Top 1 Apps Similar to KLU CEA

MNetra 1.0.0
MNetra is first and onlyCitizenReportingPlatform of India, which means if you have a phonewithcamera andworking internet you can be a reporter onMNetraplatform.The app will let you capture any issue withapicture/video/audio,short title and an optional description.Thereporting city andlocation is automatically registered. Oncethereport is sent, it isshared across a major segment ofrelevantaudience so that yourreport can be taken notice of andrelatedauthorities can participateto fix the issue.Currently, we are encouraging our users to focus onthreemajorareas of concern namely Pollution, CleanlinessandPublicInfrastructure.- Report an issue relevant to a major Indian mass- Participate in issues submitted by other MNetra Reporters- Share it with the relevant authorities through a publicdisplayonmaps and user interactions- Make it important and relevant through user opinions andsharingonsocial media platforms- Search for issues based on a city by city basis