Top 1 Apps Similar to São Paulo City Mobilidade

Pro São Paulo Mobilidade 1.3.2
DescriçãoTotal Mobilidade, Localização e apoio de urgência na CidadedeSãoPaulo e região é o objetivo deste aplicativo.Com ajuda falada em três idiomas, Inglês, Espanhol ePortuguêsousuário poderá usufruir das várias funções, daaplicação,taiscomo:1 - Para encontrar um endereço ou nome na cidade de São Paulo,doABCou na região, basta Clicar no microfone e falar oquedesejalocalizar, em seguida no botão Lupa para iniciar aoperação.Sedesejar usaro GPS, você terá o roteiro completo com orientação faladaatéchegarao local. Também pode usar no mesmo momento o StreetViewdisponívelpelo Google Maps para visualizar o local comoseestivesse ao vivono local.2 - Para chamadas de urgência ao SAMU, Polícia Militar,CorpodeBombeiros, Polícia Feminina, Polícia RodoviáriaFederalbastaclicar no botão com a imagem correspondente, sualigação seráfeitaimediatamentesem necessidade de digitar números ou localizar nos contatos.3 - Para informações dos aeroportos, situação e consultadevoos,horários e linhas de ônibus, Metrô, Terminal RodoviáriodoTietêbasta clicar no botão com a imagem correspondente eserálinkadodiretamente ao local das informações via internet.4 - Para obter Informações Meteorológicas - Clima, Tempo,Previsõesedemais informações basta clicar nobotão e obterá as informações que desejar diretamentedoInstitutoNacional de Meteorologia.NOTA: Este aplicativo também já está disponível nas CidadesdePortoAlegre e Região metropolitana, com o Título de "Teuônibus",Nacidade de Florianópolis: "Pro Floripa Mobilidade", RiodeJaneiro"Pro Rio Mobilidade", breve, em todas as cidades sedesdaCopa 2014e demais capitais e regiões metropolitanas emtodopaís.ENGLISHTotal Mobility , Location and support of emergency in the CityofSãoPaulo Brasil, is the goal of this application .With spoken help in three languages ​​, English ,SpanishandPortuguese user can make use of the various functionsoftheapplication , such as :1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo ,ABCorregion , simply click the microphone and speak what youwanttofind , then the Magnifier button to start operation. If youwishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance toreachthesite . You can also use the same time the StreetViewavailablethrough Google Maps to display the location as iflivelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency , Military Police , FireDepartment,Women Police , Federal Highway Police just click thebutton withthecorresponding image , your call will be takenimmediatelyno need to type numbers or find contacts .3 - For airport information , location and query flights,timetablesand bus lines , Metro , Bus Terminal Tietê justclickthe buttoncorresponding to the image and will be linkeddirectlyto thelocation of information via the internet .4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather , Forecastsandotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly fromtheNationalInstitute of Meteorology .DescriptionTotal Mobility, Location and support of emergency in the cityofSãoPaulo and the region is the goal of this application.With spoken help in three languages, English, SpanishandPortugueseuser can make use of the various functions oftheapplication, suchas:1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo,ABCorregion, simply click the microphone and speak what youwanttofind, then the Magnifier button to start operation. If youwishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance toreachthesite. You can also use the same time the StreetViewavailablethrough Google Maps to display the location asiflivelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency, Military Police,FireDepartment,Women Police, Federal Highway Police just clickthebutton with thecorresponding image, your call will betakenimmediatelyno need to type numbers or find contacts.3 - For airport information, location and queryflights,timetablesand bus lines, Metro, Bus Terminal Tietê justclick thebuttoncorresponding to the image and will be linkeddirectly tothelocation of information via the internet.4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecastsandotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly fromtheNationalInstitute of Meteorology.NOTE: This application is now also available in the citiesofPortoAlegre and its metropolitan region, with the title "Yourbus,"Inthe city of Florianópolis: "Pro Floripa Mobility," RiodeJaneiro"Pro Rio Mobility", soon, in all the host cities of the2014WorldCup and other capitals and metropolitan regionsacrossthecountry.ENGLISHTotal Mobility, Location and support of emergency in the CityofSaoPaulo Brazil, is the goal of this application.With help spoken in three languages, Inglês, SpanishandPortugueseuser can make use of the various functions oftheapplication, suchas:1 - To find an address or name in the city of São Paulo,ABCorregion, simply click the microphone and speak what youwanttofind, then the Magnifier button to start operation. If youwishtouseGPS, you will have the full script with spoken guidance toreachthesite. Also you can use the same team available throughtheStreetView Google Maps to display the location as iflivelocally.2 - To call the SAMU emergency, Military Police,FireDepartment,Women Police, Federal Highway Police just clickthebutton with theCorresponding image, your call will betakenimmediatelythe need to type numbers or find contacts.3 - For airport information, location and queryflights,timetablesand bus lines, Metro, Bus Terminal Tietê justclick thebuttonCorresponding to the image and will be linkeddirectly tothelocation of information via the internet.4 - For weather information - Climate, Weather, Forecastsandotherinformation simply click onbutton and get the information you want directly fromtheNationalInstitute of Meteorology.