurred noise will also noticed by the phonesensors.An other scenario of application might be the protection ofyourvaluables or just the prevention that a curious person utiliseyourmobile. In the act of theft the deliquent receivesasiren-sound.The way how the alarm is expressed is versatile adjustable.Amongthe typical siren-sound combined with the vibration-function,it isalso possible that the anti theft system send secretly smsmessages,take pictures or start videorecoding. You can also definea customalarm sound(any mp3 file possible).Features of Anti Theft App-motion detection of your phone-detect motion by camera*-brightness changes detection-noise-detection-approximation-recognizes a display unlock-recognizes unplugAvailable settings:Alarmtypes (variable combinable):-vibration alarm-sound alarm-take a picture-record mp4 video (only premium)-send smsSettings:-select a mp3 file as sound-set alarm volume-sensitivity-pin-Codeand etc.*only premium-feature (in-app payment)
Anti Theft Silent Camera 1.3
Anti Theft Silent CameraAnti Theft Silent Camera is the powerful or highsecurityapplication through you take secrete photo anyactivities.Also you take photo any place without any sound.Anti Theft Silent Camera application through you takes aSecreteVideo any event. You one touch to start video. You takevideo butthis information is not any person.Anti Theft Silent Camera application process worksbehindbackground. This process is continuing you also receive phonecallor make other work.You are also ON or OFF video recording option. You also givethestarting time of the video and end time of that video.Alsoautomatically save in your device.
Selfer Lite - Protect phone 1.0
PNG Studio
Selfer secretly takes photo by frontcameratheperson who unlocking or when trying to unlock yoursmartphone.Savedphotos with geodata automatically will be send toyour GoogleDrive,which means that you always be aware of who andwhere hastaken yourphone.And also with the help of this application you cancheckyourfriend or beloved person. Leave your phone with thisperson andgetaway somewhere for a couple of minutes.Warning! The free version, some functions are not available!
F-Secure: Total Security & VPN 21.1.8223678
F-Secure all-in-one: Antivirus, VPN & ID Protection -MobileSecurity made easy.
Anti Theft Phone Alarm 3.0
Keep your hard earned smartphone safe byusingAnti Theft Alarm. If someone tries to unlock your mobile,anyfailed attempt will trigger this app to ring loud siren.Do you usually leave your phone unattended at home orwhilecharging it in public places? If you do so, you have to trythisapp. With this alarm you can keep doing it with no worries."Anti Theft Alarm" will keep your phone safe from nosy peopleandburglars. Once you activate the alarm, no one could touchit,because a loud alarm will sound if they move or unplugthephone.Your phone won't be stolen or used without yourpermissionanymore. You can also use this app to avoid your childrento useyour phone without you knowing. Leave your phone anywhere, noonewill dare to touch it!Anti-Theft Alarm makes the phone useless to the thief even ifherestarts the phone by removing the battery.Anti-Theft Alarm may also be used to surprise your familyandfriends, who like to spy when you're not around the phone.Theft alarm can also be used to prevent your kids andcolleaguesfrom accessing your phone without your consent.Do you fear losing your phone?Do your friends misuse your phone (texts, Facebook and emailsetc.)when you're not around؟Anti-Theft triggers an alarm when the phone is moved orthecharger is disconnected.Anti-Theft protects your phone battery by preventing it fromovercharging (i.e. when you leave the charger connected to thephone allnight for charging) and therefore extending the life spanof thebattery.At work you may place the phone on your laptop and ifsomeonetries to peek into your laptop, then if they move yourphone,immediately an alarm will scare them away.Use Anti-Theft app when you don't want any one getting accesstoyour phone without your permission.Anti-theft Alarm is the new innovation keeping security ofyourphone by setting loud continuous alarm and sending message tothenumber you selected.Ever best and secure anti-theft application for you.Do you want of save your phone from theft? Don't TouchAnti-Theftmakes the smartphone useless to thieve even he restartsthe phoneby removing the battery. This app will also surprise yourfamilyand friends, who wants to spy when you are not around yourphone.Do you feel fear that someone will access your phone andsteal yourpersonal information? Do not worry now we made itimpossible forthem by customization of theft alarm and messageservice. It's thenew customization of sending message to yourselected number. Ifyou don't want to give access your phone to kidsor other personsthen Anti-Theft Alarm is the best way to solve yourproblems.Use this app to ensure that nobody touch your cellphone, itwillplay an alarm when it happens. The interface is simple toreducethe memory and processor consumption. Prevents stolen ortakenwithout permission your phone using the motion sensor (AntiTheftAlarm).The Anti Theft Alarm acts as a motion alarm and protectsyourphone by sounding an alarm when someone moves your deviceorunplugs the charger from the outlet. When the alarm is triggered,aphoto is taken and sent to your email address. Awesome and funwayto scare your friends, and secure your device at the act ofbeingtaken by a potential burglar, thief, or anybody intending touseyour phone without your authorization.Catch your friends and sneaky people trying to snoop onyourphone with Anti Theft Alarm! Do your friends hack yourFacebookstatus when you leave the room? Does your girlfriend readall yourtexts when you take a shower? With Anti Theft Alarm,thieves andup-to-no-gooders are greeted with a loud car alarm! Itis fun wayto catch friends, kids and family members accessing yourdevicewithout your consent, and, at the same time, prevent yourcellphone or tablet from being stolen by a thief or burglar.
Vedo 2.6.03
Comelit has now available the VEDO APP which allows managementofthecontrol unit of the VEDO series and the images fromthecamerasconnected to them. You are now able to access yourComelitVEDOintruder alarm systems from anywhere, view live imagesfromthecameras, send the commands for the system management like :-Arm /Disarm the system: Select Operating Scenarios, AREAS -Resetsiren/ Telephone Calls - Generates alarms: Intruder,Emergency,Fire -Enable / Disable Outputs: Lights, Gate -Notification ofEvents -Check system status: zones, areas - Analogand IP series100 and700 Camera Management : Live, Pop Up Alarm,videostreamingrecording, taking screenshots on request, browsingandsharing ofmultimedia saved contents - Pre-alarm video recordingforIPcameras and one analog camera - Added log memory forEventsandAlarms - Added Proximity Key Lock In addition to theabove,ComelitVEDO APP through video pop up alerts you in case ofanalarm, soyou can immediately check if it's a real event orfalsealarm andsend the appropriate commands to the control unit.TheComelit VedoApp also allows to make call and localaudiocommunication(intercom) , between smartphone and tabletsconnectedto VEDOsystem. Through this app you have also an interfacewiththeComelit home building automation through the use oftheSerialBridge device. VEDO APP works exclusively withintrudercontrolunits belonging to the Comelit VEDO series fromversion2.2.0. Newfeatures are available if connected to Vedo mainunitfrom version2.4.x.
Anti-Theft Complete Protection 1.0
Anti-Theft Complete Protection App isveryuseful app for everyone who are using Android smartphonebecause itwill increase your device security using its featureslike removefrom charging, shake/move position of device it'll ringand it'llnot stop without pattern lock and deactivate app. Takebestadvantage of highly design in terms of use as well security.Features:1. Remove from charging alert2. Shake/Move Alert3. Loud Siren4. Pattern Lock5. Running in background6. Simple and easy to use
Anti Theft Security Alarm 1.2
Are you afraid of losing your phone?Are you afraid of your friends who misuse your phone likesendingamessages , email & etc when you are not around ?I am sure you are worried that someone will access yourphoneandsteal some important information from it.Are you anxious about someone spying?Are you scared of curious people who tries to get yourphoneandputting there eye on your personal information likepicturesandvideos?Do you usually leave your phone unattended at homeorpublicplaces?If you do so, you have to try this app. With Anti Theft alarmyoucankeep doing it with no worries.BINGO if you are reading this you are at a perfect place.INSTALL this app and be stress less.Anti Theft alarm can protect your device by beingstolenorBurglary.Anti Theft alarm can also be used to surprise yourfamilyandfriends, who like to spy when you’re not around the phone.Ansirenis triggered when the phone is moved.Anti Theft alarm can be used to prevent your kids fromaccessingyourphone without your prior permission.You must read a Instruction for using Anti Theft alarm.Features:1)Phone movement detection during a specific time(youcanchangetime from settings).2)Set specified days of week to enable Anti Theft alarm.3)Repeat days & motion both to enable Anti Theftalarmitsworking with selected days.4)Password Protection to more secure.5)Loud Siren even if the phone is in silent mode.6)During specified day or time if you have a call Anti Theftalarmisdisabled during your call.7)Select Siren sound of your choice.THIEVES BEWARE OF THIS APP.Secure the phone before it is lost or stolen.Note:Anti Theft alarm doesn't claim that it canavoidtheftcompletely.It's the owner's responsibility to be careful,butbyusing Anti Theft alarm you can avoid it. Thank you.If you like Anti Theft Alarm, check out Anti TheftAlarmPro!Includes all the features above but is coming soon&that'swithout ads.For any suggestions or feature requests please email us andwewillget back to you : [email protected] Fun!-The Spirit Team
Whos Looking 3.5
Apps By M
Protect your phone or tablet when itisunattended, lost or stolen!Who’s Looking is the best and easiest to use security app toprotectyour device and your loved ones. Its anti-theft protectionand findyour lost phone/device features are outstanding!Want to know who stole your device?Want to capture the intruder’s selfieWant to find your phone or device you lost or misplaced?Want to know if your spouse is using your device?Want to make you and your loved ones safer?Then Who’s Looking is your choice to find and protect your phoneortablet!Languages:English, Spanish, Arabic, French, ChineseOUTSTANDING FEATURES TO PROTECT YOUR DEVICE★ Capture the intruder's selfie when they try to unlock yourphoneor tablet★ Photos only show in the app not in your device gallery★ Remote action commands to help you locate your lost ormisplaceddevice by sending a Text/SMS★ Cloud Locate - Send action commands from our website★ Capture phone access. Don’t want to have a screen lock but wanttosee who is using your phone? Who's Looking can log when yourphonewakes and track how long they viewed your phone.★ Get Email with location and pictures of your lost phoneortablet★ Wall of Snoopers - share with others who is looking atyourdevice★ Stealth Mode turns off action command notifications so thiefdoesnot know your tracking them (Pro Version)Upgrade to Pro and have the picture with time stamp andlocation(Google map link) of the unlock attempt emailed toyou.Most common uses:finding who stole your phone, find lost phone, find losttablet,tracking a family member, locating each other on trips,avoidgetting lost on trips or events, locating of husband/wife(spousetracking), locating of children/kids, tracking kids ontrips/dailyactivities such as going to the mall, or get peace ofmind whentraveling knowing you can find your phone or tablet iflost orstolen
Secret Control - Anti-theft 2.92
Secret Control is an Anti-theft, phone/tablet finder andasurveillance App with the following special features:1) Extensive feature set -: Lock screen protection, MotionSense(Anti-theft alarm), SMS phone finder, Battery lownotification, SIMremoval/change notifications etc.2) Email notifications for all events (emails generated fromyourdevice account and can be disabled from app settings)3) Better privacy by generating emails from your own deviceaccounti.e. not saving images or any other information on thirdpartyservers4) Picture, Location and Email actions to protect yourdeviceagainst threatsSo people think they can try to unlock or mess around withyourAndroid device in your absence and get away with it? Well,withSecret Control app they might have to think again. SecretControlapp provides protection to your Android device in two waysi.e. viaLock Screen Protection and Motion Sense.Lock Screen Protection: On failed login attempts (customizableinapp settings), the Secret Control app takes picture from thefrontfacing camera and reports the user with the picture and thedevicelocation via an email and also saves the images and locationdata onthe phone for later reference.Motion Sense: Have you ever wondered that someone is tryingtoaccess your phone in your absence? If you would like to catchtheculprit in the act of stealing your phone Motion-senseanti-theftalarm is for you. Once activated you can leave yourdevice aloneand Secret Control app will ring alarm, take picturefrom frontfacing camera and report location of the device via theemail whensomeone tries to move/pick-up your device. There is alsoa silentmode if you do not want the alarm to ring.Wait we have more! Have you ever lost your Android deviceormisplaced it in silent mode? Now you can send a SMS with usersetPIN to your phone and Secret Control app will ring your phonewithloud volume and report the device location to your email.SecretControl app also provides protection against Battery drainand SIMremoval by reporting the user with the device location tohelp userfind the device. Secret Control app takes customizableinput forfailed unlock attempts, low battery level, SMS pin etc.For easyaccess to new events, Secret Control app provides a homescreennotification widget.Some of the key features of the Secret Control app include -:1) Extended lock screen protection with Camera2) Motion-Sense anti theft alarm3) Email notifications from your device account.4) Customizable failed password attempts, low battery level, SMSpinetc.5) SMS pin to phone to make it play your ringtone in loud andsenddevice location via email6) Battery low email notification7) SIM removal email notification8) Home screen widget to notify of new events/securitythreats9) Notification in app for password changes10) Vibrate device for failed logins beyond the snapshot eventand many more exciting features to come...Permissions:Read and write to Disk: To save images in persistent storagefordisplaying in AppAccounts: For easy setup of user email address, authenticatingandusing device account email address to send notification emailsinthe AppPhone boot complete: To detect SIM change/removalRead Phone State: To read and email your device unique ID(PhoneIdentity)to help track when stolen/misplaced.Modify Audio Settings: To make the phone ring in loud even insilentMode when custom SMS is receivedAccess Network State: For adsVibrate: To vibrate device after failed logins beyond theSnapshoteventPrevent phone from sleeping: To detect motionAcknowledgements:Light icons: from This software does not provide any guarantee ofanykind. Majesticapps Co will not be responsible for any damagesorany additional costs incurred directly or indirectly bythissoftware and user should use this software at their ownrisk.
Seqrite MDM Client 1.03.18
The Seqrite Mobile Device Management (MDM)appallows you to enroll your corporate device with theseamlesscloud-based solution for all Android mobile devices withinyourenterprise. Once your device is connected with thecorporatenetwork, an authorized administrator can manage andcontrol themobile fleet. The MDM solution secures, monitors andmanages mobiledevices deployed across Android platforms. It canalso blockphishing and malicious websites and filters web access.Policy andconfiguration restrictions can be applied based on thedefined Geo,Time and Wi-Fi fencesNote: Seqrite MDM app is only meant for employeeswhoseorganization has purchased a license of Mobile DeviceManagement.To download this app, an employee must followinstructions fromtheir IT administrator.Seqrite MDM app key highlights:★ Cloud-based mobile device management solution★ Easy and quick enrollment in MDM★ Group devices together for seamless management★ Apply policy and configuration based on Geo, Time andWi-Fifences★ Control usage of apps based on their categories or versionstomaintain enterprise compliance★ App installation/uninstallation can be recommended remotelyviathe admin console★ View data usage details over mobile network, Wi-Fi orroamingdata★ Monitor a detailed list of incoming/outgoing calls and textsfromdevices★ Customized Seqrite launcher app that can limit access toinstalledapps and manage settings★ Reset device password from the centralized admin console★ Option to view device status and appliedpolicies/configurationson devices★ Help, FAQ, Live Chat, Submit Query and ContactSupportoptions★ Safeguard enterprise data and intellectual property★ Verify compliance with corporate security policiesOther salient features of Seqrite MDM:★ Safeguard devices with reliable anti-theft features such asremotelock, unlock and wipe★ Locate devices that are lost or stolen★ View the geolocation history of devices on the map★ Receive alerts for SIM card changes★ View in-depth reports about compromised and rooted devices★ Browser and web browsing filtering★ Control on device features such as camera, mobile data etc.★ Enforcement of password policies and configurations★ Schedule quick or full scans of devices at predetermined daysandtimes★ View all apps on devices within the enterprise via anapprepositoryActivation instructions:★ Download and install the Seqrite MDM app on yourAndroiddevice★ Enter the details as provided by the administrator. ThisincludesOTP and company code in the enrollment email/SMS★ Follow the instructions of the wizard and accept the termsofuse