Top 20 Apps Similar to RWT Timeline

History Timeline
A detailed timeline of World History
Timeline 2.0
Do you study history? You should. Have ahardtime remembering when your grandfather visited France? Or whenyournephew was born? Why not use Timeline to help you keep track ofallthose dates! Timeline is a great reference tool forrememberingdates big and small--Napoleon's failed conquest ofRussia or yourlast camping trip. Timeline helps you remember.Features* Create timelines and associate them with custom colors* View multiple timelines together* Make some timelines links permanent* Search timelines* Supports AD/BC and "All Month" and "All Year" eventsOpen Source Notice**
Timeline of Human History 1.0
Halcyon Apps
Rich and comprehensive overview of thehistoryand future of mankind, enabling anyone to explore the pastandfuture of humanity in a swift, clean and coherent fashion.- Containing a comprehensive outline of the significant eventsinhuman political, martial and scientific history and the future,fromthe origin of the human species to the year 100 000 AD- Largest graphical scale of its kind, with severalhundredlabels and a plethora of accompanying illustrations
Timeline of Inventions 1.0
Halcyon Apps
Rich and comprehensive overview ofthehistoryof inventions, enabling anyone to explore thegradualprogress ofhumanity throughout the history in a swift, cleanandcoherentfashion.- Containing a comprehensive outline of thesignificantinventionsof scientific, industrial, navigational ormartialnature throughoutthe millenia, from the origin of thehumanspecies to the year2015- Largest graphical scale of its kind, with severalhundredlabelsand a plethora of accompanying illustrations
Quick n Easy Timeline Planner 4.0
Johan Snider
How to use the Timeline Planner:Enter your first task, and how much time you want to work onitfor.Then hit the "Save" arrow to save the task to yourtimeline.Repeatthis process until you have entered all your tasksand hit"Start."Then let the Quick 'n' Easy Timeline Planner guideyouthrough yourplan. Try to make as much progress on each task asyoucan withinthe time limit you've set for yourself. Focus iskeyevery minutecounts and if you get distracted look back tothescreen to remindyourself what you should be working on.Please read below for more information on theapp'sdesignfeatures:Project description/overviewThe Quick ‘n’ Easy Timeline Planner is anAndroidapplicationdesigned to help students better manage theirstudytime. When itcomes to balancing the workloads ofdifferentassignments, we aremost productive when we work inmultiple, short,focused sprints asopposed to long, drawn out,cramming sessions.This app takesadvantage of these naturallyproductive study habitsto help us getthe most out of the time wespend studying.Problem statementStudents are faced with the responsibility ofbalancingmultipleimportant tasks which requires efficient timemanagementand goodstudy habits. Often, certain tasks take longerthanexpected andthe things we didn’t get done today get pushed offintotomorrow.When these tasks pile up, they are either forgottenaboutor bustedout last minute right before a deadline.SolutionThe Quick ‘n’ Easy Timeline Planner offers students a way toplanouta two to three hour timeline where they predefine whattasksthey aregoing to work on and how long they will work onthem.After that, thegoal is to make as much progress on the taskasthey can. Workingthis way has several advantages:minimizing the amount of time wasted stuck on problemsalways making progress on the tasks that are plannedworking for shorter, more focused periods of timeMethodologyThe app design started during the Summer beforecapstone.InSeptember, I met with Jihan Ejan, the director for TheCenterforStudent Success and received feedback from her abouttheconceptfor the app. The first version was published inDecember.ThroughFebruary and March I updated the app several timesbased offoffeedback I received from student testers. In April, Ipublishedthelast version which included layout support fortablets,horizontalscreen orientations, a new theme, and improvedhandlingof theAndroid lifecycle methods.
Timeline of Events 2.1.2
Timeline of Events is an applicationthatallowsfor graphical representation of important events for youonthehorizontal time axis. Events are placed on the axis ofthecharacterspretty, colorful balloons with a list of thecontents.Under the program, you can:- Define the time interval- Move the timeline on a monthly basis for each ofthedefinedyear- Add, modify, and delete events- Preview the arrangement of events on a timelinePlease send feedback to:
Noded: Smart Timeline Calendar 1.1.2
Noded is the first SmartTimelineCalendar.Noded is a hybrid note taker, planner, and timeline-calendarappdevoted to speed. Noded exists in spite of Google CalendarandEvernote. Noded has multilingual support and empowerscustomersthrough productivity speed, ease-of-use, and a uniqueapproach toorganization – The Timeline Node Stream.Unlike Google Calendar and Evernote, Noded doesn’t wantanythingfrom you; it simply wants to empower you. Noded exists toempoweryou. Organize Better, Faster with Noded - Just NodeIt.What makes Noded unique is its focus on speed and itsopinionatedapproach toward organizing.1) You create Nodes (notes/todos/ideas/lists/whatever)2) Noded organizes your Nodes into your Timeline Node Stream3) That's it - Noded helps you "Get In, Get Out, and Get onwithYour Life".* Keyboard Auto-launch (instant text or voice input)* Timeline Node Stream (don't bounce around a calendar,seeeverything at once)* Double Tap Smart Save (get in, get out, get on withyourlife)* Time-Tag Slider (super simple and blazing fast timetagging)* Friendly Dates ("Today", "Tomorrow", "This Friday", etc.)* Fully Customizable Colors (theme Noded to match your style)* Smart Edit & Multi-Delete (simple and fast TimelineNodeStream updates)* Multi-Language Support (English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, moretocome)Noded - Organize Better, Faster - Just Node It.
Timeline Eons 2.1.04
Timeline Eons, a graphic representation of the entire naturalandhuman history.
Timeline PTI 1.0
Este livro apresenta a linha do tempodoParqueTecnológico Itaipu - PTI que localíza-se namaiorusinahidroelétrica do mundo em produção de energia -ItaipuBinacional.O livro apresenta a história do PTI de formaagradável eresumida,visando a melhor experiência ao usuário.This bookpresentsthetimeline of Itaipu Technological Park - PTI that islocated onthelargest hydroelectric plant in the world in energyproduction-Itaipu Binational. The book presents the history of PTIniceandbriefly, for better user experience.
The Timeline (Early Preview) 1.01
Samir Roy
The Timeline is a reminders app withauniqueuser experience. Schedule reminders on a timeline andwatchthemmove to the top as time elapses. When the reminder reachesthetop,an alarm is triggered.- Snooze or dismiss reminders- Reschedule reminders by dragging them up or downthetimeline- Press and hold anywhere on the timeline and slide to theleftorright to create a new reminder- Separate system notifications for each reminder- Create alarms at 30 min or 5 min intervalsNote: The app is a preview version and currently designedtoworkon screen resolutions of 720x1280 only. It will notworkcorrectlyon other screens.
Nearpod Inc.
An all-in-one solution for the use ofmobiledevices and computers in educationNearpod: “Best Collaboration Solution - EdTech Digest Awards2012”,“Audience Favorite - LAUNCH Edu & Kids 2012”. Nowavailable forChrome!Nearpod is a must have application for teachers and schoolsthathave access to a set of mobile devices and/or computers fortheirclasses.What's Nearpod?The Nearpod platform enables teachers, schools and districts, tousetheir tablets/Google Chromebooks to manage content onstudents'mobile devices. It seamlessly combines interactivepresentation,collaboration, and real-time assessment tools into oneintegratedsolution.What Teachers Are Saying About Nearpod:"My students love using the Nearpod app! It allows me to assessmystudents using polls, multiple choice questions, and openendedquestions." - Natasha, Spanish Teacher - New York"Nearpod is a powerful tool! My students love it and it gives mesomuch flexibility in and out of the classroom. I was usingNearpodin my AP Biology class and one of my students arrived latedue to adentist appointment. Just as he walked in the door I askedaquestion and he answered it. After seeing the astonished look onmyface he explained that another classmate had texted himthepresentation PIN and he had been following along the entireperiodso he hadn't missed anything! Awesome!" Janell, Teacher-Florida."Nearpod was great and the ability to guide students throughthepresentation, while walking around the classroom was excellent.Ofcourse the power comes from the interactive elements ofthepresentation." - Matt, Teacher - Middlesex, UKBefore You StartNearpod is a synchronous solution for the use of mobile devicesinthe classroom. To try Nearpod, you will need one Tablet,Chromebookor PC/MAC and at least one other device (tablets,smartphones,PC/MAC), both running Nearpod. All devices should beconnected tothe Internet.Nearpod officially supports:9 and 10 inch Samsung Tablets9 and 10 inch Nexus TabletsHow it Works:1. Nearpod presentations: Create new slides or turn yourPowerpoint,Google Slides or PDFs into interactive Nearpodpresentations. Orchoose from a ever-growing library ofready-to-use CCSS content fromdistinguished educators andpublishers.2. Engage your students on any device: Easily sharesynchronizedlessons with students across all devices. Includeinteractivefeatures such as quizzes, videos, polls, drawing tools,andmore.3. Instantly Assess Student Comprehension: Get real-time feedback+comprehensive post-session reports. Download report dataandintegrate it with your LMS.Try the SILVER Edition for FREE! You also have the option toupgradeyour account to the Nearpod GOLD Edition for only$11.99/month,which offers the following benefits:- More storage space (up to 3GB)- Larger file uploads (up to 40MB)- More students per session (up to 50)- Additional interactive features (add audio slides,twittertimelines and insert web pages in your presentation)- Student self paced feature (Nearpod homework)- "On the Fly" featuresDownload Nearpod now and sign up for a FREE account tostartexperiencing the magic of Nearpod!Nearpod allows teachers to:Install Nearpod now and sign up for a FREE account tostartexperiencing the magic of Nearpod!
History of the Universe 2.0
Halcyon Apps
Rich and comprehensive overview of the history and future ofouruniverse, earth and nature, enabling anyone to explore the pastandfuture of the world in a swift, clean and coherent fashion.-Containing a comprehensive outline of the significant eventsincosmic and natural history and future from the Big Bang to theheatdeath of the universe - Largest graphical scale of its kind,withseveral hundred labels and a plethora of accompanyingillustrations- A quick and entertaining way to learn about thehistory and thefar future of the Universe and the solar system
American Civil War Timeline 3.0.2
Enjoy this packet of American CivilWarTimeline Flashcards created by the mad scientists atTestSoup.Hopefully you'll learn a thing or two.Step into the TestSoup time machine for few seconds now.Imaginethat you've now gone through the set of flashcards a fewtimes. Ifyou did, you would better understand the sequence ofevents in theU.S. Civil War. Everyone would praise you for yourknowledge.By the way, we've helped thousands of students beat manyastandardized exam with our online and mobile study systemsusingthe same system you'll use here. You can customize yourpractice tofocus on weak areas. You can also flag tough conceptsfor extrareview. So, if you are early in your prep, you canpractice acrossall types of math and verbal concepts. If you arefar along in yourprep, you can focus your practice on theparticular section ordifficulty level that you care most about. Youcan also practicewith hundreds of example questions customized tosimulate the realexam. Our program also allows you to study at yourconvenience,anytime, anywhere in the world.Check out TestSoup to master your exam - http://www.testsoup.comFollow us on TwitterLike us on Facebook
Human Anatomy Atlas 2023 2023.04.011
Visible Body
A comprehensive 3D atlas of the human body
SG50 Timeline 1.0
DS Media
It has three portions : Singapore Time-line,Quiz and What make us so special?In Singapore Time-line, we cover the last 50 yearsSingaporehistory.To make the users understand Singapore history better there isaquiz section where users can answer 10 random questions inshortesttime possible to reach the top contestant every week towinprizes.Finally users can identify themselves and what makes ussospecial as Singaporean by selecting from our identity images.Theycan also post to their social media platforms too.
Gray's Anatomy - Anatomy Atlas 5.5
This application designed for you to learning about human anatomy.
Human Anatomy 1.0
Mesbah ud din
Human Anatomy application hasthefulldescription of all human body organswiththeirlocation,size,functions and diseases.There are almost78organs ina human body which vary according to theirsizes,functions oractions. An organ is a collection of millions ofcellswhich grouptogether to perform single functions in a our body.Thecells inthese body organs are highly specialized and form forallthenecessary actions for some specific time. Out of these 78organsofa male or female body, skin is the largest organ withrespecttoits size and weight. The major organ in the body of humanbeingsisthe brain which is primarily responsible for performingallthefunctions and actions of the body. Other major organs ofthebodyare given in the following list with names, diseases,locationandfunctions.Adrenal Glands,Anus,Appendix,Bladder,Bones,Brain,Bronchi,Ears,Esophagus,Eyes,Gall Bladder,Genitals,Heart,Hypothalamus,Kidneys,Large Intestine,Larynx (voice box),Liver,Lungs,Lymph Nodes,Mouth,Nose,Pancreas,Parathyroid Glands,Pituitary Gland,Prostate,Rectum,Salivary Glands,Skin,Small Intestine,Spinal Cord,Spleen,Stomach,Thymus Gland,Trachea,Thyroid,Ureters,Urethra.
Human Anatomy Dictionary 2.1.0
Looking for the best Human AnatomyDictionaryin the Google Play?Check out our latest Human Anatomy Terms Dictionary...Main Features:1. Equipped with quick dynamic search function (Fuzzy Logic) –Thedictionary will start searching for the words while youtype.2. Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “star” icon.3. Managing Bookmark Lists – you are able edit your bookmarklistsor clear them.4. Add New Words/ Terms – you will be able to add in and storeanyof the new terms in this Dictionary.5. > 7,000 words – Included all the popular and daily usetermsin the dictionary.6. FREE – It is completely free. Download at no cost. FOC.7. Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when no data connectionisavailable.8. Small Size (few MB) – The dictionary will only take asmallportion of your Android devices.9. Android version compatibility – The Apps can work perfectlyfineon all Android version either on latest ICS/ KitKat orolderversion.10. Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function, allowing you to use with ease.In addition, all the terms are listed alphabetically withfastersearch facility, easy to navigate through entire app.This app will work as a great pocket resource for HumanAnatomyterms and definitions.Please rate this application 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.Julia Dictionary Inc
Timelines 2.20.21
Andy Harris
Compare times across multiple timezones. Handy for catching upwithfamily, friends or colleagues all over the world. 'The nightisnearly over; the day is almost here.'
Neuronify 1.0.8
Neural networks in an app