Top 17 Apps Similar to طرق تخفيف آلام الدورة الشهرية

الحاسبة الورديه menstrual cycl 1.1.5
Ramz IT
Offline, simple, easy and clean menstrual cycle period tracking 🌹
Period Tracker Clue: Period & Ovulation Tracker 102.0
BioWink GmbH
Clue is a period tracker and ovulation appthatuses science and data to help you discover the unique patternsinyour menstrual cycle. Use Clue to remind you about your period,PMS,ovulation and fertility.Clue is rated as the top free period tracker app by thejournalObstetrics & Gynecology, a publication of the AmericanCollegeof Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).Use Clue to:+ Track when your next period is coming.+ Get calendar reminders before your next period, PMSandovulation.+ Track sex, pain, moods, cervical fluid, and more.+ Log your birth control, or plan for pregnancy.Clue also includes:+ The guarantee of no flowers, butterflies, euphemisms or pink-ever.+ In-depth information about the menstrual cycle, completewithmedical and scientific references.+ Dozens of ways to track your health, including period, PMS,birthcontrol, ovulation, cramps, emotions, skin, hair, sleep,exercise,and more.+ Analysis of your current and past menstrual cycles, along withanoverall average, to easily observe trends.+ The fastest data entry of any period tracker.+ An algorithm that learns from the data YOU input. The more youuseit, the smarter it gets.Please note: Clue – Period Tracker is not a contraceptive.**Please say hello**We love hearing from Clue users. Send your feedback, questionsandsuggestions to [email protected].**Want more Clue?**Our blog: http://blog.helloclue.comTwitter:
حساب الدورة الشهرية 0.91
تطبيق حساب الدورة الشهرية تطبيق مثاليلتعقّبالدورة الشهرية، واحتساب موعدها بدون عناء. لا حاجة إلى تكهّنموعدالدورة الشهرية بعد اليوم، فهذا التطبيق من أولويز يتعقّبدورتكالشهرية ويحسبها لكِ بكل دقّة. ستعرفين إذا تأخّرت الدورة أوتقدّمتعن موعدها، كما سيطلعك على الأعراض التي ترافقها.ويحتوي التطبيق على ميزات مفيدة أخرى، فبالإضافة إلى رزنامةالدورةالشهرية، بإمكانك الاطّلاع على عشرات الأسئلة المطروحة عنالدورةالشهرية وأعراضها ومدّتها وتقلّباتها، مع أجوبة علميّة دقيقةومفيدة.كما يمكنك اكتشاف نوع الفوطة الصحيّة من أولويز الأنسب لكبحسبالحماية التي ترغبين بها، ونوع بشرتك وغيرها من العوامل. يكفيالإجابةعلى أربعة أسئلة بسيطة جدًّا لتحصلي على توصية من التطبيق حولنوعالفوطة الأنسب لك والذي يلبّي كل احتياجاتك. كل أصناف فوطأولويزمتوفّرة في قائمة المنتجات، مع شرح مفصّل عن الحماية التيتوفّرهاالفوطة، ومدّة الحماية، وميزات الفوطة... ستحصلين على الفوطةالأنسبوالحماية الأمثل بكبسة زر!تطبيق حساب الدورة الشهرية: هو تطبيق عدة تطبيقات نسائيةخاصهبالمرأة مقدمة من شبكة حياة النسائية الهدف من تطبيق الحاسبةالورديةهو حساب اوقات الدورة الشهرية الحالية والقادمة و ايام التبويضوالحمل و غيرها من الامور المتعلقه بها. كما يقدم التطبيقتنبيهاتمتقدمه تساعدك في التنبه لوقت حدوثها و افضل ايام للحمل (للمتزوجات)كما يحوي خصائص عديده الهدف منها مساعدتك على تنظيم جدول حياتكبشكلأفضل. 🙌★ حساب الدورة الشهرية★ تاريخ الدورات السابقة★ تاريخ توقع حدوث الدورة الشهرية القادمة★ تاريخ التبويض مع توضيح جميع الايام التي تكون فيها البويضهقابلهللتلقيح★ تاريخ الحمل المتوقعة★ نصائح عن الدورة الشهرية★ تنبيهات على اوقات حدوث الدورة الشهرية أولاً بأولاكتشفي تطبيق حساب الدورة الشهرية المجاني الجديد، الذيابتُكِرخصّيصًا لكِ حتّى:★ تتعقّبي الدورة الشهرية وتراقبيها بما في ذلكالإباضةوالخصوبة★ تُبَلغي بموعد الدورة الشهرية القادمة★ تعرفي آخر أخبار برجك الفلكي★ تحصلي على إجابات عن أعراض ما قبل الدورة الشهرية،ومدّتها،ووتيرتها★ تجيبي على 4 أسئلة تمكّنك من معرفة منتجات أولويز المثاليةلكِ★ تستعرضي مجموعة منتجات أولويز الكاملة.Applicationaccountmenstrual cycle ideal application to keep track of themenstrualcycle, and calculating the time without trouble. No needto predictthe date of the menstrual cycle after today, this istheapplication of Always track your menstrual cycle and youcalculatedwith precision. You'll know if delayed or advanced courseschedule,and will tell you the symptoms that accompany them.It contains the application on other useful features, in additiontothe menstrual cycle calendar, you can check out dozens ofquestionsabout the menstrual cycle and symptoms, duration andvolatility,with scientific answers accurate and useful. You candiscover thetype of health towel Always best suited for you,according to theprotection that you would like, and your skin typeand otherfactors. Enough to answer four very simple questions foryou get arecommendation from the application about the towel typebest suitedfor you and that meets all your needs. Always towelsall varietiesare available in the list of products, with adetailed explanationof the protection afforded by the towel, andthe duration ofprotection, and features the towel on the towel ...You will get themost appropriate and optimal protection push of abutton!Application account of the menstrual cycle: is the applicationofseveral women's applications for women provided by the networkofwomen's life goal of the Calculator application of the Rosary istocalculate present and future times of the menstrual cycle andthedays of ovulation and pregnancy and other matters relatedthereto.It also offers advanced application alerts help you in thelookoutfor real-time and best days of pregnancy (for married)Also it contains numerous properties intended to helpyouorganize your schedule better. 🙌★ menstrual cycle account★ history of previous sessions★ history expectation of the next menstrual cycle★ date of ovulation with surrounding all the days in which theeggis offset by vaccination★ Date of expected pregnancies★ Tips for PMS★ Alerts at times of occurrence of the menstrual cycle-you-goDiscover the application of the new FREE account of themenstrualcycle, who created specially for you until:★ Taataaqbi menstrual cycle and Tracbhe including ovulationandfertility★ Thblga the date of the next menstrual cycle★ Find out the latest news horoscope astronomer★ get a answers to the symptoms of pre-menstrual cycle,andduration, and frequency★ Tchibey on 4 questions let you know you idealproductsAlways★ Always Tstarda full product range.
Period & Ovulation Tracker, Ovulation calculator 6.5
Period and Ovulation Tracker Lilly helps youtotrack your cycle and can reliably predict yourupcomingmenstruation, fertile days and ovulation. Never get caughtoffguard by your period again. For a woman trying to conceive wehaveovulation calculator that predicts your fertile window andhelpsyou get pregnant faster. Even more you can enter daily notesandtrack PMS symptoms, moods and intercourse.Lilly learns from your inputs and makes better prediction offutureperiods and fertile windows through time, we use all up todatescientific methods available to track and plan yourcycle.Using Lilly is easy, just tap a single button once a month onfirstday of your period and relax, Lilly will do all the heavyliftingfor you.One more thing that separates Lilly from all the others isvibrantwoman community called Girl Talk. Become a part of oursupportivewoman community and take control of your health, helpothers withyour experienceand get advice and support in time of need.Lilly can help you with this features:- timely notifications about upcoming period, ovulation,fertilewindow and late period- birth control reminder which includes pill, patch andringprotection- unique year calendar view which enables you to plan inadvancevacation with your loved ones, date with boyfriend orimportantmeeting- PIN code privacy protection- basal body temperature tracker with two decimal digitsprecisionand easy to use graphs- protected or unprotected intercourse/sex trackingWe want to hear from you! Please email comments and [email protected].
My Menstrual Diary 3.4.5
** Over 3,000,000 downloads worldwide **
My Ovulation Calculator 3.4.8
A simple and easy to use application to calculate the timeofovulation.
LADYTIMER Period Tracker 5.2.2
Vipos Apps
— LADYTIMER • the most advanced menstruation calendar —
Maya: Period Tracker for Women
Plackal Tech
Women's Health Calendar - Period / Menstrual, Fertility,Ovulation& Pregnancy
Woman's DIARY period・diet・cal 4.13.4
This app is useful for tracking your period cycle and givesavariety of info.
Ladytimer Ovulation Calendar 5.3
Vipos Apps
Highly recommended period tracker, featured in the movie: I dountilI don't
Period Tracker, Girls Calendar 1.2
Menstrual Tracker, Ovulation TrackerwithPeriod and Ovulation ReminderEvery girl want to track her next period, we develop thesolutionfor girls, now you can plan everything according to yourCalendar,Just enter your last Period day, Average Cycle Length andAveragePeriod Length to calculate your next expected Period daysandovulation day. It’s really easy and best app you will be up todatewith your special days. This app will notify you before yourPeriodand Ovulation, you can modify the day and time forthesereminders.Features:- App PIN lock feature- 5 Beautiful App Themes- Period and ovulation tracker- Period and ovulation notifications- Expected period & ovulation dates for next 1 year- History for previous all periods- Delete complete history just with single click- Take daily notes, moods and symptoms- Easy to use and User FriendlyNote: This app is free of cost with advertisement support.
وصفة تخفيف الام الدورة الشهرية 1.0
تعاني كثير من الفتيات والمتزوجات منآلامالدورةالشهرية نظرًا للتغييرات الجسمانية والهرمونية التي تصاحبتلكالفترةوتلجأ إلى تناول الكثير من المسكنات التي تضر الصحة، نقدملكيبعضوصفات الطبيعية لتخفيف الام الدور الشهرية.الالم الذي يستمر في فترة الحيض او في فترة نزول الحيضعندغالبيةالنساء هو الم في اسفل البطن في اول ايام الحيض ولكن مايسمىعسرالهضماو المرض الغير طبيعي هو حدوث الم في الفخذين والظهرواسفلالمعدة قبلوبعد واثناء فترة الحيض وهو مايسمى بعسر الطمثويجدرالاشارة الى انغالبية النساء تعاني من هذا الامر.و تعتبر الام الدورة الشهرية من الأعراض الأكثر شيوعا ضمنأمراضالنساءحيث أن مايقرب من تسعين في المائة 90% من النساء تعانى منآلامالطمثالشهرية وتشير الإحصائات السكانية أن على الرغم من أنمعدلاتانتشارألا أنه هناك إختلاف كبيرا حسب الموقع الجغرافي وأن الثلثإلىنصف منهميعانين أعراض معتدلة أو شديدة, و أن الأعراض في كثيرمنالأحيان تكونمرتبطة بالعمل أو الأنشطة الأخرى .Many of thegirlsandmarried women of menstrual pain suffer because of thephysicalandhormonal changes that accompany this period and resortto eatingalot of painkillers that are harmful to health, in ordertooffersome natural recipes to ease the pain of menstrualrole.Pain that lasts in the menstrual period or at theonsetofmenstruation period when the majority of women is a paininthelower abdomen on the first day of menstruation, buttheso-calledindigestion or abnormal disease is the occurrence ofpainin thethighs, back and bottom of the stomach before and afterandduringthe menstrual period, a so-called Bbeef menstrual Itshouldbenoted that the majority of women suffer from it.And is considered the mother of the menstrual cycle ofthemostcommon symptoms among women are diseases wherenearlyninetypercent 90% of women suffer from menstrual painandindicatepopulation statistics that although the prevalenceratesbut thereis a big difference by geographical location and athirdto half ofthem suffer symptoms of moderate or severe, and thatthesymptomsoften be linked to work or other activities.
Woman diary (calendar) 3.2.3
DSN Inc.
Women's Calendar ovulation cycle month period fertile periodhealthweight
iGyno 2.2.6
Your virtual gynaecologist!
Menstrual & Ovulation Calendar 1.0.48
Grupo Precedo
Menstrual Calendar, app to track your cycle: period, ovulationandfertile days.
Waxing 1.1
Are you tired of shaving all the time butyoudon't want to face the pain of waxing?Learn about hair removal techniques from the most famousformerin these application videos.In this application we will help you to learn step by step HowtoSafely Remove Hair:1- What Is Permanent Hair Removal?2- How to Prevent Ingrown Hair3- How to Care for Skin after Waxing4- 4 Facial Hair Removal Options for Women5- How to Remove Hair before & after a Facial Treatment6- How to Remove Nose Hair7- How to Remove Stomach Hair8- How to Remove Armpit Hair9- How to Remove Leg Hair10- How to Remove Bikini Hair11- What Is Laser Hair Removal?12- Pros & Cons of Laser Hair Removal13- 3 Types of Lasers Used for Hair Removal14- Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?15- How to Prepare for a Laser Hair Removal Treatment16- What Precautions Should You Take before a LaserTreatment?17- How to Handle a Bad Laser Hair Removal Treatment18- Pros & Cons of Electrolysis19- Pros & Cons of Waxing20- Different Types of Hair Removal Wax21- How to Prepare Your Skin for Waxing22- How to Minimize the Pain of Waxing23- How to Get a Bikini Wax or Brazilian Wax24- How to Treat Skin after Waxing25- 4 Hair Waxing Tips if You Spray Tan or Self Tan26- How to Use Hair Removal Cream aka Depilatory27- 4 Shaving Tips for Women28- What Is the Sugaring Hair Removal Method?29- How to Pick Best Hair Removal Method for Skin &HairTypes30- How to Remove Hair for Pregnant Women31- How to Remove Hair for Teenagers32- How to Handle Excessive Hair Growth in Children33- 5 Hair Removal Tips for Men34- How to Vajewel Yourself35- How to Find the Best Waxing or Laser Hair Removal Spa36- How to Shape & Fill an EyebrowDownload it for free! and Learn How safely and effectivelyremoveHair for smooth skin that can last up to a week.*** If you like it, please support us by rating it★★★★★***** Leave us comments and suggestions **
AI Ovulation & Period Tracker 4.21.0
Glow Inc
The Only AI Period Tracker for Fertility, Sexual Wellness&Menstrual Calendar