Top 3 Apps Similar to pH Calculator for Chemistry

Calculadora pH 1.3
Con esta sencilla aplicación ustedpodráobtener el pH de un ácido o base fuerte a partir de sumolaridad yviceversa.Es ideal para trabajar en grupos de secundaria en los cursosdeQuímica o Biología. El alumno podrá verificar si ha realizadosuscálculos correctamente y el profesor podrá diseñar ejerciciosapartir de datos concretos como la molaridad de una solución oelpH.Esta es la primera aplicación desarrollada porFísicamaldonado.Agradecemos vuestras sugerencias y comentarios paramejorar estaaplicación y continuar desarrollando otrasaplicacioneseducativas.Muchas gracias!With thissimpleapplication you can get the pH of a strong acid or base fromitsmolarity and vice versa.It is ideal for working in groups of high school coursesinchemistry or biology. The student can check if you have madeyourcalculations correctly and the teacher can design exercisesbasedon concrete data as the molarity of a solution or pH.This is the first application developed by Físicamaldonado.Weappreciate your suggestions and comments to improvethisapplication and further development of othereducationalapplications.Thank you very much!
Chemistry Assistant 1.2
Goodhart Apps
Found yourself spending too much time on tediouscalculations?Chemistry Assistant is the solution. It’s anapplication that takesotherwise time-consuming problems and solvesthem quickly for you.This app will solve for pH—includingcalculations requiring the useof quadratics. All three types oftitrations are covered withsolutions, no matter the volume. Findingmolecular mass isstreamlined with this app. No need for a periodictable orcalculator—just type in the elemental symbols andmolarcoefficients and Chemistry Assistant will do the rest!
Chemistry Calculations 1.8.3
This application is intended to be a help with commoncalculationsinthe field of chemistry. Now with buyablePro-upgrade! There arethefollowing features: - pKa-equation forweak acids -pKb-equation forweak bases -Henderson-Hasselbalch-Equation -Nernst-Equation -Thermodynamics(Ideal gas, Boyle, Lussac) - Unitconverter forseveral units -Equation to calculate dilutions -Tools for preparingsolutions -Tool to calculate solubility of acompound - Tool tocalculateamount of substance from mass percent- Molecule weightcalculator -Periodic table with informationabout every element andlinks toexternal sources - Referencetables for physicalconstants,reduction potentials, solubilityproducts, pKa- andpKb-values andSI-Prefixes Upgrade toPro-version to support thedevelopment andget more reference data!- Use a great variety ofunits within thetools, without convertingthem individually! -Choose your preferredunit for temperaturesand radii in the periodictable - Atomic,covalent andvan-der-Waals radii - Ionizationenergies - Morereductionpotentials - More pka- and pKb-values -More solubilityproductsTablets are fully supported! If you have anyquestionsorsuggestions for additional content, please contact me.