APN List 2022032813
This app packs the APN configuration information around the world.
APN Chooser 0.1
Rodrigo Silva
Shortcut to APN selection screen
APN internet 1.0
APN internetAPN Settings on Your Mobile Device* USA Settings* Global Settings* Free App* Fast and Easy to UseThe App includes 3g internet settings, 4g data settings,mmssettings and More!What is APN Setting and Why you need itSome third-party applications might require a direct TCP orHTTPconnection to the Internet. For example, a stock priceapplicationmight require a connection to the Internet to retrievethe lateststock prices. The TCP settings might be required forthethird-party application to access the Internet. To meettheserequirement of 3rd party apps, you can configure the AccessPointName, user name and password to allow a Cellphone toconnectdirectly to the Internet via your wireless serviceprovidergateway. You do not need this APN setting for connectingyourCellphone to a Wi-Fi router. This APN setting is only foryour3G/EDGE connection through your data plan.MORE IN THE APP!
APN change 2.0
APN in the switch towards a good multiple accesspointsavailable※ In some devices without APN setting does not work.In versions later than 4.0 · ICS Android probably willnotwork.The ad shows the funds for the improvement ofapplicationdevelopment.We ask for your cooperation.How many opportunities to switch from daily APN,Do not care or was switching APN?This app will that will save a tedious task.Once you have the initial configuration, you will seealwaysremembered as the APN to use.It belongs excellent APN can be switched easily.Will also become comfortable with this app switchingtedious!It will be shown the list of APNUse as a shortcut is OK.You surely also helped me to switch between APN in daily life.※ For such loss or damage or trouble caused by using this appisnot responsible.Please use the consent.
APN Config 1.0
APN Configuration (Phone Data Settings)andPhone Unlocking plus more in one App.You must configure your phone's APN settings to access yourmobileprovider's Internet service. Although most providersconfigure yoursettings automatically when you enable a data plan onyour device,you might need to do so if you are using anotherprovider's phoneon your current network. APN settings include anaddress, usernameand password. Your provider might not require ausername andpassword to connect.We can help with this easy app.Download Apn Config Today & Enjoy your MobilePhoneConfiguration!
APN Configurator 1.0.1
APN Configurator makes it possible to findandapply the parameters of Internet and MMS access according toyouroperator.WARNING : the latest version was released in October 2011anddon't work on Android >=4.0Country supported:-France-Suisse
Displays DST (a Brunei mobile telco) APN settings
APN Israel 1.5.3
roenano apps
יישום להתקנה של הגדרות גלישה סלולרית (APN) והודעות תמונה (MMS)לכלהמפעילות הסלולריות בישראל. - הוט מובייל - HOT mobile -אורנג'(פרטנר) - Orange - סלקום - Cellcom - פלאפון - Pelephone -גולןטלקום - Golan Telecom - רמי לוי - Rami Levi - הום סלולר -HomeCellular - יו פון - YouPhone - 012 מובייל - 012Mobile-------------------------------------------------- *****הערה****** החל מגרסת אנדרויאיד 4.0 (קסטה) הוגבלה הגישה לניהולושינויהגדרות APN על ידי יישום משתמש. על מנת לתת ליישום זה גישהלהגדרותאלה יש צורך להפוך אותו ליישם מערכת, דבר זה אפשרי רק בתנאישלמכשירךיש הרשאות רוט (ROOT). * במידת הצורך היישום יבצע פעולה זובאופןעצמאי (באישור המשתמש). * אם בעתיד תהיו מעוניינים להסיר אתהיישוםממחיצת יישומי המערכת כל מה שעליכם לעשות זה ללחוץ על מקשהתפריט(פיזי) ולבחור באופציית ה"הסרה" (אופציה זו תופיעה רק אם היישוםמותקןעל מחיצת יישומי המערכת). לאלה ללא הרשאות רוט פותח פיצ'רלהתקנהידנית מודרכת. לשיפור, תיקון או דיווח באג בנוגע לפיצ'ר זה נאליצוראיתנו קשרבדוא"ל.---------------------------------------------------
FixAPN 0.002
指定したAPNから、別のAPNに切り替わらないようにします。一部の端末で、Wi-Fi APモードにすると、勝手にAPNが切り替わる怪現象が発生するらしいですが、そういう端末に使えるかもしれません。(使えないかもしれませんが。)ついでに、端末起動時に、Wi-Fi APモードにする設定も。(前の設定を引き継がない端末向け)※ APN設定が無い端末では正常に動作しません。 また、Android4(ICS)以降の端末でも正常に動作しないと思います(APN設定変更のpermissionが変更となったため)★動作を確認した/動いたと報告頂いた端末・P-01D・L-01D(2.3)・SH-01D(2.3)・SH-06D(2.3)★動作しないと報告頂いた端末・F-12C・・・Wi-Fi APモードに変更したら強制的にAPNが変更されてしまうと報告有り(ビルドV20 非rootで調査との事)・SH-12C・・・Wi-FiAPモードに変更したら3G通信出来なくなる(APN切り替えで見ると、TetheringというAPNに切り替わっているらしい)・SO-03C・F-01D・SO-02D・SH-07Dfrom the specified APN,sothat you do not switch to another APN.In part of the terminal, when the Wi-Fi AP mode, it seemsstrangephenomenon without permission APN is switched tooccur,It may be used in such terminal. (but it may not be used.)Incidentally, the terminal startup, also set to be on Wi-FiAPmode. (It is not taken over the previous setting fortheterminal)※ It does not work properly with APN setting is not terminal.In addition, Android4 I think that it does not work properlywith(ICS) and later of the terminal (for the permission of theAPNsetting change was changed)★ confirmed the operation / to move was a terminalcappedreport· P-01D· L-01D (2.3)· SH-01D (2.3)· SH-06D (2.3)★ terminal capped reported to not work· F-12C  ··· Wi-Fi forcibly After changing to the AP modethereis reported to APN from being changed (build V20 that oftheinvestigation in a non-root)· SH-12C  ... It is impossible to 3G communication Afterchangingthe Wi-Fi AP mode (when viewed in APN switching, it seemshas beenswitched to the APN that Tethering)· SO-03C· F-01D· SO-02D· SH-07D
Hong Kong HKAPN internet settingsIf washing machine, it is often too much trouble to re-settheAPN, and now just a click is set up immediately!In addition the application has the location of thephoneproviders store,and you can use HK APN to an immediate end to the Internet, Notopay the additional cost of access.
Change Apn Donate 1.0
Enable access to APN Settings & ShortcuttoAPN SettingsVery useful when need to enable APN Settings or need toswitchAPN several time phone apn settings.This version, when change apn, sends a notification to letyouremember the apn choice.You can check phone compatibility with free version Change Apn.If you enjoy using the free app Change Apn, consider donating totheproject by purchasing this donation app.Thank you!.
APN+ 1.0.2
APN+ is a tool that works with APNDroidtoallowyou to automatically enable or disable your APNconnectionbased onscheduled times. Can be repeated daily to saveon batteryandunwanted data charges.Planned: bandwidth based on/off & carrier SIM featuresNeeds: APNdroid
4G Dz configuration officiel 1.5.3
Besoin DZ
Maintenant, après le lancement du service 4GenAlgérie, vous pouvez modifier les paramètres de votre téléphonepourprofiter les offres de services!Alors choisir votre opérateur mobile est configurer APNetprofiter!!Ps:tu dois changer votre puce normal vers la puce 4G.Now, after the launchof4G service in Algeria, you can change the settings of your phonetoenjoy the service offers!So choose your mobile operator is set APN and enjoy !!Ps: you have to change your normal chip to 4G chip.
APN Turkey - İnternet MMS Ayar
Sefa Gurel
APN Turkey uygulaması ile TURKCELL, VODAFONEveAVEA operatörleri için gereken İnternet ve MMS ayarlarını tekbirdokunuşla cihazınıza yükleyebilir ve mobil şebekeüzerindeninternete girebilirsiniz.Önemli Not : Android 4.0.3 ve üzeri versiyonlarda APNayarlarınaerişim yetkisi sadece sistem uygulamalarına verilmiştir.Buyüzdencihazınızın root'lu olması ve uygulamanın sistem uygulamasıolmasıgerekmektedir. Android 4.0.3 ve altı sürüme sahip cihazlardaise buişlemlere gerek yoktur.Uygulamanın hatasız çalışabilmesi için tüm kriterlerde yeşiltickişareti bulunması gerektiğini unutmayınız.Cihazınızı root yapabilmek için "Framaroot" gibiuygulamalarıkullanabilirsiniz.Uygulamayı sistem uygulaması yapmak için ise (root olduktansonra)"Link2SD" gibi uygulamaları kullanabilirisniz.Sistem uygulaması yaptıktan sonra cihazınızı yenidenbaşlatmayıunutmayınız.Uygulamanın Özellikleri________________________________* Otomatik Operatör tespiti* Internet ve MMS ayarlarını ayarlayabilme* Cihazın Root durumunu tespit edebilme* Uygulamanın sistem uygulaması olduğunu tespit edebilme* Turkcell, Vodafone ve Avea desteği* Eski APN ayarlarını silebilmeAPN Turkey withtheapplication of Turkcell, Vodafone and Avea required foroperatorsInternet and MMS settings and one-touch upload to yourdevice canaccess the Internet over the mobile network.Important Note: APN settings in Android 4.0.3 and laterversionsonly system access privileges are granted to theapplication.Therefor be root'l device must be system implementationandapplication. In six devices with Android 4.0.3 version there isnoneed for this process.In all the criteria for the application to work correctlythereshould be a green tick mark that note.To be able to root your device "Framaroot" You can useapplicationssuch as.In order to make the application system applications (afterroot)"Link2SD" applications such as kullanabilirisniz.After making system applications Do not forget to restartyourdevice.Applications Features________________________________* Automatic detection of the operator* Ability to set up Internet and MMS settings* To detect the status of the device Root* Implementation of the system is to detect application* Turkcell, Vodafone and Avea support* Ability to delete old APN settings
APN Notificator 2.923
Persistent notification about APN in use and APN Settings shortcut
APN Widget 3.0
This widget allows you to quickly turn on /off yourdataconnectionwith a single click No Ads !!! Keywords:mobilenetwork,apn, apnwidget,network
ApnManager 1.0.2
The setting of APN is exported, and importandthe batch can be deleted.It is recommended in the person who is using two or more peopleandterminals that replace SIM and use it.Export Import file path is the location below./sdcard/ApnManager/apnlist.xmlBy the way, the icon is a hedgehog.It is neither a hamster nor a porcupine.
APN切り替え(Plus) 1.1
こちらは有料版です。必ず、無料版で切り替え可能か動作確認をお願いします。無料版 APN切り替えAndroid4.0 ( ICS ) 以降のバージョンでは動作しません。OSのアップデートにはご注意ください。▽無料版との違い▽・ウィジェットが使えます。複数のウィジェットを配置できるのでアプリを起動しなくてもAPNの切り替えが可能です。・広告表示がありません。不要なインターネット通信は行いません。もし、無料版が皆様のお役に立っているのであれば、こちらのご購入を検討いただけると大変助かります。お値段は、500mlペットボトルと同じにさせていただきました。このアプリはわずらわしいAPN切り替え作業を簡単にしてくれます。SIMフリー端末でFOMAカード・ドコモUIM、USIM、au ICなどの複数のSIMをご利用の方、SPモードとmoperaU、海外APNなどAPNをよく切り替えられる方、このアプリはAPNの切り替えをサポートします。※APN設定の無い一部端末では動作しません。いつも使用するAPNを設定できるので、アプリを起動して、ワンタッチでAPNを切り替えられます。アプリ画面にはAPN一覧が表示されるので単純にショートカットとしての利用もOKです。日常でAPNを切り替えるのにもきっと役立ってくれます。IIJmio、DTIなど、MVNO SIMでのテザリングのAPN制御にも利用できるとご報告を頂きました。(P-01D、L-01D、SH-01Dで動作報告を頂きました。)※アプリケーションの動作により予期せぬ課金が発生する可能性があります。 いかなるトラブルや損失・損害等につきましては、 一切の責任を負いませんので、ご了承の上ご利用ください。This is the paid version.Always, or can be switched in the free versionPlease confirm the operation.APN switching free version Does not work with later versions (ICS) Android4.0.Please note that the update of OS.The difference between the free version ▽ ▽· You can use widgets.So I can place multiple widgetsAPN switching is possible without having to launch the app.• There are no ads.Internet communication is not performed unnecessary.If a free versionSo if he has helped us everyone,I am very helpful and you can consider purchasing here.The price is the same as we have 500ml bottles.This appWe make it easy to switch APN onerous work.More than one person who uses the SIM card DoCoMo FOMA UIM,USIM,SIM free, such as au IC terminal,If you frequently switch between the APN moperaU and SP mode,andAPN overseasThis app supports the switching of APN.※ I do not work with some devices without setting APN.So I can set the APN to be used all the time,Start the app,I switch the APN at the touch of a button.APN list will be displayed on the application screenIt is OK to simply be used as a shortcut.Surely help me to switch the APN on a daily basis.We've received your report and can also be used to controlAPNIIJmio, such as the DTI, the tethering of MVNO SIM.(. I received a report that works with P-01D, L-01D, SH-01D)※ There is a possibility that unexpected charges due totheoperation of the application occurs.With regard to such losses or damages or any problems, theWe do not accept any responsibility, Please note on your use.
Mobile Networks
Jango Labs
This is a shortcut to the mobilenetworksettings screen which allows you to set options for packetdata,roaming, APNs, etc.Disclaimer: This app may not work if your device has anon-standardentry point for the mobile network settings.If you need quick access to the cellular data switch which onallrecent versions of Android resides on the data usage screen,tryour other app, Data Usage.
APN Backup and Restore 2.5.110
APN Backup and RestoreBackup and Restore app for Android.This app will backup and restore files from your device storedinthe SD CardYou can choose position to save and if you have other backupsdonechoose which backup to restore!There are plenty of great ways to back up your Android phone,butthe new Avast! APN Backup and Restore makes it easy for anyoneto doscheduled backups of their apps, settings, and data, whereyou canquickly use it to set up a new phone.Features:- Backup & restore app's apk file- Backup & restore phone contacts, includingcontactsphoto.- Backup & restore SMS and MMS- Backup & restore call logs, bookmarks- Backup & restore your phone settings, includingmobileringtones, wallpaper, personal dictionary- Fastest way to search for apps and backups- Backup app's data, Wi-Fi configuration and passwords,laucherlayout and widgets- Batch restore app and data silent and fast.
system-apn-setting 0.0.5
The APP used for "Forward Mall" GTunlimitedinternet Sim card auto setting, helps customer setup APNeasier,and connect to the shopping page.The APP used for"ForwardMall" GT unlimited internet Sim card auto setting, helpscustomersetup APN easier, and connect to the shopping page.
これは、INFOBAR A02 HTX21専用アプリです。他機種では動かないと思います。INFOBARA02をSIMフリーにした際に、WCDMAのDocomo/SoftBank系のAPN設定を行う際に使用します。使い方は、通常のスマホのAPN設定と同じです。(本アプリは、アプリ設定の裏アクティブティを呼び出しているだけになります)This is INFOBARA02HTX21dedicated app.I think that it does not move in the other models.The INFOBAR A02 when you SIM free, you can use whenperformingtheAPN setting of WCDMA of Docomo / SoftBank system.How to use is the same as the APN setting ofanormalsmartphone.(This application will be only to have to call the back activeteeofthe app settings)
[BETA] Smart WiFi - APN switch 2.0
[BETA] - beta version, cause the applicationisstill in development to improve location detection forcorrectswitch WIFI and APN, with minimum batery usage, (pleasereportproblems to [email protected] insteadofbad ratings)Smart WiFi - Apn switch is an application for automaticswitchingbetween network types wifi and mobile network (APN). Thissave yourbattery life, cause only one used type of connection isenabled. Ifin your current location is no known wifi hotspot , theapplicationwill start mobile network (APN) and turn off the wifiand backagain, if you are near known wifi hotspot, mobile networkwill beturn off and wifi will be started.Everytime when you connect to new wifi, the notificationisdisplayed and you can add new wifi to your favorites. Only ifthewifi is added to the favorites, the application will reconectnexttime when you will be near the wifi.Features:* automatic switch between wifi and mobile network (APN)* favorites wifi management** add wifi to favorites** identify wifi network by name and description** remove wifi from favoriteskeywords: wifi, APN, mobile network, switch mobile network,disablewifi, disable APN, batery saver, reduce batery usage,smartwifi,another our apps:News Selection Newspapers- UNIVERSAL CONVERTER VIEWER- Way- - Wake on Lan (widget)- recorder blackbox-[BETA] Smart WiFi - APN switch-
MyAPN - APN Manager, Switcher 2.0
MyApn can manage, change and controlyourInternet connection both mobile network and WiFi.It facilitates and speeds up the change of APN and throughtheuse of notifications, alerts youwhich APN you are using or if you forgot to activate the WiFioncearrived home.Indispensable if you use more than one APN, for example anAPNfor working and an APN for the timefree, if you are used to disable the WiFi to save battery or ifyourcarrier does not have good network coverage and you live infear ofusing data roaming.MyAPN also monitors your connection, do not risk more thanerodeyour data planbecause you forgot to re-enable the WiFi.
APN Switch 1.0.12
MDB Labs
★ APN Switch ★ is a simple widget thatallowsyou to quickly enable (or disable) your dataconnection(3G/4G/EDGE/GPRS) with a single click.☆DOES NOT WORK ON Android 5.0 : In simple words, thewidgetdoesn't work for Android 5.0 Lollipop.If you want to know more, please read more of this description.☆ How to use :1 - Long press on the launcher2 - Choose the widgets selector3 - Select APN Switch☆ Available features :- Enable or disable mobile data- Same design as Android native widgets☆ Coming soon:- Use it from your wear device- And more !Enjoy !★ ★ ★ ★ ★If you like this application,you can click on the +1 button aboveand give us a 5 stars rating ;)★ ★ ★ ★ ★Starting Android 5.0 Lollipop, developers are not anymoreallowedto enable or disable programmatically the dataconnectivity. This iswhy we show you an explanation on how tomodify the data settingsyourself while being on the latest versionof Android.
Myanmar APNs 1.2
Myat Min Soe
Myanmar APNs is an Android app which contains various apnsettingsfor different operators and frequencies in Burma (Myanmar).
Lebara APN UK 1.1
The Lebara Settings application can be usedbyLebara subscribers to configure their APN settings toaccessInternet and picture messaging (MMS). Simply installtheapplication, press "Begin Setup" and follow the instructions.Somephones are not capable of receiving the automatic APN settingsoverthe air (OTA) using the application and will displaymanualinstructions to follow. Be sure to complete all stepsdisplayed forfull capabilities.Support:Please use the troubleshooting option in the application fortoolsto help you turn on/off mobile data, WiFi and data roaming.Foradditional questions, please visit the helppages:
APN Backup and Restore 1.1.4
APN Backup and RestoreAPN Backup and Restore is a very powerful applicationthatcanbackup or restore all applications and a few other thingsonyourphone installed. You can do it with a Lost DataRecoverySoftwareput your MMS, SMS , bookmarks , call logs, systemsettings,alarmclock, all access points and applications are backedup.Speed​​Save your work very fast and easy, you just press afewbuttons ,it will start working.Features:-Backup apps to SD card-Backup & restore app's data(need root)-Batch restore apps from SD card (need root)-Backup Contacts & SMS & Call logs &Bookmarks&Calendars to SD card-Restore Contacts & SMS & Call logs &Bookmarks&Calendars from SD card-Delete the backup data on SD card
Apn4Apps 1.0.6
Caglar Oral
Apn4Apps manages your mobile data efficiently. Doubles thebatterylife.
APNsBU 1.0.5
Keep Your APNs Backed Up! (Requires Root)
Turnover Free Version 3.02
Wi-fi and MobileData(3G,4G etc.)toggleWidget.Expressed in the animated action.Other support on/off toggleforMobileData,Wi-Fi,Bluetooth,GPS,Tethering[Wi-Fi],Automaticrotationof screen,Silent Mode,Airplane Mode.Note)Please uninstall that after enabling MobileData.(Reset APNforolder versions of Android)
Truphone SIM Data Settings 1.8
Mobile devices require APN (Access Point Name) data settingstoenable internet access using your cellular 2G/3G/4Gconnectivity.Truphone SIM Data Settings app enables you to havetheconfiguration of the Truphone APN settings automated on yourdeviceto ensure you don't have to do that manually and that youdon'tlose internet connectivity due to device misconfiguration.Installthis app to enable your Truphone Data Settingsautomaticconfiguration right away. ---------------------- Wewelcome yourfeedback, suggestions, questions or concerns. You cancontact ususing [email protected]
Best Net10 APN Data MMS Settin 9.0.0
Looking for APN settings for Net10 Here you will find thecorrectsettings for Android and iPhone and Windows Phones. Veryeasy touse and straightforward. You will also find helpful tips forbetterservice.How to Videos for fast setup.There's also a comment sections so you can post a messageandhave other users reply to your question.
Lebara APN Denmark 1.1
The Lebara Settings application can be usedbyLebara subscribers to configure their APN settings toaccessInternet and picture messaging (MMS). Simply installtheapplication, press "Begin Setup" and follow the instructions.Somephones are not capable of receiving the automatic APN settingsoverthe air (OTA) using the application and will displaymanualinstructions to follow. Be sure to complete all stepsdisplayed forfull capabilities.Support:Please use the troubleshooting option in the application fortoolsto help you turn on/off mobile data, WiFi and data roaming.Foradditional questions, please visit the helppages:
TAG Mobile APN Setup 1.0
TAG Mobile APN Setup App can be used byTAGMobile customers to configure their APN settings to accessInternetand picture messaging (MMS) on the TAG Mobile network.Simplyinstall the application, press "Begin Setup" and followtheinstructions.
Data Connect 2.0
A Widget to Quickly Turn On / Off Data, WiFi and Bluetooth
Device Helper 1.2
JD Star
Simple and useful deviceinformationareprovided.It had been categorized into 4.HW: IMEI, Bluetooth Address, MAC Address, Display, Memory(ROMandRAM), Battery InfoNetwork: Operator, RSSI, MCC/MNC, IP Address, CellInfo,WIFISSIDSIM: UICCID, IMSI, Phone number, SIM country, SIMstatus,SIMoperator, Voice mail numberGeneral: SW version, CPU clock, Browser UA string,APNinformation,SVN, Unknown source, Sensor listsRelated Terms:Technology, Temperature, Voltage, dBm, asu, Long Cell ID,ShortCellID, Local Area Code, MHz, Proxy
Power & Settings Control 1.1
This makes easier to toggle system settings.
Network Notifier 1.0
Handler Corp.
The application will inform the WIFI SSID ifitis Connected to Internet Via WIFI and it will inform the mobileAPNif it is Connected Via Mobile Network Data,The Notification can be shown as Toast message, OSD (OnScreenDisplay), and in Notification Panel.
Ultra Mobile Phone Setup 3.2
The Ultra Mobile Phone Setup App can be used by UltraMobilecustomers to configure their APN settings to access Internetandpicture messaging (MMS) on the Ultra Mobile network. Simplyinstallthe application, press "Begin Setup" and follow theinstructions.Some phones are not capable of receiving the automaticAPNsettings over the air (OTA) using the Ultra Mobile Phone SetupAppand will display manual instructions to follow. Be sure tocompleteall steps displayed for full capabilities.Support:Please use the troubleshooting option in the application fortoolsto help you turn on/off mobile data, WiFi and data roaming.Foradditional questions, please visit