Top 7 Apps Similar to Toldos Pentagrama

Search & Repair with Reparalis 2.06
Reparalis application in Spain to learn how to save time and money!Find professional emergency repairs for all your home,businessor everyday problems. Reparalis use your Geolozalización toshowthose closest to your position for immediate service and saveontravel especially for service professionals.Guilds listed in our directory where you will findskilledprofessionals Reparalis:- Companies and professionals for comprehensive reforms inyourhome or business- 24-Hour Locksmiths to repair and open locks- Plumbers and sanitation companies- Electrical and lighting technician- Technicians to repair appliances- Professionals for facilities and related problems Gas- Experts in air conditioners, heat pumps and air conditioninginGeneral- Aluminium Joiners- Professional painters to paint your house or business- Glassware- Parquet and other flooring installers, for private orprofessionalevents and- Thermal insulation and facade renovations- Cleaning companies and communities to save maintenance- Experts in Pest Control, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ratsandmice- Installation of automatic gates- Application of open workshops and cranes urgently for yourcar,motorcycle, truck or vehicle- Suppliers of industrial supplies and DIY- Installation and repair of awnings and blinds- Experts in renewable energy and solar panel installation- Repair phones and tablets Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows,Nokia,Samsung, LG, either reinstall the software and screenbreaks,repairs battery, GPS and the like.- Solve PC problems with the hard drive, graphics card,Windows,Linux, OSX operating system.- Professional transport companies and urgent removal- Contracting for repair and installation of private swimmingpools,houses, shops, hotels- Fix problems with lifts, opening, maintenance andemergencyelevator- Business Printing and Signs- Find nearest laundromats and dry cleaners 24 hours- Veterinary Emergency- Locate nearby businesses and neighborhood stores of interesttomake your purchases- Chemist and 24 hours (24h)- Directory of medical centers- Urgent Request Taxi, transport request- Installation of satellite dishes, plus Channel, Gol TV, TDTforthe league, the champions, movies and internationalTVchannels.- Companies of furniture and decoration* If you are a professional in any of our categories includesyourbusiness through our search engine or if you wish to request anewcategory please contact us.
Emprende.Pro 1.0
Queremos aportar nuestro granito dearenaalPlaneta distribuyendo productos ecológicos para uso enelhogar.Muchos productos tóxicos utilizan las personas en sus casasyáreasde trabajo muchas veces sin saberlo. Reduce tu huelladecarbono yaumenta tu bienestar conociendo más sobre nuestragamadeproductos. Los productos concentrados reducen la cantidaddebasuraque tiramos al no necesitar estar comprando frascosmuyseguidogracias a su concentración. También contamos conproductosdenutrición orgánicos, estaremos muy contentos decontribuir contubienestar y saber de tí.We want tocontributeourbit to Planet distributing organic products for homeuse.Manytoxic products people use in their homes and workareasoftenwithout knowing it. Reduce your carbon footprint andincreaseyourcomfort knowing more about our range ofproducts.Concentratedproducts reduce the amount of garbage that wethrow notneed to bebuying bottles very often thanks to itsconcentration. Wealso haveorganic nutrition products, we will bevery happy tocontribute toyour well-being and to hear fromyou.
Lasal del Varador 1.1
App oficial de Lasal del Varador.El restaurante Lasal del Varador está situado en elPaseoMarítimode Mataró, junto al mar. Nuestros platos se basan enladietamediterránea y trabajamos con productos ecológicos ydeproximidad.Nuestra especialidad son las tapas y los arroces.Somos un proyecto singular que apuesta porlasostenibilidad:Construcción bioclimática + Materia primaecológica+ Eficienciaenergética + Residuos mínimos.En nuestra APP podrás disfrutar de promocionesyofertasespeciales, además de poder consultar los puntos detutarjeta decliente. Además, tendrás acceso a todas nuestrasredessociales,fotos del local y de nuestros platos, información delacarta, ypodrás escuchar una selección de nuestra música.Lasal officialappVarador.Lasal Varador The restaurant is located on the seafrontofMataró,by the sea. Our dishes are based on the Mediterraneandietand workwith organic products and proximity. Our specialtyistapas andrice.We are a unique project that focuses onsustainability:Buildingraw material ecological bioclimatic + +energy efficiency +minimumwaste.In our APP you can enjoy promotions and special offers,plusyoucan see the points of your customer card. You will alsohaveaccessto all our social networks, photos and our localdishes,chartinformation, and you can listen to a selection ofourmusic.
Directori Verd 3.5
El Directori Verd és una aplicació per amòbilsdisponible per a dispositius Android i iOS. L’aplicació ésuna guiade tots els establiments ‘ecològics’ del Barcelonès.Els comerços ‘ecològics’ de Directori Verd abastendiversescategories. S’hi poden trobar restaurants vegetarians,establimentsde compra/venda i segona mà, mercats ecològics, localsdedicats al'ecomobilitat, moda sostenible i molt més!L’aplicació permet filtrar la guia segons lacategoriad’establiment que hi busquis o per productes concrets.N’hi ha mésde 100!Directori Verd conté també informació sobre elsesdevenimentsorganitzats pels establiments que en formen part id’altresactivitats relacionades amb el medi ambient. No prou ambaixò,l’aplicació compta amb l’espai Opina! per a que puguisdeixar-hiels teus comentaris i participar en debats de temesd’actualitatambiental.L’aplicació és totalment gratuïta i permet aconseguirdescomptesexclusius en molts dels comerços presents.A part de l’aplicació, el projecte compta també amb perfilaFacebook, Google +, Twitter i la pàgina Directory isamobile app available for iOS and Android devices. Theapplicationis a guide to all the establishments 'organic'Barcelonès.The shops 'organic' Green Directory span multiple categories.Youcan find vegetarian restaurants, shops purchase / saleandsecond-hand markets organic ecomobilitat dedicated tolocal,sustainable fashion and more!The application allows you to filter the guide by categoryofestablishment there or look for specific products. There aremorethan 100!Green Directory also contains information about eventsorganizedby institutions that are part of and other activitiesrelated tothe environment. Not enough with that, the applicationhas spaceReview! so you can leave your comments there andparticipate indiscussions of current environmental issues.The application is free and allows exclusive discounts inmanyshops present.A part of the application, the project also has a profileonFacebook, Google +, Twitter and page.
Terrassol 1.0
Terrassol is despecialistinterrasoverkappingen, binnenzonwering enbuitenzonwering,sectionaalpoorten, rolluiken, en accessoires voor tuin,terrasenbalkon.Bij Terrassol staan we u bij met raad en daad. Wenst ugraagmeerinformatie omtrent een bepaald product, of wilt uvollediggratis envrijblijvend een catalogus en/of offerte vanonsontvangen? Aarzeldan niet en neem vandaag nog contact metonsop!Terrassolspecializesinpatio roofs, indoor blinds and outdoor awnings,sectional doors, rolling shutters and accessories forgarden,terraceand balcony.In Terrassol we will provide you with advice andassistance.Wouldyou like more information about a particularproduct, or wantacompletely free and without obligation catalogand / orquotationfrom us? Do not hesitate to get in touch with ustoday!
Scenario Touch
It is an application that brings the convenience and reliabilityofthe Scenario system.
Arduino Automation 1
The Arduino and compatibles automationeasiestway.You will be able to automate domotic systems,terrariums,aquariums, greenhouses, irrigation systems, monitoringand controlof industrial cooling, animal farm management and muchmore, evenwith no programming knowledge.If you have some programming skills you can bring the systemtothe absolute limits, automating countless productionprocesses.It has a configuration and advanced programming framework,withwhich you can configure the system without anyprogrammingknowledge.If you know how to use it, this system also offers you a newcodeeditor that improves the current Arduino´s one (includingsyntaxhighlighting, auto-completion,...)The automation system offers you:More than 30 pre-configured circuits that you caneasilycustomize by yourself, including lightning circuits (dimmer,RGB,On/Off,…), setpoints control (cold thermostats, heatthermostats,lightning management, humidity…), several irrigationmanagementsystems, blinds, awnings, doors, and many more!Smart Scenes System: you can preset different scenes(combininglightning, blinds, heating/cooling,…) and select one ofthem simplyby a click.Scheduler for each system, daily schedule and “specialday”assignments, also for specific dates (holidays, nonworkingdays…).Sensors management: temperature, humidity, light and any typeofArduino compatible sensor.Graphics: Easy data viewing with no additional serverrequired,your Arduino or compatible makes this work for itself byusing theonboard micro-SD card slot integrated on your ArduinoEthernetShield, no more hardware required to generate and monitoryourequipment graphics.Special function blocks, user defined code forscheduledtimetables execution.Setpoints system for controlling any production processes.Conditioned events system configurable by user.You can connect your installation through 3G network, using3Gremote conection service or others.Notifications and warnings on your mobile using 3Gremoteconection service.Foscam IP cameras compatible (see list).Voice control compatible.The system has inbuilt and precharged the following elements(nocoding or programming skills needed):NRF24L01 communications (wireless)ModBus communications (RS232 or RS485).433MHz communications (wireless)I2C LCD display.InfraRed signals (for remote controls) emission and reception.DOWNLOAD configuration tool.