Top 4 Apps Similar to Electron beam, crossed field P

Electron beam, crossed field T 3.0.0
The app is in 10 languages now! Theusercanselect between english, русский, deutsch, español, 中国的,français,ελληνικά, 日本人, italiano and nederlands:el - Δέσμη ηλεκτρονίων σε διασταυρωμένο ηλεκτρικόκαιμαγνητικόπεδίο; it - Raggio di elettroni in campo elettricoemagneticoincrociato; ru - Электронный луч вскрещенныхэлектрических имагнитных полях, es - Haz de electrones encampomagnético yeléctrico cruzados; zh - 交叉电场和磁场中的电子束; nl-Elektronenstraal ingekruist E- en magneetveld; fr -Faisceauélectronique dans leschamps électrique et magnétiquecroisés; jp -交差する電磁界の電子ビーム.Using the BIGS simulation experiment in app form, youcansimulatethe behaviour of an electron beam in crossed fields. Itispossibleto simulate:o the behaviour of an electron beam in an electric field;o the behaviour of an electron beam in a magnetic field.o the behaviour of an electron beam in crossed fields,o the creation of cycloid paths by the electron beam,o and to determine the specific charge (q/m) of an electron(i.e.themeasured values shown in the app correspond to those oftherealexperiment).This app is a learning aid for the examination topics"electronbeamin crossed fields", "moving charges", "function of acathoderaytube" and "Wien filter".It can be used both in lessons and in revision for exams.The simulation has been designed by BIGS asaself-explanatoryprogram. However, user guidance is alsoavailable.Within the app,users can switch between the simulationand aworksheet intended toprovide an even better understanding ofthephysics underlying thesimulation. Users can alsodownloadadditional work materials fromthe BIGS server using the"More"button. The materials developed byBIGS include work sheetsandassignments.Together with the worksheets, the simulation guides usersthroughtodetermining the specific charge (q/m) of anelectron,includingwriting a report on the experiment. Theassignments areintended toallow users to test the knowledge theyhaveacquired.The learning aid has been successfully tested inadvancedphysicscourses at German high schools such asGiebichensteinGymnasium inHalle.The "Electron beam in crossed fields" app is intendedtoprovidesupport for students who wish to developtheirknowledgeindependently.With a click at the button “More” you can get moreworksheetsandexercises, but you will not get here solutionsandeducationalnotes. If you need a simple version withoutsolutionsandeducational notes. then use it with version (P).This app is usable in combination of interactivewhiteboardandtablets.
Geomatics 1.0
« Geomatics » est une applicationinteractivesponsorisée parle collège national orthodoxe-El Mina (CNO), elle comporte72 animations suivies de QCM résumant toutes les propriétéset les définitions de la géométrie plane pour lesclassescomplémentaireset la classe terminale SG (conformément aux programmes :libanais,françaiset Bac international). Elle aide en même temps l’élèveàdessinercorrectement les figures géométriques et constitue ainsiunrépertoirede géométrie téléchargeable gratuitement pour être mis àladispositionde l’apprenant dans tout le monde.Auteur et programmeur : Ghassan Antoun, programmeur Android:Nassrallah Akdi,traduction : Georges Abdo, commentaires vocaux : Loana KhlatetMervat Abiad.Version:1.1
My Book Machine Player 1.8.2
Read interactive digital/work/course-books(producedwithMyBookMachine Editor for Windows) on your AndroidPhone orTablet.Using MyBookMachine Player you oryourpupils/readers/learners caneasily read and work through thelivingmultimedia interactivebooks, workbooks, coursebooks etc.producedby MyBookMachineEditor. To remind you: MyBookMachine Editorallowsyou to integratetext, pictures, photos, videos, audios,graphicsetc into singlemultimedia file. Also, each object can haveanadditional function- e.g link which opens a YouTube video or aWorddocument relatedto a certain question. Or starts anadditionalinteractive exercise(like MasterTool, GeoGebra,HotPotatoes etc.)which has to besolved using this Player. Whileusing theMyBookMachine Player youwill find all these integratedmedia orlinked objects – andunderstand why we say that with ourprogrambooks really come tolife. With MyBookMachine Player on yourAndroidPhone or Tablet youcan either open those books for which youhavedirect links(sometimes and permissions from book authors)stored inthe tableof this program (in tablet/phone local storage)OR you canhaveaccess to several different libraries (if your arelogged in):-MyBookMachine-online national library(suchasmybookmachine-online.DE) with many uploaded "free-to-use"booksorjust your books that you have uploaded on this server -foryourpersonal use, only. - our MyBookMachine.NETinternationallibrarywhere you can keep and share LINKS to yourbooks or freebooks byother authors - wherever they are located(uploaded). -yourpersonal book cloud(onwww.yoursite.domain/subdomain/yourname/etc)as a part ofyourcompany site where you keep your books, tooBooksUploadingUploading book file into your personal cloud/libraryandshare itvia direct link with your readers/learners/pupils istheeasiest wayto allow somebody to use your digital book. YouCanStore Your BooksOn - your personal cloud as a part ofyournational cloud ( site) forwhichyou must have allpermissions - your personal bookcloud(onwww.yoursite.domain/subdomain/yourname/etc) which is partofyourcompany/school/organisation site - or on your onlinevirtualdrives(see program tutorials) Online Player Version Incontrast tothefact that all operating systems have theirownseparateMyBookMachine Player version, online version is thesamefor alloperating systems and all browsers!
KAlgebra 1.3.0
KDE Community
Awesome and free calculator for your device.