Top 17 Apps Similar to Vegan recipes

Vegetarian and vegan recipes 8.3.5
Vegetarian and vegan recipes. Typical vegetarian dishes ofItaliancuisine
Ricette vegane, bio,Veganoidi 1.7
Ricette vegane, bio,Veganoidi?SuVeganoidipotete trovare piu' di 600 ricette vegane e biologiche.Ricette vegane e biologiche sono suddivise per dolciedessert,antipasti, lievitati, primi piatti, secondi, salse esughi,e newssul mondo vegano.Queste ricette utilizzano ingredienti biologici e vegani.Nell'applicazione si trova anche una sezione vegan in 7giornichevuole a agevolare chi non concosce il mondo vegan apassaredalladieta mediterranea a quella vegan in 7 giorni.Con questa app Veganoidi, Ricette vegane, ricettevegan,biotrovate:- ricette vegane con foto, ingredienti e descrizioni- ricette per categoria- ricette per sottocategoria:dolci e dessertSALSE E CREMEPICCOLA PASTICCERIATORTEBISCOTTIDOLCI AL CUCCHIAIOantipastiFAST FOODFINGER FOODINSALATERICETTE AL FORNOTORTE SALATElievitatiPANEPIZZE E FOCACCEprimi piattiGNOCCHIGRANDI CLASSICIPASTAPASTA AL FORNOPASTA FRESCARISO E CEREALIZUPPE E MINESTREsecondiCONTORNIFRITTIPIATTI UNICIRICETTE FACILI E VELOCIsalse e sughiSALSE E CONDIMENTISUGHI-news soul mondo vegan- opzione vegan in 7 giorni per sperimentare la dieta veganaQuesta app nasce dalla volonta' di dare la possibilita' atuttidicambiare stile di vita rispettando gli animali el'ambiente.Nientesofferenza per loro piu' salute per gli umani conVeganoidi,ricettevegan, biologiche e cruelty free.Veganrecipes,organic,Veganoidi? On Veganoidi you can find more 'than 600veganrecipesand biological.Organic and vegan recipes are divided by sweetsanddesserts,appetizers, leavened, first courses, sauces andgravies,and marketnews vegan.These recipes using organic ingredients and vegans.Application is also a vegan section in 7 Days we wanttohelpthose who do not concosce the vegan world to movefromtheMediterranean diet that vegan in 7 days.With this app Veganoidi, vegan recipes, veganrecipes,biofound:- Vegan recipes with photos, descriptions and ingredients- Recipes by category- Recipes subcategory:cakes and dessertsSAUCE AND CREAMPASTRIESCAKESCOOKIESSWEETS SPOONappetizersFAST FOODFINGER FOODSALADSRECIPES ROASTSALTY CAKESleavenedBREADPIZZA AND CHEESEfirst dishesGNOCCHIGREAT CLASSICSPASTABAKED PASTAFRESH PASTACEREALS AND RICESOUPS ANDsecondsSIDE DISHESFRIEDDISH MEALSFAST AND EASY RECIPESsaucesSAUCES AND CONDIMENTSSAUCESVegan soul-news world- Vegan option in 7 days to experience the vegan dietThis app was created by the will 'give a chance' toalloflifestyle change respecting the animals and theenvironment.Nomore suffering for their 'health for humans withVeganoidi,veganrecipes, organic and cruelty free.
Vegan kochen 1.0
Vegan – einfach, leckerEntdecken Sie die neue Art zu Kochen – mitreinpflanzlichenProdukten!Denn mit der App „Vegan kochen – Die besten RezeptevonGU“verwöhnen Sie nicht nur Ihre Geschmacksnerven, sondernsorgenauchganz nebenbei für eine ausgewogene Ernährung. ObbunteBeilagen,würzige Hauptgerichte oder süße Naschereien –alleGerichte kommengarantiert ohne tierische Erzeugnisse aus undsinddabei auch nochbesonders alltagstauglich.Noch nie war veganes Kochen so abwechslungsreich: EgaloberfahrenerVeganer oder interessierter Neueinsteiger – hier istfürjedenGeschmack etwas dabei.Das steckt drin in der „Vegan-App“- 50 beste Rezepte von GU zum Genießen mit Fotos,ZutatenundZubereitungstipps- Rezeptsuche nach Zubereitungszeit von „bis 30 Min“, „über30Min“,oder Kategorien wie „Vorspeise“, „Hauptgericht“,„Süßes“,„bis 400Kalorien“ oder „über 400 Kalorien“- Mit einem Klick blitzschnell alle Zutaten von 2 auf4Personenumrechnen- Zeitsparende Einkaufsliste für unterwegs, die ZutatennotiertundGleiches addiert- GU-Infos mit Tipps zu ZubereitungHier eine kleine Auswahl der leckeren Rezepte:- Zwiebelkuchen mit Kräuterseitlingen- Pastasalat mit Roten Linsen- Cranberry-Brownies- Mandelsuppe mit Oliven und Safran- Reisnudeln mit Tempeh- Salatröllchen mit Mangosenf- Brokkolinudeln mit Tomaten-Chili-Zwiebeln- Mohnplätzchen- Quinoabratlinge mit Avocadosalsa- Rotkohlsalat mit Pflaumen und Walnüssen- Tofupäckchen im ZucchinimantelWir können leider nicht auf jede Rezension direktantworten.Wirfreuen uns aber über Ihre Wünsche, Kritik, FragenundAnregungenunter: [email protected] -simple,tastyDiscover the new way of cooking - with pure herbal products!Because "cook Vegan - The Best Recipes of GU" with theapp,younot only pamper your taste buds, but also provide wholethingfor abalanced diet. Whether colorful side dishes, main dishesspicyorsweet treats - all dishes are guaranteed withoutanimalproductsand are also particularly suitable for everydayuse.Has never been vegan cooking so varied: Whether experiencedvegansorinterested newcomers - there is something for everytaste.That's inside the "Vegan App"- 50 best recipes from GU to enjoy photos,ingredientsandpreparation tips- Recipes by preparation time "to 30 minutes", "30Min",orcategories such as "appetizer", "entree", "sweet", "upto400calories" or "about 400 calories"- Lightning fast convert all the ingredients from 2 to 4peoplewithone clickRecorded time-saving shopping list on the go, thesameingredientsand added -- GU information with tips on preparationHere is a small selection of delicious recipes:- Onion with oyster mushrooms- Pasta salad with red lentils- Cranberry Brownies- Almond soup with olives and saffron- Rice Noodles with Tempeh- Salad Rolls with Mango Mustard- Broccoli pasta with tomato and chilli onions- Poppy Cookies- Quinoabratlinge with Avocado Salsa- Red cabbage salad with prunes and walnuts- Tofupäckchen in courgetteUnfortunately we can not reply directly to any review.Wewelcomeyour inquiries and comments, questions andsuggestionsat:[email protected]
VeGusta - Vegane Rezepte 1.0.0
VeGusta bietet Dir viele leckere Rezepteauseigenem Hause oder von tollen Partnern zum selber kochen.In der kostenlosen Version von VeGusta erhaltet ihr wöchentlich3neue, ausgewählte und schmackhafte Rezepte aus der veganen Weltundimmer passend zur Jahreszeit.Features:- Viele, viele kostenlose Rezepte- Kostenlose neue Rezepte- Timer-Funktion zum Nachkochen (Mit Tippen aufdieZubereitungsdauer)- Speicherung von Favoriten- Zutatenrechner (pro Person)- Einkaufsliste für Zutaten speichern und versenden*** BALD VERFÜGBAR ***- Sende deine eigenen Rezepte ein und teile sie mit anderen! :)VeGusta offers youmanydelicious recipes from their own home or of great partners cookforthemselves.In the free version of VeGusta you will receive weekly 3new,selected and tasty recipes from the vegan world andalwaysaccording to the season.Features:- Lots and lots of free recipes- Free new recipes- Timer function to cook (With Tap the cooking time)- Storing favorites- Ingredients computer (per person)Save shopping list for ingredients and ship -*** AVAILABLE SOON ***- Post your own recipes and share them with others! :)
GoVeggie Malaysia 大马素食通 1.1.11
Locate vegetarian food in Malaysia 寻找大马素食
Vegan Rezepte 1.0.1
Sie suchen nach den besten und leckersten vegan Rezepte? SIEHABENSIE GEFUNDEN!! Dieses unglaubliche VeganRezepte-Kochbuch-Appbesitzt alle Rezepte die Sie brauchen… und esist FÜR BEGRENZTEZEIT KOSTENFREI! Keine In-App Käufe notwendig!Nach derInstallation wird keine Internetverbindung mehr benötigt(siearbeitet auch offline)! Vegan Rezepte aufweisenhandverlesene,leckere und leicht vorbereitende Rezepte. Hier findenSie Top 10der best bewerteten (in der populären Kochbücher,Zeitschriften undvon Spitzenköchen) Rezepte für: - Asien Küche -Auflauf - Braten -Einfach - Gemuese - Hauptspeise Ein nahrhaftesGericht zu kochen,muss nicht schwer sein! Alle Vegan Rezeptefordern einfacheZutaten, die gut für Sie sind - so dass Sie gutessen können, auchauf einem engen Zeitplan. Hier ist, was Sie nochvon unserer Apperwarten können: - Detaillierte, einfach zubefolgendeRezeptanweisungen - Interne Rezepte Suchmaschine - EineRezept-Box,um Ihre Lieblingsrezepte zu speichern, alles an einemOrt JedesRezept wird in zwei Abschnitten beschrieben: ZutatenundRichtungen; So einfach. Kochen muss nicht kompliziert sein, undwirhelfen Ihnen, tolle Gerichte vorzubereiten, mit einfachenZutatenund wenig Kalorien. Lassen Sie diese kostenlose Rezept-AppIhreinfaches und tragbares Kochbuch mit tollen Ideen fürdieVorbereitung von schnellen und einfachen Gerichten sein.WICHTIG:Durch die große Anzahl an Rezepten und abhängig von derHardwareIhres Mobiltelefons kann die App bis zu einer Minute inAnspruchnehmen um das erste Mal alle Rezepte zu laden. Wenn Sienach demersten Öffnen keine Rezepte mehr benötigen, dann schließenSie dieApp (durch die Einstellungen oder kürzlich geöffnete Apps)undöffnen Sie es erneut. Rechtliche Anmerkung: Alle Kochrezepteindieser App sind deren Autoren gewidmet. Bitte wenden Sie sichmitUrheberrechtsproblemen an die Entwickler durch dieuntenstehendeEmail.
Vegify: Vegan Recipes 2.0
Koj Studio
Vegify: Vegan Recipes is a vegancookbookfilled with quality original vegan recipes.This cookbook has 36 original vegan recipes, most of themarecompletely free. This is not a search engine for recipes. Thisis ahand picked selection of the best vegan recipes we know.Most of the content in Vegify is completely free. In apppurchaseunlocks 12 extra recipes as well as making the appcompletely adfree. Vegify is filled with delicious vegan recipeswith a heavyfocus on beans and lentils. These vegan recipes alltaste great, arenutritious and easy to cook. Learn how to make theperfect veggieburger, delicious vegan indian food, enchiladas,crepes, empanadasetc. Also included is tips on how to simplifybean preparation. Thisis vegan cooking made easy.These veggie recipes are available in both imperial andmetricsystem. Change in settings at the top right corner or clickyourmenu key. Here you can also unlock access to all of therecipes.Enjoy our veggie cooking app!If you like this vegan recipes please +1, rate, and sharewithyour friends! Help spread vegan cooking! If you prefervegetarianrecipes over vegan recipes check out the vegetarianversion of thisapp:
Vegetarian Shops in HK 1.8
You can easily search and find HK Vegetarian restaurants' detailsbythis App.
慈濟蔬食食譜 2.4.2
Browse Tzu site cafeteria over the weekend with greenveganvegetarian dishes recipes (unofficial)
素食之友 1.04
你會否想身體變得越來越健康嗎?多吃素食身體好,平日經常吃肉的朋友,只要一星期有一日吃素食,便可以讓身體排毒,而素食之友可以搜尋香港和台灣的素食餐廳,對素食者來說亦十分方便。Would you want thebodybecomes more healthy? Eat vegetarian good health, friends hadofteneat meat, just one day a week to eat a vegetarian diet, itallowsthe body to detox, and vegetarian friends can search for HongKongand Taiwan vegetarian restaurant for vegetarians is alsoveryconvenient.
Vegan Burger Recipes 2.0
This app consists of delicious VeganBurgerrecipes.All recipes in this app are described in threesections:Description, Ingredients and Procedure; Easy as that!Cookingdoesn’t have to be complicated and we help you to preparesomeawesome Pizza.Features:-1. You can browse through the list of burger recipes eveninoffline.2. You'll find the List of ingredients with cooking instructionsforeach recipe.3. App consists of Recipe finder to search our catalogofrecipes.4. Book mark your favorite recipes and you can view it inMyFavorites.
Glückskind 5.502
NetLine GmbH
vegane Rezepte die glücklich machen!Einfache frische, junge und gesunde Küche.AbwechslungsreicheRezepte voller Ideen und sonstige hilfreicheTipps und Tricks diedas vegane kulinarische Lebenverschönern.News über die neusten Vegan-Trends und aktuelle Themen.vegan recipes thatmakeyou happy!Simple fresh, young and healthy cuisine. Varied recipes fullofideas and other helpful tips and tricks to embellish theveganculinary life.News about the latest trends and current issues Vegan.
Vegan App 1.0
SAJ MobApps
Vegan App - Your vegan application on your smartphone
Comida Vegana 4.0
For vegans and interested in good recipes it is that this appismade.
Ricetta Vegetariana 1.0.0
Ricette Vegetariane Veloci, Light e Facili da preparare da tuttoilmondo per tutti i gusti e sapori! L'applicazione, sbarca finalmente nel PlayStore.Grazie allanostra app sarà facile e veloce trovare le vostreRicetteVegetariane preferite direttamente sul vostro smartphone otablet.Potrete filtrare i contenuti, accedendo alle varie tipologiediricetta a seconda di quello che più vi interessa come adesempioAntipasti Vegetariani, Dolci Vegetariani, ZuppeVegetariane,Hamburger Vegetariano e molte altre ancora. Ogniricetta presentenella nostra app è corredata da foto del piattofinale, dagliingredienti e tutti i passaggi necessari perrealizzaremeravigliosi piatti di cucina vegetariana. In aggiuntatroveretealtre utili informazioni quali tempi di cottura einformazioninutrizionali per conoscere fin da subito tempi ecalorie per ognipiatto. Potrete inserire le Ricette Vegetariane chepiù vipiacciono nella sezione Preferiti (cliccando sulla stellanellapagina della ricetta vegetariana che preferite) così dapoterlevisualizzare in un secondo momento senza dover cercare nellanostraraccolta di ricette vegetariane. Le Ricette Vegetarianepreferitesaranno così raccolte in un'apposita sezione presente nelmenudell'applicazione. In ogni ricetta potrete anche inserirecommentie suggerimenti e potrete condividerla sui vostri social.Altrainteressante sezione presente nell'app è quella relativaaiRistoranti Vegetariani presenti in tutta Italia, cheabbiamoraccolto e diviso per città (es. Ristorante VegetarianoRoma,Ristorante Vegetariano Napoli, Ristorante Vegetariano Milano,ecc)affinché possiate trovare velocemente il ristorante vegetariano/vegan più vicino a voi semplicemente accedendo allanostraapplicazione. Nella pagina dei Ristoranti troverete leinformazionidi contatto (indirizzo, telefono, email, ecc), la mappadi google ele recensioni dei clienti. E' infine disponibile unasezione perentrare in contattato con lo staff e per accedere ainostri social.
Vegetarian Recipes 1.4
A delicious collection of Vegetarian Recipes. Let's shareyourrecipes now!
Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes 2.30
CamBo Media
How to thrive on a plant-based dietWell-planned vegan diets contain all the nutrients weneedtoremain strong and healthy. Plus people often eat morefruitandvegetables and enjoy meals higher in fibre and lowerinsaturatedfats when they adopt a vegan diet.The Vegan Plate food guide from Becoming Vegan:ExpressEditionand Becoming Vegan: Comprehensive Edition bydietititansBrendaDavis and Vesanto Melina (Book Publishing Co.2013, 2014)'The Vegan Plate' by registered dietitians BrendaDavisandVesanto Melina is a reliable ready-reference, while JackNorrisandGinny Messina have provided great technical breakdownsofthenutrients and minerals needed in vegan diets, and wheretogetthem. You can also check out our articles and leafletsonvariousvitamins and minerals under 'Vitamins, mineralsandnutrients'.Here are some useful tips and tricks to ensureyou’regettingeverything you need from your plant-strong diet.Value varietyEat lots of different plants, the more colourful thebetter!Tryto include plenty of vegetables (especially green leafyveg),plusfruits (including berries), beans, nuts, seedsandwholegrains.Watch your weightVegans, like everyone else, need to pay attention totheirweightif they want to enjoy good health. Eat just enoughcaloriestomaintain a healthy weight. If you need to gain weight,tryaddingextra protein-rich foods or healthy fats likeavocados.FatChoose good fats containing Omega-3 (like walnuts,flaxseeds,rapeseed oil), yet eat these in moderation. Try andavoidprocessed'trans fats' in snack food, fast food, fried food andmanybakedgoods.Vegetarian diet: How to get the best nutritionA well-planned vegetarian diet is a healthy way tomeetyournutritional needs. Find out what you need to knowaboutaplant-based diet.By Mayo Clinic StaffVegetarian diets are popular. Reasons for following avegetariandietare varied but include health benefits, such asreducing yourrisk ofheart disease, diabetes and some cancers.Yet some vegetarians rely too heavily on processedfoods,whichcan be high in calories, sugar, fat and sodium. And theymaynoteat enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains andcalcium-richfoods,thus missing out on the nutrients theyprovide.However, with a little planning a vegetarian diet canmeettheneeds of people of all ages, including children,teenagers,andpregnant or breast-feeding women. The key is to beaware ofyournutritional needs so that you plan a diet that meetsthem.Types of vegetarian dietsWhen people think about a vegetarian diet, theytypicallythinkabout a diet that doesn't include meat, poultry orfish.Butvegetarian diets vary in what foods they includeandexclude:Lacto-vegetarian diets exclude meat, fish, poultry andeggs,aswell as foods that contain them. Dairy products, suchasmilk,cheese, yogurt and butter, are included.Ovo-vegetarian diets exclude meat, poultry, seafoodanddairyproducts, but allow eggs.Lacto-ovo vegetarian diets exclude meat, fish and poultry,butallowdairy products and eggs.Pescatarian diets exclude meat and poultry, dairy, andeggs,butallow fish.Pollotarian diets exclude meat, dairy and fish,butallowpoultry.Vegan diets exclude meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairyproducts—and foods that contain these products.Some people follow a semivegetarian diet — also calledaflexitariandiet — which is primarily a plant-based dietbutincludes meat,dairy, eggs, poultry and fish on occasion orinsmallquantities.