Top 3 Apps Similar to My First Copy Book

My First Numberjacks App
An app to help the very youngest Numberjacks fans becomefamiliarwith numbers.
Chinese Letter Academy 1.0
 “My Chinese Copybook”, recommendedbyappstores in 14 countries as one of the “Best NewApps”,isexclusively designed for children to learn strokeorderwhenwriting Chinese characters. “Chinese Letter Academy” isanupgradedversion of “My Chinese Copybook”. In addition toadoptingthewidely recognized learning strategies, a dictationfunctionisadded with an expanded letter library Parents can nowpurchasethewords selectively according to their needs.After purchasing tokens on the app store and activatingthedownloadfunction with them, parents can select suitable wordsanddownloadthe desired items to their accounts. They can decidethedictationcontent as well. Our interactive app can turn astressfulanddreaded revision process into an interestinggame.Apart from writing characters correctly, stroke order,thewritingpattern generated according to the construction ofanindividualChinese character, is one of the most importantelementsthatchildren have to learn when mastering the art ofhandwritingfromkindergarten. Writing characters in the correctstroke ordercangreatly facilitate the learning of the spatialrelationshipsandthus produce visually appealing characters; what’smoreimportant,correct stroke order is vital for beginners tomemorizethecharacter’s composition, so that when they write theywill notmissa stroke or two.Learning to copy Chinese characters according to acertainorderprovides children with clear ideas about where to starttowrite,and the direction as well as the sequence of thestrokes.Whenchildren write on the screen of a tablet or asmartphone withtheirlittle fingers, they concentrate more onlearning the strokeorderbecause they do not have to experience thedifficulty ofholding apencil.In this system, the stroke orders are strictly basedontheLexical Items with English Explanations forFundamentalChineseLearning in Hong Kong Schools published byChineseLanguageEducation Section, Curriculum DevelopmentInstitute,EducationBureau, HKSAR in 2009, and their List ofGraphemes ofCommonly-usedChinese Characters: 2007 Re-arranged withCantoneseand PutonghuaPronunciations and Simple EnglishExplanationspublished in2012.Functions:• Commonly used words in kindergartens are available intheletterlibrary. More words are coming soon.• Parents can use tokens to pay just for the words theyneedwithoutpurchasing them all.• This program enables parents to decide thedictationcontent,making it the best revision companion fortheirchildren.• This program provides a reasonable number ofreminders.Childrencan learn the stroke order of Chinese charactersin aprogressiveway.• This program will make sure that the children canfinishwritingevery character according to the correctstrokeorder.Consequently, parents do not have to squeeze inmonitoringtheirchildren’s practice.• This exercise book can display children’sdailyaccomplishments,and even put all their work on the samecharacterin a line to showtheir progress.• There is a time limit! Seeing parents and theirchildrenfightingover the use of electronic gadgets is the lastthing wewant,because after all, we encourage children to learn withfun!Hence,we suggest that before doing the activities, parentsandchildrenagree on a time limit for the activity. Once the timeisup, thechildren should take at least a 30 minute breakbeforeworking onthe activity again.
Learn English in context 2.8
This application is free; however, itisnecessary to have an internet connection to see the videos. Alltherest of the app is included in this version including:fulldictionaries, all the games to improve your vocabulary andgrammarand nothing is locked. We got a few bad reviews before wechangedthe content and, of course, before we included all thecontent withall features unlocked.This app contains something for everyone learning English thankstothe diversity of the app's functions.The videos in the app were designed to enable any level oflearnerto understand the vocabulary in a clear context- these videos contain over 400 words, including 120irregularverbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and more...The three dictionary pages in "Learn English in context"areunique- the 1st dictionary contains the vocabulary used in the app andasimple click reveals a photograph of the word- the 2nd dictionary is 120 irregular verbs, complete withsoundfile and examples- the third dictionary is of the 36 actions from our videos."learn English in context" contains a games' page withfoureducational games designed to use the vocabulary and grammar intheapp.Our notes’ page allows users to store new vocabulary orotherpersonal notes on their device.