Top 11 Apps Similar to Plantas Medicinais

Alimentos e Tratamentos 1.3
Com o aplicativo do portal"AlimentoseTratamentos", você encontra tudo sobre Alimentos,Argilas,ErvasMedicinais, Tratamentos, Receitas Naturais, Notícias eDicasdeSaúde. theportalapplication"Food and Treatments", you will find everythingaboutfood, Clays,Medicinal Herbs, Treatments, Natural Recipes,HealthNews and Tips
ABC de las Plantas 1.0.42
Guía de plantas medicinales.Aplicación para cuidar tu salud con plantas medicinalesdeventaen farmacia.El ABC de las plantas es una aplicación on line que teayudaráabuscar aquella planta medicinal más adecuada para tuproblemadesalud. Encuentra por orden alfabético o buscando porproblemadesalud la solución natural que te propone Arkopharma.Lafitoterapiaestá basada en el tratamiento de las enfermedadesatravés de lasplantas medicinales. En la actualidad, lafitoterapiatambién puedecomplementar otros tratamientosconvencionales.Guide medicinal plants.Application to protect your health with medicinal plantsforsalein pharmacy.The ABC of plants is an online application that will helptofindthose most suitable for your health problem medicinalplant.Findalphabetically or health problem looking fornaturalsolutionproposed Arkopharma you order. Phytotherapy is basedonthetreatment of diseases through medicinalplants.Currently,phytotherapy can also complement otherconventionaltreatments.
Plantas Medicinales 17.0
Recopilación de 170 plantas medicinales con sus propiedades, usosyaplicaciones. Metodos de preparación de las plantas curativas.33Recetas para tomar las plantas. Esta aplicación vive delapublicidad, por favor, ayúdanos haciendo click en los anuncios.
Medicinal Plants & Remedies 1.56.282
Information about Medicinal Plants and Remedies for CommonAilments.
Living Pharmacies 1.0
Pharmacies life utilizing a portion oflandforcultivation of medicinal plants for everyday purposes.that many traditional medicines that can be used totreatvariousdiseases. Traditional medicine is generally moresecurebecause itis natural and has fewer side effects. Aadanya herbiswhy somepeople prefer taking traditional medicines.Imagine, if available in your yard Pharmacies usable lifewhenonefamily member is sick. Of course it fun. You liveretrieveitanytime, even though the night. No need to spendmoneyandguaranteed freshness due directly plucked from theplant.pharmacies life is not less beautiful as ornamental plants.Youcanalso plant it among ornamental plants or flowers thatexist.Inaddition to live plants Pharmacies are generally morerobust intheface of various plant diseases due to plant herbcontainsnaturalsubstances to deal, so you do not need to providepesticide.This application is an application offline
Plantas Medicinales
Medicinal plants are the most effective natural cureagainstdiseases.
Cultivar 2.2.1
Grow plants at home, be healthier, save and improve your income
Tips Medicinal Plants 1.0
Tips medicinal plants helps to plantherbsformedicine. Which could in plants around the house takeadvantageofpark land. Medicinal plants, or commonly abbreviatedToga isaplant that can be cultivated in the yard of the houseandhavebenefits as traditional herbal medicines.The use of plants as herbal medicine has been practicedsincethetime of ancient Egypt around 2500 BCE.Results of several studies have shown that the drug (herb)thatthepotion of traditional medicinal plants more easily digestedbythebody and do not cause side effects. Therefore we need todotipsmedicinal plants because it can help treat naturally.Alreadymanydeveloped countries began to produce medicines ofherbalmedicinalplants. In fact do not need much - much to thecountry ofpeoplewith very expensive at all, in our country is muchricherandnatural in terms of treatment. Let's identify the varioustypesofmedicinal plants in Indonesia and benefits. And we canmakethegarden the drug at home.Medicinal Plants or what we call the herb can we create aparksomany kinds of drugs and their benefits, rangingfromlightweightable to cure diseases and even disease todiseaseheavyweight. Inaddition it also has many medicinal plantsproveneffectivecompared with drugs - drugs are mixed withchemicals. Thenjusthave him some medicinal plants that you can useas ahomeAlternative Medicine. Medicinal garden and tips help maketheparkso that your garden look beautiful but can also beusefulforherbal medicine.
Plantas y Frutas Medicinales 1.1
Beneficios medicinales de plantas yfrutas.Lanaturaleza nos da a través de plantas y frutas unainfinidaddebeneficios, recursos y ayuda para el correctofuncionamientodelcuerpo humano, convirtiendo los remedios naturalesen unafarmaciaal alcance de todos, aquí te mostramos los beneficiosqueposeenestos alimentos.Podrás aprender los beneficios de plantas y frutas como:Beneficios de la manzanaBeneficios del agua de tamarindoBeneficios de la leche de cocoBeneficios del pimiento verdeBeneficios del KiwiBeneficios de la miel de abejaBeneficios de las acelgasBeneficios de la lechugaBeneficios de la mandarinaY muchos más!En una forma fácil amena y un diseño entretenido paraleer,podrásaprender muchos tips para cuidar tu salud deformanatural.medicinalbenefitsofplants and fruits. Nature gives us through plants andfruitsamyriad of benefits, resources and support fortheproperfunctioning of the human body, making natural remediesinapharmacy accessible to all, here we show you the benefitsthathavethese foods.You will learn the benefits of plants and fruits such as:Benefits appleBenefits tamarind waterBenefits of coconut milkBenefits of green pepperBenefits of KiwiBenefits of honeyBenefits of chardBenefits LettuceBenefits TangerineAnd many more!In an easy and fun way to read an entertaining design,youcanlearn many tips to protect your health naturally.
Health Benefits of Turmeric 1.3
CrisOleo Apps
Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplementinexistence. Many high quality studies show that it hasmajorbenefits for your body and brain. It is the spice that givescurryits yellow color. It has been used in India for thousands ofyearsas a spice and medicinal herb. Recently, science has startedtodiscover what the Indians have known for a long time… itreallydoes contain compounds with medicinal properties. Thesecompoundsare called curcuminoids, the most important of which iscurcumin.Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It haspowerfulanti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It isarguably themost powerful herb on the planet at fighting andreversing disease.It has so many healing properties that currentlythere have been6,235 revised articles published proving thebenefits of turmericand one of its renowned healing compounds,curcumin. This putsturmeric on top of the list as one of the mostfrequently mentionedmedicinal herbs in science and the next mostpopular studied herbsinclude garlic, cinnamon, ginseng and ginger.Out of more than 6000studies referencing curcumin, the mostinteresting finding is thatwhen turmeric is compared toconventional medicine its benefitsequal that of many pharmaceuticalmedications. In fact, a number ofstudies have even reported thatusing curcumin is more advantageousthan certain prescription drugs.Some of the most amazingdemonstrated properties include: •Destroying Multi-Drug ResistantCancer • Destroying Cancer StemCells (arguably, the root of allcancer) • Protecting AgainstRadiation-Induced Damage • ReducingUnhealthy Levels of Inflammation• Protecting Against Heavy MetalToxicity • Preventing and ReversingAlzheimer's Disease AssociatedPathologies Download this app andtake advantage of theevidence-based top health benefits of nature’smost effectivenutritional supplement.
Chazin - Chás medicinais 3.1
Bando Labs
Alguns chás são verdadeiraservasmedicinais,seus benefícios são muitos, vão desde emagreceratédiminuircolesterol por exemplo.A ideia do Chazin é muito simples: Ajudar você a escolher oseuchápelo beneficio que você está querendo naquelemomento.Estácansado? é só dar um toque em ENERGIA e o Chazin temostra oschásque vão te colocar "pra cima". Simples assim! Agora ésócomprar aerva e se beneficiar dela.Todo mundo sabe que os chás fazem bem a saúde, mas o quepoucossabemé o que cada chá pode trazer de benefício. Quando vocêentranoChazin ele logo de cara te mostra quatro opções quevocêpodeescolher: Energia / Relax / Digestão / Aliviar dor/Emagrecimento.Ao escolher uma opção o app filtra todas aservasdisponíveis quepodem te trazer aquele benefício específico.Alémdisso o Chazin temostra informações relevantes sobreaquelechazinho escolhido, comopreparar o chá e como beber.***Atenção! Chá não substitui nenhum medicamento***Some teasaretruemedicinal herbs, its benefits are many, ranging fromweightloss tolower cholesterol for example.The idea Chazin is very simple: To help you choose your teaforthebenefit you are wanting at that time. Is tired? just atouchonENERGY and Chazin shows you the teas that will get you"up."Simplelike that! Now just buy the grass and benefit fromit.    Everyone knows that the teasmakegoodhealth, but what few know is that each tea can bringbenefit.Whenyou enter the Chazin it right away shows you fouroptions tochoosefrom: Energy / Relax / Digestion / Relieving pain /Thinning.Whenchoosing an option the app filters all herbs availablethatcanbring you that particular benefit. Also the Chazinshowsyourelevant information about that chosen some tea, how toprepareteaand how to drink.***Attention! Tea does not replace any medication ***