Top 12 Apps Similar to Borås Zoo

Cincinnati Zoo 5.8.1
AVAI Ventures
The Cincinnati Zoo's app is designed toenhanceyour visit to the zoo and to provide a connection towildlife fromany location. Features include: GPS-enabled map with"Near Me"feature, a schedule of daily happenings, Zoo videos,podcasts,exhibit and animal information.
Kölner Zoo
Cologne Zoo, being one of the oldest andmostattractive Zoos in Germany, accommodates 10,000animalsrepresenting more than 700 species.Now you can carry the Cologne Zoo wherever you go! Use theKölnerZoo App to plan your visit, learn about the animals of theCologneZoo, or to keep informed about news and events. This app istheultimate companion while visiting the Cologne Zoo!Features:• Visitor information on location, directions, hoursandpricing• GPS enabled map showing where you are and whatanimals/facilitiesare near you• Enclosure map• Illustrated map• Animal feeding times• Animal facts• Excellent animal photos• Animal videos and sounds (selected animals only)• Cologne Zoo highlights - facts and photos• Event calendar• Dining map• News
Lo Zoo di 105 2.0.8
Dopo 2 anni dall'uscita dell'appufficialeeccovi il completo restyle fatto anche grazie a voi e atutti isuggerimenti che ci avete inviato in questo periodo.L'app LoZoodi105 2.0 è stata completamente ricostruita equestesono le nuove funzioni tutte dedicate a voi ascoltatori!ONAIR:Ascolta il programma che non piace tutti i giorni dalle 14:00alle16:00REPLICHE:Ascolta e riascolta tutte le puntate della settimana!SCENETTE:Nuove più potenti e migliorate, potrai infatti trovare tuttelescenette che vorrai anche quelle passate che ormai non vannoinonda, se sei finito sulla bastard potrai ritrovare proprioquellapuntata e salvartela! Esatto! dalla nuova versione 2.0potraiscegliere una puntata di una qualsiasi scenetta e salvartelaneipreferiti per riascoltarla tutte le volte che vorrai senzadoverlacercare!BASTARD INSIDE LINE:Puoi lasciare i tuoi messaggi senza più dover spendere soldiintelefonate e da oggi ancora più potente grazie alnuovissimosistema OneApp Broadcasting System non dovrai mandarenessunaeMail, perché il tuo messaggio verrà inviato in tempo realeeimmediatamente a quei brutti ceffi di Pippo Palmieri e DjSpyneZOOGRAPHY:Condividi le foto con i nostri slogan e immagininellaZooGraphy,mettici un filtro, scrivi una qualsiasi cosa e condivido su tuttiisocial.CONDIVIDI:Condividi qualsiasi cosa fai sui tutti i socials, orapotreicondividere con i tuoi amici anche una singola scenetta conun tuoamico, che non dovrà fare altro che cliccare il linkinviatodall'app!###__**_SOCIAL POSITION_**__###L'app 2.0 ti chiederà di attivare la geolocalizzazione, pertenertisempre aggiornato nella nuovissima sessione EVENTS RADAR,doveverrete geolocalizzati e vi verranno mostrati tutti gli eventideivostri Djs preferiti ovunque siete!NEWS:Segui le notizie del SitoDelloZoo cresce di giornatadirettamentesulla tua app.ZOOSTORE:Potrai scegliere ciò che ti piace e comprarlo su* L'uso prolungato del GPS in background puòridurredrasticamente la durata della batteria. (il gps funzionasoloquando utilizzi l'app)After 2 years fromtheofficial app here's the complete redesign done thanks to you andtoall the suggestions that you have sent in this period.The app LoZoodi105 2.0 has been completely rebuilt and thesenewfeatures are all dedicated to you listeners!ONAIR:Listen to the program that is not like every day between 14:00and16:00RESPONSES:Listen and listen again to all the episodes of the week!Skits:New more powerful and improved, you will indeed find all thescenesthat you will also want the old ones that no longer go on theair,if you end up on the bastard will find that very episodeandsalvartela! Exactly! the new version 2.0 you can choose a betofany scene and salvartela favorites to listen to it again asmanytimes as you want without having to search!BASTARD INSIDE LINE:You can leave your messages without having to spend more moneyonphone calls and now even more powerful thanks to the newsystemOneApp Broadcasting System will not have to send me any,becauseyour message will be sent in real time and immediately tothosethugs Pippo Palmieri and DjSpyneZOOGRAPHY:Share photos with our slogans and images in ZooGraphy,muster a filter, write any thing and agree on all social.SHARE:Share anything you do on all socials, now I share it withyourfriends even a single scene with a friend, who will not havetoclick the link sent from the app!### SOCIAL POSITION _ _ __ ** ** __ ###2.0 The app will ask you to activate the geolocation, tostayupdated on the new session EVENTS RADAR, where you willbepinpointed and shows you all the events of your favoriteDJswherever you are!NEWS:Follow the news of the day SitoDelloZoo grows directly onyourapp.ZOOSTORE:You can choose what you like and buy it on* Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life. (The GPS only works when youuse the app)
Saint Louis Zoo 6.23.31
The Saint Louis Zoo’s official app featuring an interactivemap,photos, videos, visitor information and more! Navigate aroundtheZoo, learn more about your favorite animals and stay connectedwithwildlife at the Saint Louis Zoo. Can you come out and play?
Woodland Park Zoo 5.29.24 Domain 509
Make your day and a difference. A visit to Seattle’s WoodlandParkZoo connects you to amazing animals while generating fundstoconserve endangered species around the world. As you get upcloseto 1,000+ animals across 92 acres of lush urban forest, usethisapp to get even more out of your visit! • GPS-enabled groundsmapwith Near Me feature • Customizable daily schedule ofpublicprograms • In-depth animal information • Helpful informationtoplan your visit and stay connected after
Zoo Montpellier 2.2.2
Montpellier Zoo is a natural green area of80hectares with free access for all visitors, touristsorMontpelliérains. Visit it immediately with thisessentialapplication dedicated to it! With this application, youcan go tothe zoo, consult the latest news on the zoo's LunaretMontpellier,opening hours, or learn more about all the animals atthe zoothrough detailed sheets. For the uninitiated or the regularof thepark, discover otherwise the zoo with a visit in AugmentedReality.Application developed in partnership with Mr. LudovicBONNET andMontpellier Territory Digital using Open Data from thecity ofMontpellier. If you notice any problems or bugs, do nothesitate tocontact me by the market!
PANDA Webcam - Live Zoo Pandas 1.3
Adorable Giant Pandas in their own ZooHabitat!A Live Zoo Webcam streamed to your phone! (FreeDownload)Welcome to PANDA CAM - A 24hr Live Zoo Webcam. The best andeasiestway to watch Giant panda Bears live streaming on yourAndroid phoneor tablet!We link to all the Top Zoo webcams from around the world,bringingthem together in one easy to use app!Forget about puppy cams or Live Wallpapers! Now you canwatchreal giant pandas run, play, eat, climb trees and care fortheirbaby panda cubs. Enjoy a 24 hour Live streaming zoo webcamsofthese endangered Animals - the live camera follows the pandasintheir indoor and outdoor zoo exhibits and Giant Panda Habitat.Ourgoal is to help lead the fight against extinction and to sharejustwhat makes these incredible endangered species so special!FEATURED PANDAS WITH ZOO WEBCAMS:Smithsonian's National Zoo Panda Cam, Washington DC USA: MeiXiang,Tian Tian and cubBest viewing times: 7am - 5pm Eastern timeSan Diego Zoo Panda Cam, San Diego California USA: Gao Gao,BaiYun, and Xiao LiwuBest viewing times: 7am - 5pm Pacific timeEdinburgh Zoo Panda Cam, Edinburgh Scotland: Tian Tian andYangGuang7am - 5pm BSTWe also link to these zoos that feature Giant Pandas (butwithoutpanda cams or webcam):Toronto Zoo, CanadaMemphis Zoo, Tennessee USASan Diego Zoo, San Diego California USASan Diego Zoo Safari Park (Formerly the San Diego Zoo WildAnimalPark)Mexico City Zoo, MexicoParis Zoo, FranceEdinburgh Zoo, ScotlandMadrid Zoo, SpainNational Smithsonian Zoo, Washington D.C.Atlanta Zoo, Georgia USAVienna Zoo, AustriaMacao Zoo, ChinaHong Kong ZooChangMai Yhailand Zoo, ThailandSingapore ZooAdelaide Zoo, AustraliaKobe Zoo, JapanTokyo Zoo, JapanWakayma Zoo, JapanTaipei Zoo, TaiwanDownload Live Panda Cam from the Google Play app storetoday!(see pop up window)More than just Couch-Potato Pleasure, it is a must have appforpeople looking for educational games for girls, or games forboys-Panda Cam provides information and panda facts about giantpandasliving around the world and in the wild, and opportunitiesforpanda lovers to interact with each other. It offers a24-hour(24hr) live zoo webcam video. This video content is alsoavailableon the zoo's website as well as run through social media,camera,webcam and mobile news channels.New feature!!! - You can view the past video whenever youlike.You might have any problem with viewing the live streaming duetothe time difference or sleeping panda. Now you can enjoy thecutepanda whenever you like, that will make you happy andjoyful.All panda fans definitely love this app, as a great appmustinstall.
Noah's Floating Zoo Animals 0.1.7
The Noah’s Floating Zoo app is adelightfulvideo introduction to the Bible story of Noah’s Ark. Forthecreation of this app, we’ve taken a handful of the animalvideosegments from the Noah's Floating Zoo DVD and packaged themwithinan interactive animal menu that toddlers will thoroughlyenjoy.Your toddler can touch Noah, and randomly make him jump orsendanimals into the ark. When your toddler touches an animal,anentertaining video will play that features that animal.The Noah's Floating Zoo app comes preloaded with anadorableMonkey video and two more videos (the Elephant and Cheetahvideos)can be downloaded for FREE once the app has beendownloaded.FEATURES:• 3 FREE animal videos that include:- Entertaining animation!- Real-animals in nature settings!- Engaging toys!- Funny puppets!- Toddlers in adorable animal outfits!• An interactive animated Noah who randomly jumps or directsanimalsinto his ark!• A cast of animated animals used for accessing videos!• This app includes an in-app purchase to downloadmorevideos!**This app’s features are currently only available in English**If these video clips entertain your child, we believe theywilltruly enjoy the full-length DVD. You can get your own copy oftheDVD here. will venture along with Noah as he obeys God's commandtobuild an ark and gather two of every kind of animal. Ourvisuallycreative combination of animation, toys, animals innature, childrenin adorable outfits and puppets - all set tobeautiful classical andworship music - will thoroughly engage andentertain your child.About Solomon’s Nursery: Our goal is to create engagingandinteractive products that offer fun and playful moments for youandyour children. Our products are thoughtfully created with thegoalof entertaining your child, while introducing the wonders ofGod’sworld to their heart and mind.If you are experiencing any technical issues, pleasecontactcustomer care at [email protected].
ZSL London Zoo 8.56
ZSL London Zoo’s official Androidapp,featuring everything you need for an amazing visit. Find outmoreabout your favourite animals, create your own bespoke tourorfollow one of ours, find out about all of our exciting dailyeventsand set yourself reminders, and play the Walkabout Game,where youfind and photograph animals to win Explorer trophies andSpotterbadges! You can plan your visit, book tickets and make themost ofyour time with us, all with our free app!
ZOO Osnabrück – Audioguide 1.0.2
Die APP für dein interaktives Zoo Erlebnis.Du hast noch nie etwas von Coruros gehört? Du warst noch nieinTakamanda? Du weißt nicht, wann dieLöwen gefüttert werden oderwanndie nächste tierische Aktion im Zoo Osnabrück stattfindet?Dasändert sich jetzt.Mit dem interaktiven Audioguide des Zoo Osnabrück bekommstdualle Informationen ganz einfach auf dein Smartphone geladenundkannst bequem die Daten zu den fast 3.000 Tieren und 300Tierartenaufrufen. Individuelle Tiergeschichten kannst Du Dirbequem direktam Gehege anhören und alles über das jeweilige Tiererfahren.Solltest du ein Tier nicht identifizieren können oder esnichtfinden, hilft dir der integrierte QR-Code-Scanner dabei:Einfachden QR-Code am Tierschild scannen und dein Smartphone gibtdieInformationen wieder.Mit der integrierten Karte orientierst du dich schnell aufdem23,5 Hektar großem Gelände des Zoos und findest einfach den Wegzurnächsten Attraktionen.Dank der aktuellen News und den hinterlegten Fütterungs-undVeranstaltungszeiten, verpasst du keine der zahlreichen,tierischenEvents mehr.Mit der Zoo Osnabrück App kannst du deinen Besuch im Zoobequemvon zu Hause aus planen und vorbereiten.Inhalte- Tiergeschichten- Informationen zu Anfahrt & Öffnungszeiten- Zoolageplan- Informationen zu Fütterungszeiten- Informationen zu Events- Brilliante Tierbilder- detaillierte Tierinformationen über „Zoowiso“- QR-Code-Reader für die einfache Wiedergabe der Funktionen- Separierte ThemenweltenThe APP foryourinteractive zoo experience.You've never heard of Coruros? You've never been inTakamanda?You do not know when dieLöwen be fed or when the nextanimal actiontakes place in the Zoo Osnabrück? That is nowchanging.The interactive audio guide of the Zoo Osnabrück you get alltheinformation easily on your Smartphone charged and can easilyaccessthe data on almost 3,000 animals and 300 species ofanimals.Individual animal stories you can listen directly to theenclosureand easily learn about a particular animal.Should not you be able to identify an animal and can not findit,you will help the integrated QR code scanner: Simply scan theQRcode on your smartphone animal sign and presentstheinformation.With the integrated card you orientierst up quickly on the23.5hectare area of ​​the zoo and find the easy way to thenextattraction.Thanks to the latest news and deposited feeding and eventtimes,you missed any of the numerous, more animal events.With the Zoo Osnabrück app you can add your trip to the zoofromthe comfort of your home plan and prepare.Content- Pet Stories- Access to information and opening times- Zoolageplan- Information on feeding times- Information on events- Brilliant animal pictures- Detailed information about animal "Zoowiso"- QR code reader for easy playback functions- Separated Themes
Memphis Zoo 2023.06.28
Experience the Memphis Zoo wherever you are.
Baby Zoo 3.0
Movable Tech
Entertain your baby with colorfulanimalimages. View 18 different animals, tapping on them to changetheircolors. Not ready for colorful animals yet? View some of theimagesin black and white.Key words:Animals baby infant zoo toddler entertain