Top 12 Games Similar to Trivia Quiz Cine

Movie Quiz Game : Film Posters 1.5.0
How well do you know your flicks? Guess 100sofmovie posters from the biggest Hollywood blockbuster films ofalltime!So, you think you’re a movie buff? The kind who knowseverythingabout all the famous Hollywood actors and Oscar-winningmovies? Howmany Hollywood movie posters do you think you canremember? PlayThe Movie Quiz Game and find out!!Whether you’re a hard core action fan, a die-hard romantic,asci-fi addict or a teenage drama queen, The Movie QuizGameguarantees you 100% Entertainment! Each level throws you a mixofspecially morphed movie posters across all genres and filmsfromdifferent periods of time; all this to ensure that you’ll begluedto your seats guessing away!With plenty of free levels and challenges, this freeHollywoodmovie poster game promises hours of trivia & puzzlesto testyour memory! The more movies you guess, the more free levelsyouunlock and the more fun you have in this free film posterchallengegame! And if your memory fails you, The Movie Quiz Gamehas a fewfun help options like hints / clues, asking your FacebookandTwitter friends and more!Hints/Clues:Each movie poster comes with 3 hints / clues. You get morehintpoints for every few correct guesses. You can also buy avariety ofhint packs as in-app purchases, if you ever get stuck inthis filmtrivia game!Ask your Facebook and Twitter friends:Hints / clues not helpful enough? Get your friends onFacebookand Twitter to help you guess those seemingly familiarmovies inthis free film poster quiz game!Resolve:And if you still can’t guess that movie, we’ll give youtheanswer in return for a few hints/ clues!Once you’ve cracked all those free levels, we’ve got a bunchofeven more awesome movie packs with 50 movies each, which youcanbuy as in-app purchases! Take your pick from:• Comedy – Guess posters of the best comedy films ever inthisfilm poster quiz game!• Action- Test your action movie knowledge with this pack of50Action movie posters!• Sci-Fi – Guess the film posters of 50 of the coolest Sci-Fimoviesin this film quiz game!• Animation - Indulge the kid in you with this pack of 50oh-so-cuteAnimation movie posters!• Teen- Guess posters of 50 sweet Teen movies in this filmquizgame!• Horror – 50 Horror movies filled with ghosts, ghoulsandeverything creepy!• Romance – Guess posters of 50 of the best romantic movies!• War- Go into battle and guess the movie posters of 50 epicwarmovies!• Sports- Soccer, Basketball, Golf & more! 50 movies justforthe sports enthusiasts!• Family- Round up the family & guess these 50heart-warmingFamily movies!You could also login with Facebook, invite your buddies foragame and see where you figure on our Leaderboard!In this free film Poster challenge you can guess tons ofMoviePosters from great Oscar winning Hollywood movies. Test yourOscarmovie knowledge and memory with this awesome brainchallengegame.What makes the Movie Quiz Game even more fun, is that alltheposters are specially morphed; so you’ll have a blast guessingallthe popular Hollywood actors and actresses & Oscarmovies.So, ready to play this free film poster quiz game? Grabsomepopcorn, settle down on your couch and let the movieguessingbegin! It’s SHOWTIME!If you’ve ever played The Logo Quiz Game & likeguessinglogos, then you’ll love this free Movie Quiz game! Insteadoflogos, here you’ll be guessing popular film posters! Testyourbrain and improve your memory!All movie posters shown or represented in this game areprotectedby copyright and/or are trademarks of their respectivemovies. Thisapp, not anyone associated with it, claims anyownership (copyrightor otherwise) of any movie posters used inthis app.
Movies Trivia 1.0
Play this fun and addictive gameofquestionsabout movies, films, Hollywood and internationalfilmfestivals!Prove how much you know about the movies and cinema worldandthefilms industry and let everybody to know the movie buffyouare.Play all you can answer questions about cinemahistoryfromdifferent times and reach the highest positions in therankingstosee who is the player most addicted to movies.Learn while having fun on the facts and events mostimportantinthe film industry in this game with hundreds oftriviaquestionsabout movies, actors, actresses and awards forbestfilm.ScoreLoop Integration:The game is integrated with Scoreloop rankings system,tokeeptrack of records of each player in each of the levels, sotheycanbetter themselves and be competitive with the other playersintheworld.
Luxme Famosos 1.0
¿CONOCES A PERSONAJES FAMOSOS?RAFA NADAL, KIKO RIVERA, OBAMA, RISTO MEJIDE, PABLOALBORAN,ISABELPREYSLER,NEYMAR,GEMMAMENGUAL,JORGEJAVIERVAZQUEZsonunejemplo¡¡JUEGAYADIVÍNALOS!!Adivina el nombre de tu famoso favorito y mándaleunTwitter.¡¡Teestá esperando!!Ponte a prueba con el juego gratuito más adictivo quehasjugadonunca y adivina el nombre de tus personajesfavoritos.Desafía a tumente y consigue adivinar a los personajesmás famososdel momentoy de nuestra historia.Personas relevantes en los ámbitos deldeporte,política,actualidad, personajes del corazón, moda, cine,música,televisióne historia.****Juego gratuito modelo trivia desarrolladoparadispositivosmóviles ANDROID.******** Juego gratuito de preguntas y respuestas modelo triviacon40pistas disponibles desde el inicio, si se te acaban solicitaatravésde Facebook , mail y/o Twitter más pistas. Tambiénpuedesconseguirmás pistas puntuando el juego en la pantalla LUXME,y siquieres mástienes a tu disposición en la tienda paquetes de 30a300 pistas paraadquirir con dinero real.****¿CÓMO JUEGO Y PASO DE NIVEL? ? Es muy divertido,amplíalasimágenes y si no conoces la respuesta pide ayuda a tusamigosyamigas, desbloquea niveles, gana puntos y premios.Compártelo por tus redes sociales preferidas y demuestra almundoqueeres el mejor. Además, podrás comparar tu estadística.Unavezconsigas la respuesta no vuelvas atrás, desliza tu dedohacialaizquierda y pasarás directamente a la siguientepregunta.CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL JUEGO* Juego EDUCATIVO* Jugar es gratis* 4 categorías (modelo Trivia) : Motor y Deporte;Cultura,Música,Cine y TV; Moda * 1 categoría extra:PERSONAJES DEL CORAZÓN* 6 niveles de dificultad* 3 pistas por producto ( LA ÚLTIMA ES LA SOLUCIÓN)COMPARTIENDO SIEMPRE GANAS5 Pistas por puntuar en Play Store 3 Pistas porcompartirvíaFacebook 3 Pistas por compartir vía Twitter1 Pista por compartir vía e-mailFAMOUS PEOPLEDOYOUKNOW?RAFA NADAL, RIVERA KIKO, OBAMA, RISTO Mejide, PABLOALBORAN,ISABELPREYSLER, NEYMAR, GEMMAMENGUAL,JORGEJAVIERVAZQUEZsonunejemploJUEGAYADIVÍNALOS!Guess the name of your favorite celebrity and send itaTwitter.'sWaiting for you!Challenge yourself with the most addictive free game everplayedandguess the name of your favorite characters. Challenge yourmindandgets to guess the most famous moment in our history.Relevant people in the fields of sport, politics,currentevents,heart characters, fashion, film, music, televisionandhistory.Free Game **** trivia model ANDROID developed formobiledevices.****Game **** Free trivia questions and answers model with40tracksavailable from the start, if you run out requestsviaFacebook,mail and / or Twitter for more clues. You can alsogetmore cluesscoring the game Luxme screen, and if you want moreyouhave atyour disposal in the store packages 30-300 tracks toacquirerealmoney. ****STEP HOW GAME AND LEVEL? ? It's fun, magnifies images andifyoudo not know the answer calls for help from friends,unlocklevels,earn points and prizes.Share it on your favorite social networks and show theworldyou'rethe best. In addition, you can compare your statistics.Onceagainget the response back, slide your finger to the left andyouwillpass directly to the next question.GAME FEATURES* EDUCATIONAL Game* Free to play* 4 categories (Model Trivia): Motor Sports, Culture, Music,FilmandTV, Fashion * 1 extra category:CHARACTERS OF HEART* 6 levels of difficulty* 3 tracks per product (THE LAST IS THE SOLUTION)SHARING ALWAYS WIN5 Trails by scoring on Play Store 3 Tracks for sharing viaFacebook3slopes for sharing via Twitter1 Track for sharing via e-mail
Frikicine 1.0.5
¿Quién sabe más de cine? Desafía a tusamigosonline!Más de 3.000 preguntas de cine yactualizacionesperiódicas.Tienes multitud de avatares disponibles. Los avatares sedesbloqueana medida que consigas puntos en el Modocompetición.Si sientes pasión por el cine, has visto cuarenta veces lamismapelícula y disfrutas recordando momentos e instantesinolvidables,...o no tan inolvidables. Definitivamente... eres unfrikicine!Hay dos modos de juego: Individual y competición. Puedes jugardeforma individual o competir contra otro usuario online.En el Modo individual tienes que superar los objetivospropuestospara cada tema.Cada nivel tiene diferentes temas: actores, personajes,directores,historia, escenarios, música, guión y general.En el Modo competición consigues puntos cada vez que ganesunapartida.Hay 5 niveles: Empiezas el desafío, compras la entrada de cine ylaspalomitas, te sientas en la butaca, grabas la película y yaeres eldirector!Juega en modo multijugador con tus amigos, tu familia, tuparejao con quien quieras. Desafíalos online y... demuestra loquesabes!Consulta las novedades en nuestro facebook: en nuestro twitter: ver todas las características en nuestra webhttp://www.frikicine.comContacta con nosotros en el correo: [email protected], el juego online de cine.keywords: cine juego quiz claqueta trivial actorespersonajesdirectores ticket entrada cine multiplayermultijugadorWho knows moreaboutmovies? Challenge your friends online!Over 3,000 questions of film and regular updates.You multitude of avatars available. The avatars are unlocked asyouget points in the competition mode.If you have a passion for film, you've seen forty times thesamemovie and enjoy remembering moments and unforgettable moments...or not so memorable. Definitely ... 're a frikicine!There are two game modes: Single and competition. You canplayindividually or compete against another user online.In single mode you have to overcome the objectives foreachsubject.Each level has different themes: actors, characters,directors,history, scenery, music, script and general.In the competition mode you get points each time you winagame.There are 5 levels: You start the challenge, purchasing themovieticket and popcorn, sit in the chair, you record the movieandyou're the director!Play multiplayer with your friends, your family, your partneroranyone. Challenge them online and ... shows what you know!See what's new on our Facebook page: on our twitter: can see all the features on our websitehttp://www.frikicine.comContact us at email: [email protected], play movie online.keywords: movie clapper trivial quiz game characters actorsfilmdirectors multiplayer multiplayer entry ticket
WikiTest (Trivia Quiz Game) 2.0.1
WikiTest (Trivia Quiz Game) takes fun toanewlevel.Take on the challenge and have fun with this addictive game.Play, learn, and have fun. Test your trivialknowledge,correctlyanswer each question as quickly as possible toget extrapoints andcatapult your name to the top of the HighScorelist. Youwill facemore than five hundred interesting, funny andcuriousquestionsabout different topics such as sports, music,news,movies, etc.Think you can get to be number one? Check ItOut!Wikitest (Trivia Quiz Game) is a free application. Downloaditnowand start to move up. Be the smartest one!Do you accept the challenge?Like ourFacebookpage:
Triviadictos 1.1
Triviadictos, donde las preguntas lashacestú.Triviadictos es un juego con más de 1500 preguntas,dondedeberásbuscar entre tus contactos al amigo adecuado paraacertar ofallaruna pregunta.¿Suena divertido verdad?El juego contiene dos modalidades:↗ Modo amigos: En esta modalidad de juego tendrás queconseguirelmayor número de aciertos posibles sin responder aunasolapregunta. Tendrás que buscar entre tus contactos deWhatsappparaque respondan por ti, a veces tendrás que buscarcontactosquecreas que pueden acertar la respuesta, otras vecestendrásquebuscar contactos que creas que pueden fallar esarespuesta,paraasí, darte ésta como válida.↗ Modo solitario: En esta modalidad de juego tendrás quehacerelmayor número de puntos posibles respondiendo correctamenteatodasy cada una de las preguntasPara ambas modalidades tendrás comodines que teayudaránaesquivar las preguntas más difíciles.Características:↗ 2 modalidades de juego (modo amigos, modo individual)↗ Más de 1500 preguntas diferentes↗ Gratis!Valoraciones:★★★★★ Si te gustan los juegosdepreguntas,este puede ser el mejor juego del Google Play!, trivial, juegos de quiz, preguntas, juegostrivial,amigos,individual, juego solitario, juego amigos, buscaramigosporwhatsapp, acertar , preguntas, juego preguntas,deporte,ciencia,literatura, cine, arte, música, famososTriviadictoswherethequestions you do. Triviadictos is a game with over1500questions,where you must search through your contacts to therightfriend tohit or miss a question. Sounds fun right?The game has two modes:↗ friends Mode: In this game mode have to get as manyhitspossiblewithout answering a single question. You'll have tosearchthroughyour contacts to WhatsApp to answer for you, sometimesyouhave tofind contacts that you think can guess the answer,sometimesyouhave to find contacts that you think might fail thatanswer,so,give it as valid.↗ solo mode: In this game mode you will have to make asmanypointsas possible by correctly answering each and every oneofthequestionsFor both modalities have wildcards to help you avoidthemostdifficult questions.Features:↗ two modes of play (so friends individually)↗ More than 1500 different questions↗ Free!Ratings:★ ★ ★ ★ ★ If you like trivia games,thismaybe the best game of Google Play!, trivia, quiz games, quizzes, gamestrivial,friends,individually, solitaire game, play friends, findfriendsforwhatsapp, hit, questions, questions game,sports,science,literature, film, art, music, celebrities
Movie Quote Trivia - Free 1.1
“Here’s looking at you, kid.”Our hats off to you if you can survive the moviequotetriviachallenge which takes lines from some of the greatestandmostrespected films in American cinema. If you think you aretheTitanof Tinseltown, then we dare you to try our trivia. But ifnot,then“Hasta la vista, baby.”Download our FREE movie quotes trivia mobile app andtestyourknowledge of the stars and their greatest lines intheirgreatestmovies. The questions stretch way back to the earliestdaysofAmerican film, including the first movie to ever havesoundandspeech (bonus if you can name that movie.)Game Highlights:-100 questions on movie quotes-Multiple-choice format-Facts about each movie-Fun for all movie loversWARNING: This app is only for those die-hard movie buffs.Butifyou think you can hang with the best of them, if you thinkyouknowHollywood better than a plastic surgeon, if youknow“Rosebud”refers to more than just a premature flower, thenpleasedownloadright now and put your knowledge to the test.Download now for free and put your knowledge to the test!
¿Lo sabes? Pro 14.12.1
Miles de preguntas desglosadas endiversascategorías tales como 'Deportes', 'Ciencia', etc...Gran parte de las preguntas tienen como fuente el sitio webdejuegos preguntas-respuestas: 'Doonish' ('¿Lo sabes?' es un juego muy sencillo de utilizar y a lavezpotente que permite al usuario poner a prueba susconocimientos,aprender y pasar un tiempo agradable en esos momentosde avión,trenes, etc... Además, al contrario que otros juegos deeste tipo,no requiere conectividad a Internet para acceder a laspreguntas,evitando problemas en caso de encontrarse en zonas sincobertura dedatos.La idea del juego es sencilla, permitir al usuarioseleccionarqué quiere que se le pregunte, pudiendo elegir entrecategoríascomo deportes, cine, arte, etc... (o todas a la vez) yentre 3tipos de dificultad distintos (o todas a la vez). Laspreguntasirán apareciendo aleatoriamente siempre dentro del rangodeconfiguración seleccionado por parte del usuario. Cadapreguntapuede ser contestada en un plazo de como máximo 30segundos; si noes contestada en ese plazo, se interpretará comorespuestaincorrecta, pasando a la siguiente pregunta. Toda preguntaque nose responde o se responde incorrectamente, tendrá al menoslarespuesta indicada por el dispositivo para la informacióndelusuario.Cada pregunta contestada correctamente tiene un valor de 5puntossi es catalogada como 'sencilla', 10 puntos si es 'normal' y15 sies 'compleja'.La pregunta se puede dejar en pausa a través del menú yesposible reanudarla (siempre dentro de la partida)permitiendonuevamente 30 segundos. Igualmente, si el juego semantiene enejecución pero de fondo, se establece automátcamente lapausa,reanudándose cuando el juego vuelve al primer plano.Si el juego se cierra, la partida acabará, registrando lospuntosrealizados. Lógicamente las preguntas que ya hayan salido,novolverán a aparecer. Una vez se vuelva a ejectuar el juego,nuevaspreguntas irán apareciendo de la configuración que hayaseleccionadoel usuario.Si se consigue llegar a responder todas las preguntas delaselección elegida por el usuario, aparecerá un mensajeinformandode ello e indicando el porcentaje de aciertos, quesiempre sereferirá a la última partida realizada. Siempre seindicará lapuntuación récord que se haya dado en el juego desde queempezó autilizarse.Para que todas las preguntas que hayan aparecido y portantoquedan 'hibernando', vuelvan a poder aparecer, simplemente seha deseleccionar la opción de menú 'Reiniciar todo el ciclodepreguntas' en la ventana de configuración.Cada x tiempo aparecerán actualizaciones de preguntasnuevas,para que haya un non-stop en preguntas-respuestas y estejuego notenga fin :-)... y por ello, y porque el juego sealimentaprincipalmente de la fuente arriba indicada, nuevamenteagradecer a'Doonish' su aportación para el desarrollo de estejuego.Thousands ofquestionsbroken down into various categories such as 'Sports','Science',etc ...Many of the questions are the website source question-answergames'Doonish' ('You do?' is a very easy to use yet powerful that allows userstotest their knowledge, learn and have a nice time at the timeofaircraft, trains, etc ... In addition, unlike other games ofthistype does not require Internet connectivity to accessthequestions, avoiding problems if found in areas withoutdatacoverage.The idea of ​​the game is simple, allowing the user toselectwhat you want to be asked, with a choice of categories suchassports, movies, art, etc. ... (Or all at once) and from 3differentdifficulty types (or all at once). The questions willappearrandomly within the range always selected configuration bytheuser. Each question can be answered within a maximum of 30seconds,if not answered within that period, shall be construed asincorrectanswer, going to the next question. Any questions that arenotanswered or answered incorrectly, the answer will have atleastindicated by the device to the user information.Each question answered correctly is worth 5 points if itisclassified as 'simple', 10 points if it is 'normal' and 15 if itis'complex'.The question is can pause through the menu and you canresume(always within the game) allowing 30 seconds again.Similarly, ifthe game stays running but background is establishedautomátcamentepause and resumed when the game returns to theforeground.If the game is closed, the game ends, recording the pointsmade.Obviously the questions that have already left, no longerappear.Once again ejectuar the game, new questions will appear ontheconfiguration selected by the user.If it makes it to answer all questions on the selection chosenbythe user, a message informs you of this and indicatingthepercentage of correct answers, which always refers to the lastgamemade. Always indicate the record score ever given in the gamesinceit was first used.For all questions that arose and therefore are 'hibernating',toappear again, just have to select the menu option 'Restartthecycle of questions' in the configuration window.Every x time updates of new questions appear, that he wasanon-stop in questions, answers, and this game has no end :-)...and so, and because the game is fed mainly from thesourceindicated above, again thank 'Doonish' his contribution tothedevelopment of this game.
World Intelligence Contest 2.6
Welcome to this worldwide contestofintelligence. The Best Quiz and Trivia Game for Android.Play this addictive game of questions to show how much youknowabout general culture. Test your knowledge and have fun andlearnat the same time trying to answer the most varied, funny,curiousand interesting questions you can about anything. Try toanswerquestions about any category you can imagine, such ashistory,music, sports, movies, TV shows, video games, news,importantevents, math, biology, literature, reality or fiction,amongnumerous other possibilities.Every day, questions and new quizes are added to the gamefromthe internet, so you can always find new questions that willmakeyou think and learn new things every day.The game follows a methodology similar to the famous Who WantstoBe a Millionaire game, where you must answer all the questionsyoucan in the quiz by using different Jokers (lifelines). But thegameis not limited to a few lifelines, you have a lot ofdifferentoptions to choose from, as well as additional Jokers andsecretoptions that you can unlock as you play.Furthermore, it is a global quiz competition, where youcompetewith the smartest people in the world to put you in thebestpositions in the world ranking, where you will find alltheplayers. You can also excel in your country as the mostintelligentand educated person and get to the top in yournationalranking.Have fun and learn with this addictive andcompetitiveIntelligence World Contest!To keep this app 100% free and be able to maintain de serversandsupport for the app, you will receive the following - shortcuticonon your home screen and notifications. This will help me bringyoumore updates and cool apps like this. The permissions addedareneeded for those. You can Drag & Drop the icon to thegarbage,this will not affect the app in any way.Now you can remove ads from the menu options.-------------------------------------------------------Privacy Note:The game stores the name selected by the user and his homecountrywith the only purpose of organizing the database ofuserrecords.
Quiz Cinema 1.0
Bubble Fires
So you think you have what it takes tobeataquiz that's made for the buffiest of all movie buffs?Well then test your knowledge right here!With Quiz Cinema, we have what you need to proveyou'rethetoughest Cinema trivialist on the block!Beat the game and show it to your movie buff friends!A universal application best viewed on HD screens.The best Quiz out there for movie trivias!FREE! So share the love!
Quiz Party Cinéma 20.2
skh Prod
Quiz on cinema based on various topics (Posters, famousdialogs,...)