Top 24 Games Similar to 別讓師傅不開心

夢幻西遊 1.28.0
遊戲介紹:★ 經典西遊神話地圖,等你來遨遊★ 即時語音系統,揪好友一同組隊解任務★ 師門捉鬼、挖寶押鏢,一刻不得閒★ 建立幫派,一同創造幫派神話★ 獨特結婚系統,幸福長久  遊戲特色:【家園系統 築夢滿園】三界為家,家園系統讓你擁有自己的小屋空間,修煉、約會、種花樣樣OK!【擂台爭霸 爭奪衛冕】「5 v 5」「3 v 3」「1 v 1」模式多樣PVP 爭霸,爭奪衛冕的黃金席位!【寵物內丹 修煉丹心】寵物能力超進化,自由搭配丹心創造完美屬性!【精緻畫面 介面優化】遊戲畫面更精緻、流暢,絕對讓你驚豔無比!Game description:★ classic Journey to the West myth map, waiting for youtoroam★ instant voice systems, pulling the team togetherfriendsquests★ door division Buffy, digging betting dart, a moment idle★ establishment of gangs, gang together to create the myth★ unique marriage system, and happinessGame Features:Dream home system [garden]Three Realms for the home, home system allows you to have yourowncabin space, practice, dating, flowers, everything OK![Defending] the ring to compete for hegemony"5 v 5" "3 v 3" "1 v 1" diverse PVP mode hegemony, competingforseats in the defending gold![Pet Alchemy Practice loyalty] Pets ability super evolution, free with loyalty to createtheperfect property![Fine screen interface optimization]Game screen more refined, smooth, never let youextremelyamazing!
懶人西遊-一路玩到掛 1.1.3
FaceBook粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]懶人西遊是一款西遊題材手機遊戲,玩家可以創建自己的角色-人族、神族、妖族-探索奇幻多彩的地圖世界,挑戰boss怪物,PK挑戰競技場玩家,參加每日團戰,每周公會戰。所有的這一切活動無需要您像打MMORPG那樣熬夜打通關,做任務,妳只需要投入極少的時間便可以獲得極其豐富的任務獎勵,獲得不錯的世界排名。同時遊戲開通了全新聊天室,妳可以隨時隨地和其他玩家聊天,包含語音聊天。遊戲特色▼離線掛機系統▼離線掛機是本遊戲的最大特色。玩家在退出遊戲後,玩家角色仍然會自動打怪,並且能夠正常地獲得裝備和經驗。當玩家再次登錄遊戲後會獲得這段時間內的所有收益。對,你沒有看錯,就是如此神奇如此誘人!經典職業選擇和靈活技能搭配遊戲採用了最經典了人族、神族、妖族三職業和男女兩種性別搭配。你可以選擇威武無懼、具有較高力量的人族,也可以選擇瀟灑飄逸、操縱絢爛魔法的神族,也可以選擇身法靈活、身懷弓箭絕技的妖族。同時,每種職業都有特殊的技能,玩家可以自由搭配技能。自由的技能搭配使戰鬥多彩化,用你自己的智慧來擊潰你的敵人吧。▼獨特裝備熔煉系統▼遊戲中每個玩家在戰鬥勝利後會有一定幾率獲得裝備,玩家可以將不需要的裝備扔進熔爐進行熔煉,熔爐會熔鑄玩家投入的裝備,並且有很大幾率產生更高品質的裝備,甚至是神器!你還在猶豫什麼,象徵你尊貴身分的神器等你來熔鑄!▼激情無限的競技場▼在競技場中,玩家可以選擇和其他玩家進行PK,展現自己的實力。戰勝競技場排名比自己靠前的玩家後,可以獲得他的競技場排名,並且還能夠獲得一定的鑽石獎勵。系統還會定期發放競技場獎勵,排名靠前的玩家獎勵越豪華。排名前20位的玩家會進入排行榜受萬人敬仰!▼火力四射的團戰系統▼玩家戰鬥力提升到一定階段後,可以參加團戰。團戰每天舉行兩次,團戰採取分輪淘汰制,堅持輪數越高獎勵越高。▼特色傭兵系統▼玩家角色在15後可以領取傭兵。傭兵可以幫助玩家作戰(競技場除外),傭兵擁有自己的等級、職業、技能和裝備。在打怪升級、挑戰boss中,傭兵會和你並肩作戰,不離不棄。▼兄弟情深公會系統▼玩家12級可以加入公會,在公會中,會員可以一起挑戰公會boss,一起在公會頻道中交流經驗,一起在公會戰中守衛榮耀。
三打白骨精-官方正版授權 1.5.2
大話西遊 1.0.7
DK game
遊戲特徵⊕颠覆剧情:打破大話西遊劇情,反逆誅仙才夠夯!⊕颠覆战斗:告別卡牌緊箍咒,跳出來戰鬥才叫爽!⊕颠覆组合:悟空戀上牛魔王?超KUSO组合你說行就行!⊕颠覆身份:召喚系統改天命,眾神全變你小弟!⊕顛覆休閒:掛樂透搖骰子!打發時間最佳選擇!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------大話西遊官網:粉絲專頁:問題回報: [email protected]客訴電話:02-22185198巴哈姆特:※颠覆剧情:打破大話西遊劇情,反逆誅仙才夠夯!顛覆《大話西遊》電影劇情設定,三界群魔亂舞定海神針不翼而飛, 一大波妖精步步逼近連星爺的西遊降魔篇也略遜一籌,誅仙除魔,成佛成魔皆由心而定只要你喜歡,有什麼不可以?※颠覆战斗:告別卡牌緊箍咒,跳出來戰鬥才叫爽!頭戴緊箍,再漂亮的招式不過是花拳繡腿扔掉緊箍咒,想怎麼打就怎麼打狂風掃落葉、電閃雷鳴這才叫狂拽炫酷屌炸天!※颠覆组合:悟空戀上牛魔王?超KUSO组合你說行就行!完美的搭配能夠獲得獨特的能力,玉兔配八戒,悟空戀上牛魔王二郎神調情鐵扇公主,六耳獼猴暗戀孫悟空東海龍王與孫悟空握手言和?超KUSO組合你想怎麼搭就怎麼搭配!※颠覆身份:召喚系統改天命,眾神全變你小弟!召喚神仙當小弟,嘯天犬不過是我的看門狗。打你個小人手、打你個小人頭,打到你魂歸西天快還魂!還魂系統專叫兄弟一起來,七月半現身嚇死你!適配機型Android版本:2.2.1以及以上版本CPU:单核600MHz以上RAM:512MB以上存储空间:200MB频幕分辨率:320*480以上,网络:2G或2G以上网络都可以流畅运行注意事項:需保有200MB及以上記憶體空間依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔12級。請合理安排時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。
月光寶盒-星爺強力推薦 1.14
【月光寶盒簡介】星爺經典之作大話西遊正版獨家授權,無厘頭爆笑卡牌回合制手機遊戲《月光寶盒》火爆來襲!帶你穿越重溫大話經典,共闖西行之路。“大鬧天宮”、“決戰淩霄”、“鎖妖塔”、“伏魔錄”、“點將台”等多個PVE和PVP全新玩法火爆開啟,引爆PK高潮!人性化的操作系統、完美的引導流程、眾多的獨創性遊戲內容,讓你體驗一場激動人心的華麗盛宴!【特色系統】==獨家正版,經典再現==《大話西遊》電影獨家正版授權,原汁原味的電影劇情,每時每刻都能感受到曾經熟悉的回憶,你前世今生輪回的記憶將重新被喚起。==激爽團隊PK戰==多人組隊競技副本、幫派大戰,PK不斷!誰強誰弱?就等你來一決高下!==神將收集與養成系統==至尊寶、紫霞仙子、牛魔王、豬八戒、太白金星等諸天神魔仙道,獨創的養成進階系統,打造史上最強英雄陣容。==聽音辨人,不服來辯==無論是至尊寶的耍賤搞笑,還是唐僧的嘮叨囉嗦,全部採用知名團隊真人配音。==法寶在手,天下我有==如意金箍棒、捆仙繩、芭蕉扇、紫金葫蘆等各種絕世法寶,助你統率三界,橫掃神魔。==前世姻,今生緣==千里姻緣一線牽,無論你在哪裡,只要有緣,自有天意一線牽。一個華麗且不失格調的婚禮,收穫滿滿浪漫,向世界宣告彼此的幸福!==交友互動==遊戲中不僅可以遊戲,還可以交友,並且可以在遊戲中配對結婚,每天的夫妻副本更有體力贈送。一萬年太久只爭朝夕!修仙修道、降妖除魔!人間仙境,攜手同行!快來《月光寶盒》一起和至尊寶穿越時空,拯救紫霞仙子!【客戶服務】若有遊戲、活動、帳號、儲值等相關問題或建議,歡迎來信反應!客服信箱:[email protected]
神魔西遊(大話西遊電影正版) 1.14
大型西遊神話題材回合制手遊《神魔西遊》震撼來襲!特邀頂尖美術團隊精雕細琢,並輔以星爺原聲對白,加之精致獨特的魔幻場景,力求打造本年度唯壹西遊巔峰大作。除此之外,玩法多樣的神兵和神將成長系統、全屏特效的戰鬥技能、獨創法寶神技,元神修煉,抓鬼等多個特色系統完美結合。“大鬧天宮”、“抉戰淩霄”、“瑣妖塔”等多個PVE和PVP全新玩法,引爆戰鬥高潮!眾多的獨創性遊戲內容,讓妳體驗壹場遊戲世界的華麗盛宴!快來《神魔西遊》和星爺壹起,重溫大話經典,共闖西行之路!●活 动●一万年的爱情誓言,至尊宝攜手西遊之路,多重好礼来就送!●熱血PK●多人组队竞技副本、帮派大战,PK不断!孰强孰弱?不朽戰歌,等你來戰!●神兵系統●八大神器助你縱橫天地,橫掃神魔,無敵于天下。●經典原音重現●真人配音,經典對白原音重現。●4K高清畫面,栩栩如生●所有角色使用3D建模塑造,畫面絢麗,特效炫酷;1080P超清標準制作,精細到壹花壹草,超清就是任性!●经典神将英雄養成系統●至尊寶、紫霞仙子漫天神佛等你收復,更有獨創神將養成系統,打造mvp陣容。
大聖頂住-梁漢文帶你重回西遊 2.0
首款3D塔防策略手遊! 梁漢文帶你重回西遊!以孫悟空與紫霞仙子之間至死不渝的忠貞愛情為背景,讓一個個大家耳熟能詳的西遊以及封神英雄親自上陣,與前來入侵的怪物短兵相接。並且獨創塔防職業劃分,讓坦克、輸出、治療不再是RPG遊戲的專屬,讓戰鬥變得更有策略性。華麗的技能,爽快的操作,帶來前所未有的嶄新體驗。下載登入即獲強力主角英雄【孫悟空】!首款3D【策略】【守護】手機遊戲。引入戰法牧玩法,創新出“保衛紫霞”“十面埋伏”“王國保衛戰”“人族無敵”“守衛雅典娜”等多種塔防防禦玩法。畫面方面則由韓國頂級美術團隊傾力打造,將給你帶來全新不一樣的策略防禦遊戲體驗!【遊戲特色】經典粵語配音, 多位明星配音加盟助陣!多位紅人全力演繹,錄製千餘條個性對白,塑造不一樣的西遊。Only You, can take me取西經!百變玩法,趣味豐富!無限 數十種全新防禦玩法,2016年絕對不能錯過!華麗技能,釋放 超強的技能特效!全屏釋放,想放哪就放哪!保證最爽快刺激!3D立體角色,越戰越勇!《大聖頂住》全新3D創新技術!全部角色皆獨立塑造最具個性造型,在激烈的亂戰之中,發揮最獨特的角色技能效果!全新門派玩法,根本停不下來!青龍、白虎、朱雀三大神獸副本,邀上戰友,一起來戰!粉絲團: tower defensestrategyfirst hand tour! Edmond takes you back to West!In between the Monkey King and the Purple Cloud Fairyundyingloyalty to love as the background, so that one familiartoeveryone, Gods and Heroes Journey personally into battle, andcameto the invasion of the monster face to face. Occupationandoriginal tower defense, let the tank, output, treatment isnolonger the exclusive RPG game, so that the fighting becomesmorestrategic. Magnificent skills, straightforwardoperation,unprecedented new experience.Download sign that is eligible for a strong protagonist heroMonkeyKing []! The first 3D [policy] [Guardian] mobile games. Introducingmethodsof animal husbandry play, an innovative "Defend Daisy,""House ofFlying Daggers," "Kingdom Wars," "Terran invincible""Guard Athena"and many other tower defense games are playeddefense. Screen areaby South Korea's top art team effort to build,will bring you a newdefense strategy is not the same gameexperience![Game Features]Classic Cantonese dub, dub joined many stars to help out!Many Reds full deduction, recording more than a thousandpiecespersonalized dialogue, Journey to the West is not the sameshape.Only You, can take me to the West!Variety of gameplay, rich taste!Unlimited dozens of new games are played defense in 2016 must notbemissed!Magnificent skills to release superior skill effects!Full-screen release, want to put where to put where! To ensurethatthe most straightforward exciting!3D three-dimensional characters, Yuezhanyueyong!"Story withstand" a new innovative 3D technology! All rolesareshaping the most independent personality style, spared from warinthe fierce among the most unique role to play skill effect!New martial play, do not stop!Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku animal three copies, invitecomrades,fight together!Fans: https: //
齊天小聖 1.0.102
Chis yap
《齊天小聖》是2016年全民修仙MMORPG手遊。遊戲采用“擬真動作”引擎。集角色扮演、即時戰鬥、PVE和PVP等多種玩法於一體。情侶雙修、單挑群毆、冒險鬥法,這裏統統都有!身臨其境的主線居情、亦真亦幻的遊戲畫面、個性鮮明的門派角色、輕松間單的操作方式以及震撼華麗的超強特技,帶領大家走進一個神秘奇幻的靈幻世界。【遊戲特色】【神擋殺神,佛擋殺佛】八十一難,再現西遊經典【熱血幫戰,揚名三界】萬金福利等妳爭奪【語音交流 全民交友】真人語音,輕松實時交談無障礙!【百變翅膀,叱咤三界】三界遨遊任逍遙,挑戦無限界【一騎當千,馳騁天下】征戰沙場,妳也想擁有一匹坐騎麼?"Monkey Little Saint"isa2016 referendum Cultivation MMORPG hand tour. Thegameuses"immersive action" engine. Set of role-playing,real-timecombat,PVE and PVP and other games are played in one.Loversalike,singled gang fights, adventure battle of wits, whereallhave!Immersive main living situation, Living gamescreen,distinctivemartial role, relaxing between single mode ofoperationand shockgorgeous super trick to lead you into a mysticalfantasyspiritualmagic world.[Game Features][God block to kill God, Buddha kill the Buddha]81 difficult, reproducing the classic Journey to the West[Blood to help fight the three realms fame]Wan Jin Fuli Dengni contention[Dating] universal voice communicationLive voice, live chat easy accessibility![Variety wings, shook three realms]Three Realms travel Pleasures, unlimited pick-war community[Ikkitousen, ride the world]Swords, u want to have a horse to it?
【秦時明月5.3】地澤萬物 5.3.0
【秦時明月】改編自華人動畫第一品牌的同名手機遊戲,除了擁有動畫正版授權外,遊戲中也將動畫名場景精彩呈現,經典劇情完美再現,帶您一起探索秦朝最鮮為人知的秘密,穿稄一段遺漏的歷史。※遊戲特色※【完整呈現動畫角色‧動畫聲優原聲配音】• 角色施放強力招式時,《秦時明月》動畫原聲優配音,將完美呈現動畫經典台詞。• 動畫原曲的戰鬥配樂,完整呈現秦時明月精彩刺激的戰鬥場面。• 劇情更新 — 隨著動畫劇情演進,遊戲隨時更新最新章節【陣型排列萬化千變‧緣分系統策略無限】• 因緣際會:特定組合下角色的屬性激增,戰鬥還可啟動多人連攜技能• 裝備、同伴、典籍,幾乎一切都可能觸發弟子們的緣份系統!• 高漸離與雪女合奏的陽春白雪將凍結一切!• 蓋聶與衛庄一釋前嫌,聯手使出鬼谷派縱橫天下!• 將體魄強健的角色放在前排檔下致命傷害,保護好隊伍中的柔弱(?)美人。• 配合每個人獨特的武功範圍去排列陣型!巧妙的運用團隊力量!【諸子百家爭奇鬥豔‧競技排名玩法百變】•蜃樓東渡:玩家將駕駛蜃樓在大海中航行冒險,過程中會遇到各色海盜和其他冒險者,途經滿載寶物的寇島,靈氣圍繞的仙山,還可能會與罕見的巨大海怪進行戰鬥。• 墨攻棋陣:玩家將在棋盤上將暗棋翻轉為明棋,過程中可能觸發兵馬俑,銅人陣,勢力陣眼等事件,豐厚獎勵等你來領取!• 諸子百家開幫立派:蒐羅天下英豪,共創幫會繁榮!• 幫會商店全新開放!幫會貢獻將可換取稀有弟子魂魄獎勵•《天工樹》每天努力耕耘,將你的幫會在『俠道』與『王道』上齊頭並進,邁向江湖顛峰!•《書院》正確回答劇情問題,即可得到豐厚獎勵!•《盃賽》、《論劍》讓你隨時與其他玩家競技對戰,還可下注在你支持的玩家身上,贏取更大的獎勵!• 透過《許願》、《狩魂》獲得魂魄,覺醒弟子靈魂突破出最大的潛能!•《禁地尋寶》限時活動,獲得橙色極品武器的絕佳機會!•《主角修行》可將一開始所選的主角,修煉成橙色極品弟子!戰鬥無往不利!•《猜燈謎》天天都有機會答題,只要了解秦時明月即可獲得豐富獎勵!《秦時明月》社團:《秦時明月》粉絲團:《秦時明月》巴哈姆特哈啦版:本公司遵守個資法明文規定事項依據中華民國「遊戲軟體分級管理辦法」第18條第1項公告「遊戲軟體分級參照表」,本遊戲規範為「輔12級」[] Qin Shiminganimationadapted from the first brand of Chinese mobile phone game,inaddition to have genuine authority animations, the game willalsobe the name of the animation scene exciting show, aperfectreproduction of the classic story with you to explore themostknown of the Qin Dynasty secret, some wearing Zemissinghistory.※ game features ※[‧ complete presentation oftheanimated character animation voice actors dubbingSoundtrack]• When casting the role of strong moves, "Qin Shimingmonth"Animation Soundtrack excellent voice, the perfectpresentation ofanimated classic lines.• Animation original song battle soundtrack, completerenderingqinshiming exciting battle scenes.• Drama Update - With the evolution of the story animation,gamesupdated the latest chapter[formation arrangement millionofIndustry-changing system policy ‧ fate Unlimited]• karma: the role of specific combinations of attributes thesurge,but also start fighting people with portable skills• equipment, companions, books, almost everything couldtriggerdisciples fate system!• Gao Jianli and Xuenv highbrow ensemble willfreezeeverything!• Gagne and Wei Zhuang a release hatchet jointly resorted tosendingGui The World!• The role of robust frame placed under the front gearfatalinjuries, and protect the weak team (?) Beauty.• Each person with a unique range of powers to arrangeformation!Clever use of team strength![philosophers athletic contests‧ranked play Variety]• mirage east: Players will be driving mirage sailing in theseaadventure, during encounter pirates and other items toadventurers,passing full of treasure island Kou, aura surroundingmountains,and may also be the rare giant sea monster tofight.• Wits array chess: Players will flip the board will AnqiMingchess, the process may trigger terracotta, bronze matrix,powerfront eye and other events, rich rewards waiting for youtocollect!• philosophers start to help Leekpai: collecting world hero,gangcreate prosperity!• gang open a new store! Gang contribution will be in exchangeforthe soul of his disciples rare reward• "Heavenly Tree" hard work every day, you will be in a gang,"Mansaid" and "king" on the go hand in hand, towards the peakriversand lakes!• "College" Drama question answered correctly, you can getrichrewards!• "Cup", "swordfight" so you always competitive battle withotherplayers, you can also bet on players who support, wingreaterrewards!• Through "Wishing", "soul hunting" for the soul, the soulawakeningdisciples break their fullest potential!• "forbidden treasure hunt" limited activity, an orange bestweaponsa great opportunity!• "protagonist practice" may be the beginning of theselectedprotagonist, practicing orange Need disciple! Almostalwaysfighting!• "Guessing lantern riddles" every day the opportunity to answer,ifwe can understand qinshiming can get rich rewards!"Qin Shiming month" Societies: http: //"Qin Shiming month" Fans: http: //"Qin Shiming month" Bahamut humouring version: Company has complied with a law expressly providesfundingmatters to the Republic of China "game softwarehierarchicalmanagement approach" Article 18, paragraph 1announcement "gamesoftware hierarchical reference table", this gamespecificationas"auxiliary12"
蘿莉三國 1.0.5
Mofun Studio
封神榜Q傳-神魔亂鬥篇 1.15.140306
※《封神榜Q傳-神魔亂鬥篇》是一款神話題材,超萌系Q版風格MMORPG手機網遊。※遊戲以“沉香尋母,大戰眾仙”為主線,背景源於《封神演義》、《西遊記》、《寶蓮燈》等神話巨著。※故事豐富、對話幽默,玩法系統多元化,既滿足了喜歡推圖的玩家的玩法需要,也滿足了喜好激烈的PVP對抗的玩 法訴求。※遊戲中,玩家可以招募到大鬧東海龍宮的哪吒、大鬧天宮的孫悟空等神話故事中的經典人物作為旅途的夥伴,透過職業、陣型等相互克制的機制打造屬於自己的夢幻陣容。※遊戲中融合了經典的家族與好友系統,更能滿足玩家在遊戲中的社交訴求,豐富的劇情和絢麗的技能效果,旨在打造手游的頂級體驗。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------《封神榜Q傳-神魔亂鬥篇》的遊戲特色:★遊戲中首創性加入了語音聊天功能,讓玩家間的交互增加更多便捷與樂趣★煉妖塔、九重天、天書奇談大大豐富了遊戲PVE玩法,增加爬樓推圖的樂趣★神魔試煉、跨服眾仙戰、時空爭霸等PVP系統,照顧到每位玩家的不同體驗訴求★首創加入武將卡系統,首次在一款RPG手游中兼容卡牌對戰的玩法★比武招親系統讓你回味古代武俠比武招親場景,體驗衝冠一怒為紅顏的感覺***********************************官方Facebook粉絲團:巴哈討論區:官方客服郵箱:[email protected]官方網站本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十二歲級。本遊戲部份角色穿著凸顯胸、臀之服飾,暴力情節(卡通人物對打),婚戀社交;部份內容需另行支付費用,請避免沉迷遊戲。-------------------------------------------封神榜Q傳-神魔之亂鬥故事背景取材封神榜、融合與三國演義、水滸傳、紅樓夢合稱中國四大名著的西遊記;搭配上古傳說寶蓮燈傳奇中的經典劇情,命遊戲劇情豐富多彩,主線任務豐滿;畫面方面採用了中國水墨色彩的畫風,配色柔和飽滿,角色Q萌可愛,當然也不缺乏身材火辣的正妹;首創語音通話聊天系統,玩家不再需要在遊戲與line之間不停切換也可以享受暢快的社交功能;
Lieyan Arena anime Dragon MMO 4.67
The most hot one! The first leader!ThebestARPG mobile game!Brothers are: side by side in fighting, day by dayinexciting!Facebook: roles ---- Warrior, Mage and ClericSuper engine ---- for smoother combat rhythmPerfect action design ---- for better user experienceWe are responsible for providing various activitiesofPVPbattles,while what you have to do is light yourdream and release your passion.Start your new fantasy trip now or never!High-quality images and oriental magic theme.Martial-arts in the form of anime on the phone,original version for the global!MMOHeroes lay siege to enemies, fight till the end and walk thewayofsuccess through mobile phones in the game. Herethestrongestbecomes the king and be in charge of the world. Donotwait foranother chance to create your own legend, you can takeallin theLIEYAN ARENA world.So do not hesitate any more, pick up your phone to join intheLIEYANARENA world that 9377 create for you guys, and thenenjoyyourexciting time!-------Game Features-------1. Superior picture quality --- beyond retro.2. Instant voice chat system --- communicate in themostconvenientway.3. Wonderful design in fighting --- the same good feelingasusingdesktop.4. Gorgeous special effects --- just enjoy fighting.5. Thousands of users online --- stand and fight together.6. Automatically multiply fastly --- hang up any timewhenyouneed.Role-playing, Action, Martial-arts, Magic,Battle in the fortress, only in the latest official versionofLieyanSocial.Auto MF system & voice chat systemRomantic encounters with prince charming and goddessGet up and pick up your phone to enter the Lieyan Arenaworldandenjoy your time!--------contact us--------Email: [email protected] operation team of will do the best to serve you!First-ever Fusion with friends to be Top Hero!First-ever Blend with groups to create My World!1. Classic Role MMOHundreds of roles well-designed by top team.Classic & Cute Heroes waiting for you.2. Map Instance DragonHundreds of instances with various scenes;Layer tech enables switching anytime;Photo restored in precise details.3. Fierce fighting DragonAroused by combination of gorgeous skills & teamspeed!Instant fight with simulative scenes in phone system!Various states, desktop optimized & smooth screen!4. Lineup Title MMOSkill Strike Direction: Single, horizontal,vertical,cross,whole, etc.Title Info: Swordsman, sailor, snipe, tank, Death, MU,MT,DPS,assist, heal, control, etc.Fetter System: 360°Hundred –killed, Evil Cheetah, Heavy StormPerfect match for video and anime!5. Fusion Combo DragonCouple in lineup can fusion with full anger.Fellows in lineup release fire combo for the 1st intimatetouch.6. Guild SocialFriend chatting system enables you to share game news&tipswith your friends!7. Sharing DragonNew share function. You can share with friends on:Line, Kakao, Wechat, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsappWeibo, Wechat, Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, QQ,QQ-zone, Renren, Moment.8. Online ActivityParty for all players!PS: hot events! Pls read the detail in official website!Most popular anime roles!Take part in voting and get great rewards!More activitiesCome and join us!Share with friends:Line, Kakao, Wechat, Wechat Moment, Facebook,Weibo,Snapchat,Instagram, Whatsapp, Tencent Weibo, QQ, QQZone,Renren热血传奇The game contains revealing clothes, violence (fightbetweengameroles), dating and social contact; some contentneedspayment.Please consciously avoid indulging.-------------------------------------------Vivid plots and enriched tasksImages in Japanese style with rich blendent.Hot and sexy / cute and lovely rolesChat sys and social functionPlease avoid addiction and puppy love!
梦幻仙游 1.0.2
《梦幻仙游》是新一代清新唯美仙侠飞行角色扮演手游。实时语音互动玩家快速交友,大话封神;全新飞行坐骑助您游遍三界圣地,蜀山诛魔;神羽降世飞天遁地,副本争霸。游戏中共有逍遥、苍穹和星辰三大对立阵营,斩妖屠魔、渡劫飞升、结婚生子、仙盟建设、万人竞技、副本冒险、宠物养成等特色游戏系统尽在其中!多技能搭配,多样战术战斗组合,快拿起你的手机,一起共赴修仙之路,畅享清新纯粹的仙侠世界!【游戏特色】1、酷炫翅膀:获得强大和华丽的羽翼,闪耀拉风;2、千人激战:完美设计的战斗体验,感受群仙对战一统全球的爽快;3、千变魔卡:蜀山修仙,相承相克,卡牌收集获得神秘技能;4、浪漫玫瑰:撩妹,觅蜜,见证梦幻侠侣,亲爱的,我们结婚吧;5、萌宠养成:萝莉有杀气,灵仙狐缘,把喜欢的宠物培养到极致;6、强大交互:语音社交,坐标交互,跨服组队,更完美的游戏体验;7、集市买卖:告别复杂的摆摊系统,从此一键上货,一键提现;你错过了这一刻,就在别人后面,还等什么,和小伙伴一起缘定星尘,大话封神吧!【玩家服务】更多活动,请前往Facebook粉丝页:更多资讯,请前往游戏官网:更多服务,请前往客服信箱:[email protected]"Xianyou Dream" isanewgeneration of fresh and beautiful Xian Xia flyingroleplayingmobile games. Real-time voice interaction playersquicklymakefriends, lying Gods; new flying mounts to help youtravelthroughthe three realms of the Holy Land, Shushan punishevil;Godincarnate feather fly or a copy of hegemony. Happy gametotal,thesky and the stars of the three opposing camps, thedemonslaughterdemons, crossing the soaring robbery, married,SallyLeaguebuilding, athletic people, a copy of adventure, petraisinggamesystems and other characteristics all in one!Withmulti-skilled,diverse combination of tactical combat, quickpick upyour cellphone, to ride together on Cultivation of theroad,enjoying thefresh pure Xian Xia world![Game Features]1, cool wings: get strong and gorgeous wings,sparklingLatinstyle;2, thousands of battle: the perfect design of combatexperience,feelthe battle to dominate the global Qunxianrefreshing;3-changing magic card: Shushan Cultivation,Xiangchenggrams,mysterious cards to collect acquire skills;4, romantic roses: tease girl, looking for honey,witnessCrazydream, dear, we get married;5, Meng pet develop: Lolita murderous, Ling Xian Humargin,thefavorite pet culture to the extreme;6, strong interaction: voice socializing,coordinateinteraction,cross-service team, a more perfectgamingexperience;7. Market trading: farewell stall complex systems, from thegoodsona key, a key withdrawals;You miss this moment, just behind the others, and sowhat,andsmall partners edge set Stardust, Westward Gods now![Service] PlayersMore events, visit Facebook fanpage: more information, please visit the game'sofficialwebsite:https: // services, please visitCustomerService:[email protected]
League of Defenders 1.5.1
【Info】is a 3D Fantasy ARPG with cute cartoon characters. Based onawestern fantasy story, it tells about how Defenders protectBrightMainland against the evil. Developed by the world’s topstudio andteam, its fancy graphics quality give players alarge-scale PC gameexperience and immerse them into a realbattle.Exquisite game scenes, flexible role movement, accuratescenecontrol, real-time fighting experience! What’s more, you canenjoyvarious gameplays, such as real-time Top Duel withcross-serverplayers, freely team up in Team Instance and soon.【Features】-The Cutest 3D Fantasy MMORPG Masterpiece-Highest Graphics Quality Adopting Top Technology!-Create Your Own Pet Squad in Combination with ThousandsofPets!-Come And Fight in Knight War Anytime If You Dare!-Free Battles without Limitation Enable Realizing YourTactics-Dress Yourself Up as You Wish,a 3D cute fantasy MMORPG with highly Degree of Freedom iscoming!You can never miss this ARPG Masterpiece of Year 2016!【Gameplay】●Free PVP Gameplays: Innovative World Boss, massiveClanWar/Cross-server War/Arena… All of them can satisfy your needsforFree PK!●Initiative Knight System: All-server players can join KnightWartogether to win Feats and exchange for Rare Rides;●First-ever Pet Expedition System: Pets become more powerfulafterupgrade. Send them on Expedition to bring you rarerewards;●Fabulous PVE Gameplay: Adopting classic ARPG instance system,thisgame provides all the gears you need in Instances aspassingrewards. Invite your friends to adventure this fantasy worldwithyou!【Support】For more events, please go toFacebookfanpage: more information, please go to theofficialwebsite: more services, please go to CSmailbox:[email protected]
Manga Stars 2.20.150328
Gamelala, Inc
The hottest mobile game with allfamousJapanese Manga characters had already launched for bothMalaysiaand Singapore ! All Star will make your dreams become areality andbrings you to the fantasy world of comics.There are various ways to play that against your enemy inthefierce battlefield.Character designed as classic hero from Manga. All thecharactershave unique and special skill.The team must use the right heroes. Formation and team buildingandstrategy are key elements in overcoming rivals.Combination Skill: Heroes not only can meet heroes fromdifferentdimension , but also can combine their skills betweenheroes tocreate a whole new level for the fight. !!"CombinationSkill willwin everything"!!There are more than a hundred checkpoints to fierce fighting.Andscenes that will make you enjoy and can not stop playing.
梦想仙游 1.0.2
《梦幻仙游》是新一代清新唯美仙侠飞行角色扮演手游。实时语音互动玩家快速交友,大话封神;全新飞行坐骑助您游遍三界圣地,蜀山诛魔;神羽降世飞天遁地,副本争霸。游戏中共有逍遥、苍穹和星辰三大对立阵营,斩妖屠魔、渡劫飞升、结婚生子、仙盟建设、万人竞技、副本冒险、宠物养成等特色游戏系统尽在其中!多技能搭配,多样战术战斗组合,快拿起你的手机,一起共赴修仙之路,畅享清新纯粹的仙侠世界!【游戏特色】1、酷炫翅膀:获得强大和华丽的羽翼,闪耀拉风;2、千人激战:完美设计的战斗体验,感受群仙对战一统全球的爽快;3、千变魔卡:蜀山修仙,相承相克,卡牌收集获得神秘技能;4、浪漫玫瑰:撩妹,觅蜜,见证梦幻侠侣,亲爱的,我们结婚吧;5、萌宠养成:萝莉有杀气,灵仙狐缘,把喜欢的宠物培养到极致;6、强大交互:语音社交,坐标交互,跨服组队,更完美的游戏体验;7、集市买卖:告别复杂的摆摊系统,从此一键上货,一键提现;你错过了这一刻,就在别人后面,还等什么,和小伙伴一起缘定星尘,大话封神吧!【玩家服务】更多活动,请前往Facebook粉丝页:更多资讯,请前往游戏官网:更多服务,请前往客服信箱:[email protected]"Xianyou Dream" isanewgeneration of fresh and beautiful Xian Xia flyingroleplayingmobile games. Real-time voice interaction playersquicklymakefriends, lying Gods; new flying mounts to help youtravelthroughthe three realms of the Holy Land, Shushan punishevil;Godincarnate feather fly or a copy of hegemony. Happy gametotal,thesky and the stars of the three opposing camps, thedemonslaughterdemons, crossing the soaring robbery, married,SallyLeaguebuilding, athletic people, a copy of adventure, petraisinggamesystems and other characteristics all in one!Withmulti-skilled,diverse combination of tactical combat, quickpick upyour cellphone, to ride together on Cultivation of theroad,enjoying thefresh pure Xian Xia world![Game Features]1, cool wings: get strong and gorgeous wings,sparklingLatinstyle;2, thousands of battle: the perfect design of combatexperience,feelthe battle to dominate the global Qunxianrefreshing;3-changing magic card: Shushan Cultivation,Xiangchenggrams,mysterious cards to collect acquire skills;4, romantic roses: tease girl, looking for honey,witnessCrazydream, dear, we get married;5, Meng pet develop: Lolita murderous, Ling Xian Humargin,thefavorite pet culture to the extreme;6, strong interaction: voice socializing,coordinateinteraction,cross-service team, a more perfectgamingexperience;7. Market trading: farewell stall complex systems, from thegoodsona key, a key withdrawals;You miss this moment, just behind the others, and sowhat,andsmall partners edge set Stardust, Westward Gods now![Service] PlayersMore events, visit Facebook fanpage: more information, please visit the game'sofficialwebsite:https: // service, please sign Customer Service:[email protected]
Clash of Dragons (Bahasa ver.)
The most popular State War mobile game intheworld!Famous as the top 3D action mobile game of State War,Dragon Blade is awarded the honorable title——No.1 MMOARPG of 2016! Come and join us!On the battlefield, you can fight with historic heroes!On the state war, you can also get the fantastic gifts!Hurry Up! Summon your bros and build your empire!Let’s witness the top 3D technology and awesome HDimagequality!Lv Bu, Zhao Yun, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Guan Yu,ZhangFei…Various strategists and beauties are coming!Warrior, Ranger, Archer and Mage, four professions are allavailableto form your strongest army![Grand Bonus]Fantastic gifts for novices! Login for 2 days and get free heroLiuBei!Login for the first 7-day and get thousands of ingots![Real-time PVP]The craziest PK experience!Real-time PVP for thousand players unlocks at Lv.15. You canrevivewith no CD![State War]Unique State War system of Three Kingdoms enables you tobeworshipedbymillions of people as the state general![Seize Beauty]Cluster of beauties in your harem allows you to live likeaking!Come and seize others' beauties![Hero Link]Hero link can add attribute bonus to kings of three states.Crownedas a real king![Legion System]Invite friends to join legions! Challenge legion boss andconquerthe world![Three Kingdoms]Original story of the Three Kingdoms with newtime-travellingplots!You can never imagine what will happen until you play it!——◆Game Features◆——●Feature 1: Carefree Operation and Fighting PleasureHistoric vice generals will fight with you! Enjoy bloody fightsandstunning skills!Top 4K image quality and splendid special effects create thisbestMMOARPG;Show your power and unify the chaotic world!●Feature 2: Thousands of Players PK inReal-time PVP WarSay goodbye to PC game! Cutting-edge real-time technologyfullyrestoresa real era of Three Kingdom!Fight with thousand players on one screen in this gorgeousstatewar!Follow the drumbeat and bugle to conquer the city!●Feature 3: MOBA on Fingertip! Brand New Guandu War!Guandu War, real 3V3 and 5V5 MOBA, satisfies all yourexpectationabout fighting!Enjoy face-to-face Wi-Fi PK with friends in your leisuretime!Download the game now! Enjoy MOBA fighting anytime, anywhere asyouwant!●Feature 4: Create The Strongest Legion! Lead TheWholeServer!Global Aces, top legions gather here for the wonderful Palace PKandState War!Show your strength at legion war and arena PK in front of playersofthe whole server!You can invite Facebook friends to play togetherforcompetition!●Feature 5: Numerous Historic Heroes and InnovativeTrainingSystemHistoric heroes all under your control! The most controllableheroesin a mobile game ever!More than 50 heroes available! Lv Bu, Guan Yu and Zhao Yunarewaiting for you!Various gameplays - forge equip, inlay dragonsoul, star up,Gemsystem and so on!
Fantasy Chronicles-TH 3.4.0
《FantasyChronicles-TH》ออนไลน์ที่ประเทศแล้วเกมการ์ตูนแฟนตาซีMMORPGสุดมันส์วิธีการเล่นสัตว์ขี่ช่วยรบปลุกแปลงร่างและเปลี่ยนวันและคืนของแผนที่ใหญ๋ฯลฯสกิลหมื่นประเภทจัดสรรกันอุปกรณ์เทพและกลุ่มชุดสุดแกร่งการเล่นPKแข่งขันทัพและศึกข้ามเซิร์ฟฯลฯ สัมผัสMMORPGแบบใหม่ลุดมันส์ทำให้ท่านหยุดเล่นไม่ได้【ลักษณะเด่นของเกม】-เกมมือถือแฟนตาซี3Dสุดแบ็ว-ปลุกสายโลหิต ตัวละครเดียวกัน แปลงร่าง2ประเภท-เริ่มสร้างสัตว์ขี่ช่วยรบ ขี่ได้ต่อสู้ได้ ช่วยท่านพิชิตโลกา!-PVPกลางป่าทันที อิสระไร้ล็อค พันคนPKกันตามใจ;-แข่งขันทัพ 60V60ดำเนินการศึกกลุ่มได้ทุกเวลา;-ต่อสู้อิสระ ค้าขายอิสระ PKกลางป่าตามใจไร้ผูกมัด;-แผนที่โลกขนาดใหญ่ เปลี่ยนวันและคืนเรียลไทม์แสงและเงาเคลื่อนไหวสุดยอดความคมชัดขของภาพ;-แฟชั่นหมื่นประเภทเข้าคู่กันตามใจ เทรนตามความคิดของท่านเกมส์มือถือ2016สุดมันส์ 《FantasyChronicles-TH》แฟนตาซี3DMMORPGเวอร์ชั่นสุดแบ็วกำลังจะออนไลน์แล้ว!【รายละเอียดวิธีเล่น】●วิธีเล่นPVPอิสระ:BOSSโลกอันสร้างสรรค์เควสคุ้มภัยขนส่งระดับSPVPสุดมันส์เช่นศึกทัพศึกข้ามเซิร์ฟลานประลองเดี่ยวและPKกลางป่าตามใจฯลฯทำให้ท่านได้สัมผ้สPKสุดเพลิน●วิธีเล่นจ้าวพิชิตโลก:ผู้เล่นทั้งเซิร์ฟโจมตีผู้ที่ได้ับอันดับหนึ่งในใต้หล้าได้ข่าวว่าอุปกรณ์คุณภาพระดับตำนานจะประกฏที่นี้!●วิธีเล่นสัตว์เลี้ยงออกศึก:สร้างสรรค์ไร้คู่สัตว์เลี้ยงได้รับความสามารถใหม่ผ่านพัฒนาโลหิตจัดกลุ่มออกศึกแดนอื่นๆแกร่งไร้เทียมทาน ได้รับรางวัลหายาก;●วิธีเล่นPVEมหาศาล:ใช้ระบบด่านเกมMMORPGคลาสสิคอุปกรณ์ทั้งหมดล้วนดรอปที่ด่านรีบเรียกเพื่อนๆมาเพลินกับเกมการ์ตูนแฟนตาซีกัน【บริการผู้เล่น】กิจกรรมเพิ่มเติมกรุณาไปหน้าแฟนเพจFacebook:ข่าวสารเพิ่มเติมกรุณาไปเว็บเกมทางการ:https://fantasy-th.vstargame.comบริการเพิ่มเติม กรุณาไปอีเมล์ฝ่ายบริการ:[email protected]"FantasyChronicles-TH"online country. Extreme Fantasy MMORPG Games How toplay theanimals riding combat. Alarm transformation and change ofday andnight map, and develop the skills of thousands of wellallocated.Devices and archetypal tough series. PK tournament playand armyveterans across the surf, and experience a new MMORPG gameLudlow.I can not make it stopFeatures】 【game- Mobile game 3D fantasy back that far.- Alarm blood Same character Transform into two categories- To create a riding animal combat. Riding fight You can conquertheearth!Immediately -PVP forest freedom PK lock together like athousandpeople;- Competitive forces 60V60 battle group operations atanytime;- Free trade, freedom PK battle forest indulgewithoutobligation;- A large map of the world Change the day and night time.MovementLight and Shadow The sharpness of the image;- Tens of fashionable pair pampering. Trend by your thoughtsGames Extreme 2016 "Fantasy Chronicles-TH" Fantasy 3D. BestMMORPGversion of the bat are online now!【】 Details How● Play free PVP: BOSS creative world. The quest forthetransportation disasters S. PVP Extreme as fighting troopsBattleover Surf Singles and PK tournament jungle make you indulgeetc.Interview heavily loaded PK weekend getaway.● Playing Conquer the World Masters: Surf attacking playerswhoafforded the number one in the yard. The news thatlegendaryquality equipment to the rules on this one!● How the pet battle: creative pair. Pets gain talentthroughdevelopment of new blood. The other battle group.Toughunparalleled Won rare;● How to play PVE enormous: Use classic MMORPG gameplay. Alldevicesare dropped at a checkpoint. I called my friends cometogether toenjoy the game a comic fantasy.【】 Service Playersmore events Please visit the fan page Facebook: news Please visit the official game website: Please email at: [email protected].
熱血仙境 - 飛天豬的逆襲! 1.1.2
由>>台港澳<野外PK亂鬥,千人策略國戰,即時語音指揮,帶領軍團稱霸仙境!美眉特權,認證美眉團,贈大禮包!變色時裝搭配,制定妳的專屬形象!============ 2.1戰騎覺醒全新改版特色 ============1.全新頂級神兵系統,一劍在手,天下誠服!2.全新戰騎系統,屬性享疊加,正!3.全新跨服排行系統,誰才是真正的王者!4.全新自動組隊搜索,遠離副本無隊囧態!5.優化客護端與遊戲服務器連接穩定度。6.優化客護端遊戲穩定度。============遊戲特色============——“無雙國戰,語音指揮,帶領軍團稱霸仙境”24小時自由野戰,不服就約!即時語音指揮,台港澳三區聯戰,為了榮耀,燃燒吧!熱血——“國粵雙語,拒絕細作,兄弟我們認識妳!”國粵雙語隨意切換,軍團再也不用擔心有奸細了,想入團?說暗號!——“3D全景,超清畫質,Q萌人設打造夢幻仙境”大型萌系3D MMORPG,超清畫質,極致IMAX光影特效,為您呈現如仙境般優美的熱血世界!——“美眉特權,入團有禮,巾幗紅顏不輸鏗鏘鐵騎”認證美眉團,定期贈送大禮包,不必像男生壹洋瘋狂,輕鬆遊戲也可仙境封神!——“夢幻變裝,至尊法寶,千種搭配制定專屬造型”時裝變色,法寶附身,Avatar系統為妳制定千種造型,這個世界,妳獨壹無二!——“四大職業,逐鹿仙境”【劍修】——靈動飄逸,劍破萬法。如秋雨似光陰,萬劍歸宗孰能及,帥氣外表與淩厲劍法的高傷害職業!【墨狐】——顛倒眾生,媚靈三界。墨畫之書將萬物控制在筆鋒之下,如靈如幻的高控制職業!【道姬】——日月輪轉,道法自然。天道地道人道,道法自然,夢幻如影的遠程攻擊職業!【拳侯】——天下武功,唯快不破。集雙拳之力轟天震地,瞬息打出超音速招式,高段位攻擊職業!--------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題!------官方粉絲團:官方網站:
凡人修真-再續情緣 1.2.11
年度最唯美的修仙網遊,不刪檔測試震撼開啟!華麗畫面,勁爆技能,便捷操作,給你從未有過的手機遊戲體驗!三大職業,仙盟對戰,可愛寵物,百變坐騎,純粹的pc端完美體驗!【最新動態】1、霸氣三大職業:近戰遠攻,刀劍術法,技能各有千秋,特色職業技能,霸氣外露,總有一個職業適合您。2、人物元神系統:以天地靈氣淬煉自身經脈,讓你體驗到逐步成就無上仙體的快感。3、獨特裝備系統:對傳統的繁雜裝備系統說no,獨創裝備成長系統,一裝伴終身,神器也可以自己打造出來!4、炫酷時裝系統:清新俊逸,狂放不羈,溫婉似水,成熟魅惑,不同的時裝搭配,給您不同的風格體驗,百變風格,由您主宰。5、坐騎系統:坐騎不僅是修仙路上的好夥伴,還是玩家不可多得的小助手,玩家可以通過培養,將坐騎養成拉風的神獸!6、寵物系統:可愛的仙寵是玩家路上另外一個重要的夥伴,有的寵物呆萌可愛,有的寵物威風凜凜,強力的寵物往往還擁有強大的技能,毫不遜色于某些頂級仙法哦。7、仙園系統:在修仙世界裏,每個玩家都會有自己的獨特仙園洞府,不僅僅每時每刻提供給玩家收入,玩家可以在裏面進行物品煉化,真實再現修仙感覺。8、仙盟系統:無兄弟,不仙盟。在遊戲裏玩家可以組建或者加入仙盟,和志同道合的其他玩家一起闖蕩這個波瀾壯闊的修仙世界。9、特色副本:天雷滾滾的渡劫,神秘巍峨的鎮妖塔,以一擋百的魔尊守護,伴隨修仙歷程的各種特色副本......等您來揭開它們的神秘面紗。10、精彩活動:豐厚的線上獎勵,豐富的成長禮包,極具挑戰性的各類boss,與仙子互動的在水一方答題,休閒娛樂的夢幻沙灘,熱血沸騰的競技對戰,全服參與的決戰妖皇......等您來一一體驗!Cultivation of themostbeautiful games of the year, does not delete files test shockedtoopen! Gorgeous screen, Madden skills, convenient operation,younever had a mobile gaming experience! Three career, SallyLeaguewar, cute pets, amazing horse, pure pc-perfectexperience![News]1, domineering three Occupation: Melee attack far, swordssurgerymethod, skill strengths and weaknesses, special vocationalskills,domineering exposed, there is always a career for you.2, the characters soul system: the world of Reiki grown itself,inturn, allow you to experience the gradual achievementsupremeimmortal body pleasure.3, the unique equipment system: say no to the traditionalcomplexequipment systems, original equipment growth system, fittedwith alifelong, artifacts can build out their own!4, cool fashion system: fresh unrestrained, uninhibited,gentlewatery, mature charm, a different mix of fashion, giving youtheexperience of a different style, amazing style, dominatedbyyou.5, the mount system: Cultivation horse is not only a good partneronthe road, or the rare player's Little Helper, players can trainthehorse to develop animal pull the wind!6, Pet System: Players cute fairy pet is another importantpartneron the road, and some stay Meng cute pet, pet and somemajestic,powerful pets often also have strong skills favorably tosometop-fairy Oh.7 cents park system: Cultivation world, each player will havetheirown unique garden fairy Dong Fu, just all the time toprovideincome to the players, players can Refinery items inside, atruerepresentation of Cultivation feeling.8 cents League system: no brothers, no fairy League. In thegame,players can form or join cents League, and otherlike-mindedplayers together this magnificent battles Cultivationworld.9, features copy: Trick billowing crossing the robbery,themysterious town towering demon tower, to a hundred blockMozunguard, accompanied by a copy of a variety ofcharacteristicsCultivation course of their ...... waiting for youto uncover themystery of .10 exciting activities: rich rewards online, rich grow packsallkinds boss very challenging, interactive and fairy answer inthewater side, battle demon dream beach recreation,passionatecompetitive battle, full-service involvement Wong ......waitingfor you to eleven experience!
仙魂2:经典再续 1.0.3
《仙魂2》是新一代清新唯美仙侠飞行角色扮演手游。实时语音互动玩家快速交友,大话封神;全新飞行坐骑助您游遍三界圣地,蜀山诛魔;神羽降世飞天遁地,副本争霸。游戏中共有逍遥、苍穹和星辰三大对立阵营,斩妖屠魔、渡劫飞升、结婚生子、仙盟建设、万人竞技、副本冒险、宠物养成等特色游戏系统尽在其中!多技能搭配,多样战术战斗组合,快拿起你的手机,一起共赴修仙之路,畅享清新纯粹的仙侠世界!【游戏特色】1、酷炫翅膀:获得强大和华丽的羽翼,闪耀拉风;2、千人激战:完美设计的战斗体验,感受群仙对战一统全球的爽快;3、千变魔卡:蜀山修仙,相承相克,卡牌收集获得神秘技能;4、浪漫玫瑰:撩妹,觅蜜,见证梦幻侠侣,亲爱的,我们结婚吧;5、萌宠养成:萝莉有杀气,灵仙狐缘,把喜欢的宠物培养到极致;6、强大交互:语音社交,坐标交互,跨服组队,更完美的游戏体验;7、集市买卖:告别复杂的摆摊系统,从此一键上货,一键提现;你错过了这一刻,就在别人后面,还等什么,和小伙伴一起缘定星尘,大话封神吧!【玩家服务】更多活动,请前往Facebook粉丝页:更多资讯,请前往游戏官网:更多服务,请前往客服信箱:[email protected]"Sin Soul 2" isanewgeneration of fresh beautiful Xian Xia flying roleplayingmobilegames. Real-time voice interaction players quicklymakefriends,lying Gods; new flying mounts to help you travelthroughthe threerealms of the Holy Land, Shushan punish evil;Godincarnate featherfly or a copy of hegemony. Happy game total,thesky and the starsof the three opposing camps, the demonslaughterdemons, crossingthe soaring robbery, married, SallyLeaguebuilding, athleticpeople, a copy of adventure, pet raisinggamesystems and othercharacteristics all in one! Withmulti-skilled,diverse combinationof tactical combat, quick pick upyour cellphone, to ride togetheron Cultivation of the road,enjoying thefresh pure Xian Xia world![Game Features]1, cool wings: get strong and gorgeous wings,sparklingLatinstyle;2, thousands of battle: the perfect design of combatexperience,feelthe battle to dominate the global Qunxianrefreshing;3-changing magic card: Shushan Cultivation,Xiangchenggrams,mysterious cards to collect acquire skills;4, romantic roses: tease girl, looking for honey,witnessCrazydream, dear, we get married;5, Meng pet develop: Lolita murderous, Ling Xian Humargin,thefavorite pet culture to the extreme;6, strong interaction: voice socializing,coordinateinteraction,cross-service team, a more perfectgamingexperience;7. Market trading: farewell stall complex systems, from thegoodsona key, a key withdrawals;You miss this moment, just behind the others, and sowhat,andsmall partners edge set Stardust, Westward Gods now![Service] PlayersMore events, visit Facebook fanpage: more information, please visit the game'sofficialwebsite:https: // services, please visitCustomerService:[email protected]
古惑仔Online 7.1
龙城霸业HD - 蓝光级画质!这才是我要的复古76 1.4
Liming Yi
欢迎关注龙城霸业官方粉丝页千人同屏热血攻城,世界地图BOSS夺宝,500VS500公会争霸,带你重新回味激情飞扬的年代!——2016年复古76心动之作《龙城霸业》正式登场!强力战神、神炉锻造、寻宝系统、祝福翅膀……海量玩法激爽PK,特色活动惊喜不断;指尖攻城战,一触即发;角色永不离线,奖励不间断。现在进入游戏即可领取豪华礼包,更有十万现金大抽奖,多重大礼助力各位勇士登顶城主之位!【游戏特色】复古76完美复刻 经典再铸兄弟传奇完美复古76,传承战法道经典职业,简洁明了的技能系统,让你上手轻松自如;无锁定、无红名,即时PK自由无限制,感受任性杀戮的快感;个人BOSS+全服BOSS,道具装备无绑定掉落;野外夺宝、公会战、皇城战,让你酣畅PK。千人同屏畅爽攻城 即时语音呼唤战友经典皇城战、公会战一触即发,千人同屏震撼攻城,重回激情飞扬的年代!先进的引擎技术、真实的打击感,战法道三大职业炫酷技能,手机上实现千人同屏攻城的盛况!组队击杀世界BOSS,百人团战,多重互动玩法加入即时语音,聊天求援战友更便捷!顶级蓝光级画质 超越端游流畅操作游戏拥有着蓝光级画质,画面更高清、场景更精致技能更炫酷,完美呈现龙城大陆新面貌;人性化的游戏界面,可以智能收放,整体画面清新整洁;真实逼真的打击感,简单便捷的操作体验,超越PC端游的流畅操作,畅享即时PK自由无限。爆元宝自由交易 多重玩法妙趣横生《龙城霸业》无特殊戒指,更有天降元宝、夺宝奇兵、生命之树等爆元宝活动,非R也能玩得好;游戏全开放自由交易,可以任意交易装备、道具等,现实财富等你创造。战神系统新装上阵,威力大杀四方;神炉锻造,让你铸造自己的神兵利器;单体、群攻、辅助技能,自由选择搭配。攻城战之外,巢穴探险、称霸天下、竞技角逐……众多趣味玩法,让你每时每刻嗨不停!
殺很大-3D激鬥永無止境 1.1.3