Top 1 Apps Similar to MRI Pulse Sequences

MRI Pulse Sequence +Relaxation 2.0.0
MRI – pulse sequences, like spin-echo-,gradient - echo-, inversion recovery sequence + relaxationofaspinThis app is a learning aid for the medicine students. Itgiveyoua better understanding for the basic physics of an MRI.Inthespecial case of the pulse sequences and relaxation.Thepulsesequences are used in medicine to create measurable 2Dimagesforthe definition and precise localization of the tissueareas tobeexamined.This app you can use in English and German. Ourfurtherreadingsystem let you find more information for MRI in booksorothermedia`s very quickly.This application is suitable for the cooperationwithinteractivewhiteboards and tablets.Short explanation to the pulse sequences.The pulse sequences are selected on the basis of:- the non-homogeneity of the coil magnetic field- the material (tissue) to be examined andthemagnetizationproperties of the sample- the chemical environment of the sampleOne flaw in sequence measurement technology is the factthatthesignal intensity falls drastically if measurementsarerepeatedbefore longitudinal relaxation has been completed. Inthiscase,different tissue structures cannot be clearlydifferentiatedandcontrasted. To avoid this problem, it is necessaryto carry outanumber of measurements (pulse sequences) with arepetition timeTRwhich is relatively short with reference to therelaxation timeT1,with a relatively long TR and with a TR in thesame rangeasT1.(a) Spin echo sequence – repetition time TR in roughlythesamerange: TRT1(b) Gradient echo sequence - short repetition timeTR:TR(c)Inversion recovery sequence - long repetition timeTR:TR>T1