Top 9 Apps Similar to Arduino smart car "curious"

Smart Car 1.2
Smart Car application is usedtocontrolRaspberry PI over TCP/IP connection. This application canbeusedto control proprietary smart car's GPIO, buzzer, servomotor,RGB,LCD and the movement of the remote car through theusageofcertain TCP commands.This is to facilitate the learningtoteachelectronic hobbyist, which includes students and teenagerssotheycan easily assemble a mobile remote controllablevehicle.
Steering Wheel for Arduino Car 1.0
Steering Wheel for Arduino Car is a remote to control RCarduino,You can control the RC were made with Arduino by tilting totheright and left of your android, like when playing a carracinggame. This application sends strings via bluetoothbasedAccelerometer sensor android, message format x|y|z, examplemessage40|50|80, means that x =10           y=50           z= 80 with this information you can process into motion you madetotaste, example: void loop on arduinosketch belok = false; booleanonstop = false; void loop() { x = 0;y = 0; z = 0;if(bt.available()){ x =bt.readStringUntil('|').toInt(); y=bt.readStringUntil('|').toInt(); z=bt.readStringUntil(',').toInt(); } belok = false; onstop =false;if(x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0){ if(z < 50) // stop{analogWrite(A1,0); analogWrite(A2,0); onstop = true; } if(y >20&& !onstop) { analogWrite(A1,255); analogWrite(A2,0);belok= true; } else if(y < -20 && !onstop) // turn left{analogWrite(A1,0); analogWrite(A2,255); belok = true; }if(!onstop&& !belok){ // forwardanalogWrite(A1,255);analogWrite(A2,255); } } delay(50);}==================================
Bluino Loader - Arduino IDE 2.0
Program your Arduino with Android via USB OTG or Bluetooth
BlueRot 1.0
Con esta aplicación se puede conectarconunproyecto basado en microcontrolador/Arduino medianteBluetooth.En una única pantalla se dispone de:.- cinco botones para controlar un vehículo..- seis botones para realizar distintas funciones de control..- dos slider que proporcionan un valor BCD entre 100 y 355cadauno.Se pueden emplear para controlar, porejemplo,dosservomotores..- una pequeña pantalla para la recepción de los datosenviadosporel microcontrolador, borrable con el correspondienteboton.En la pantalla de ayuda se indican los bytestransmitidosalaccionar cada elemento.Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada dentro delGrupodeInvestigación de Automática, Procesamiento de SeñaleseIngenieríade Sistemas (GAPSIS) de la Universidad deCádiz(España).With thisapplicationyoucan connect to a project based on microcontroller /ArduinoviaBluetooth.In a unique display features:. - Five buttons to control a vehicle.. - Six buttons to control different functions.. - Two slider that provide a BCD value between 100 and355each.They can be used to control, for example,twoservomotors.. - A small screen for receiving the data sentbythemicrocontroller, erasable with the corresponding button.In the help screen the bytes transmitted to driveeachelementlisted.This application has been developed within theResearchGroupAutomatic, Signal Processing and Systems Engineering(GAPSIS)ofthe University of Cádiz (Spain).
Controle de carro arduino 20
Para funcionar, basta programar omotordoArduíno para se mover conforme as seguintes letras.F - para frenteB - para trásL - para virar para esquerdaR - para virar para direitaS - para pararTo operate,simplyprogramthe Arduino motor to move according to thefollowingletters. F - forward B - Back L - to turn left R - to turn right S - to stop
Arduino Actions 1.5.0
BlueAct Team
BlueAct is an Action based frameworkfordifferent hardware boards/kits such as Arduino ,PIC, RaspberryPietc ... ,and will let you to create an action using yoursmartphonecapabilities and integrate that with your hardware viaSerial Cableor Bluetooth .These actions include :-Voice Action: Send Voice Commands .-Playing sound : Browse your phone sound files and play wheneveryou receive signal from your hardware kit.-Vibrate : vibrate your phone.-SMS : send SMS.-Scheduler : send data at specific time of day repeatedly .-Remote : a dynamic remote controller ( each button isconfigurable) .-Accelerometer : send Accelerometer sensor data toyourMicrocontroller .For More Info and tutorial on each action visit thislink like our page :
Arduino RC car bluetooth 1.0
Simple remote control for Arduino over bluetooth controls amodelcar or similar
ENGG1100 Remote My
Steven Lau
This app makes use of thephone'sAccelerometerand Gyroscope to control 6 directions andvariousspeeds of theArduino car.Checkout another remote by Jason Choi:
Arduino Bluetooth Joystick
Use your Android device as remote for your Bluetoothenabledelectronics project