Top 12 Apps Similar to Consejos de Vida Saludable

Consejos Saludables 1.1.45
Consejos Saludables es unaaplicaciónquecontiene miles de consejos para tu salud.Tantoconsejosalimenticios como remedios naturales que podes hacerconlas cosasque tienes en tu hogar. Si la medicina natural y lavidasana es lotuyo, deberias darle una oportunidad a esta app.Notearrepentirás.Healthy Tipsisanapplication that contains thousands of tips for yourhealth.Botheating tips and natural remedies that you prune to dowiththethings you have in your home. If natural medicineandhealthyliving is your thing, you should give it a try this app.Youwillnot regret.
HEALTY LIFESTYLE(Fitness)-2016 5.0.0
CONTENTS•20 Fitness Hacks That Will Change Your Life•Get Ready to Bare Arms With These Exercises•This Printable Circuit Workout Tones Every Inch,•Do This While Brushing Your Teeth to Tone Your Butt•This Resistance Band Workout Targets Your Entire Body•Small Lifestyle Changes That Will Improve Your Health
Mujer Holistica 2.2
¿Quieres vivir un estilo de vidasaludable,tener más energía y sentirte mejor que nunca? Únete amiles demujeres que cada día descubren cómo ser más felicesysaludables!Detrás de Mujer Holística está un grupo de profesionales de lasaludintegral dedicados a traerte consejos prácticos y fáciles deaplicara tu vida diaria.Recibirás un consejo diario sobre temas como:- Recetas vegetarianas, sanas y fáciles de preparar- Consejos para desintoxicar tu cuerpo y cómo adquirir losmejoreshábitos de alimentación- Remedios naturales que puedes preparar en casa- Consejos e inspiración para vivir una vida de abundanciayfelicidadDescarga Mujer Holística y comienza a vivir la vida que deseas,esgratis!Want to live ahealthylife, have more energy and feel better than ever? Jointhousands ofwomen every day discover how to be happier andhealthier!Holistic Woman Behind is a group of professionals dedicatedtobringing you holistic health tips and easy to apply to yourdailylife.You will receive a daily advice on topics such as:- Vegetarian recipes, healthy and easy to prepare- How to detoxify your body and how to acquire bettereatinghabits- Natural remedies you can make at home- Tips and inspiration to live a life of abundanceandhappinessDownload Female Holistic and start living the life you want,it'sfree!
Vida Saludable 1.0
Podrás utilizar las mismas funcionesquetieneel sitio web.-Tu Control Nutricional-Interactuar con tus compañeros de trabajo-Subir Fotos e imágenes-Consultas a tu Nutricionista-Consultas a tu Entrenador-Crear Eventos-Ver Artículos y contenido de tus comunidades-Yo PropongoYou can usethesamefunctions as has the website.Your Nutritional ControlInteract with your coworkers-Upload Photos and images-Inquiries To your Nutritionist-Inquiries Your Coach-Create Events-See Articles and content of your communities-I propose
30 Day Cardio Exercise workout 1.0.0S
RFit Apps
Follow our guide you to do cardio exercises at home in 30 days.StayFit !
Health Calc 3.2.1
Calculate your: * BMI (your Body Mass Index) * WHtR (WaisttoHeighTRatio) * Metabolic rate * Maximum dailycarbohydrate,protein andfats intake according to the requirementsof severaldiets:low-carb, ketogenic, Atkins, zone, and others. *Targetheart rate(THR) training zones * Ideal weight, based on wristsize* Burnedcalories * Caffeine intake recommendation * Vitaminsandmineralsdaily intake recommendation * Shows the history ofBMI,WHtR andweight entries Health calc helps you manage yourweight.Itcalculates (BMI), your waist-to-height ratio andyourmetabolicrate. Health calc also tells you your idealwaistcircumference andshows the daily caloric intake you needtomaintain your weight (orlose weight). Your gender, age andactivitylevel are taken intoaccount in the calculation as well.
inSalud 1.15
La salud es un estado de completobienestarfísico, mental y social, no solamente la ausencia deenfermedad odolencia, según la definición presentada por laOrganizaciónMundial de la Salud.El poder tener una buena calidad de vida, depende de poderprevenirlas limitaciones funcionales, la inadecuada alimentación,elsedentarismo y las enfermedades crónicas, para lo cual losestilosde vida juegan un rol trascendente.Acceda a Recomendaciones Saludables para usted y todos susseresqueridos.Recuerde tomar sus medicaciones en tiempo y forma, ya noloolvidará!Sepa más sobre su embarazo y como esta su bebe ahora consoloingresar su FUM.Sepa donde se encuentran las farmacias, los hospitales ocentrosmédicos más cercana a usted con solo un Click.Acceda al sistema desde múltiples plataformas y administre susdatosdesde la comodidad de su PC de escritorio o Notebook en elClub dela Salud ( muchas cosas más...Le damos la bienvenida a nuestro Sistema de Promoción deEstilosde Vida Saludables y Prevención de EnfermedadesCrónicas.Health is a stateofcomplete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merelytheabsence of disease or infirmity, as defined by the WorldHealthOrganization.Being able to have a good quality of life depends on being abletoprevent functional limitations, poor diet, physical inactivityandchronic diseases, for which the lifestyles are paramount.Access to Healthy tips for you and all your loved ones.Remember to take your medications in a timely manner, and willneverforget it!Learn more about your pregnancy and your baby like this nowjusttype your LMP.Know where the pharmacies, hospitals or your nearest medicalcenterswith just a click.Access to the system from multiple platforms and manage yourdatafrom the comfort of your desktop PC or Notebook in the HealthClub( much more ...Welcome to our Promotion System Healthy Lifestyles andPreventionof Chronic Diseases.
Self Care - Live Healthy 3.0
Get Aware of Yourself and Start Learning New and GoodHabitsEveryday.
Fitness Meal Planner
Simplify your fitness or bodybuildingmealplanning process with Fitness Meal Planner. Fitness MealPlannerautomatically calculates your macro needs and builds a mealplan inseconds to complement your workout!Leave the planning to us, download the Fitness Meal Planner Appandstart eating right and seeing results.In Short:• Enter basic info and fitness goals and receive a meal plan• Select the number of meals per day between 3 and 8• Set diet type and food restrictions• Have at your fingertips what you need to eat and how much ofit,always• Choose to eat what you like, substitute the rest• Tap in to our growing collection of diverse fitness mealsandtheir recipes• Edit meal times and select whether to receive reminders atmealtime• Get your weekly shopping list according to your meal plan• Have your own caloric goal and macro ratios? No Problem, Set itinthe advanced section• Want to add your own food? Sure thing! add food items andwe'llcalculate the meal plan with them for you!Download the Fitness Meal Planner!WANT THE ADS FREE VERSION? download FITNESS MEAL PLANNER-ESSENCE: us on Twitter: Facebook: out our blog and leave acomment:http://fitnessmealplanner.comFeel free to contact [email protected]
Licuados Para Bajar De Peso 4.0.0
Iwori App
Adelgazar no es una tarea fácil y máscuandonos encanta la comida poco saludable y no nos gusta muchohacerejercicios, sin embargo, últimamente vemos como muchaspersonas hantomado conciencia de lo beneficioso que es para nuestrasalud,llevar hábitos de vida saludables, que además de ayudarnosamantener nuestro peso ideal, también nos haga lucir ese cuerpoquetanto deseamos.En este momento están muy de moda las bebidas naturales, tantojugosde frutas y verduras y también las infusiones, ya que muchosdeellos nos ayudan a limpiar nuestro organismo, a mejorarnuestrosistema digestivo y lo que es mejor a bajar de peso, juntocon unaalimentación sana y ejercicio regular, y, es por eso que eldía dehoy deseo darles las recetas de 10 licuados para bajar depesonaturalmente, que les encantarán y les serán de granayuda.Weight loss is not aneasytask especially when we love unhealthy food and do not likemuchexercise, however, lately we see how many people have becomeawareof how beneficial it is to our health, lead a healthylifestyle,which besides helping us maintain our ideal weight, alsomake uslook that body we so desire.At this time are very fashionable natural beverages, bothfruitjuices and vegetables and infusions, as many of them help uscleanour body, improve our digestive system and what is best toloseweight together with healthy eating and regular exercise, andthatis why today I want to give 10 recipes for smoothies loseweightnaturally, they will love and they will be helpful.
Health Pal - Fitness Manager 5.0.06
Digit Grove
Best tool to manage and track your Walking, Workouts, Weight,Sleep& Diet
30 Day Butt Workout Challenge 1.0.0R
RFit Apps
Get fit glutes in 30 days by following our butt workouts guide!