Top 18 Apps Similar to 宝宝故事书(童话寓言)格林童话、安徒生童话、有声故事精选集

Tiger Qiao stories 1.5
Tiger ‘s stories, its beautifulscenery,typical characters, vivid story, let children attracted tothem,the growth of knowledge development of intelligence, andinfectionand the education, understand what beauty, what thefalseness, thuscultivating emotion and love and hate.
儿歌,儿童故事,童话,童谣,古诗,英语,学前唐诗,胎教音乐,三字经,哄睡故事,睡前故事,绘本,宝宝喜欢的应有尽有。中国最大的儿童有声教育平台,2千万家庭推荐的儿童教育app,海量资源让孩子赢在起跑线。特色功能:1、【海量资源】国内最全的儿童音频/视频资源平台,每日更新,一键下载,没有wifi也能听2、【儿童主播】百位国内著名儿童主播,每天与宝宝实时互动,陪伴孩子快乐成长3、【精细分类】根据不同年龄、场景进行精细划分,满足不同宝宝的需求4、【英文资源】独家英文儿歌故事,每天听一听,赢在起跑线,Let's Go !5、【亲子互动】最火爆的亲子游戏“萝卜蹲、木头人”等,全面锻炼宝宝听语、平衡和反映能力丰富内容:1、国学故事:历史故事、名人故事、古诗吟唱、蓝猫小学拼音、三字经、弟子规、唐诗三百首、有声读物、成语故事2、儿歌:中文儿歌、英语儿歌、幼儿园儿歌、动画片主题曲3、睡前故事:哄睡音乐、睡前亲子必听、睡前故事、太阳帆,月亮船4、儿童英语英语字母歌、英语儿歌、语感启蒙、英语小故事5、宝贝音乐哄睡音乐、儿歌童谣、胎教音乐、世上只有妈妈好、摇篮曲6、童话故事安徒生童话、格林童话国外经典童话,白雪公主、一千零一夜、小班故事、中班故事、大班故事、男孩故事、女孩故事、情商培养、西游记7、金牌主播讲故事凯叔讲故事、秋木叔叔讲故事、可乐姐姐讲故事、图豆讲故事、小雪老师讲故事、晓月阿姨讲故事亲子互动游戏,更多精彩内容等你来发现联系我们宝贝听听微信订阅号:babytingtingvip新浪微博:官方QQ群1:210285298官方QQ群2: 372810934联系邮箱:[email protected], children'sstories,fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poetry, English, pre-schoolpoetry,prenatal music, the Three Character Classic, Hong Shuistory,bedtime stories, picture books, baby liked everything.China's largest children sound education platform, 20millionfamilies recommended childhood education app, massiveresources tolet the children win at the starting line.Features:1, massive resources [children] the most complete audio /videosource platform, daily updates, one-click download, no wificouldhear2, [children] anchor hundred domestic famous children'sanchor,real-time interaction with the baby every day, to accompanythechildren grow up happy3, [fine] to fine-grained classification according to differentage,scenes, meet the different needs of the baby4, [resource] English English songs exclusive story, listen toeveryday one, win at the starting line, Let's Go!5, parent-child interaction] [most popular family games"carrotsquat, wooden", a comprehensive exercise your baby listen tothelanguage, balance and response capacityRich content:1, Sinology story: historical stories, celebrity stories,poetrysinging, Blue Cat elementary spelling, Three CharacterClassic,disciples regulations, Three Hundred Tang Poems,audiobooks,idioms2, children's songs:Chinese children's songs, English songs, nursery rhymes,cartoontheme song3, bedtime story:Hong Shui music, bedtime paternity will hear bedtime stories,solarsails, moon ship4, Children's EnglishEnglish alphabet songs, English songs, language senseEnlightenment,English short story5, baby musicHong Shui music, nursery rhymes, prenatal music, there is onlyagood mother, lullaby6, a fairy taleHans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm classic fairyabroad,Snow White, Arabian Nights, small stories, Intermediatestory,Taipan story, the story of a boy, the girl story,emotionalintelligence training, Journey to the West7, gold anchor storytellingKay t storytelling, storyteller Uncle autumn wood, cokesisterstorytelling, storytelling FIG beans, snow storytellingteacher,Aria aunt storytellingParent-child interactive games, more exciting content waitingforyou to discoverContact usBaby listen to micro-channel subscriptionnumber:babytingtingvipSina microblogging: http: // official QQ group: 210 285 2982 official QQ group: 372 810 934Contact E-mail: [email protected]
必听儿童故事 7.0
Chinaihs Inc.
儿童故事是开启儿童智慧大门的一把钥匙。听故事可以丰富儿童知识,同时提升思维能力和想象能力,促进儿童的思维更加细微准确, 想象更加斑斓、开阔。让儿童插上一双有声的翅膀, 遨游在故事的海洋中。,必听儿童故事是少年儿童的童年好伙伴和良师益友。 这里有美好的童话寓言、经典的历史故事、好听的成语故事、国内外小说...妈妈再也不用为每天小孩睡前故事犯愁了, 轻轻开启你的手机, 今天的故事开始了...【系统特色】★ 10000以上儿童故事,常年不间断更新★ 幼儿必听大全,宝宝哄睡神器,儿童益智必备★ 30%内容完全不收费,支持在线或离线收听,无使用限制★ 购买VIP后可收听全部内容,不限时不限内容★ 超过500万人下载【关于我们】公众微信号: 必听儿童故事 (btingEducation)客服邮箱:[email protected]【部分内容】有趣的童话故事呵护心灵成长的温馨故事安徒生童话现代幼儿故事三字经故事成语故事儿童故事三十六计国外经典小说故事孙敬修.西游记中国历史故事大头儿子和小头爸爸淘气包马小跳系列东周列国志孙越叔叔说故事上下五千年-世界历史儿童百科全书名家诵读散文童谣世界了凡四训幼儿百科中国历史格列佛游记拉封丹寓言神话故事盒现代童话寓言希腊神话传说汤姆索耶历险记中英童话动物寓言王国中国现代童话大全唐诗三百首... ...
賴世雄說故事01 白雪公主 Snow White 2.0.1
Soyong Corp.
  想讓所買的英語學習書可以獲得更好的管理,並享受有系統的學習記錄以提高學習效率嗎?歡迎您試用《語言導航家》(可在本App選購:《賴世雄說故事01白雪公主》)、《Mebooks英語學習館》App。「賴世雄說故事01白雪公主」涵蓋字彙約300個,採現在式單句寫作,句構簡單易學,適合小學三、四年級使用。1.單詞涵蓋量最廣:《賴爺爺說童話故事01-05系列》屬於初級童話,涵蓋獨立單詞量約1500個,超越小學(700個)及國中(1200個)的需求標準。2.原汁原味:故事由美籍專家撰寫,賴老師提綱規範句型及用字深度,由淺入深。3.有精準的譯文:小朋友與家長可藉由中英文對照共同配合小朋友學習。4.有字詞精解:針對重要字詞或片語,均附音標及重要例句,協助小朋友了解字詞用法。5.親子伴讀:賴世雄老師親撰「本句說明」專區,詳解重要字詞的相關用法。6.電子書前半段有外籍老師的朗讀故事,後半段收錄賴老師的故事精解,以輕鬆幽默的口吻解說故事,掃除小朋友或家長學習本系列故事書的相關盲點。● Mebook學習功能 1. 閱聽同步:聲音與文字同步,讓您聽得清晰,學得真確。 2.朗讀模式:可自動朗讀或循環朗讀,並能設定複讀次數。 3.語句間隔:可設定一句與一句間的間隔時間,跟著老師大聲唸。 4.書籤功能:對需加強復習或欲加以運用的Mebook內容,標以書籤,反覆播放練習。 5.互動功能:配合學習模式,可眼到、口到、耳到、心到,提升學習效率。 6.中英對照:可設定中文或英文顯示,以訓練閱讀與理解能力。 7.關鍵字搜尋:可以關鍵字查詢Mebook 故事內文,快速找尋所要學習的內容。8.內容單字分析,提供本書內容總單字量與單字級等分佈比例,讓您在學習前即可了解本書內容所使用單字的難易度。9.單詞級等標示,您可依學習目標,選擇標示出文章中單詞的級等,級等系統包含有:字頻(8級等)、大考中心(6級等)、全民英檢(3級等)、多益常考用字。一鍵操作,讓您一目了然,可強化單字力學習。10.查字義功能,內建單詞資料庫,針對查詢的單詞提供音標、詞性、字義,協助快速理解文章內容。● 製作發行:曉騰國際● 客服聯絡:如對產品有任何想法或建議,或者使用上遭遇問題,都歡迎和我們聯絡-  1.客服信箱:[email protected]  2.客服留言板:  3.客服電話:請於上班時間來電02-77210772轉510   我們一定竭誠為您服務。
宝宝故事书-成语故事(识字篇) 1.1
【应用介绍】听故事学成语,懂道理,明事理!成语是中华语言文化凝聚的精华,每个成语故事中蕴藏着丰富的知识和道理。让孩子从小学习成语,不仅能够丰富儿童的词汇,提升语言能力。孩子还能从故事中学习为人处世的道理。宝宝故事书-成语故事精选了18个生动有趣的成语故事,以精美的画报动画方式呈现。加入了丰富的识字图卡内容,让儿童在听故事的同时也能学习汉字。【功能特点】•丰富的动画和大量精美的插画,一流的阅读视觉享受;•童声配音讲解,更能提高儿童阅读兴趣;•每个成语都配置有中文字幕和拼音注释,帮助孩子准确认读;•与故事相关的识字内容,配合强化练习,对儿童汉字学习有积极作用;•支持平板、手机系列高清屏幕设备;•支持离线播放,没有网络也可轻松学习。【内容摘要】惊弓之鸟 画蛇添足 狐假虎威 郑人买履 拔苗助长 对牛弹琴 杯弓蛇影 刻舟求剑 骑驴觅驴 鹬蚌相争 雪中送炭 盲人摸象画龙点睛亡羊补牢 滥竽充数 凿壁偷光 塞翁失马 自相矛盾 (后续持续更新)如果您有什么建议或者疑问,或是有各种形式的合作意向,请通过以下任一方式联系我们:深圳市学乐游科技有限公司网址:www.xueleyou.cnQQ:1964236169邮箱地址:[email protected]】【ApplicationListen to the story of science idiom, understand truth,sensible!Idiom is the essence of Chinese language and culture uniteeachidiom story is rich in knowledge and truth. Let kids learnidioms,not only to enrich the child's vocabulary, improve languageskills.Children can learn the truth and acted from the story. Babystorybook - a selection of 18 idioms idioms interesting storiestobeautifully animated pictorial presentation. Adding a wealthofcontent literacy cards, so children can listen to storieswhilelearning Chinese characters.[Features]• rich animation and a lot of beautiful illustrations,excellentvisual enjoyment reading;• childish voice explain, can increase children's interestinreading;• Each phrase is configured with Chinese subtitles andphoneticannotation to help children read quasi-confirmation;• literacy-related content and stories, with strengtheningexercisesfor children to learn Chinese characters have apositiveeffect;• Support for tablet, mobile phone series HD screenequipment;• Support for offline playback, no network can be easy tolearn.[Abstract]Frightened superfluous people buy the legendary Lu ZhengDestructiveEnthusiasm howling at the moon extremely suspiciousKeZhouQiuJiandonkey ass snipe and the clam seek timely remedialcheating chiselfinishing touch elephant wall to steal lightblessing in disguisecontradictory (follow continuouslyupdated)If you have any suggestions or questions, or have theintentionof cooperation in various forms, please contact us in anyof thefollowing ways:Le Tour Shenzhen Science Technology Co., Ltd.Website: www.xueleyou.cnQQ: 1964236169E-mail address: [email protected]
巴贝儿歌(儿歌故事)-热门儿歌,经典儿歌,儿歌课堂,儿歌故事 1.6
精选优质的宝宝儿歌,操作简单,界面温馨,家长必备的儿歌应用!【特色功能】1.免费更新:永久免费,无需花钱购买所谓完整版。2.内容丰富:涵盖儿歌故事成语唐诗。3.离线下载:资源下载到本地后没有网络也能看。4.使用方便:界面简洁,爷爷奶奶也能给孩子放动画!热门儿歌爱我你就抱抱我小毛驴拔萝卜两只老虎字母歌生日快乐江南style一分钱数鸭歌蜗牛与黄鹂鸟小星星哇哈哈聪明的一休经典儿歌小兔子乖乖五指歌小兔子白又白一分钱上学歌小螺号找朋友读书郎小小少年大海啊故乡儿歌课堂What are you doingI'm a FiremanHow is the weatherThis is not my eggMy little room为什么会下雨影子的秘密整理书桌数字宝宝为什么有风天空为什么有云儿歌故事乌鸦喝水三只小猪小马过河井底之蛙小蝌蚪找妈妈狼来了小猫钓鱼刻舟求剑皇帝的新衣守株待兔Selection of highqualitybaby nursery rhymes, simple, cozy interface, parentsessentialsongs application![Features] 1. Free Updates: permanent free, no money to buy theso-calledfull version. 2. Content-rich: cover songs idiom story of Tang. 3. offline download: Resources no later downloaded tothelocal network can also be seen. 4. Easy to use: The interface is simple, grandparentsalsogive the child back movies!Popular songsI love you hug meLittle DonkeyPulling radishesTwo tigersAlphabet songHappy BirthdayJiangnan stylePennyNumber of duck songThe Snail and the Oriole BirdLittle StarWow hahaClever breakClassic songsLittle Rabbit obedientlyFingers songWhite and white bunniesPennySchool songSmall LuohaoFind a friendSchool BoyLittle boySea ah hometownSongs classroomWhat are you doingI'm a FiremanHow is the weatherThis is not my eggMy little roomWhy will rainShadow's SecretFinishing DeskDigital BabyWhy windWhy is the sky with cloudsStory songsCrow drinkThree Little PigsXiaomaguoheFrogLittle Tadpole Looking for MomWolfCat fishingKeZhouQiuJianEmperor's New ClothesSit back and wait
聽故事學日文 - 青蛙王子 2.5.03
這是一個學習日文的有聲故事書,以QLL最受歡迎的童話故事『青蛙王子』為背景故事,一句日文一句中文的方式,學習聽日語看日文。聽故事學語文是一種有效率又很享受的方法。Storytelling is one of the most enjoyable and effectivetechniquestolearn a new language.ストーリーテリングは、新しい言語を学ぶために最も楽しく、効果的なテクニックの一つです。當你在說或聽故事的時候,你必須進入故事語文的豐富內容,一個更廣泛而高層次的語言語文學的學習。When you read or tell stories to people you immerse theminrichlanguage in context, which in turn leads to higherlevelsofsophistication in speech and literacy.あなたはお読みになるか、または順番にスピーチし、リテラシーの高度化の高いレベルにつながる文脈、の豊富な言語でそれらを浸す人に話を伝えるときに。『產品功能特色』★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先日文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的英語聽力練習方式★ 字幕功能,有完整內容的日文與中文字幕★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁★ 全系列學習有聲書,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 都有推出,好評最多,平均四個星。★ 聽故事學語文全系列超過三百萬下載量,是台灣出品最多最強的語文學習軟體系列。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 DelicatessenStudio所設計的太空人ErinFamily 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps由知名詞曲創作人 - 馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑)先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language LearningInc.Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!聽青蛙王子學日文,幫你學習聽日語看日文。
我要听故事-儿童睡前童话、儿歌、唐诗、三字经、胎教等有声读物 2.0
听儿歌、童谣、儿童故事、十万个为什么、胎教音乐、胎教故事、睡前童话、儿童英语、唐诗三百首、三字经、弟子规、小学课文就用-我要听故事,孩子想听的这里都有!热门经典儿歌:小兔子乖乖、两只老虎、小毛驴、数鸭子、拔萝卜、小燕子、爱我你就抱抱我等热门经典故事:安徒生童话、西游记儿童版、三十六计儿童版、白雪公主、一千零一夜、大头儿子小头爸爸、小糊涂日记等十万个为什么:地球,人体,宇宙,动物等丰富的十万个为什么,帮助宝宝快速增长知识!胎教音乐:莫扎特钢琴曲,最好的胎教音乐,没有之一!莫扎特钢琴曲最能提升胎儿的音乐与空间智能以及增强胎儿的记忆力与创造能力。胎教故事:各种胎教故事分类(成语故事、情商故事、科普故事、寓言故事、生活习惯故事)等等,应有尽有儿童英语:上海小学一年级课文等有任何意见或建议(比如要求增加某某内容),请联系技术支持信箱:[email protected]
聽故事學日文- 醜小鴨 2.5.03
聽故事學語文是一種有效率又很享受的方法。Storytelling is one of the most enjoyable and effectivetechniquesto learn a new language.ストーリーテリングは、新しい言語を学ぶために最も楽しく、効果的なテクニックの一つです。當你在說或聽故事的時候,你必須進入故事語文的豐富內容,一個更廣泛而高層次的語言語文學的學習。When you read or tell stories to people you immerse them inrichlanguage in context, which in turn leads to higher levelsofsophistication in speech and literacy.あなたはお読みになるか、または順番にスピーチし、リテラシーの高度化の高いレベルにつながる文脈、の豊富な言語でそれらを浸す人に話を伝えるときに。『產品功能特色』★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先日文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的語文聽力練習方式★ 字幕功能,有完整內容的日文與中文字幕★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁★ 全系列學習有聲書,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 都有推出,好評最多,平均四個半星。★ 聽故事學語文全系列超過三百萬下載量,是台灣出品最多最強的語文學習軟體系列。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen Studio所設計的太空人ErinFamily 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 - 馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑)先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language Learning Inc.Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!聽醜小鴨學日文,幫你學習聽日語看日文。
English bedtime stories [free] 3.3.1
Discover the world through imagination! More than 1500 fairytalesfree for you!
安徒生童话-皇帝的新装 儿童互动有声故事绘本 1.0
《皇帝的新装》是丹麦著名童话作家安徒生的代表作之一。这个有趣的童话描绘了一位奢侈而愚蠢的国王每天只顾着穿新衣服,不管其他任何事,最后还被两个骗子愚弄,穿上一件根本不存在的衣服举行游行大典!最后一个小孩子天真的一句话引起了全城人揭发谎言,结束了这场闹剧。我们通过精美的卡通配合生动的角色配音,制作出优质的儿童互动绘本应用,希望给孩子带来更高质量的阅读感受。【功能特点】●精美的动画内容,有效提高儿童阅读兴趣;●每个故事角色都有独立的配音和字幕,并支持简、繁字体切换;●动画绘本中添加了角色交互内容,增强了阅读趣味;●支持平板和手机移动设备,同时支持离线播放。"The Emperor'sNewClothes" is one of the masterpieces of the famous Danish fairytalewriter Hans Christian Andersen. This fun fairy tale depictingaluxury and foolish king simply to wear new clothes everyday,regardless of anything else, the last two swindlers alsofooled,wearing a dress that did not exist marched ceremony! Thelastsentence innocent child caused people to expose the lies ofthewhole city, the end of this farce. We beautifully with thevividcartoon character voice, to produce high-quality children'spicturebooks interactive applications, bringing hope to thechildren ofhigher quality reading experience.[Features]● beautifully animated content, improve children's interestinreading;● Each character has its own story dubbing and subtitlesandsupports Simplified and Traditional font switching;● animated picture books to add the role of interactivecontentenhances the reading fun;● Support for tablet and mobile phone devices, and supportforoffline playback.
经典儿童故事-小馬過河 1.0
兒童故事書-小馬過河经典儿童故事《小马过河》让宝宝们懂得遇事要多观察、多动脑筋、勇于尝试,从实践中去寻求问题的答案,发展宝宝们初步的比较分析能力与口语表达能力。家长可以根据故事内容问问宝宝;小马要过河,老牛是怎么说的?松鼠是怎么说的?妈妈又是怎么说的?为什么老牛说水才没膝盖呀?而松鼠却说她的伙伴被淹死了。它们说得对吗?他们有什么不同呀?最后小马是怎么做的?也可以结合实际,让宝宝懂得小马过河的道理,了解遇到困难应该怎么做。Children's story book-XiaomaguoheClassic children's story "Xiaomaguohe" Let babies know failingtoobserve, more brains, the courage to try, from practice toseekanswers to questions, the development of babiespreliminarycomparative analysis ability and oral communicationskills. Parentscan ask the baby according to stories; pony to crossthe river, thecow is how to say? The squirrel is how to say? Mom ishow to say?Why did not the knee water buffaloes say to you? And thesquirrelsaid her partner was drowned. They right? What are theirdifferentway? The last colt is how to do it? Can also be combinedwithpractical, let your baby know Xiaomaguohe reason,difficultiesshould understand how to do it.
宝贝全计划-育儿,早教,日记,食谱,故事,母婴,儿歌,童话 3.8.6
【宝贝全计划】学龄前育儿大成之作。来自台湾的务实的轻松育儿体系,专注父母与孩子共同成长与儿童全能力发展,真正意义上的学龄前父母的随身育儿宝典。宝贝全计划特色:—多元智能课程:语言、逻辑思维、科学、艺术、情商5大智能情景课程—妈妈控制台:实现家长可同步追踪孩子完成进度—特色奖励:奖励系统与日常生活结合,帮助父母实现虚实结合,训练孩子延迟满足--注意力评测:从小打好基础,从此心智健康发展,父母不累--微日记:一人记录,全家共享--每日食谱:合理又美味的膳食安排--有声读物--启蒙发音、童话、成语、英语、百科...--亲子时光--什么年龄就玩什么游戏--活动:独家团购,试用,特卖精彩活动每日更新--社区:父母轻松交流好去处更多精彩功能等待你去发掘。【宝贝全计划】官网微博:【宝贝全计划】官方网站【宝贝全计划】技术支持QQ:1958143159*温馨提示:为了保持听故事流畅,请尽量在白天在有wifi的情况下点击平时所需要听的故事,每个故事听5-10秒,该故事即已被下载到本地,再次播放该故事将不需重新下载[Baby] the whole planforthe culmination of preschool childcare.Easy and practical parenting system from Taiwan, focusedparentsand children the ability to grow with the development of thewholechild, preschool parents carry the true sense of theparentingbook.Baby-wide plan characteristics:- Multiple Intelligences courses: language, logicalthinking,scientific, artistic, intelligent scene EQ fivecourses- Mom console: Parents can be synchronized to achieve thecompletionof tracking the progress of children- Features Reward: Reward system combined with daily life, tohelpparents realize the actual situation, to train children todelaygratification- Attention evaluation: childhood lay the foundation, fromthedevelopment of mental health, parents are not tired- Micro diary: a record, shared family- Daily Recipes: reasonable and delicious meal arrangements- Audiobooks - pronunciation enlightenment, fairy tales,idioms,English, Wikipedia ...- Parenting Time - what age to play any games- Activities: Exclusive buy, probation, sale updated dailyexcitingactivities- Community: a good place for parents to easily exchangeMore exciting features waiting to be explored.[Baby] whole plan microblogging official website:[Baby] official website full program:[Baby] full program support QQ: 1958143159* Tips: In order to keep listening to stories and smooth, trytohave wifi in the daytime under normal circumstances Click ontheneed to listen to the story, listen to 10 seconds of eachstory,the story already been downloaded to the local, to play thestoryagain will not need to re-download
Tales audiobooks with pictures 2.4.0
Whisper Arts
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Car of baby play 5.0
A/N Soft
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白雪公主 童話 故事有聲書 1.3
FORii, Inc.
"Unlimited" kids anime is an educationalappfor kids, filled with delightfully animated stories and songssuchas “Three Little Pigs”, “Jack and the Beanstalk”, “The OtherDay IMet a Bear” and more. Watch, read, listen, dance and singalong.Prince Jajaja and his whimsical kingdom of characters areready tohelp your kids learn and play.Every Moment a Chance to Discover• Animated fairy tales and songs delivered right to yourdevice.There's always time for a nursery rhyme.• Great for travel. Watch offline. No internet connectionrequiredto play downloaded content.• Loads of fun at parties. Have a singalong.• Ideal for toddlers and preschool kids.• Share stories and songs together at bedtime, circle time,andstory time.Read and ListenTraditional folk tales, fables, bedtime stories and popularfairytales come to life in delightfully animated scenes. Wordsappearonscreen so your child can follow along.Sing along and DanceSing along in a karaoke jam to animated children's songs suchas“Let's Clap Our Hands” . Easy dance moves your little onescanquickly learn reinforce basic motor skills, self-expression,andcommunication skills. Note: vocals cannot be switched off.Age RecommendationInfants to preschool (ages 0-8)*****We take raising awareness of privacy and safety seriously.MOVINGBOOKS! Jajajajan does not collect personallyidentifiableinformation. Anonymous performance data is tracked toimprove appdevelopment. This app allows in-app purchases. There isno socialmedia integration. One in-app link behind a parental gatewill takeyou to our Privacy Policy via your device’s browser.Thank YouWe hope your little ones are enjoying MOVING BOOKS! Jajajajanasmuch as we are producing it. We'd like to hear your feedback.Ifyou have a moment, please let us know what you think withareview.For additional support: [email protected]: