Top 11 Apps Similar to Daimokuhyo_pro_uni

DAIMOKU Plus 1.1.2
If you use this APP, it will help torealizeyour wishes.keep your wishes recalling with 'the wishlist' and then it willmustrealize if you chant through 'the daimoku calendar'.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -1. The Purpose of this APPEveryone is still trying to be happy in rest of theirlife.They are happier in times of the aim, won't know to give upwithit.This app was created for people who will achieve their targetwithbrave heart.Therefore. if you utilize this app fully, need must to dreamcometrue.You should use the "wish list" fully and check days thatelapsedthrough calender Accurate cognitive goalsFrom now on you have to visualize the dream. this app is nessaryinorder to fullfill your wish.If you never give up. have your wish certainly.2. contents> GONGYO. You can turn over the pages with figer move, and canpracticeasceticism to focus without any gongyo book by smartmobilephone.> WISH LIST. Cataloge hope set and do not make forget target. Quick edit of tasks (Priority, Category, Due date, Shareandmore). Notes to do list> DAIMOKU* Chant for 100 days :. You can make a goal of 3 hours of daimoku each day for100days. It's must be hard chant to you but your attampt must haverealizedyour dream* Calendar :. Check progress of degree and Daily Encouragement* Custom chant :. easily make a effort the customized target and Everydaimokucounts- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - --- tag ---daimoku,daimoku plus,sgi,SGI,gongyo,chant,goal,todolist,wishlist,nam myo ho ren ke kyo,myo ho ren gekyo,soka,sokagakkai,lotus,nichiren shoshu,lotussutra,ikeda,budda,nichiren,toda,sensei,bichiren buddisim,daisakuikeda
Daimokuhyo4 5.0.4
Warning:The upgraded one, please go after taking the backup by allmeansbecause past data disappear.--------------------------------------------Let's do its best by the "Daimoku" first to get eternalhappiness."Daimokuhyo4" is the Chanting application for a SGImember. As afeature, the painting-out movie and the percentcomplete areexpressed as the beautiful full screen of force. Abackground imagecan also be selected. Daily chanting is inputtedusing a calendartool. Furthermore, you can work on daily Chantingby using thetimer tool although being a pleasure. I improved it touse thisapplication promptly by adding a tutorial.-- Operating manual and the main feature - - - - -1. You input five items of the "Title", "Start date", "Goaldate","Target value", "Present value". The challenge period iscalculatedautomatically by the start date and the goal date.Theaccomplishment rate is an automatic ticketing from a targetvalueand a present value.2. When you input a daily chanting using a calendar tool,the"calendar" button taps it.3."Display" button when touching It becomes "Characterselection"screen. I improved it to display the motto that youinput. Themovie of painting out starts when favorite "thepainting-out movie"is selected.4. When "P" button touches The display of present stageofcompletion stop is done by "the painting-out movie".5. It will become a timer tool if a "Timer" button is touched.Sinceit is specializing in the "Chanting", it is the best for thecountof the daily number of titles.- - - - - Calendar tool screen - - - - -1. A calendar of this month is automatically displayed and itischangeable with the triangular button in the right and left ofayears display.2. Since the Daimoku time (minute) counted with the timer toolisdisplayed, it will be displayed beside the date of a calendar.Thetotal Chanting time and number of the total Chanting arecalculatedautomatically.3. The calendar tool cooperates with a timer tool. The Chantingtimewhen you acquired it with a timer tool is displayed.4. It becomes One-year count screen when you tap a"Count"button.5. A "d" button of the right edge is delete button. When you wanttoremove all data which you input into a calendar, you tap it.Pleasereboot after finishing application once when you removedata.6. The number of the Chanting is displayed every each month and,atthe number of to date the total Chanting and mean Chantingtime,the number of the remainder Chanting and average Chanting timetoaim numerical value are calculated automatically andaredisplayed.7. When you tap a "T" button, it returns to the firstsettingwindow.- - - - - The operation method of a timer tool - - - - -1. It is a double timer of a total timer and a countdown timerwithalarm. It is a measurement start with the "Start button." The"Stopbutton" stops and the number of Daimoku is calculatedautomaticallyand it saves. It is initialization of a timer with the"Resetbutton".2. Although the speed 20 (minute) of 1000 Ben is set up bythedefault, it can change and can carry out a multi-stagesetup.DisclaimersThis application is a personal thing and cannot guarantee allabouta lawful act, accuracy, morality, currentness, an adequacy,thecontents including consent and having copyright or not.
Daimokuhyo 1.0.0
It is a flat design version of"Daimokuhyo"app. I using a good beautiful font of the visibility, Imade thesimple button design that a 6-year-old child could operateandrenovated an interface. Furthermore, I add a tutorial. Thefirstuser also enabled it to use it immediately.All people have infinite ability to grant one's hope. Youwillchallenge chanting daimoku for the big win of the life everyday.This application supports your chanting daimoku until youachievean aim by kanji painting tool. As characteristics ---1. This application promotes determination by filling it outbyoneself with a clear aim as a sentence and clarifies it.2. You can control yourself in numbers, such as a challengeperiod,the remaining period, and an achievement ratio.3. "Kanji - calligraphy" is starting a boom also in EuropeandAmerica now. The percent complete to goal achievement isvisuallyrealizable by kanji painting.4. Old-fashioned "kanji painting" becomes image training byplayingtogether with music.5. With the timer tool which can carry out a stepless setup ofthetitle speed, you can challenge daily chanting daimoku,enjoyingthat number of acquisition daimoku increases.
Daimokuhyo 5.2.0
I think that setting up a large targetofthelife and challenging are a very important things forbeingdesignin the future. In addition, I think that I become abigresultaccumulation during a day of a day and can achieve alargetarget.Then, this "Daimokuhyo" application program is1. The motivation happens very much because the interfaceissimpleand the contract of the adventure style.2. The self management of the target can be done by thefigurebyfilling in hard numbers.3. The decision is prompted by making a large targetavisualcharacter and it clarifies.4. "Chinese character - calligraphy" is starting a boomalsoinEurope and America now. The stage of completiontoaccomplishmentof a goal can visually be actually felt.5. A multi-stage's setup in speed of Daimoku ispossible.Thetoolwhich calculates the number of Daimokuautomatically from atimerwas incorporated.It is possible to peel off and I will surely guide youtolargeaccomplishment of a goal but happily but too not formal.SGImemberbecomes "Chant table" according to the titleof"Daimokuhyo".- - - Operation condition of application program - - -1. Adobe AIR is used.2. At first, reading SWF may take time somewhat.3. The reaction of a button may become blunt after returningfromatimer tool or sleep.Then, please set between and carry out a tap once again.- - - Operating manual and the main feature - - -1. You input five items on the information screen. And,it"Entry"button touches.2. As for the input value, it is preserved in the cookiewiththeentry button, and the superscription is preserved everytimeitchanges.3. When you do "Reading" button in the touch Thechallengeperiod(The set daily allowance day is added) iscalculatedautomaticallyby the start date and the goal date.4. The accomplishment rate is an automatic ticketing(Belowdecimalpoint omission) from a target value and a present value.5. It is under Present value input box. Right "+ button"addsthenumerical value of a direct entry, and a timer toolinputnumericalvalue to the present value. After touching "+button"Please besure for the numerical value added to the input boxof thepresentvalue to be reflected, and to touche "Entry" buttonaftercheckingthat the numerical value has been set to 0. Thenumericalcolumnwill become blank with the entry button.6."Display" button when touching It becomes"Characterselection"screen. The movie of "Chinese characterpainting out"starts whenfavorite "Chinese character" isselected.7.When the tap of the "Progress" button was carried out,astopindication of the present percent complete is given,anda"Title","The challenge period by the present", an "Accomplishmentrate"andthe numerical value "Remaining period" also came tobedisplayedsimultaneously.It can be made the "certificate" atthetime ofachievement by photographing the screen shotof"percentcomplete."8. Because all "Chinese character painting out" progresslevelmoviesconsist more than 3000 frames, a correct stage ofcompletioncan beunderstood. Hereafter, the kind of the Chinesecharacterwill beincreased fast.9. It will become a timer tool if a "Timer" button istouched.Sinceit is specializing in the "Chant table", it is thebest forthecount of the daily number of titles.- - - The operation method of a timer tool - - -1. It is a measurement start with the "Start button."The"Stopbutton" stops. It is initialization of a timer withthe"Resetbutton." With the "Save button", the number ofDaimokuiscalculated autoamatically and it saves.2. Although the speed 20 (minute) of 1000 Ben is set upbythedefault, it can change and can carry out a multi-stagesetup.(Usually, 15-20=Default )3. It returns to the information screen with the "Infobutton."Thenumber of Daimoku saved with the timer tool on theleft-handsideof "+ button" of the information screen isdisplayed.
Daimokuhyo_pro 3.6.0
 "Daimokuhyo_pro" application is anextendedversion of "Daimokuhyo" application. It is a target becauseof biggoal achievement. A long period of time, the middle, andshortperiod It can set up by dividing into three.or Three targets for a field to be different can also besetup. "Daimokuhyo" application being an application which specializedinthe Chant table. This "Daimokuhyo_pro" application should serveasa tool with which you can tackle with volition towards the biggoalachievement further added to the Chant table.- - - Operation condition of application program - - -- Adobe AIR is used.- At first, reading SWF may take time somewhat.- The reaction of a button may become blunt after returning fromatimer tool or sleep.Then, please set between and carry out a tap once again.- - - Operating manual and the main feature - - -Refer to the "Daimokuhyo" application for basic operation.Here, the function and the feature which were newly addedareexplained.- The big target is displayed in a list and it can set upthreetargets.If the tap of the "setting" button is carried out, it willbecomeeach setting screen.- "Accomplishment rate" and "Remaining period" are displayedbyreturning to a list screen after a setup.- "Motto" button is saved if the tap of the indicator and mottooflife is filled in and carried out, and it can alwaysbedisplayed.- (Period) A display. Remaining period / Challenge period Itbecamea fraction display. Below the decimal point ofnumericalcomputation becomes "omission."- It became operation in which "Entry" button and "Reading"buttoninterchanged, and the present condition becameintelligible.- The number of acquisition where the input box (it is 0 bythedefault) on the left-hand side of the "+" button was saved withthetimer tool is displayed.The direct entry of the numerical value can also be carriedouthere.- If the tap of the "+" button is carried out, anadditionalnumerical value will be reflected in the currentprice.When you check that the numerical value has been set to 0, pleasebesure to carry out the tap of the "Entry" button.If registered, "Reading" button will be replaced and thenumericalcolumn will become blank.Please carry out the tap of the "Reading" button further to changeasetup here or carry out a direct entry.Again, the numerical column is set to 0 and replaces "Entry"button(it was in the entry standby state now).- If the tap of the "Progress" button is carried out, astopindication of the present percent complete will be given.A"title", "the challenge period by the present thing", a"completionrate", and the "remaining period" are displayed.By photographing the screen shot of "percent complete", we canmakeit the "certificate" at the time of achievement.* How to photograph a screen shot ... If the home buttonandpower button of a smart phone are pushed simultaneously, ashuttersound can carry out and it can photograph a screen shot.- A multi-stage setup of the number of acquisition for 1 minutecanbe carried out below including a decimal point (when it isthenumber of Daimoku, 50-67 is considered to be good).- If the tap of the "Save" button is carried out, the numberofacquisition is calculated automatically and save.If the tap of the "Info" button is carried out, it will return toa"setting" screen.
Daimokuhyo5 2.2.0
Warning:The upgraded one, please go after taking the backup byallmeansbecause past data disappear.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This application is the new version of the"Daimokuhyo3"application.It upgraded innovatively andappeared.I used the good beautiful font of visibility for thecharacter,andadopted the Flatt design. I made the simple buttondesign thata6-year-old child could operate and renovatedaninterface.Furthermore, I add a tutorial. The first useralsoenabled it touse it immediately.All people have infinite ability to grant one's hope.Youwillchallenge chanting Daimoku for the big win of the lifeeveryday.This application supports your chanting Daimoku untilyouachievean aim by kanji painting tool. As characteristics---1. This application promotes determination by filling itoutbyoneself with a clear aim as a sentence and clarifies it.2. You can control yourself in numbers, such as achallengeperiod,the remaining period, and an achievementratio.3. "Kanji - calligraphy" is starting a boom also inEuropeandAmerica now. The percent complete to goal achievementisvisuallyrealizable by kanji painting.4. Old-fashioned "kanji painting" becomes image trainingbyplayingtogether with music.5. With the timer tool and calendar tool , you canchallengedailychanting Daimoku, enjoying that number ofacquisitionDaimokuincreases.
Daimokuhyo2_uni 2.1.0
Let's do its best by the daimoku first togethappiness. "Daimokuhyo2_uni" application isuniversalspecifications of "Daimokuhyo2" application. Thisapplicationsupports 9 languages (English, French, German, Italian,Spanish,Portuguese, Korean, Chinese and Japanese). It becomesthehigh-resolution version.1. The first setting screen・Please tap a certain "en" and displayed language choicebuttonfirst right under title -Daimokuhyo. 9 languages of en(English),fr( French), de( German), it( Italian), sp( Spanish),pt(Portuguese), kor( Korean), cn( Chinese) and jp( Japanese)becomethe scroll bar list indication belonging to it (a default isen).After having finished application when you choose it once,settingis stored.・Input five items of "Title", "Start date", "Goal date","Targetvalue", and "Present value", and carry out the tap of the"Entry"button. - The "Entry" button changes to the "Reading"button. Andif the tap of the "Reading" button is carried out,"Remainingperiod", "Challenge period", and "Accomplishment rate"will becalculated automatically and (below decimal pointomission)displayed.・The "+" button under the "Present value" is putting in andcarryingout the tap of the daily number to the left-hand sideinput column.It is added to a present value and is displayed. Thenumerical valuethat was added when you forget it is not recorded.It correspondsalso to the below-mentioned timer tool.・If the tap of the "Background" button is carried out, itwillbecome a selection screen of the background image ofanapplication.・If the tap of the "Display" button is carried out, it will becomeaselection screen of The kanji painting movie.・If the tap of the "Timer" button is carried out, it will becomeatimer tool screen.2. Background selection screen・Since a thumbnail indication of various background images isgiven,if the tap of the pleasing picture is carried out, it willreturn tothe setting screen changed to the selected picture.After ending an application, it returns to the background oftheparchment of initial setting.・Although it is eight patterns of the present "Parchment","Sakura","Wood", "Green", "Paper", "Blue", "Earth", and "Gold", Iwould liketo increase gradually from now on.3. Display screen・If the tap of the "character selection" button of the center ofamovie selection screen is carried out The "Chinese character" ofapainting-out movie is displayed in a list. If one is selectedfrom"Taiko", "Victory", "Pass", "Hope", and "Myoho", a buttonwilldisappear and the Chinese character painting-out movie of afullscreen will be started.・The button which disappeared when the tap of the favorite placeofa screen was carried out appears.・If the tap of the "Progress" button is carried out, astopindication of the present percent complete will be given.A"title", "the challenge period by the present thing", a"completionrate", and the "remaining period" are displayed.Furthermore, the button which disappeared when the tap ofthefavorite place of a screen was carried out appears.・If the tap of the "Info" button is carried out, it will returntothe first setting screen.4. Timer tool screen・Input the speed of 1000 Ben according to own chanting speed(initial setting by which 15 minutes - 20 minute areusuallyconsidered to be good has become in 20 minutes).・A timer will be started if the tap of the "Start" button iscarriedout. If a "Stop" button was tapped, it stops. It isinitialized withthe "Reset" button.If the tap of the "Save" button is carried out, the numberofacquisition is calculated automatically and it saves.・If the tap of the "Info" button is carried out, it will returntothe first setting screen. It is displayed on the left-handsideinput column of the "+" button. If the tap of the "+" buttonwillbe carried out, it adds to the present value.
Daimokuhyo3 2.0.0
Warning:It became the new version accompanied by change ofmemoryspecification by this upgrade. Therefore, the upgraded one,pleasego after taking the backup by all means because pastdatadisappear.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Daimokuhyo3" is an interface version of the real designwhereas"Daimokuhyo5" is a flat design. It is specifications forexclusiveuse of the android application. It became the buttondesign thatwas simpler than a former version and appeared. Inaddition, Ipainted it over, and "courage" was added to "the kanji"of themovie.All people have infinite ability to grant one's hope. Youwillchallenge chanting Daimoku for the big win of the life everyday.This application supports your chanting Daimoku until youachievean aim by kanji painting tool. As characteristics ---1. This application promotes determination by filling it outbyoneself with a clear aim as a sentence and clarifies it.2. You can control yourself in numbers, such as a challengeperiod,the remaining period, and an achievement ratio.3. "Kanji - calligraphy" is starting a boom also in EuropeandAmerica now. The percent complete to goal achievement isvisuallyrealizable by kanji painting.4. Old-fashioned "kanji painting" becomes image training byplayingtogether with music.5. With the timer tool and calendar tool , you can challengedailychanting Daimoku, enjoying that number of acquisitionDaimokuincreases.
Daimokuhyo2 2.2.0
All people have the infinite capabilitytofulfill hope. The realization is attained by deciding a bigtargetand challenging."Daimokuhyo2" is the high resolution version which was adaptedforthe tablet of "Daimokuhyo." The kind of painting-outChinesecharacter and also a background image can be chosen. Furthermore,this application displays "a Chinese characterpainting" and "aprogress degree" with a beautiful full screen. By anumber of thechanting timer tool of no stage, You can challengedaily chantingin spite of being pleasure.- - - - - Operating manual - - - - -- Five items of a "Title", an "Start date", an "Goal date",a"Target value", and the "Present value" are inputted, and thetapof the "Entry" button is carried out.- "Entry" button is replaced with "Reading" button, and further,ifit carries out the tap of the "Reading" button, "Remainingperiod"/ "Challenge period" and "Accomplishment rate- The "+" button under the "Present value" is putting inandcarrying out the tap of the daily number to the left-handsideinput column. It is indicated by plus at the current price.Itcorresponds also to the below-mentioned timer tool.- If the tap of the "Background" button is carried out, itwillbecome a selection screen of the background image ofanapplication.- If the tap of the "display" button is carried out, it willbecomea selection screen of a Chinese character painting-outmovie.- If the tap of the "Timer" button is carried out, it will becomeatimer tool screen.- Since a thumbnail indication of various background imagesisgiven, if the tap of the pleasing picture is carried out, itwillreturn to the setting screen changed to the selectedpicture.After ending an application, it returns to the background oftheparchment of initial setting.- Although it is eight patterns of the present"Parchment","Sakura", "Wood", "Green", "Paper", "Blue", "Earth",and "Gold", Iwould like to increase gradually from now on.- If the tap of the "character selection" button of the center ofamovie selection screen is carried out The "Chinese character" ofapainting-out movie is displayed in a list. If one is selectedfrom"Taiko", "Victory", "Pass", "Hope", and "Myoho" , a buttonwilldisappear and the Chinese character painting-out movie of afullscreen will be started.- The button which disappeared when the tap of the favorite placeofa screen was carried out appears.- If the tap of the "Progress" button is carried out, a buttonwilldisappear, a stop indication of the present percent completeisgiven on a full screen, and a "Title", "Start date - Today'sdate",a "Remaining period", and an "Accomplishment rate" aredisplayed ona left shoulder. Here, if a screen shot isphotographed, original"certificate" will be made.Furthermore, the button which disappeared when the tap ofthefavorite place of a screen was carried out appears.- If the tap of the "Info" button is carried out, it will returntothe first setting screen.- Input the speed of 1000 Ben according to own chanting speed(initial setting by which 15 minutes - 20 minute areusuallyconsidered to be good has become in 20 minutes).- A timer will be started if the tap of the "Start" buttoniscarried out.It stops with the "Stop" button. It is initialized with the"Reset"button.- If the tap of the "Save" button is carried out, the numberofDaimoku is calculated automatically and it saves and it willbedisplayed on the number of titles.- It will become a setting screen if the tap of the "Info" buttoniscarried out.The number of Daimoku obtained with the previous timer tool. Itisdisplayed on the left-hand side input column of the"+"button.If it checks, the tap of the "+" button will be carried out, anditadds to the current price.
Kokorozashi Daimoku Free 2.7
Kokorozashi is the only daimoku counteryouwill ever need. The only one with a real map! View yourrecitationson the map and remains determined to achieve theobjectives.SOME REVIEWS"I love it !!!! Thank you so" - 5 stars"Great, a fun and new energy for my daimoku. Thanks" - 5stars"Just purchased and immediately put to the test. It'verycomfortable and pleasant to use! - 5 stars"My 11 years old son began chanting with Kokorozashi. Low costhighbenefit! "- 5 stars"I've installed ... and I can not wait to see the ”moon overtheCapital ". For me it is a great stimulus. Thanks. "- 5stars"Do not miss it. It’s great!” - 5 starsEVERY DAY A NEW STEP.Kokorozashi assists you and motivates you in Nam Myoho RengeKyo'schanting with a daimoku counter that gives value to a pathofcommitment and daily challenges.A great little travel tool for keeping an eye on progressandobjectives, and be encouraged to continue the journey.Enjoy your victories!KOKOROZASHI IN BRIEF:• Inspired by Gosho "Letter to Niiike": The first daimokucounterwhere daily practice is compared to the journey it takes toreachKyoto from the village of Kamakura.• Two* beautiful dynamic maps: A long trail passesthroughbeautiful scenery touching gradually twelve stagesmetaphoricallyassociated with the principles and concepts ofBuddhism ofNichiren.• Encouragement to practice*: Original tracks of Gosho asareward to each stage of the journey. And to each of you willbeable to associate your own goal. One more incentive tomoveforward.• History recitations*: A precise automatic registrationwhereyou keep track of all the daily recitations and the total timeofpractice, with the ability to manually enter therecitationsmissing.• Ability to send encouragement and personal messagestofriends(* In Full Version)TELL US YOUR IMPRESSIONSWe want you to live the experience of using Kokorozashi moreeasyand comfortable as possible, try to use it and give usyourfeedback by writing a review on the store or to the [email protected]. We careaboutyour impressions.A MESSAGE FROM THE DEVELOPERS OF KOKOROZASHIWe spent the last two years to design a new generationofapplications for practicing Buddhism who were respectful,helpfuland easy to use. With Kokorozashi we wanted to provide youadaimoku counter that assist and motivate you in the prectice,butwe know that everything can always be improved. We'd love tohearyour opinion and learn from you. Your comments and prioritieswillguide our work. If you have comments, suggestions or bugreport,leave us a review, write to the eMail [email protected] or on the -via SMS, email or social networks.
Encouragement by Diasaku Ikeda 1.0
I am a SGI member. This is an attempttospreadKosen-rufu and buddhism.Please leave a positive feedbackofyouthink this app made some difference in your life. The apphasnoadvertisement and is free for anyone to download. I'll beveryhappyif you give your reviews and also if you would like toseemoresimilar apps.Daily Encouragment quotes by Daisoku Ikeda for todayandtomorrowoffer inspiration for daily living, wisdom for copingwithlife'sproblems and motivation for pursuing one's dreams.Daisaku Ikeda is a Buddhist leader, peacebuilder,aprolificwriter, poet, educator and founder of a numberofcultural,educational and peace research institutions aroundtheworld.As third president of the Soka Gakkai (value-creatingsociety)andfounder of the Soka Gakkai International, Daisaku Ikedahasdevelopedand inspired what may be the largest, mostdiverseinternational layBuddhist association in the world today.Based onthe 700-year-oldtradition of Nichiren Buddhism, themovement ischaracterized by itsemphasis on individual empowermentand socialengagement to advancepeace, culture and education.