Top 20 Apps Similar to BabyWeightFREE(newborn-growth)

BabySleep: Whitenoise lullaby
Helps your baby fall asleep instantly, 14 built-in lullabies+record your own
"Is my son growing well?" This is thequestionthat all parents ask. With this application you can haveanimmediate and easy answer.This application permits you to follow the growth of your childfrom0 to 19 years on charts through the official scales,elaborated bythe World Health Organization.Insert your child’s height and weight: the applicationwillcalculate the percentage and it will tell you if your childisabove or below the average for his age.All data will be saved and you will be able view the chart toassessthe progress of the child's growth.If the curve is set in parallel to those of the graphic, itmeansthat the child grows upon a regular basis.Features:• Chart growth for Height, Weight, BMI, Head Circumference• Calculating percentile for Height (0-19 yr)• Calculating percentile for Weight (0-10yr)• Calculating percentile for Head Circumference (0-5 yr)• Automatic calculation of BMI and its percentile (0-19 yr)• Calculating percentile Height /Weight regardless of age(0-5yr)• Units of measure cm/kg or lb/in.• Export data in excel format and send via email.• Adult height prediction algorithm.• Support multiple childs• Support user defined baby icon• Backup data to SD• Restore data from SD
WomanLog Baby Calendar 3.6.2
WomanLog Baby (Baby) is a calendar of child development forparents.
Peekaboo Moments
Bithouse Inc.
Join the 👶super lovely Baby Book loved by over 10 million users!👍👍👍
Growth Chart Pro 1.3-4-pro-release
"Growth Chart Pro" helps to keep track ofyourchildren’s growth from birth to 20 years old. The appaccuratelycalculates the growth percentile of the weight, heightand headcircumference based on age and gender, using the mostrecent US CDCand WHO data, the same data that are commonly usedbypediatricians.You can add multiple children and save all your data tothedatabase for future review. The saved data can be viewed astables,or as graphs (values/percentiles vs. ages). It provides youwiththe median value of weight/height/head CC at your children’sage,and you can get the values at any percentile by easily slidingthepercentage bar. So you can compare your children’s growth withthatof others, and log your children’s growth history and learnthetrend.Key features include:-Keep track the growth of one or multiple children;-Save data to SD card or restore the saved data later;-Provide growth data for infant, toddler, teenager and youthbelow20 years old;-Support multiple units for measures, including lb/oz/ft/inandcm/kg;-Log and view the growth history;-Analyze data using tables or graph.
Baby Connect: Newborn Tracker 9.84
Baby care & infant milestones tracker: log feedings,pumping,sleep, and diapers
Дневник малыша 1.0
С помощью этого приложения вы легкосможетеделать заметки о каждодневном уходе за ребёнком.Кроме ежедневных записей, вы сможете каждый день сохранятьлюбимыефото.В дневнике предусмотрено 15 категорий для записей, например,грудноевскармливание, смена подгузников, рост и вес, первые слова,покупкидетских товаров, и т.д.Нет необходимости самому писать длинные заметки, так как ихможнооставить одним нажатием на соответствующую иконку.Пользоваться этим приложением легко и просто!▼иконы● грудное вскармливание● молочная смесь● сон● подгузники● прогулки● купание● кормление● чистка зубов● рост и вес● первые слова● детские книжки● музыка● телевизор● игрушки● покупка детских товаровWith this applicationyoucan easily take notes about the everyday care of thechild.In addition to daily records, you can every day to keepyourfavorite photos.The diary provides 15 categories of records, forexample,breast-feeding, changing diapers, height and weight, thefirstwords, buying children's products, etc.There is no need to write long notes, as they can leave onebyclicking on the appropriate icon.Enjoy this app easy and simple!▼ icon● breastfeeding● milk formula● sleep● diapers● walk● swimming● feeding● tooth brushing● height and weight● first words● children's books● Music● TV● toys● purchase of goods for children
Growth percentiles 2.2
Save on an easy way the measurements thatyourchildren are taken in medical reviews or the ones you've doneonyour own and compare them with de World Health Oragnization(WHO)percentiles.Available percentiles in the app are:* Height* Weight* Head perimeter* Arm perimeter* Body Mass Index (BMC)* Height/Weight ratioDepending on the entered values, the application willcalculatethe percentile to which he belongs according to the WHOprotocols.The application differences percentiles by sex of eachchild.As measurement vales are introduced, it will create a graphofthe evolution of the percentile, so you can see how it haschangedover time. Moreover, from the sidebar, you'll see themeasurementsdetails .You can create as many children as you need."Growth Percentile" has an attractive design and intuitivescreenso its use is very simple. You can choose one of its 45availablethemes.
My Baby Today | Daily Tracker 1.8.1
My Baby Today is an informative mother'sguideand community for parents with newborn babies. Get resourcesforbaby essentials, sleep training, breastfeeding, babydevelopment,and more. You'll also find tools like checklists andreminders, aphoto album, and our feeding guide.My Baby Today is packed with tools and reminders to help youtobe the best parent in your baby's first year. It's brought toyouby BabyCenter, the world's most trusted parenting resourceandguide for moms, helping more than 300 million mothers aroundtheworld.CalendarOur calendar provides information about infants with daily tipsandweek-by-week guidance. Get advice about newborndevelopment,including childcare, feeding, breastfeeding, health andsafety forkids, daily care, and baby growth milestones. Watchvideos to learnhow to use baby products like car seats, babystrollers, potties,and more. Track your baby's activity, add yourbaby's moments,create a baby photo book, and organize all of yourfavorite photosin a baby album. Get advice from our experts abouthealth, fitness,and exercise for parents, weekly checklists, foodand nutritionideas, and more.Community and ForumJoin our birth club to connect with other moms. Ask questionsofother women and share how you feel about motherhood. Socializewithother moms, talking about breastfeeding or formula tips,diapering,bathing, coping with sickness, and lullabies. Ask othermoms aboutbreast milk problems, sleep, scheduling naps, and babyshopping.Listen to how new parents benefit from their experiencesof raisinga baby boy, a baby girl, or twins.FeaturesChecklist: Customizable list with reminders to keep youontrackSleep Guide: From how to settle a newborn to sleep training+lullabiesFeeding Guide: Breastfeeding, nursing or formula tips + a solidfoodtrackerDaily Calendar: A personalized guide to your baby's firstyearPhoto Diaries: Document your baby's growth and milestones inaphotobookBaby Health & Safety: Articles and videos + track yourbaby'sheight and weightWeekly Activities: Top suggestions for you and your babyBaby Care: Timely advice on diapering, bathing, and moreFor Moms: Ideas for taking care of yourself, tooFun: Reasons to laugh and celebrate along the waySearch BabyCenter: Parenting info, questions and answers fromourentire siteRated one of the top three Children's Health apps by thedoctorsat HealthTap. The BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board reviewsandapproves all medical information featured in our My BabyTodayapp.
Growth Charts (free & ad-free) 1.0.1
Marcin Z
Doctors all over the world usepercentilegraphs to measure how well kids are developing - gainingweight ina healthy way and growing higher together with theirpeers.Now you can monitor your child at home, it's as simpleasmeasuring the weight, length / height and the head of your baby-at any intervals you please. All the thin lines show thehealthyweight gain and provide a model growth path for yourchild.If you're child's graph is following those lines - it's thebestindicator of their overall healthy development.Hop on board and see how easy it is with the GrowthChartsApp.For the foreseeable future this app will stay free andwithoutads - you can enjoy it without the trouble of pulling yourwalletout or loosing your screen-space. It's my way of making theworld aslightly better place.Please rate if you love the app, If you spot an issue oramissing feature let me know and I'll do my best to bring it uptoyour expectations.
赤ちゃんの体重管理 大きくなぁれ 1.5
母子手帳にも収録されている発育曲線を使って、お誕生から6歳までのお子様の身長・体重を記録するシンプルなアプリケーションです。年齢相応の発育かどうか、やせ気味・太り気味などの確認を行うことができます。複数の子供の身長・体重管理に対応しています。収録しているグラフは、厚生労働省平成22年度乳幼児身体発育調査報告に基づく年齢別の身長、体重および身長体重(体格)のグラフです。※小・中学校も継続して身長体重の記録にお使いいただけるよう、文部科学省平成25年学校保健統計調査のグラフも収録しました(Ver.1.3より)。※身長体重のグラフでは、体重と身長が重ならないように、6歳と7歳の間、11歳と12歳の間で体重の縦軸が縮小します。体重増分の自動計算機能がついており、特に新生児期の体重増加ペースの確認(母乳不足のチェック等)にもお使いいただけます。●赤ちゃんの体重管理、体重増分の計算に●6歳までの身長体重の記録●背が高い低い、痩せ肥満など目安に無料アプリ、煩わしいユーザー登録なし、病院等でも使えるデータ通信なしにするかわりに、パパママなど両親、その他複数端末で同じデータを共有する機能はありません…。かわりにファイルに出力、ファイルから追加する機能がありますので、バックアップや端末間でのデータ共有はそちらをお使いください。(なお、出力されるデータは日付・身長体重のみで、子供の生年月日・性別は含まれません。ファイルを読み込む際は、先に手動で子供を追加してください。)Using thegrowthcurve,which is also included in MCH Handbook, is asimpleapplicationthat records the height and weight of childrenfrom yourbirth to 6years. Whether growth for age, you will be ableto carryout theverification of such lean slightly-overweight.I have been corresponding to height and weightmanagementformultiple children.Graph which recorded is a graph of age based on theMinistryofHealth, Labour and Welfare 2010 fiscal infantsphysicaldevelopmentresearch report height, weight, and heightandweight(physique).※ as designed to be used to record the height andweightelementaryand junior high schools be continued, graph ofEducation,Culture,Sports, Science and Technology Ministry 2013School HealthSurveywas also recorded (from Ver.1.3).※ In the graph of height and weight, so as not to overlaptheweightand height, between 6 and 7 years old, will reducebodyweightvertical axis of between 11 years and 12 years of age.Comes with automatic calculation function ofbodyweightincrement, you can use it to especially confirmationofweight gainpace of the neonatal period (breast milk shortageofcheck,etc.).● weight management of baby, in the calculation oftheweightincrement● record of height and weight of up to 6 years of ageIs high low back ●, a guide such as lean obesityFree app, without cumbersome user registration, instead oftonodata communication can also be used such as hospitals,parentssuchas Mom and Pop, you do not have the ability to share thesamedatain several other terminal ....The output instead to file, because there is a feature thatyouwantto add from the file, the data sharing between backupandterminalplease use there.(It should be noted that the data that is output by only thedateandheight and weight, children's date of birth and genderarenotincluded. When you read the file, please add thechildrenbeforemanually.)
Cresco Con Poli 1.5
Ecco la App che ti aiuterà a seguirelacrescita del tuo bambino dalla nascita fino all’adolescenza,conl’aiuto dei pediatri specialisti di Fondazione PoliambulanzadiBrescia.Con l'aiuto dei consigli di medici e specialisti, potraiaffrontarecon facilità le problematiche più comuni, monitorare inmanierasemplice e divertente la crescita dei tuoi figli,organizzarevisite e vaccinazioni e conservare i momenti piùimportanti dellaloro crescita.Ecco cosa puoi trovare:- Dottor FP: tutte le indicazioni e le raccomandazioni cheineonatologi e i pediatri di Fondazione Poliambulanza dannoalleneomamme: dall'allattamento con dettagli sulle quantità efrequenzadei pasti nei periodi di vita del bebè, alleprofilassivitaminiche, dalla medicazione del cordone ombelicalealle cureigieniche. Non ti sentirai più sola ad affrontare questenuovesfide!- Il mio pediatra: puoi inserire i dati del pediatra di base editutti gli altri specialisti che seguono la crescita del tuobambino,aggiungendo anche gli orari ambulatoriali e le visite,cheappariranno nel calendario.- Neomamme: qui trovi i consigli dei medici per te, peraiutartiad affrontare i cambiamenti fisici ed emotivi nel modo piùsereno.Una guida dettagliata e professionale per farti sentire piùsicurain questo periodo così particolare della tua vita.- Cresco bene? È la sezione che ti permette di prenderenotadelle variazioni di peso, altezza e circonferenza cranica (finoatre anni) e le visualizza su un grafico con i percentilidiriferimento. In questo modo avrai subito la percezione di comestacrescendo il tuo bambino. Inoltre potrai inviare questi datiperemail al tuo pediatra così che lui riesca a verificarlieconsigliarti al meglio.- Vaccinazioni: puoi inserire le vaccinazioni, inclusi idiversirichiami, con date, orari e annotazioni, per avere tuttosottocontrollo.- Foto: è la sezione più giocosa in cui puoi raccogliereimomenti più divertenti della crescita del tuo bambino,raggrupparele immagini in album creati da te e conservare questefoto ancheutilizzando effetti grafici leggeri.- Diario: l'agenda che ti consente di tener nota dellemalattiedel tuo bambino, delle visite mediche, delle vaccinazioni editutte le altre attività che vorrai ricordare. Sulcalendariomensile appariranno delle icone per indicare la tipologiadei datiinseriti e potrai anche filtrarli.- Numeri utili: ecco la lista di tutti i numeri utili deirepartidi neonatologia e pediatria della Fondazione PoliambulanzadiBrescia. Inoltre trovi qui il link al form online perlaprenotazione delle visite.- Info: qui trovi la Carta dei Servizi dei diversireparticoinvolti nello sviluppo dell'APP, alcune informazioniimportantisulle dichiarazioni di nascita, i contatti perl'assistenza e,naturalmente, la guida all'uso dell'APP.Here is the App whichwillhelp you to follow the growth of your child from birththroughadolescence, with the help of paediatriciansFoundationPoliambulanza of Brescia.With the help of the advice of doctors and specialists, youcaneasily tackle the most common issues, monitoring in a simpleandentertaining the growth of your children, organize visitsandvaccinations and retain the most important moments of theirgrowth.Here's what you can find:- Dr. FP: all the information and recommendationsthatneonatologists and pediatricians Foundation Poliambulanza givenewmothers: from feeding with details on the amount and frequencyofmeals during periods of baby's life, the vitamin prophylaxis,bythe dressing of the umbilical cord to the hygienic care. Do notyoufeel more alone in facing these new challenges!- My pediatrician: You can enter details of the pediatricianandall other specialists who follow the growth of your child,addingtimes and outpatient visits, which will appear in thecalendar.- New mom: Here the advice of doctors for you, to help youdealwith the physical and emotional changes in the most serene.Adetailed guide for professional and make you feel more secureinthis period so special in your life.- Cresco well? It is the section that allows you to take noteofchanges in weight, height and head circumference (up tothreeyears) and displays them on a chart with the percentilesofreference. This way you will at once a sense of how your childisgrowing. You can also send this information by email toyourpediatrician so that he is able to verify and advise you.- Vaccinations: You can enter vaccinations, including thenumberof appeals, with dates, times and records, to have everythingundercontrol.- Photo: This is the most playful section where you can pickthefunniest moments in the growth of your child, group yourpicturesinto albums you created yourself and keep these photos alsousinglightweight visualizations.- Diary: diary that helps you keep track of your child'sillness,doctor visits, vaccinations and all other activities thatyou willwant to remember. On the monthly calendar icon will appeartoindicate the type of data entered and you can also filterthem.- Useful numbers: here is the list of all the phone numbersofneonatology and pediatrics Foundation Poliambulanza ofBrescia.Moreover, you find the link to the online form to bookvisits.- Info: Here's Charter of Services of the variousdepartmentsinvolved in the development of the JPA, some importantinformationon the declaration of birth, contact details for theservice and,of course, guidance on using JPA.
Baby Growth & Care 1.0
Baby Growth & Care is an essentialappforthe parents of newborns. This app keep track of baby's agedaytoday, showing in years, months, days even weeks. This ishowitmonitors Baby Growth. Baby's age in days or weeks ismostoftenimperative to know for vaccination, care and manyotherpurposes.Every time the app is launched it shows the baby'sagetoday. Usercan easily change the image, name and date of birthofthe baby andthe app stores them until changed again. The easymenuon fourcorners provide highly use information on babydevelopmentstages,elaborate guidance on almost every aspect of babycare andalsoinformation on baby's height and weight according toage.
BMI Calculator - Weight Loss 4.2
BMI Calculator helps you quickly calculate your ideal weight andBMIindex
NibaNeba Baby Diary 1.51
Nibaneba Baby Diary is a best way to trackandlog your baby's activities. ( Feeding, Sleeping, Bath, Poo andPee…)It's diary and photo album reminds you of baby's beautifulmemories.Features.Track breast and bottle feeding.Track diapersTrack growth ( both weight and length)Track sleepingTrack bathTrack baby emotionsTrack body heat and drugsave today's message and photoVaccination Schedule.( immunization schedule )Vaccination History. ( immunization history )Add baby profile (max 3)Color Theme ( 3 Color )Home Screen Widgetkeyword: breast feeding , bottle feeding, baby diary, infantcare,baby log,baby photo, baby activities, baby growth, baby activitytracker,feeding tracker, infant diary, diaper tracker, log feeding,babyalbum, baby camera, growth tracker , photo album , Pregnancy,childbirth , Newborn
萌寶日記 2.0.1753125911572105
HTC Research
★ 疫苗接種時程提醒與疾管署同步更新 ★ ★ App store評選為2016年最佳新APP ★ ★小兒科醫生以及親子部落客真心推薦★【聰明的疫苗提醒小幫手】疫苗接種規則與疾管署同步更新,掌握最即時的資訊根據疫苗實際接種時程變動的提醒機制,複雜的計算規則就交給萌寶日記搜尋周圍疫苗接種單位及提供之疫苗項目、時間【紀錄與分享成長里程碑】由疾管署專業醫師建議,寶寶於各成長時期應達成的指標動作用照片及影片紀錄寶寶達成各指標動作的感人時刻與親朋好友一起分享寶寶的成長紀錄【日常紀錄及發育數據紀錄】紀錄寶寶的飲食、睡眠、大小便時間及狀態,良好的生活作息從小養成身高、體重、頭圍紀錄,了解寶寶於同齡圈中的發育百分比【小兒衛教資訊】疫苗簡介、副作用及接種禁忌等相關資訊最常見的小兒傳染流行病介紹、預防方法與就醫資訊【輕鬆上手符合新手爸媽的需求】同時紀錄家中多位寶寶 雲端備份,更換手機也不會遺失資料直覺可愛的介面設計,新手爸媽立刻上手 萌寶日記操作手冊連結:
Perined 2.0
Perined App gives users the birth weightasreference and is made for the following group of professionals.Perined (a merger of the perinatal registry and perinatalauditin the Netherlands) is a joint effort offive organisations of professionals involved in perinatal careinthe Netherlands: midwives, generalpractitioners, gynaecologists, paediatricians andpathologists.Nearly all childbirths at home as well asin a clinical setting are registered in the perinatal registryofPerined.Mission:The mission of Perined is to improve the quality of health carebygiving insight into the perinatal care process and outcomes.
ワクチンノート~赤ちゃんの予防接種スケジュールを管理~ 6.7.0
It is an application that can manage the vaccination scheduleandrecord the vaccination from 2 months to 5 years old.
Nestlé Baby 2.1
Vorresti avere informazioni utilisuifabbisogni nutrizionali del tuo bambino, sugli alimentipiùcorretti per la sua crescita e il suo sviluppo? I nostri EspertiinNutrizione Infantile ti suggeriscono menù giornalieri,ricettesecondo la fase di crescita del tuo bambino econsigliindispensabili per accompagnare i suoi progressi giornodopogiorno.Grazie a questa applicazione potrai, inoltre, seguirel’allattamentodel tuo bambino, sapere quale nuovo alimentointrodurre secondol’età del tuo bambino e ricevere consiglispecifici dai nostriEsperti dalla nascita in poi.Con questa Baby App la nostra esperienza in nutrizione di oltre145anni è a tua disposizione, ovunque tu sia.Perché sia “Un Buon Inizio per Crescere” per te e per iltuobambino.Want information onthenutritional needs of your baby on foods more correct for itsgrowthand its development? Our Experts in Child Nutrition suggestyoudaily menus, recipes according to the stage of your child'sgrowthand essential tips to accompany his progress day afterday.Thanks to this application you can also follow breastfeedingyourbaby, you know which introduce new food according to the ageofyour child and receive specific advice from our experts frombirthonwards.With this Baby App nutrition in our experience of more than145years is at your fingertips, wherever you are.Why is "A Good Start to Grow" for you and your baby.