Top 20 Apps Similar to Kuliner Yogyakarta

Jogja Istimewa
Pemda DIY
Jogja… Jogja. Jogja Istimewa.IstimewaNegerinya Istimewa Orangnya….Atau…Kalian pasti yang pernah tinggal di Jogja pasti akan menjadikankotaini tempat kembali seperti lagu Yogyakarta.Kembali ke Jogja semakin lengkap dengan aplikasi ini,mautahu?_________________________Jogja memang Istimewa, sebuah kota yang sudah pasti menjaditujuanwisata baik lokal maupun mancanegara. Yogyakarta, terletakdiprovinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sebelah selatan SemarangJawaTengah. Pusat budaya, sejarah, dan juga kuliner ada diJogja.Walau terkenal, bagaimana jika anda baru kali pertamamengunjungiJogja? Baik anda yang baru kali pertama atau yang sudahfamiliardengan Jogja, ada sebuah aplikasi pemandu yang sangat tepatbagianda para traveler.Jogja Istimewa, sebuah aplikasi mobile yang merangkum 97%Yogyakartaitu sendiri yang begitu istimewa. Fitur utama yangdisajikan adalahinformasi antara lain:- Wisata Jogja- Kuliner Jogja- Hotel dan Penginapan di Jogja- Pusat Perbelanjaan Jogja- Ensiklopedia Tentang Warisan Budaya DIY- Kerajinan Jogja- Layanan Publik di Jogja- Informasi Jadwal Pesawat Terbang- Foto Panorama 360 derajat- TV & CCTV Streaming Jogja- Jadwal Event menarik di Jogjadan…masih banyak lagi, dan yang pasti anda tidak akan tersesatdiYogyakarta dengan Jogja Istimewa Apps.Jogja ... Jogja.JogjaIstimewa. Their land Orangnya special privilege ....Or…You must ever live in Yogyakarta will surely make it the back likeasong Yogyakarta.Back to Jogja addition to this application, want to know?_________________________Jogja Istimewa indeed, a city that has definitely become atouristdestination both locally and overseas. Yogyakarta, locatedin theprovince of Yogyakarta Special Region south of Semarang,CentralJava. Center of culture, history, and also culinaryinYogyakarta.Although well-known, what if you are the first time to visitJogja?Whether you are the first time or who are familiar withJogja,there is a very precise guide app for you the traveler.Jogja Istimewa, a mobile application that encapsulates97%Yogyakarta itself is so special. The main feature istheinformation presented, among others:- Visit Yogyakarta- Culinary Jogja- Hotel and Accommodation in Yogyakarta- Shopping Center Jogja- Encyclopedia About Heritage DIY- Craft Jogja- Public Service Jogja- Schedule Information Aircraft- Panorama 360 degree photos- TV & Streaming CCTV Jogja- Event Schedule draw in Jogjaand…there are many more, and you certainly will not get lost inJogjaIstimewa Yogyakarta with Apps.
Explore Yogyakarta 1.2.2
Aplikasi travel yang menyuguhkantempatdestinasi wisata di provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Andadapatmelihat foto, deskrpisi, gallery, popularitas tempatwisatatersebut dari banyaknya orang yang mengunjungi, terdapattampilandalam bentuk peta sehingga user dapat melihat jauh dekatnyatempatwisata dari lokasi pengguna. Pengguna juga dapatberkontribusidengan menyarankan tempat wisata baru atau menambahkanfoto gallerytempat wisata tersebut.Travel applicationsthatserve places of tourist destinations in the province ofYogyakartaSpecial Region. You can view photos, deskrpisi, gallery,thepopularity of these sights from the many people who visit, thereisa display in the form of maps so that the user can see thenearbysights away from the user's location. Users can alsocontribute bysuggesting new sites or add a photo gallery of thetouristattractions.
Jogja Guide 1.1.0
Jogja Guide memudahkan kamu untuk menemukan wisata-wisata diDaerahIstimewa Yogyakarta. Terdapat fitur gambar, lokasi,deskripsiwisata, nomor kontak wisata dan informasi pendukunglainnya. Kamubisa memilih lokasi wisata terdekat atau berdasarkankategoriwisata yang dipilih. Selain itu, terdapat tempat pendukung,sepertiinformasi taksi dan informasi money changer. Jika ada spottambahanseperti restaurant, cafe, rental mobil, rental motor dantempatmenarik lainnya yang ingin kamu masukkan dalam Jogja Guide,silakanhubungi kami via menu Tentang.
Peta Jogja 1.1.1
Bahasa IndonesiaAplikasi ini sangat bermanfaat untuk memberikaninformasiterkaitberbagai tempat menarik di Jogjakarta dan kotasekitarnya.Di sini,anda bisa mencari banyak informasi mengenaitempat wisata(sepertipantai, candi, dll.), hotel, kuliner lokal(makanan &minuman),lokasi untuk olahraga, tempat belanja dandunia malam,transportasiumum, layanan publik (termasuk kantorpolisi dan rumahsakit),bank, dan pom bensin (SPBU).EnglishThis application is really helpful give you informationaboutvariouspoint of interests in Yogyakarta and thesurroundingcities. Here,you'll be able to search a lot ofinformation aboutcities touristattraction (like beaches, temples,etc.), hotel,local culinary (food& drink), sport venue,nightlife andshopping places, publictransportation and service(includingpolice station and hospital),bank, and gas station.Features :* Point of interests detail screen (address,distance,description,image, website link, phone number, and ratingfromGoogleMaps)* Favorite list* Geolocation* Interactive map with clickable spots and multiplelayers(normal,satellite, hybrid, terrain)* Navigate to the location* Share spot* Support for metric and imperial units* App works in both offline and online mode* Responsive design and tablet support (portrait,landscape,handlingorientation change)* Support for high-resolution displays (xxxhdpi)* Multi-language support : English, Indonesian,Malay,French,German, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino,Hindi,Thai,Russian, Spanish, Portuguese andArabic(automaticallydetected)* Mini Dictionary* Call Taxi* Emergency NumberIndonesianThis application is very useful to provide informationrelatedtovarious places of interest in the city ofYogyakartaandsurrounding areas. Here, you can find a lot ofinformationaboutthe tourist attractions (such as beaches, temples,etc.),Hotel,local culinary (food & beverage), location forsports,shoppingand night life, public transport, publicservices(including policestations and hospitals), banks and petrolstations(gas stations).EnglishThis application is really helpful give you informationaboutvariouspoints of interests in Yogyakarta and thesurroundingcities. Here,you'll be Able to search a lot ofinformation aboutCities touristattraction (like beaches, temples,etc.), hotel,local culinary (foodand drink), sport venues,nightlife andshopping places, publictransportation and service (Includingpolice station and hospital),banks, and gas station.Features:* Point of interests detail screen (address,distance,description,image, website link, phone number, and ratingfromGoogleMaps)* Favorite list* Geolocation* Interactive map with clickable spots and multiplelayers(normal,satellite, hybrid, terrain)* Navigate to the location* Share spot* Support for metric and imperial units* App works in both offline and online mode* Responsive design and tablet support (portrait,landscape,handlingorientation change)* Support for high-resolution displays (xxxhdpi)* Multi-language support: English, Indonesian, Malay,French,German,Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Hindi,Thai,Russian,Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic(automaticallydetected)* Mini Dictionary* Call Taxi* Emergency Number
eatjogja 1.2.4
Aplikasi ini adalah teman baru darieatjogja.Sebelumnya eatjogja sudah eksis lama di ranah website yangbisakalian kunjungi di Dan beberapa waktu yanglalujuga mulai merambah dunia Instagram dengan nama akun yangsamayaitu eatjogja. Kini sahabat baru eatjogjamelengkapisaudara-saudara eatjogja sebelumnya. Dengan aplikasiandroideatjogja, diharapkan para pengunjung kota Jogja tidakmerasakebingungan lagi ketika mencari tempat kuliner yang tersebarluasdi seluruh wilayah Jogja.Ada beberapa fitur yang menarik dari aplikasi eatjogja.1. Kalian akan disuguhi gambar yang bisa bikin kalian ngilerdanberhasrat untuk mengunjunginya.2. Aplikasi eatjogja membagi kawasan kulinernya berdasarkanwilayahProvinsi DIY seperti Kota Jogja, Sleman, bantul, GunungkiduldanWates.3. Setiap Lokasi akan kalian temukan deskripsi singkatmengenaiwarung atau kedai yang ingin kalian kunjungi seperti fototempatmakan, alamat, no telp, lokasi dan sedikit perkenalantentangwarung atau kedai yang kalian kunjungi.4. Peta interaktif yang menunjukan spot-spot dan area kulinerdisekitar kalian. Peta ini dapat mengukur jarak kalian denganlokasiterdekat dari spot kuliner yang ada.5. Fitur peta ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai navigasi untukmenujutempat kuliner yang ingin kalian kunjungi.6. Fitur Push Notification setiap ada update tempatmakanbaru.Semua kebutuhan kuliner Jogja akan kalian temukan disini.Selamatberkunjung ke Jogja. Nikmati sensasi kuliner kota Jogja yangselalubikin kangen dan ingin selalu kembali.Apabila kafe, warung, kedai atau restoran Anda ingin menjadibagiandari eatjogja, jangan sungkan-sungkan untuk menghubungikami.Click Before You Eat..Salam kuliner dari EatjogjaWebsite : www.eatjogja.comEmail : [email protected] : @eatjogjaTelp. +628562927762
Amazing Sleman
Amazing Sleman Sleman travel guide / tour jogja in the clutch.
Wisata Kuliner 1.0
Informasi untuk para penikmat wisata dan kuliner Indonesia.Ketahuiwisata dan kuliner di Indonesia yang beragam SelamatMenikmantiwisata dan kuliner di Indonesia.
PergiKuliner 5.0.82
Cek PergiKuliner sebelum Pergi Kuliner! -Info tersediau/Jabodetabek, Bdg, Sby
Maps Speedometer 9.18
Maps Speedometer shows your current speed in any app
Hi Jogja 3.0
Telkom RDC
Jogja is one of the world's touristdestinationfamous for its unique culture and natural resources.HiJogja is anapplication which provides the most completeinformation about pointof interest in Jogja. This application canbe used by tourists totravel to Jogja. Hi Jogja help people tofind restaurants,attraction place, hotels, shopping place, andother top destinationwhich people often to visit. We also providetransportation infothat easy to use which includes navigationinformation how to getthe location from tourist' location.Developed by : Telkom IDeC
Tools for Google Maps 5.40
Simão Lúcio
Tool to highlight, edit and capture maps from Google Maps
GPS MAP Mobile 1.0
GPS MAP Mobile is mobile mappingserviceapplication and technology provided offering satelliteimagery,street maps, and Street View perspectives, as well asfunctionssuch as a route planner for traveling by foot, car,bicycle or withpublic transportation. Live MAPS locator for urbanbusinesses andother organizations in numerous countries around theworld.One of the neat features of Google Maps / Google Earth istheability to get a street view of many urban and suburban areas.Thestreet view is an actual photograph shot with an ImmersiveMediacamera that delivers a 360 degree image of thesurroundings.Street View - Walk Down Your Street With Google MapsWe all love their traffic alerts, but how exactly doesGoogleMapsknow how clogged the highway is on your way out of townthisweekend?Features,• How to Get Latitude From Google Maps• How to Use Coordinates in Live Maps• How to Find Latitudes & Longitudes forMultipleAddresses• How to Convert Google Maps CoordinatesNOTE : This is Contents Application. It gives youinformationregarding GPS MAP Mobile
GPS Photo Viewer 1.4.2
Edit photo's latitude and longitude. Support batch processing.
Maps GPS Places 1.8
Registren la empresa donde trabajan:GPlaceS surgió como un proyecto que busca aprovechar al máximolalocalización GPS y Google Map v2. Si eres un empresario osoloalguien que desea registrar una cuenta para una empresa ygestionartodos los servicios que ofrece dicha empresa, ya quetendrás elcontrol de tu cuenta y de los productos o servicios quepublicasserán administrados por el dueño de la cuenta.Pero si eres un usuario que desea calificar o votar porlasempresas que se encuentran registradas, podrás registrar unacuentade usuario la cual te permitirá calificar a lasempresasregistradas desde 1 a 5 estrellas y muy pronta, podrásopinar sobrelas empresas que calificas.GPlaceS se encuentra en fase beta, es por ello que concadapersona que registre su empresa en nuestra base dedatos,lograremos una aplicación estable y con muchos lugaresdondeescoger. por lo que pido a las personas que votan con unaestrella,piensen primero que esta aplicación tiene sus bases dedatosintactas y que entre mas empresarios conozcan esta app,masopciones de búsqueda exitosas tendrán. GPlaces se encuentraendesarrollo y por el momento las cuentas son gratis.Características*Registrar cuenta gratis*Localización GPS de tu empresa en cualquier parte delmundo.(Google Map)*Registro de varias categoría para tu empresa (Hotel,Restaurante,Soda)*Registro de productos o servicios*Estado de empresa open/closed*búsqueda por categoría, distancia, cantidad de resultadoycoordenada.*Calificación a lugares visitados*Información de la empresaMuy pronto se podrán comprar productos y servicios desde lamismaaplicación.Record the companywherethey work:GPlaceS emerged as a project that seeks to maximize theGPSlocation and Google Map v2. If you are a businessman orjustsomeone who wants to register an account for a company andmanageall the services offered by the company, as you will havecontrolof your account and the products or services you post willbeadministered by the account holder.But if you're a user who wishes to qualify or vote forthecompanies that are registered, you can register a useraccountwhich will allow you to qualify from the registered from 1to 5stars and very prompt companies can review the companiesthatqualify.GPlaceS is in beta, which is why each person registeringyourcompany in our database, we will achieve a stable and plentyofplaces to choose application. so I ask people to vote with astar,think first that this application has data bases intact andthatthe more entrepreneurs know this app, more options havesuccessfulsearch. GPlaces is under development and currentlyaccounts arefree.Features* Register Free Account* GPS of your company at any location in the world.(GoogleMap)* Record multiple categories for your business (Hotel,Restaurant,Soda)* Registration of products or services* Company State open / closed* Search by category, distance, number of resultsandcoordinate.* Rated to places visited* Company InfoSoon be able to buy products and services from thesameapplication.
3D Maps Street panorama view 1.0
3D Mapsgoogle maps street view and share the world panoramaStroll through the streets of the worldCustomized street viewand more of themGermany : BerlinAndorra in Andorra La VellaAlbania: TiranaAustria : ViennaBelarus : MinskBelgium : BrusselsBosnia and Herzegovina: SarajevoBulgaria : SofiaBbritany and dirty Agenda: LondonCzech Republic: PragueDenmark : CopenhagenEstonia : Tailor 'sFinlandia HelsinkiFrance ParisCroatia : ZagrebNetherlands: AmsterdamRepublic of Ireland: DublinSpain: MadridSweden: StockholmSwitzerland : BernItaly : RomeIceland : ReykjavikCyprus : NicosiaGCA : NicosiaLettony in RigaThe Principality of Liechtenstein VaduzLithuania: VilniusLuxembourg : LuxembourgHungary : BudapestMacedonia : SkopjeMalta : VallettaMoldova: ChisinauMonaco: MonacoNorway : OsloPoland : WarsawPortugal : LisbonRomania : BucharestRussia : MoscowSan Marino Republic of San MarinoSerbia and Montenegro : BelgradeSlovakia : BratislavaSlovenia : LjubljanaTurkey AnkaraUkraine : KievGreece : Athens
GPS Map Camera 1.8.2
Add Map/Address/LatLng/Weather/Date to your photo whencameracapture.
GPS Navigation That Talks 11.0
GPS Navigation and maps is The World’s Most Installed online
GPS Map 27.0.7
GPS Map is a free, advertising supported app that allows you todoawesome things with a map powered by Google on Android devices.Fora price, you can get GPS Map Pro which is identical withouttheadvertising banner.Activities are organized into the following categories:* Search - Find new Placemarks by address, or coordinates.* My Location - Center or mark your place quickly, toggleReal/Mocklocation, Search nearby, and Share your location.* Layers - Allows you to toggle the visibility of MyLocation,Placemarks, Satellite, Traffic, Track, and Routelayers.* Placemarks - View list, Center, Change location, use asMocklocation, Navigate to, Route to, Search nearby, Street View,andShare* Routes - View list, Change color, Details, Hide, ShowandShare* Tracks - View list, Start/Stop Recording, Change color,Graph,Tour on Google Earth, View at Human, Land, and Plane speed,andShare* Images - View list, set Default for Marker, Import as aMarker,Import location from Image* Markers - View list, Edit/Delete/Hide/Show groups ofPlacemarks,Markers created for each Import* Compass Mode - All visible layers rotate instead of MyLocationarrow rotating towards north* Copyright - All the legal copyright and disclosure stuff* Data Management - Import/Export/Manage data* Help - A quick introduction, the FAQ, and links to otherhelpfulcontent about GPS Map* Preferences - Adjust update time, long press time, thevisibilityof various items and featuresUse almost any image from your Camera, Gallery, or file browsingappto create a Marker for a Placemark on the map. Imagescontaininglocation information can be imported as Placemarks withtheir imageas the Marker on the map.GPS Map has the following features:* Easy to search for a location by address, placemark name,orlatitude, longitude.* Import/Export your Placemarks - GPSMap GPS, Garmin CSV,GeocodeGEO, Google Earth/Google Maps KML,GPS Exchange GPX filesandTomTomASCII* Imports the location and image from a photograph to createaPlacemark on the map with the Image as the Marker* Able to view Placemarks, Routes and Tracks with GoogleEarth* Able to be taken to Google Street View for a Placemark(ifavailable)* Able to use Placemarks to start a navigation app likeGoogleNavigation* Export to Google Drive Fusion Tables with an activeGmailaccount* Creates Tours for Google Earth based upon your recorded TrackWorks best with:* Google Earth, Google Maps, Google Street View installed.GPS location service enabled.Visit information.
Street Panorama View 4.4.1.GMS
Travel the world while sitting at home
Voice GPS Navigation & Map
New features added in version 2:- Route Finder (Navigation)- Near by : get near by school, parks, hospital, restaurant,banks,atm, gas stations, shopping malls, railway stationsetc.- Current location: get your current location in text form andshareit with your friends .App features :- Speak to search between 2 places, route, Map andnavigation.- Search is integrated between current location todestinationlocation by default. You can replace the currentlocation withother location too.- Easy and quick to search.- Use of Google Map Service and navigation- Detailed features of Near By search with real user ratingsandcomments.- Get navigation between 2 destination by setting destinationswithin the app in Route Finder. Get shortest and best route withroutefinder.Just speak out California and you'll instantly get the locationandnavigation from your current location to California.