Top 8 Apps Similar to Logopedia

Ortophonie - Logopédie 1.03
Avec cette application, vouspouvezeffectuerdes activités d'orthophonie; il écrit vos paroles etvousfélicitequand vous faites de bons exercices. Vous pouvezécouterdes imagesprédéfinies ou tout mot.La version PRO comprend plus d'images et d'activités; aussiilvouspermet d'écouter vos propres mots.L'application nécessite Internet pour la conversion en texte;ilpeutfaire des erreurs et ne remplaceront jamaisunorthophoniste.Nous vous souhaitons un bon apprentissage et de la formationdrôle-DéveloppeursWith thisapplicationyoucan perform speech therapy activities; he wrote yourwordsandcongratulate you when you do good exercises. Youcanlistenpredefined images or any word.The PRO version includes more images and activities; it alsoletsyoulisten to your own words.The application requires Internet for text conversion; itmaymakemistakes and will never replace a speech therapist.We wish you a good apprenticeship training andfunny-Developers 1.52
INOOIT SAS® est un puissant outil d'aide à larééducationorthophonique. Conçu pour faciliter le travail despraticiens, ilenrichit la prise en charge et le suivi des patients.Les exercicesludiques et personnalisables qu'il contient, sontutilisables tanten séance qu'à distance sur tous supports digitaux: ordinateurs,tablettes (recommandées) et smartphones. Simpled'utilisation etconvivial,® a été pensé par desorthophonistespour des orthophonistes pour vous simplifier la vieet procurer àvos patients une expérience unique et motivante. Pourutiliserl'application il est nécessaire de créer un comptegratuitement surle site Principalesfonctionnalités : Unréservoir inépuisable d'exercices - 200exercices préconfigurés -23 modèles d’exercices, validés par notreéquipe scientifique. -Des centaines de milliers de configurationspossibles. - 5programmes de remédiation : langage oral, langageécrit, fonctionsexécutives, logico-maths et mémoire. Une solutionmoderne etséduisante pour vous faciliter le travail -Entièrementpersonnalisable, la solution est très facile d’accès. -Fichesdétaillées élaborées par notre équipe scientifique pour touslesmodèles d’exercices. - Possibilité de lancer instantanémentdesexercices, de préparer des séances ou des prescriptions enquelquesclics. - Suivi automatique et en temps réel des résultatsdesexercices. - Accès sécurisé permettant à vos patientsd’effectuervos prescriptions à domicile si vous le décidez.
Turn your mobile device into a remote control for yourhearinginstruments!
Запись к врачу 1.0
Запись на прием к врачу за 15 минут.Поискврача по специальности рядом с вашим метро.Врачи всех категорий и специализаций. В базе 13000 врачей, всеврачиимеют рейтинг, мы можем рекомендовать лучших.Подробная информация о каждом враче:- Специализация- Образование- Курсы повышения квалификации- Опыт работыВозможность вызвать врача на дом.Запись к врачам специальностей: акушеру, аллергологу,андрологу,анестезиологу, венерологу, гастроэнтерологу,гематологу,гепатологу, гинекологу, гомеопату, дерматологу,диетологу,иммунологу, инфекционисту, кардиологу, косметологу,логопеду, лору,маммологу, мануальному терапевту, массажисту,микологу, наркологу,неврологу, неонатологу, нефрологу, окулисту,онкологу, ортопеду,остеопату, педиатру, пластическому хирургу,проктологу, психиатру,психологу, психотерапевту, пульмонологу,ревматологу,репродуктологу, рефлексотерапевту, сексологу,стоматологу,терапевту, трихологу, узи-специалисту, урологу,физиотерапевту,флебологу, хирургу, эндокринологу.Запись на прием к врачу в Москве,Санкт-Петербурге,Екатеринбурге, Новосибирске, Перми, НижнемНовгороде, Казани,Самаре.Make an appointment toseea doctor within 15 minutes. Search by specialty physician nearyoursubway.Doctors of all categories and specializations. The databaseof13,000 doctors, all doctors have a rating, we can recommendthebest.Detailed information about each doctor:- Specialization- Education- Training courses- ExperienceThe ability to call a doctor in the house.Write to doctors specialties: obstetrician, allergist,andrology,anesthesiologist, venereal diseases, gastroenterology,hematology,hepatology, gynecology, homeopathy, dermatologist,dietitian,immunology, infectious diseases, cardiology,cosmetology, speechtherapist, Laura, mammologu, chiropractor,massage therapist,mycologist, narcology, neurology, neonatology,nephrology,optometrist, oncology, orthopedics, osteopath,pediatrician, plasticsurgeon, proctologist, psychiatrist,psychologist, therapist,pulmonologist, rheumatologist,Reproduction, reflexologist,sexologist, dentist, therapist,trihologu, ultrasound specialist,urologist , physiotherapists,phlebology surgeon,endocrinologist.Make an appointment with a doctor in Moscow, St.Petersburg,Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod,Kazan,Samara.
Logopedia - Exercizi 1.01
Con questa applicazione è possibile svolgere attività dilogopedia;scrive le vostre parole e si congratula quando si fannobuoniesercizi.È possibile ascoltare le immagini predefinite oqualsiasiparola.La versione PRO include più immagini e delle attività; Inoltretipermette di ascoltare le sue parole.L'applicazione richiede Internet per la conversione al testo;puòfare errori e non sostituisce un logopedista.Desideriamo che abbiate un buon apprendimento e diformazionedivertente - SviluppatoriWiththisapplication you can carry out speech therapy; write your wordsandcongratulated when you do good exercises.You can listen to default images or any word.The PRO version includes more images and activities; Also itallowsyou to listen to his words.This application requires the Internet for conversion to thetext;It can make mistakes and does not replace a speechtherapist.We wish you have a good learning and training fun -Developers
MedGo Chile 1.0
MedGo Chile
MedGo es la forma más rápida y confiableparaconseguir una atención en tu hogar u oficina.Encuentraprofesionales de las distintas especialidades ydisciplinas de lasalud a domicilio: Medicina General, Geriatría,Pediatría,Kinesiología, Fonoaudiología, Nutrición, Enfermería ymás.Esta aplicación esta diseñada para nuestro equipo de Salud.Através de ella, podrán recibir sus solicitudes de atención desaluda domicilio.MedGo is the fastestandmost reliable way to get care in your home or office.Findprofessionals from various specialties and disciplines ofhomehealth: General Medicine, Geriatrics, Pediatrics, PhysicalTherapy,Speech Therapy, Nutrition, Nursing and more.This application is designed for our team of Health. Throughit,they can receive their requests for home health care.
ABA Therapy Aphasia Autism 2.0
Excellent tool for Discrete TrialTraining(DTT) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Developer yoursimplestrategy to plan Discrete Trial Training (DTT) and AppliedBehaviorAnalysis (ABA) studies using 5 simple screens. This isfirst stepsin developing pre-academic and social skills usingDiscrete TrialTraining (DTT) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).Some of toolsfrom ABLLS VB_MAPP are covered. You can expand ABLLS,VB_MAPP andcan create your own tool for ABA and DTT curriculum.Specifically -helps with labeling exercises in ABLLS VB_MAPPscreenings.Improve communication, cognitive skills through our reallifepicture cue cards for oral language practice. Ideal for peoplewithstroke, aphasia, autism, traumatic brain injury (TBI), dementiaorother learning disorders and rehabilitation and Ideal for allagesand therapy (Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP),OccupationalTherapists (OT), or Special Educators, Great forstudents withattention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficithyperactivedisorder (ADHD), or any child who has trouble staying ontaskThis is a Lite version, you can upgrade to access fullcategorycards, normally used by Speech-Language Pathologists(SLP),Occupational Therapists (OT), or Special Educators. You willseetremendous improved in cognitive language and communicationskillsof your patients with stroke aphasia autism traumatic braininjuryTBI dementia or other learning disorders andrehabilitation.Various basis themes including household, school, colors,shapes,numbers, alphabets, animals is used. The opportunities areendless,one can use this app multiple ways - We have included fourbasisactivities -1. Explore - Patients can explore through the card set fromacategory2. Find it - Find an object with Visual cue with text and/oraudiocue3. Select-class - Choose specific category for a item4. Doesn't belong - Find odd itsThese are proven exercise used by Speech-LanguagePathologists(SLP), Occupational Therapists (OT), or SpecialEducators fortreatment of stroke, aphasia, autism, traumatic braininjury (TBI),dementia or other learning disorders andrehabilitationThis can be useful for several other Occupational Therapy tasks:improve word level reading comprehension, to improveverbalexpressions, Increase MLU, Word LevelIntelligibility,Confrontational Naming, word associations, wordfluency discussionsof picture description naming functions or evensimple visualcategorization and Constraint Induced Language TherapyTasksThis can be useful for several other Occupational Therapytasksimprove word level reading comprehension to improveverbalexpressions Increase MLU Word Level IntelligibilityConfrontationalNaming word associations word fluency discussions ofpicturedescription naming functions or even simple visualcategorizationand Constraint Induced Language Therapy TasksYour suggestion comments and feedback are appreciated. [email protected]
Logopädie 1.02
Mit dieser App könnenLogopädieAktivitätendurchführen können; schreibt Ihre gesprochenenWorte undgratuliertIhnen, wenn Sie gute Übungen zu machen. Siekönnendenvordefinierten Bilder oder jedes Wort zu hören.DiePRO-Versionenthält mehr Bilder und Aktivitäten; Auch erlaubtesIhnen, Ihreeigenen Worte zu hören. Die App erfordert InternetzurUmwandlungin Text; es können Fehler machen und nie eineLogopädinersetzt.Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gute Lern und lustigeAusbildunghaben -Logopädie Übungen- EntwicklerWith thisapp,speechtherapy may be able to carry out activities; writeyourspokenwords and congratulates you when you make good exercises.Youcanlisten to the predefined images or every word. ThePROversionincludes more photos and activities; It also allows youtolistento your own words. The app requires internet forconversionintotext; it can make mistakes and never replaced aspeechtherapist.We wish you a pleasant learning and have funtraining -speechtherapy Übungen- Developers