Top 15 Apps Similar to Hide online for WhapsApp

Hide online in Whatsapp Hide Online in Whatsapp 1.10
That makes?The application makes your other contacts can not see if youareOnline while you write and read in Whatsapp.As it does?The application basically detects the opening and closing oftheWhatsApp to perform certain actions and not be detected byothersonline. When you open the application WhatsApp theapplicationquickly disables the wireless network and the datanetwork and toclose the Whatsapp reactivated does it work?This application has the function deactivation (Wi-Fi) andmobiledata network at the time when the WhatsApp application isused,giving the user to explore the application with the freedomto readand respond to messages while remaining disconnected forWhatsAppall users and then to be closed this application, thewirelessnetwork and mobile data network will be active againwithin acertain period of time with the actual sending of messagesthat havestopped sending. This process is completelyautomatic.What time reactivated the Wi-Fi network and the datanetwork?This function is accomplished in a period of 15 seconds.Can people know when I'm online?No, in no time it will be connected. But if you read amessageand then close the application WhatsApp and Wi-Fi and mobiledatanetwork is activated, it will reflect the blue doublecheck.My last date of connection is reflected?No, it will not be reflected long as Hide Online in WhatsAppisactive.You can disable?Yes. on the interface there is a check to stop openingdetectingWhatsapp application.
Unseen - No Last Seen 3.1.1
No last seen, no blue double tick and no last read!
Hide Blue ticks, no last seen 1.5
WhatsApp incognito reader. No blue ticks, no last seen!Deletedmessages also!
WhatsHide - block last seen 6.0
Nabil Titou
No quieres que nadie te vea en línea en Whats App? ésta es sindudauna de las mejores apps para poder esconder tu estado deWhatsapp ygratuita que se encuentra en el Market.Sólo basta con abrir WhatsApp desde el menu de WhatsHide y leerocontestar tus conversas, y una vez salgas de la app, tusmensajesse enviaran y nadie se habrá enterado de tu conexión aWhatsApp.Para cualquier sugerencia contacta donotwant anyone to see online at Whats App? this is certainly oneofthe best apps to hide their status and free WhatsApp found intheMarket.Just simply open WhatsApp from the menu WhatsHide and read oransweryour converts, and once you leave the app, your messageswill besent and no one aware of your connection to WhatsApp.For any suggestions contact me at
Who viewed me for WhatsApp 2.1
Ever wondered if it is possible tohackWhatsApp conversations? Well, the answer is no! The entire dataiskept secure with layers of security on top of it. But herecomeprobabilistic algorithms for the rescue, we churn out numbersandanalyze all the limited data we have to try and solveyourqueries.This is one of the best simulation of tracker for WhatsAppandtracks profile stalkers, blockers etc. We are stillevolvingtechnically so the algorithms are not yet perfect, hencetheresults are not 100% correct.Key Features are:1) Who viewed my Profile: The most prominent simulationfeatureof the app, on the basis of data crunching for the last 1month, wetry to come up with a list so that you can have a quicklook at whovisited your profile. The time of visit is shownday-wise exceptfor the last 24 hours.2) Secret Admirers: If you ever had the question, who caresaboutme the most on WhatsApp then this section is for you. Basedon thenumber of profile views per person in recent times, wecurate asimulated catalog of 5 prominent well-wishers. The numbermayincrease in future.3) Stalker Detector – On the basis of the score generatedbycalculating the probability of frequent visits, analyzingintervalbetween views, probable time of view etc. we try togenerate asimulated list of probable stalkers! We also provide thescores ona scale of 100 so that the users can themselves have alook at thevalues and decide.4) WhatsApp Block Checker – With all the limited data we have,wetry to analyze the infrequency of visits by someone, the lastseenby that person etc. to come up with this simulated record ofprofileblockers.Also note that, the application will not show you the fulllistof stalkers, visitors etc., you will need to buy the upgrade toseethe full list. Also we respect your privacy and therefore we donotshare any user information (including contacts information,calllogs etc.) with any third party, these are just used byourprobabilistic algorithm.Disclaimer: This app and its makers are not sponsored orendorsedby, or affiliated with WhatsApp.This is a light hearted simulation and is intended forentertainmentpurposes only.
Double Check Blue for WhatsApp Double
Double Check Blue for WhatsAppRead your WhatsApp messages in incognito mode, and hideBlueDouble CheckNo double check. And definitely no blue double check. So verysimpleas that.No need to remove the internet connections or be in offlinemode,you can hide your WhatsApp status with internet while readingyourmessages.You can safely read your WhatsApp messages with ourapplication.Your friends will never know you read them. Wheneveryou want, justopen WhatsApp to be able to reply as usual. Only atthat point,when you open Whatsapp, you will leave our Incognitomode, so yourcontacts will see the blue double check. They will notknow youalready read them before. It works too with hide lastseenwhatsapp.No read receipts, no blue check marks, no check ticks, noblueticks or last seen connection.Recomended: Rread your messages in Incognito mode and gotoWhatsApp when I'm ready to reply. Very simple.
WhatsTracker 1.3
Samer Diab
**App Is Not Working Anymore , mightupdatesoon**You have to update the app to latest version or it willnotwork.Before giving the app a 1 start and saying it is notworkingproperly please READ the following.This tool will help you track a number's activity on WhatsApp,the app will give you exact details of a user's activity evenwhenLastSeen is set to nobody and the app does not require WhatsApptorun .The app will display a log of All activity and a log of thecurrentday activity .To track a number simply add the contact and let the trackingbegin. If the number is already being tracked data will bedisplayeddirectly , but if the number is new , you will need towait sometime until it gets verified which usually takes 4 to 7minutes ORsometimes more !(Some times numbers take a lot of time togetverified so please be patient). Now when tracking a new number,the data will not be displayed directly , you need to waituntilthe user is online . As soon as the user gets online the appwillshow at what time he got online and if user is still online ,theapp will say "Still Online" , once the user is offline the appwilldisplay at what time the user got offline.FAQ:Q:Will the app show me online on WhatsApp ?A:The app does not require whats app to load , so it will nottakeyou online.Q:Why is the data not showing for valid user ?A:Maybe the user has WhatsApp+ installed and the LastSeenwashidden.Q:Why is the log time incorrect?A:Make sure your phone's date and time are correct.If you have a question that is not answered or need helphereplease contact by mail ."Some people laughed at the idea , but i sticked to it"-SamerDiabLebanese Developer
Last Seen Tracker 1.0
This application is 100% working app .. itusethe Last seen Api to track last seen for contacts and it usethelast uploaded data in WtsApp.Last seenTracker is an app that obtain the WtsApp last seentimeand date according to the Last seen Api.It's a tool that allows to track when the user is onlineoroffline, whether the user has the "last seen" hidden or not.Forusers who have active the last time online, it is not veryuseful,as anyone can see when was the last time he was online. Butthistool also lets you know when was the last time of a user with'lastonline' hidden.Use it now maybe later WtsApp will change the Api andstopped
Whats Chat App Transparent 1.2
Gunro Studio
Whats Chat App Transparent is anapplicationwhich makes the look of the your Chat App ( Messenge,BB, WA )become transparent so that the background wallpaper youfollow, sothe appearance will look more attractive, elegant, andkeep itsimple.Feature :- Messenge Transparent Theme- BB Transparent Theme- WA Transparent Theme- There is no root access required- Easy to install and useTry this application on your phone,enjoy your happy day&don't forget to give 5 star to make this app better .thanks!
WhatsHide for WhatsApp
The app lets you hide your Profile picture/Last seen / Status from some set of people.One important thing you need to do is to keep yourWhatsapp'sprivacy setting to 'My contacts'.The app will add the respective contact from Whatsapp toyourWhatsHide's contact list.If you want to hide your Profile picture / Last seen / Statusfromthat contact, The app will help you in easy deletion ofcontactfrom your Phone's contact memory. Because the contact is nomoreavailable in the Phone's contact memory and your Whatsapp'sprivacyis only limited to your contacts. The person cannot seeyourProfile picture / Last seen / Status.You can make a call to that person using this app if the contactishidden. If you want to add that contact back in your Phone'smemoryyou can do it by a single button click with the help ofthisapp.
Free WhatsDog 2016 1.3.0
You are going to catch him/her onlineandhe/she is not going to notice that is under surveillance thankstoWhatsDog. You’ll be able to text your contact immediatelyandhe/she won’t be able to tell you that he/her didn’t seeyourWhatsApp message.Why should I use WhatsDog?– No more excuses!– Because your boyfriend/girlfriend won’t be able tolieanymore!– Because you will be capable of monitoring if he/she wentoutyesterday!– Because you’ll be alert: you’ll know when WhatsApp is openedbyyour contact!You are going to catchhim/ her online and he / she is not going to notice that isundersurveillance thanks to WhatsDog. You'll Be Able toImmediatelycontact your text and he / she will not be Able to tellyou that he/ her did not see your WhatsApp messages.Why should I use WhatsDog?- No more excuses!- Because your boyfriend / girlfriend will not be Able tolieanymore!- Because you will be capable of monitoring if he / she wentoutyesterday!- Because you'll be alert: you'll know when WhatsApp is openedbyyour contact!
Network Connections
Reveal The Secret Connections Of Your Apps!
Backup Text for Whats 1.8.4
Backup Text for Whats allows you to export your Whats messages!
Trucos para whatsapp 1.1
*** App en español ***El 99,9% de los usuarios de un smartphone tienen instaladalaaplicación más conocida de mensajería, whatsapp. Éstacadadía va creciendo y ampliando sus funcionalidades así comoañadiendonuevos servicios para el usuario como son las llamadas, elenvío degifs, videoconferencias, etc ...Todos los trucos y consejos incluidos en esta aplicación sonmuysencillos de usar por lo que cualquiera puede ponerlos enprácticasin apenas dificultad. Pruébalos y convéncete por timismo/a!La aplicación de whatsapp se ha convertido enunimprescindible para todos y con esta herramienta dejará detenersecretos para ti. Ten al día la seguridad, algo muyimportante,protege tus conversaciones, evita que puedan leerte … unsinfín deposibilidades que seguro no conoces y te ayudarán a sacarel mejorrendimiento a la app.Seguro que te has encontrado con algún problema o has queridohaceralguna cosa en concreto con la aplicación pero no has sabidocomohacerlo. Con trucos para whatsapp encontrarás lasolución atodo esto y más. Descubre todo lo que puedes llegar ahacer con laaplicación, te sorprenderás !Trucos para whatsapp incluye entro otros, estostrucos:✔ Apps para espiar.✔ Ocultar tu estado.✔ Cómo tener 2 Cuentas en el mismo móvil.✔ Instalar en una tablet.✔ Usa un número de teléfono diferente.✔ Enviar un archivo mp3.✔ Eliminar virus de la aplicación.✔ Instalar la aplicación en un ordenador.✔ Saber si te han bloqueado.✔ Liberar espacio en el móvil.✔ Mover conversaciones a otro móvil.✔ Envío de mensajes múltiples.✔ Bloquear la aplicación a otro contacto.✔ Cambiar la imagen de perfil de un amigo.✔ Aviso de cuando se conecta un contacto.✔ y más ...Esta herramienta se va actualizando con los nuevos trucos quevanapareciendo para estar totalmente al día.No esperes más y descarga ahoraTrucos parawhatsapp,aprenderás a sacarle partido al 100% a laaplicación.----------------------------------------------------En este sitio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en:
2Accounts - Dual Apps Space 3.6.1
Do you have two accounts for Whatsapp and are tired ofswitchingaccounts throughout the day? Do you find it hard to managetwophones at the same time to keep up with both your work andpersonalsocial accounts? Do you play multiple accounts of the samegame andwish that you could log on to all accounts at the sametime?2Accounts is the perfect solution for your problem! Users canuse2Accounts to log into two accounts of the same app on asingledevice. 2Accounts enables two accounts to run in aparallelenvironment. This ensures that the app data is storedindependentlyand that you won’t miss a single notification fromeach app.Highlight features of 2Accounts: 👍🏼 Clone popular socialmedia apps(Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc.) and gaming apps(Clash ofClans, Lords Mobile, FreeFire, LOL, etc.) 📱 Switch quicklybetweentwo accounts on one phone 😎 Easy to manage work and personallife 🔒All data is stored separately and won’t interfere with eachother⭐️VIP features are available to subscribers: 🔐Secret ZoneandSecurity Lock: Enhanced privacy with a security lock to protectallyour apps. This feature is very helpful if you use a sharedworkphone. 😉 Multiple accounts: Enjoy cloning multiple appswithoutlimits! Follow our Facebook page for tips Notes: · Permissions: 2Accountshasapplied for many system permissions to ensure thatapplicationscloned in 2Accounts will run normally. For example, if2Accounts isnot permitted to acquire the camera permission, youwill be unableto use camera functions. 2Accounts does not collectany personalinformation and is designed to protect privacy. ·Malicious viruswarning:We found that some antivirus software canpop up a viruswarning. This is because 2Accounts applies for systempermissions.If you experience this situation, please reach out toour customersupport team and leave the name of the antivirus app.2Accounts isa completely safe application and we will work toappeal thewarning. · Notifications: Please add 2Accounts to thewhitelist toensure that you receive the notifications of somecloned apps. Ifyou have any questions or suggestions, please clickthe Feedbacktab within 2Accounts or send an e-mail to our customersupport [email protected]. We are more than happy to helpyou!