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Evolution: Indian Hunter 1.2.1
SEE THROUGH THE EYES OF THE HUNTER!Customer Reviews:Feels like I'm hunting with my ancestors +++++by Colesoccer16 - Version 1.2 - May 14, 2014"Makes me feel like I'm back with my ancestors smoking tobaccoandkilling deer with my tomahawk. My great great grandfather foughtinthe creek war and looks just like the avatar in this game! Hetoldme of hunting when he had to leave toward Oklahoma and thisjustreminds me of those hard times trying to survive."We invite you to slip into the forgotten world of the LakotaSioux!Come of age, like a real Native American, proving yourtrackingskills, stalking your prey, and putting your hunting skillsto thetest in pursuit of the King of the Prairie – the buffalo.Scorpius Forge presents the first game of its brand newseries,Evolution:The year is 1835--the great wave of American pioneerspushingwest is imminent. The Indians have adapted perfectly to theprairieof the Great Plains.In the role of Chayton, the son of tribal chief andhuntingcompanion Akecheta, you will go on a traditional buffalohunt.Sneak up on dangerous animals – be careful, they have a keensenseof hearing and smell!Achieve great distinction and honor, learning to fendforyourself and even thrive as you venture through thewilderness!FEATURESo Learn how to handle the tomahawk, spear, and bow andarrowskillfully–make use of realistic flight physics and defendyourselfand your people!o Master your multifaceted hunting missions – sneak uponbuffalos, wapitis, and beavers, and slay them to nourishyourpeople!o Protect yourself from dangerous predators –rattlesnakes,wolves, coyotes, and grizzly bears are coming foryou!14 unique levels in an open and realistic 3D-world arewaitingfor you – take up the challenge and become the leader ofyourtribe!