Top 10 Apps Similar to CALL KITT

KITT Rotate 1.0.6
Familiar you in Knight Rider, it is a live wallpaper oftheself-diagnostic image (wire frame) of KITT.
KITT Rotate Free 1.0.6
Familiar you in Knight Rider, you can enjoy a self-diagnosticimageof KITT (wireframe).
KITT Free 8.5
If you are a Knight Rider fan, You mayfindthis application very interesting. The best buddy that anydrivercan have, KITT is only a click away. (This application isbased onthe TextToSpeech technology. Hence the voice is NOT theoriginalvoice of KITT/KARR. If you are expecting the originalvoice, youare looking at the wrong app)Video demos on youtube voice recognition capabilities (Active internetconnectionrequired), you can command kitt/karr to a whole rangeoffunctionalities. Below are the range of functions and therelevantvoice command that are currently available.Check the current time – “Time please” or “What is the time”Initiate a voice call – “call” followed by the name as given inthecontact list (will skip if more than 10 matches are found forthegiven name)Send a SMS message – “send message to” followed by the name asgivenin the contact listSet a reminder – “set reminder” or “remind me to ” followed bythereminderSet your name – “set name” or “change name”For a range of general knowledge questions - “General knowledge”–Note: if you want kitt to repeat the question say“repeatquestion”. You have the option of answering this MCQquestions byeither saying the correct option (A, B, C or D) or thenumber(1,2,3 or 4) or even the correct answer itself (Eg:MountEverest)Increase the pitch of the voice – “Increase pitch”Decrease the pitch of the voice – “Decrease pitch”Activate voice box to KITT (the default) - “Activate kitt”Activate voice box to KARR - “Activate karr”Kitt scan Sound effect - “Scan the area”Also try the following voice commands: Who are you?, Who isMichaelKnight? What is Knight Rider?, activate kitt as karr,activate karras kitt.You can also set your own voice commands or even override theaboveonce. (Example: Voice command “I love you” response “I loveyoutoo” or even “I know!”) Use this to even ask things that youmayforget – example: When is someone’s birthday or evenananniversaryTo add a voice command: “Add voice command” or “Add voicecommand”followed by the voice command (use this command to override/modify an existing command as well)To remove a voice command: “Remove voice command”Kitt is also programmed to read out sms messages that youreceive.You have the option of replying to same if you wish to doso.say "KITT" or "KARR" as appropriate to activate the microphonetoinitiate the voice command.Select you preferred voice box mode – KITT and KARRSupports up to 5 languages – English, French, Italian, GermanandSpanish. The application will detect the selected language ofthedefault TTS and follows the same. For optimal results withthisapplication, make sure you have set the correct Voicerecognitionlanguage as well as the correct language for the text tospeechengine. (Check under settings -> voice input andoutput)Enjoy!
Assistente Kitt Kitt
L'assistente vocale ma non solo glipuoianchescrivere.... adatto a tutti, ecco Kitt.Kitt è dotato di un cervello ed è in grado dirispondereasvariate domande (Vedi sotto), Ma Kitt è anchedispostoadimparare.Di seguito una documentazione veloce per utilizzareKittalmeglio:DOCUMENTAZIONE ASSISTENTE VOCALE KITTSINTESIVOCALEGOOGLE'IMPOSTAZIONI'LINGUA E INSERIMENTO'LINGUA -> impostare su italiano'RICONOSCIMENTO VOCALE -> impostare su Google'RICERCA VOCALE -> impostare su italiano(eventualmentescaricareil File della lingua italiana)'SINTESI VOCALE -> selezionare il motore disintesivocaledesiderato e impostarlo su italianoIniziamo:1° DOMANDE PERSONALI1. Ciao kitt come stai?2. Ciao kitt come va?3. Ciao come stai?4. Tutto bene?5. Tutto bene kitt?6. Come va?7. Come va kitt?8. Come ti chiami?9. Chi sei?10. Kitt chi ti ha creato11. Ciao come ti chiami?12. Presentati13. Presentati kitt14. Sei fidanzato15. Hai la ragazza?16. Hai la macchina?17. Sei sposato?18. Sei innamorato?19. Hai la donna?20. Kitt sei innamorato?21. Kitt sei fidanzato?22. Kitt sei sposato?23. Cosa fai?24. Cosa facciamo?25. Che stai facendo?26. Kitt cosa fai?27. Kitt che stai facendo?28. Kitt cosa facciamo?29. Kitt lavori?30. Hai un lavoro?31. Ciao kitt32. Ciao33. Salve kitt34. Salve35. Buongiorno36. Buongiorno kitt37. Arrivederci38. Arrivederci kitt39. kitt ti voglio bene40. ti amo41. kitt ti amo42. Ti amo kitt43. kitt data44. Kitt ora2° DOMANDE SERVIZI1. Kitt imposta vibrazione2. Kitt imposta silenzioso3. Kitt imposta suoneria4. Kitt attiva wifi5. Attiva wifi6. Disattiva wifi7. Attiva bluetooth8. Kitt attiva bluetooth9. Attiva bluetooth10. Kit disattiva bluetooth11. Disattiva bluetooth3°DOMANDE CALCOLI SEMPLICI1. Kitt somma {numero1} più {numero2}2. Kitt sottrazione {numero1} meno {numero2}3. Kitt moltiplicazione {numero1} per {numero2}4. Kitt divisione {numero1} diviso {numero2}4° DOMANDE CALCOLI AVANZATI1. Kitt seno di {numero}2. Kitt coseno di {numero}3. Kitt radice di {numero}4. Kitt tangente di {numero}5° DOMANDE METEO1. Kitt meteo {città} ‘ RESTITUISCE IL METEO ATTUALEDELLA-CITTA’ SCELTA6° DOMANDE TIMER1. Kitt attiva timer2. Attiva timer3. Disattiva timer4. Kitt Ripeti tempo5. Ripeti tempo7° DOMANDE NOTIZIE1. Kitt politica2. Kitt cronaca3. Kitt calcio4. Kitt Tecnologia5. Kitt Economia8° CINEMA1. Kitt cinema2. Oggi al cinema3. Kitt cosa c’è al cinema9° TRADUTTORE1. Kitt traduci {frase} ‘ tradotta in inglese in automatico10° APPRENDIMENTO AUTOMATICO1. Kitt impara:- Parole Chiavi: {ParoleChiavi}- Contenuto: {Contenuto}2. Kitt ricorda {Frase da ricordare con dentro unadelleparolechiavi}3. Kitt cancella {Chiave da cancellare} ‘ Cancella solo seesistelachiaveEsempio utilizzo:1)UTENTE: “Kitt impara”Kitt: “Dimmi le Parole chiavi?”UTENTE: “{primo esempio}”Kitt: “Dimmi il contenuto che vuoi associare allachiave{primoesempio}?”UTENTE: “Oggi è una bella giornata”2) UTENTE: “Kitt ricorda il mio primo esempio di oggi”3) UTENTE: “Kitt cancella primo esempio”Kitt: “Parole Chiavi e contenuto cancellate”Se riscontrate qualche bug o avete qualcheconsigliovotatel'applicazione commentate e scrivete bug: o consigli: conquelloche avete riscontrato o vorreste che kitt facesse,grazieinanticipo.Essendo la prima versione potrebbero esserciqualchepiccolobug...Dopo qualche mese di lavoro spero che apprezziate ilfattocheabbia qualche banner pubblicitario ma siatotalmentegratuita.:)The voice assistantbutnotonly can write .... suitable for everyone, here Kitt.Kitt has a brain and is able to answer a variety ofquestions(Seebelow), But Kitt is also willing to learn.Below is a quick documentation for use Kitt best:DOCUMENTATION ASSISTANT KITT VOICEGOOGLEVOICESYNTHESIS'SETTINGS'LANGUAGE AND ENTERING'LANGUAGE -> set to Italian'VOICE RECOGNITION -> set on Google'VOICE SEARCH -> set to Italian (possibly download thefilesofthe Italian language)'VOICE SYNTHESIS -> select the speech synthesis engineyouwantand set it to ItalianLet's start:1 PERSONAL QUESTIONS1. kitt Hello how are you?2. kitt Hello how are you?3. Hello how are you?4. You all right?5. All good kitt?6. How are you?7. How's kitt?8. What is your name?9. Who are you?10. Kitt who created you11. Hello what's your name?12. Presented13. Presented kitt14. Are you engaged15. Do you have a girlfriend?16. Do you have a car?17. Are you married?18. Are you in love?19. You have the woman?20. Kitt're in love?21. Kitt're engaged?22. Kitt're married?23. What do you do?24. What do we do?25. What are you doing?26. Kitt what do you do?27. Kitt you're doing?28. Kitt do we do?29. Kitt work?30. Do you have a job?31. Hello kitt32. Hello33. Hello kitt34. Hail35. Hello36. Hello kitt37. Goodbye38. Goodbye kitt39. kitt I love you40. I love you41. kitt love you42. I love you kitt43. kitt date44. Kitt now2 ° QUESTIONS SERVICES1. Kitt sets vibration2. Kitt sets silent3. Kitt sets ringtone4. Kitt active wifi5. Turn on wifi6. Turn off wifi7. Enable bluetooth8. Kitt active bluetooth9. Enable bluetooth10. Kit disable bluetooth11. Disable bluetooth3 ° QUESTIONS SIMPLE CALCULATIONS1. Kitt sum {number1 number2} {more}2. Kitt abduction {number1 number2} {minus}3. Kitt multiplication {} to {number1 number2}4. Kitt division {split} {number1 number2}4 ° QUESTIONS CALCULATIONS ADVANCED1. Kitt breast {number}2. Kitt cosine of {number}3. Kitt root {number}4. Kitt tangent of {number}5 ° QUESTIONS WEATHER1. Kitt weather {city} 'RETURNS OF CURRENT WEATHER-CITY'CHOICE6th QUESTIONS TIMER1. Kitt active timer2. Enable timer3. Disable timer4. Repeat Kitt time5. Repeat time7 ° QUESTIONS NEWS1. Kitt policy2. Kitt chronicle3. Kitt football4. Kitt Technology5. Kitt Economics8 ° CINEMA1. Kitt cinemas2. Today the cinema3. Kitt what's at the cinema9 ° TRANSLATOR1. Kitt translate {phrase} 'translatedintoEnglishautomatically10 ° AUTOMATIC LEARNING1. Kitt learn:- Keywords: {} ParoleChiavi- Content: Content {}2. Kitt reminds {phrase to remember with inside oneofthekeywords}3. Kitt delete key to erase {} 'Delete only if thereisthekeyExample use:1) USER: "Kitt learns"  Kitt: "Tell me the keywords?"  YOU: "{} first example"  Kitt: "Tell me the content that you wanttoassociatewith the key {} first example?"  YOU: "Today is a beautiful day"2) USER: "Kitt remember my first example of today"3) USER: "Kitt clears first example"   Kitt: "Words Keys and content deleted"If you encounter any bugs or have any adviceratedtheapplication and write bug commented: or advice: with whatyouhavefound, or would you like kitt did, thanks in advance.Since the first version there may be some small bug ...After a few months of work I hope you appreciate thefactthatit has some banner ad but is totally free. :)
KITT 8.5
If you are a Knight Rider fan, You mayfindthis application very interesting. The best buddy that anydrivercan have, KITT is only a click away. (This application isbased onthe TextToSpeech technology. Hence the voice is NOT theoriginalvoice of KITT/KARR. If you are expecting the originalvoice, youare looking at the wrong app)Video demos on youtube voice recognition capabilities (A active internetconnectionis needed), you can command kitt/karr to a whole rangeoffunctionalities. Below are the range of functions and therelevantvoice command that are currently available.Check the current time – “Time please” or “What is the time”Initiate a voice call – “call” followed by the name as given inthecontact list (will skip if more than 10 matches are found forthegiven name)Send a SMS message – “send message to” followed by the name asgivenin the contact listSet a reminder – “set reminder” or “remind me to ” followed bythereminderSet your name – “set name” or “change name”For a range of general knowledge questions - “General knowledge”–Note: if you want kitt to repeat the question say“repeatquestion”. You have the option of answering this MCQquestions byeither saying the correct option (A, B, C or D) or thenumber(1,2,3 or 4) or even the correct answer itself (Eg:MountEverest)Increase the pitch of the voice – “Increase pitch”Decrease the pitch of the voice – “Decrease pitch”Activate voice box to KITT (the default) - “Activate kitt”Activate voice box to KARR - “Activate karr”Kitt scan Sound effect - “Scan the area”Also try the following voice commands: Who are you?, Who isMichaelKnight? What is Knight Rider?, activate kitt as karr,activate karras kitt.You can also set your own voice commands or even override theaboveonce. (Example: Voice command “I love you” response “I loveyoutoo” or even “I know!”) Use this to even ask things that youmayforget – example: When is someone’s birthday or evenananniversaryTo add a voice command: “Add voice command” or “Add voicecommand”followed by the voice command (use this command to override/modify an existing command as well)To remove a voice command: “Remove voice command”Kitt is also programmed to read out sms messages that youreceive.You have the option of replying to same if you wish to doso.say "KITT" or "KARR" as appropriate to activate the microphonetoinitiate the voice command.Select you preferred voice box mode – KITT and KARRSupports up to 5 languages – English, French, Italian, GermanandSpanish. The application will detect the selected language ofthedefault TTS and follows the same. For optimal results withthisapplication, make sure you have set the correct Voicerecognitionlanguage as well as the correct language for the text tospeechengine. (Check under settings -> voice input andoutput)Enjoy!
Kay10k KI3T scanner pro 1.12
Yippee Kay
KITT Scanner proNotifications-SMS : Scanner à sa vitesse maximale à la réception d'unSMSoud'un appel en absence.-SMS : Scanner speed max when SMS received or missed call.-Batterie : Vitesse du scanner dégressive en fonction del'étatdecharge.-Battery : Decreasing scanner speed depending on battery state.Contrôles- Glisser votre doigt vers la gauche pour réduirelavitesse,glisser le vers la droite pour accélérer.- Slide Left to decrease scanner speed, slide right toincrease.- Glissez votre doigt vers le haut pour augmenterlevolume,glissez le vers le bas pour le diminuer.- Slide up to increase volume, slide down to decrease.-Glissez votre doigt en haut à gauche pourouvrirl'applicationSMS.-Slide up left to open SMS application.-Glissez votre doigt en haut à droite pourouvrirl'applicationtéléphone.-Slide up right to open dialer-Glissez votre doigt en bas à gauche pourouvrirvosE-mails.-Slide down left to open e-mails application-Glissez votre doigt en bas à droite pour ouvrirlenavigateurinternet.-Slide down right to open web browser.- Pressez long pour ouvrir le panneau texte.- Long press to open text panelKITT Scanner ProNotifications-SMS: Scanner at maximum speed in an SMS or a missed call.-SMS: Scanner speed max When SMS received or missed call.-Drums: Speed ​​degressive scanner according totheloadstate.-Battery: Decreasing speed scanner DEPENDING on battery state.Controls- Slide your finger to the left to reduce speed, drag ittotheright to accelerate.- Slide Left to Decrease speed scanner, sliderightpouraugmenter.- Slide your finger up to increase volume, slide downtodecreaseit.- Slide up pour augmenter volume, slide down to Decrease.-Click Your finger on the upper left to opentheSMSapplication.-Slide Left to open up SMS application.-Click Your finger on the top right to openthephoneapplication.-Slide Up right to open dialer-Click Your finger on the bottom left to open youre-mails.-Slide Left down to open emails Application-Click Your finger on the bottom right to openthewebbrowser.-Slide Right down to open web browser.- Long Press to open the text panel.- Long press to open text panel
Otodiag 1.2
Otodiag Vehicle Control ModuleCEP TELEFONUNDAN YAPILABİLEN KONTROLLER-KUMANDALAR* Sürücü Camı Aç - Kapat* Yolcu Camı Aç - Kapat* Sol Arka Cam Aç - Kapat* Sağ arka cam Cam Aç - Kapat* Tüm camları aynı anda Aç - Kapat* Sis farlarını yak* Uzun farları yak* Sol ve sağ kısa farları ayrı ayrı yak -söndür (amerikanpolisarabaları gibi)* Tüm ışıkları yak-söndür (ön-arka sisler+uzunlar+parklar+geriviteslambaları)* Tüm sinyalleri yak söndür* Sinyalleri tek tek yak - söndür* Kapıları kilitle* Sürücü kapı kilidini aç* Yolcu kapılarının kilitlerini aç* Tüm kapı kilitlerini aç* Bagaj aç* Korna* Silecekleri çalıştır* Ön cam yıkama suyunu çalıştır* Ön camı temizle (önce silecek suyu sıkar sonrasilecekleriçalıştırır)SESLİ KONTROL - SES KOMUTLARIYLA KUMANDAYukarıda bahsi geçen tüm işlemler ses komutlarıyladayapılabiliyor.-"Camları aç" dediğinizde tüm camlar açılır.-"Kapıları kilitle" dediğinizde kapılar kilitleniyor.-"Yol verin" dediğinizde sellektör yapıyor.(party time 1)-"Hayvan herif" dediğinizde korna çalıp sellektör yapıyor- Ön cam temizle dediğinizde ön cama su sıkıpsilecekleriçalıştırıyorbunun gibi tüm kontroller ses komutlarıyla da yapılabiliyor..OTOMATİK İŞLEMLER:* Aracın kumandasından kapılar kilitlendiğinde tümcamlarıotomatik olarak kapatıyor ve sis farlarını yakıyor (followmehome)* Araç 35 km hıza çıktığında tüm kapıları otomatikolarakkilitliyor.* Belli bir hızın üzerindeyseniz ve ani fren yaparsanız, hemöndekiaraçları hemde arkadaki araçları uyarmak içinuzunlar+ön-arkasisler ve geri vites lambalarını yakıyor. (TESTAŞAMASINDA)VERİ EKRANI* Motor devri* Araç hızı (Gerçek araç hızı, göstergedeki hızdan farklı)* Motor yükü* Yakıt seviyesi(Gerçek yakıt seviyesi, LPG'li araçlarLPGtüketirken göstergedeki yakıt seviyesinin hatalıgöstermesinekarşın, burası hep gerçek seviyeyi gösterir.* Depodaki yakıt miktarı (Litre olarak)* Akü voltajı* Hararet* Avans* LTFT (Long Term Fuel Trim) - LPG'li araçlar için çok önemli* STFT (Short Term Fuel Trim) - LPG'li araçlar için çokönemli* Sürüş süresini ölçebileceğiniz bir zaman sayacı* Sürüş esnasında tüketilen yakıt miktarı (Litre-sadece benzin)NAVİ EKRANINDAN YAPILABİLEN KONTROLLER_ KUMANDALAR* Tüm camları aç - kapat* kapıları kilitle* Bagaj AçAyrıca yukarıda bahsi geçen tüm veriler naviekranındanokunabiliyor.Tüm montaj, direksiyonun sol altındaki OBDII soketinemodülüntakılması ile yaklaşık 5 saniyede tamamlanıyor.
Kay10k KI3T scanner free 1.1
Yippee Kay
Version gratuite du Scanner de KITT.Scanner KI3TVitesse / Speed- Glisser votre doigt vers la gauche pour réduire lavitesse,glisser le vers la droite pour accélérer.- Slide left to decrease scanner speed, slide right toincrease.Son / Sound- Glisser votre doigt vers le haut pour augmenter levolume,glisser le vers le bas pour le diminuer.- Slide up to increase sound, slide down to decrease.- Presser long pour ouvrir le panneau texte- Long press to open text panelFree version ofKITTscanner.Scanner KI3TSpeed ​​/ Speed- Slide your finger to the left to reduce speed, drag it totheright to accelerate.- Slide left to Decrease speed scanner, slide rightpouraugmenter.Sound / Sound- Slide your finger upward to increase the volume, drag itdownto decrease it.- Slide up pour augmenter sound, slide down to Decrease.- Long press to open the text panel- Long press to open text panel
Knight Rider Ringtone 1.0
Ringtone App
Personalise your phone with the iconic Knight Rider Ringtone.
Woody Woods 1.399
Woody Woods is the best entertainmentdealinLas Vegas!Pianist - Composer - Arranger: Jazz, Gospel,R&BandOrchestralAuthor - "Conversations with Myself... and Others"Photographer - Videographer - Documentaries.You can book the talented Woody Woods at any venuearoundtheworld. Within this app you can set a consultationappointmentforbooking, watch Woody's videos, join his Fan Club,keep up todatewith his latest events, join his mailing list, andsomuchmore!He has performed & recorded with some of the greats;Erykah Badu - Melba Moore - Jennifer HolidayBilly Preston - Albert King - Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhuru)The Four Tops - Ray Charles - Eddie 'Rochester' AndersonBobbyWomack- Abbey Lincoln (AKA Amanata Mosaka)Dee Dee Bridgewater - Al ‘Tootie’ Heath - Gerald Wilson EarthaKitt-Dizzy Gillespie - Stevie Wonder - Mel CarterThe Inkspots - The Temptations - Ima Sumac - Paula KellyErnie Andrews - Lorez Alexandria - Peter BreckChaka Khan - Mavis Staples - Martha ReevesPhil Upchurch - Albert Collins - Linda HopkinsNorman Connors - Jackie Richardson - The DriftersThe Platters (Sonny Turner - Monroe Powell & Zola Taylor)-MabelKing - Merry Clayton - Terrance BlanchardRay Brown - Carmen McRae - Skitch Henderson