Top 21 Apps Similar to Angels Answers Free

Chiama gli Angeli Free Demo 3.5.1
Un Angelo è un essere di luce chevivenelcerchio della luce di Dio.Prenditi un momento per te, “Chiama gli Angeli” e chiedi.Renditi consapevole della loro presenza.Attraverso queste carte gli Angeli risponderanno alle tue domande.Come usare l’applicazione:- Cerca un luogo tranquillo, scegli un posto chetipiaceparticolarmente.- Mettiti comodo, a tuo agio, potresti ancheaccendereunacandela.- Respira con tranquillità.- Svuota la mente, l'importante è sentirsi in sintonia conl'Angeloepronti a recepire il messaggio che sta perarrivare.- Chiama gli Angeli e chiedi che diano una risposta precisaallatuadomanda .- Pensa intensamente o recita la tua domanda.- Scegli il tipo di mazzo di carte tra i tre proposti.- Scegli una carta tra le 52 proposte. (Gli Angeliintermediaritracielo e terra sono 52)- Se non capisci la risposta, chiedi agli Angeli epescaun’altracarta.- Ringrazia gli Angeli.Questa applicazione contiene 10 risposte.L'applicazione completa contiene 156 risposte suddivise intremazzidi carte.Ogni mazzo contiene 52 carte, tante quanti gliAngeliintermediaritra cielo e terra.Con l’aiuto dei queste Frasi Angeliche, i nostri Angelitidarannole risposte ed i consigli alle tue domande divitaquotidiana.Poni tutte le tue domande riguardo all'amore, la conoscenza,ituoidesideri ed aspirazioniRendi grazie della gioia, l’entusiasmo e la forza divolontàchel’agire Divino, ti dona; tutti gli insegnamenti cheilcreatoresupremo fornisce come la crescita, ilcambiamento,l’accettazione,l’ascolto del proprio cuore.I nostri Angeli ci insegnano la crescita della propriaanima,laconsapevolezza, l’armonia e la bontà Divina, dandoci fedeinDioguidandoci con ottimismo e buone intenzioni in unpercorsodicrescita e presa di coscienza.Queste carte divinatorie guidano e aiutano i nostripensieriesentimenti a stare in armonia.An angel is abeingoflight who live in the circle of God's light.Take a moment for yourself, "Call the Angels" and ask.Make yourself aware of their presence.Through these cards Angels answer your questions.How to use the application:- Find a quiet place, choose a place thatyouparticularlylike.- Make yourself comfortable, at ease, you may alsolightacandle.- Breathe calmly.- Clear your mind, the important thing is to feel in tunewiththeAngel and ready to receive the message that is coming.- Call the Angels and ask that they give an accurate answertoyourquestion.- Think hard or reads your question.- Choose your type of deck of cards among the three proposed.- Pick a card among the 52 proposals. (TheAngelsintermediariesbetween heaven and earth are 52)- If you do not understand the answer, ask the Angelsandanothercard.- Thank the Angels.This application contains 10 replies.The full application contains 156 answers divided into threedecksofcards.Each deck contains 52 cards, as many as intermediariesangelsbetweenheaven and earth.With the help of these phrases Angelic, our Angels willgiveyoufeedback and tips to your everyday questions.Ask all your questions about love, knowledge, yourdesiresandaspirationsGive thanks joy, enthusiasm and strength of will that theDivineact,gives you; all the teachings that the supreme creatorprovidessuchas growth, change, acceptance, listening to hisheart.Our Angels teach us the growth of one's soul, awareness,harmonyandDivine goodness, giving us faith in God guiding uswithoptimism andgood intentions into a path of growthandawareness.These cards divination guide and help our thoughts and feelingstobein harmony.
Angel Energy Cards 4.2
Move closer to the Angelic realm and understand their messagesforyou.
Angel Tarot Cards & Astrology 23.04.18
Mobio Ltd
Daily Card & Palm Reading with Zodiac & LoveCompatibility.Enjoy our Horoscope.
Angel Inspirations from Heaven 2.19
Angels are all around us and they arelookingto help us on our journeys by giving us the words of wisdomthat weneed. Angel Messages from Heaven gives you an opportunitytoreceive these messages.Angel Messages from Heaven message cards work like tarot cardsorpsychic cards, in which they use your natural psychic abilitytochannel the voice of your guardian angels and present them toyouas a message. This allows you to act upon the message.Your Angels start you with four messages and then deliver youanew message everyday.If you have any comments or suggestions, we would love tohearfrom you! Send us an email.
Gli Angeli Rispondono 3.5.0
Take a moment for yourself
PEARLS OF WISDOM ANGEL CARDS is one of themostcomprehensive, in-depth spiritual self-help Divination OracleDecksavailable. Consisting of 144 Divination Cards created anddesignedby visionary artist, author, and composer ofworld-renowned AngelLove, Aeoliah has developed this long-awaitedAPP as an interactiveself-help tool.Designed to guide and empower you daily as you develop a cleareranddeeper understanding of life, you will begin to manifest&maintain a healthier, happier and more fulfilled life as youallowyourself to be guided by the wisdom of your guardianangels.Receive daily spiritual guidance from your personal AngelicGuidesby accessing either a 1, 3, or a 5 Card Angel Reading. Shareyourpersonal reading by email or save any reading that you like ontheAPP.About the Author:World-renowned composer of Angel Love, author, and artist,Aeoliahhas produced over 35 recordings that are used by manyhealthprofessionals around the world. His mastery of sound andlightinspires him to compose many diverse and rich musicalcompositionsthat continue to inspire and bring healing to millionsof peoplearound the world.He is the author of "The Liquid Light of Healing" which includesacomprehensive self-help manual to help you to reconnect withyourdivine purpose and mission in life. He has also been awardedBestBook of the Year Award for his book "Awakening Your InnerLight" bythe North American Bookdealers Exchange.His music is also featured on many digital satellite radiostationsaround the world and continues to be on the Top 10 chartsin theNew Age Category, including Billboard."The idea of creating these angel cards started around 28 yearsago,when I had some leftover cassette insert covers from arecording Idid in 1983 called “The Light of Tao”, (#8 BillboardNew AgeCategory 2013) which I decided to make into a deck of 130Angelcards. Each card was hand-written in a gold marker, withvirtuessuch as Love, Healing, Opportunity, Caring, andForgiveness. I hadthem laminated to protect them from wear andtear. So many friendsloved using this deck and we had a lot of fundoing this after ourmeditations, or when we wanted to ask aspecific question.After 28 years of home use, the deck was getting worn aroundtheedges, so I decided to create a new deck with one of myoriginalAngel Paintings (Angel of the Presence). Instead ofhand-writingeach card, I opted for creating a lovely font for thenew cards inPhotoshop, and then created a descriptive paragraph togo with eachof the 144 cards. I chose 144 cards instead of 130because I havealways felt a special affinity with that number. Itcomes frommultiples of 12, a symbol for totality, mastery, andperfection,which when multiplied by the same number 12, comes to144. Theuniverse uses a 64 tetrahedral grid which encompasses manyof thesacred symbols throughout history. A 3-dimensional 64tetrahedralgrid has 144 facets. The universe goes into infinity infractalsboth inward and outward, using this specific geometricstructure,with multiples of 144.After years of developing my meditation techniques andspiritualpractices, I was guided to organize and integrate thewisdom andhealing techniques I have learned and assimilated, into adeck of144 cards that would benefit others around the world intheir questfor healthy living, personal development, andself-mastery.I hope that these Pearls Of Wisdom Angel Cards bless youwithexpanding joy, love, and illumination to guide your pathanddestiny to a more fulfilling, healthy, and prosperous lifestyleforthe years to come. Please share this deck and app with yourfriendsand loved ones. May each reading bless you and your lifewith a newperspective, renewing your capacity for love andhealthyliving."With deepest love and gratitude,Aeoliah©A Liquid Light Media Production 2015For the Advancement of Peace, Health, & Enlightened Living
Call the Angels 3.0.0
An Angel is a creature of light that livesinthe circle of God's light.This application contains 156 answers divided into three decksofcards.Each deck contains 52 cards , just as many angels asintermediariesbetween heaven and earth.Take a moment for yourself, "Call the Angels " and ask.Make yourself aware of their presence.Through these cards the Angels will answer you.How to use the application :- Find a quiet place , choose a place that youparticularlylike.- Make yourself comfortable , at ease , you might even lightacandle.- Breathe with peace of mind.- Empty your mind , the important thing is to feel in tune withtheAngel and ready to receive the message that is coming.- Call the Angels and ask that they give an accurate answer toyourquestion .- Think hard or read your question.- Choose the type of deck of cards between the threeproposed.- Select a card from the 52 proposals. ( The Angelsareintermediaries between heaven and earth 52)- If you do not understand the answer, ask the Angels andtakeanother card .- Thank the Angels.With help of these phrases Angelic, our Angels will giveyoufeedback and tips to your everyday questions.Ask all your questions about love, knowledge, your desiresandaspirationsGive thanks joy, enthusiasm and power of the Divine act, givesyou;all the teachings that the supreme creator provides such asgrowth,change, acceptance, listening heart.Our Angels teach us the growth of our soul, consciousness,harmonyand Divine goodness, giving us faith in God guiding uswithoptimism and good intentions into a growth and awareness.These divination cards guide and help us thoughts and feelings tobein harmony.Con l’aiuto dei queste Frasi Angeliche, i nostri Angelitidaranno le risposte ed i consigli alle tue domande divitaquotidiana.Poni tutte le tue domande riguardo all’amore, la conoscenza, ituoidesideri ed aspirazioniRendi grazie della gioia, l’entusiasmo e la forza di volontàchel’agire Divino, ti dona; tutti gli insegnamenti che ilcreatoresupremo fornisce come la crescita, il cambiamento,l’accettazione,l’ascolto del proprio cuore.I nostri Angeli ci insegnano la crescita della propria anima,laconsapevolezza, l’armonia e la bontà Divina, dandoci fede inDioguidandoci con ottimismo e buone intenzioni in un percorsodicrescita e presa di coscienza.Queste carte divinatorie guidano e aiutano i nostri pensieriesentimenti a stare in armonia.
Gli Angeli Rispondono Free 3.5.0
Ver. 3.5.0 Compatibile consistemaoperativoMarshmallowUn Angelo è un essere di luce che vive nel cerchio dellalucediDio.Questa piccola applicazione sarà una preziosacompagnadiviaggio.Potrà darti ogni giorno qualcosa di sereno su cuisoffermartiefamiliarizzare con gli Angeli, rendendoti consapevoledellaloropresenza, in modo che tu possa inserire il loro aiutonellatuavita quotidiana.Attraverso delle frasi gli Angeli risponderanno alletuedomande.Con l’aiuto dei queste Frasi Angeliche, i nostri Angelitidarannole risposte ed i consigli alle tue domande divitaquotidiana.Poni tutte le tue domande riguardo all'amore, la conoscenza,ituoidesideri ed aspirazioniRendi grazie della gioia, l’entusiasmo e la forza divolontàchel’agire Divino, ti dona; tutti gli insegnamenti cheilcreatoresupremo fornisce come la crescita, ilcambiamento,l’accettazione,l’ascolto del proprio cuore.I nostri Angeli ci insegnano la crescita della propriaanima,laconsapevolezza, l’armonia e la bontà Divina, dandoci fedeinDioguidandoci con ottimismo e buone intenzioni in unpercorsodicrescita e presa di coscienza.Queste carte divinatorie guidano e aiutano i nostripensieriesentimenti a stare in armonia.Ver. 3.5.0CompatiblewithOS MarshmallowAn angel is a being of light who live in the circleofGod'slight.This little app will be a valuable travel companion.It will give you every day something serene on whichlingerandbecome familiar with the Angels, making you awareoftheirpresence, so that you can insert their help inyourdailylife.Through the sentences Angels answer your questions.With the help of these phrases Angelic, our Angels willgiveyoufeedback and tips to your everyday questions.Ask all your questions about love, knowledge, yourdesiresandaspirationsGive thanks joy, enthusiasm and strength of will that theDivineact,gives you; all the teachings that the supreme creatorprovidessuchas growth, change, acceptance, listening to hisheart.Our Angels teach us the growth of one's soul, awareness,harmonyandDivine goodness, giving us faith in God guiding uswithoptimism andgood intentions into a path of growthandawareness.These cards divination guide and help our thoughts and feelingstobein harmony.
Virtual Angels Caller 1.2
Safety Ants
Virtual Angels Caller is the first appinGoogle Play that allow you call the angels shaking your phoneortablet or tapping your screen.Legend has it that you can call your guardian angel byringingthe chime. Other legends say that angel callers were giventofleeing elves, genies or humans (depending on which legend)byangels for protection thousands of years ago. When then elf,genieor human needed protection all he would have to do was shakehispendant and the angels would come to his rescue. Theonlystipulation that the angels made was that the recipient couldnotthen give the pendant away otherwise all the magicwoulddisappear.Whatever the legends say angel callers have been usedsincemedieval times as protection. In some countries still anexpectantmother wears a caller to protect the baby from negativeenergy.
Angel Numbers 3.4
Everyday angels communicate to us through different signs.Everydaysigns, brought to us by angels are numerical sequences,like 111,333 and the like. With these numbers angels are trying tosend us amessage to relieve our doubts, worries, suffering, grief,healthproblems and fears. These numbers can be seen on licenseplates, inour dreams, on our watches, we wake up at night atparticulartimes. We could go on and on. This application offers youmeaningof the numbers you keep seeing.
Palm Reader, Tarot Reading: AB 4.3.1
Fortune teller on tarot cards, birth chart, palmistryandhoroscopes.
Pendulum Reading 0.5.2
ATTENTION! Do not take the answers you will receive by usingthisapp too seriously. They may be not 100% true. The answers liesinyou. Practice and train fortune-telling regularly to developyourextrasensory perception. Those who find a way to contacttheirsubconsciousness acquire a powerful tool to use it toreceiveanswers to their most vital questions. Pendulum reading isone ofthe most effective methods of divination. Applicationfeatures: 1.10 templates on most popular subjects. 2. A timer toset up theduration of each session. 3. Two modes, standard andaccelerometer.4. Rotation of the chart of the fortune-tellingsectors. 5. Anopportunity to save, edit and delete questions forfortune-telling.6. A possibility to save and delete the answersofsubconsciousness. 7. A unique “Letters” template thatpromptswords. 8. 20 standard questions. It is axiomatic thatoursubconsciousness knows everything about us. Those who find a waytocontact it acquire a powerful tool to use the unconscioustoreceive answers to their most vital questions. Pendulum readingisan ancient method of fortune-telling. It is simple, yet preciseandeffective. Pendulum fortune-telling is explained by scienceandused by psychologists and psychotherapists to receive signalsfromtheir patients’ subconsciousness. The way this contacting withthesubconsciousness occurs is amazingly simple. To startafortune-telling session, one has to relax and focus on thequestion(the question has to be properly framed first). By means offinemotor skills of the fortune teller, the subconsciousnesschoosesthe right answer to the question and spins the pendulum overtheright sectors. The only difficulty is how to register thecontactbetween the pendulum and the sectors, process and analyzetheinformation to draw the right conclusions. This iswhenstate-of-the-art technology and our application “PendulumReading”come in handy. The principles used in the “PendulumReading”application are similar to those used in actual pendulumreading.Moreover, they are even more precise and convenient. To usea realpendulum, one has to stand still, while the “PendulumReading”application receives signals from the subconsciousness fromthemovements of the one spinning the pendulum in his/her mobilephone.One has to prepare before telling fortunes by means ofourapplication. These are some instructions: 1. Define yourquestionfor your subconsciousness and type it in the “MyQuestions”section. 2. Choose a chart template to be used infortune-telling.3. Study the sectors of the chart. Tapping on asector, you willsee an information window with answers and theirdescription. 4.Define desired settings, such as a pendulum with astring or arolling ball (the accelerometer mode), duration ofyourfortune-telling session; whether you want to rotate the wheelofthe chart or not, the direction of the wheel rotation.. 5.Relaxand focus on the question. 6. By pushing the “Start” button,slowlyset the pendulum spinning in a circle in any direction (withthestandard mode on, simply roll your finger against the screensothat the pendulum spins in a circle over the answers of thecharterwheel; when the accelerometer mode is on, balance yourmobile phoneto rotate the ball). 7. The session starts after athree-secondcountdown. Keep spinning the pendulum over the chartevenly. Staycalm. 8. When the session is over, you will see awindow that willshow you several answers indicated by yoursubconsciousness. 9. Ifyou want, you can save the results toanalyze them in the futureand start a new session. 10. Experimentand create new options ofcontacting your subconsciousness. If theapp does not work for you,please let us know by [email protected] and wewill respond within 24 hours.
Angelic Inspiration Cards 1.2
This new app connects you with the love and insights of yourangelsin seconds.
Archangel Michael Oracle Deck
Work with Archangel Michael and receive peace, protectionandguidance!
Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck 2.1
The Vibrational Energy Oracle Deckpresentsdown to earth explanations and guidance. Its simplicityallowsanyone using them to get answers to daily issues on life.Because the definitions for each card are uncomplicated andeasyto read, these oracle cards make it accessible for the user totapinto the wisdom of their own intuition. The FiveVibrationalDimensions of the Soul is a very special spread whereyou can doyour own reading, taking you through the five levels ofyour soulassisting you to get answers to Universal Truths that youneed toacknowledge.These cards reflect the pervasive changes in our liveshelpingusers with guidance to get past blocks. The messages givetheminsights on what might be holding them back. The definitionsare‘grounded’ so will help guide the user towards the directiontheyneed to go at that moment. Sort of like clearing the fogthatsometimes surrounds us, helping us to get back in step with ourownvibrational energy.The heart and soul of self-development is being able todoreadings for yourself whenever you want. The synchronicitiesofyour higher self and connecting with the angels makes itsuperaccessible to be able to guide your soul to what it needs,wantsand desires. Oracle cards, unlike Tarot are simpler to use soyoucan get the same way to get insights and direction.You can use this app as a full-featured, ad-freeandtime-unlimited "Lite" version, or unlock the full deck for asmallfee.Key features:- A complete deck of 52 cards*, beautifully illustrated,coveringmany topics regarding daily issues- 3 types of readings (1, 3 or 11 cards)- You can save your readings to a journal forfurtherreference- Share your readings with your friends, by email oronFacebook!*the full deck is available in the unlocked versionAbout the author: Debbie A. Anderson was born in England. Sheisa natural healer who has worked in the magical sphereofspirituality all of her life, bringing forth many modalitiesthathave manifested and evolved along the way. She is a psychicmediumthat has been giving intuitive spiritual readings for over30years.About the illustrator: Heather Brewster is an intuitiveartist,whose intention is to create artwork that promotes apositive andhealing energy. She primarily works in acrylic,painting on canvasor birch panels and also works with digitalmedia.
Call the Angels Free 3.5.1
An Angel is a creature of light that livesinthe circle of God's light.This application contains 156 answers divided into three decksofcards.Each deck contains 52 cards , just as many angels asintermediariesbetween heaven and earth.Take a moment for yourself, "Call the Angels " and ask.Make yourself aware of their presence.Through these cards the Angels will answer you.How to use the application :- Find a quiet place , choose a place that youparticularlylike.- Make yourself comfortable , at ease , you might even lightacandle.- Breathe with peace of mind.- Empty your mind , the important thing is to feel in tune withtheAngel and ready to receive the message that is coming.- Call the Angels and ask that they give an accurate answer toyourquestion .- Think hard or read your question.- Choose the type of deck of cards between the threeproposed.- Select a card from the 52 proposals. ( The Angelsareintermediaries between heaven and earth 52)- If you do not understand the answer, ask the Angels andtakeanother card .- Thank the Angels.With help of these phrases Angelic, our Angels will giveyoufeedback and tips to your everyday questions.Ask all your questions about love, knowledge, your desiresandaspirationsGive thanks joy, enthusiasm and power of the Divine act, givesyou;all the teachings that the supreme creator provides such asgrowth,change, acceptance, listening heart.Our Angels teach us the growth of our soul, consciousness,harmonyand Divine goodness, giving us faith in God guiding uswithoptimism and good intentions into a growth and awareness.These divination cards guide and help us thoughts and feelings tobein harmony.Con l’aiuto dei queste Frasi Angeliche, i nostri Angelitidaranno le risposte ed i consigli alle tue domande divitaquotidiana.Poni tutte le tue domande riguardo all’amore, la conoscenza, ituoidesideri ed aspirazioniRendi grazie della gioia, l’entusiasmo e la forza di volontàchel’agire Divino, ti dona; tutti gli insegnamenti che ilcreatoresupremo fornisce come la crescita, il cambiamento,l’accettazione,l’ascolto del proprio cuore.I nostri Angeli ci insegnano la crescita della propria anima,laconsapevolezza, l’armonia e la bontà Divina, dandoci fede inDioguidandoci con ottimismo e buone intenzioni in un percorsodicrescita e presa di coscienza.Queste carte divinatorie guidano e aiutano i nostri pensieriesentimenti a stare in armonia.
Lichtbotschaften 1.2.8
Angel cards are used to receive support from the angelic powers.
Cartas de los Angeles 4.5.1
Mensajes de los Ángeles: Consulta la Carta de los Ángeles.Siemprenecesitamos una ayudita, y ellos estan ahí para ayudarnos,siemprenos están cuidando pero también están esperando que nosotroslepidamos que nos ayuden.
Angel Feather Oracle Cards
The Angel Feather Oracle brings you 44 coloured feathers fromyourAngels.
Psychic Connections 29
Psychic Connections puts you in touch with The Bucks CountyMedium,Dorothy Welsh. You can access our monthly Newsletter tofindtidbits of information including monthly tarot readings, angelsandcrystals of the month. You can even purchase a reading throughtheapp, enroll in a workshop or just check out your free DailyTarotcard, healing meditations, chakra products and more. Downloadtheapp and connect with us today.
Let's I Ching - Divination 2.0.1
"Let's I Ching" , a simple and complete free I Ching Android appofdivination.