Top 17 Apps Similar to Ciclabile Dolomiti

Cadore Dolomiti 1.1
La guida "CADORE terra magica", i cui contenuti sono presentiinquesta App, è un progetto in collaborazione conlaMagnifica Comunità di Cadore.DESCRIZIONEGuida Turistica suddivisa per Comuni comprendente tutta l’areadelCadore. Vengono descritte per ogni comune le aree diinteressestorico-artistico-culturale usando un linguaggio chiaro esempliceper stimolare l’interesse del turista, invitandolo adapprofondirel’argomento recandosi sul luogo.Comuni: Pieve, Calalzo, Domegge, Lozzo, Lorenzago, Vigo,Auronzo,Ospitale, Perarolo, Valle, Cibiana, Vodo, Zoppè, Borca, SanVito,Selva, Comelico Superiore, Danta, San Nicolò, Santo Stefano,SanPietro, Sappada.Speciali: Val Visdende, Lago Centro Cadore, Ciclabile La LungaViadelle Dolomiti, Rifugi del Cadore, Dolomiti, itinerarioVecellianoe indice itinerari tematici.INTENZIONEL’idea progettuale è una pubblicazione che riunisca tutte le areediinteresse del Cadore auspicando così alla promozione della zonacomeunico pacchetto di visita. Vengono indicati in breve i luoghidimaggiore interesse con l’intento di creare una rete chefavorisca laconoscenza e crei un percorso che motivi i turisti aspostarsi pervisitare i diversi paesi. Tuttora non è presente unapubblicazionedi facile e veloce consultazione che comprenda tuttal’area Cadoreche pur essendo compatta non viene proposta comeitinerario divisita unico. Il turista viene così guidato allascoperta del Cadorecomposto da tanti comuni tutti vicini efacilmente raggiungibiliattraverso un itinerario stradalesuddiviso in tre zone (CentroCadore – Val del Boite –Comelico).CREDITIEdita da Azienda ProdAction s.r.l., via Monferrato 9-11,20094Corsico (MI)Studio e progettazione a cura di Matteo GracisTesti a cura di Marta De Zolt e Matteo Da Deppo conlacollaborazione delle Amministrazioni comunali delterritorioIntroduzione e pagine speciali a cura di Bepi CasagrandeApp sviluppata da Mozzillo Next Level: [email protected]"CADORE magical land", the contents of which are present inthisApp, is a project in collaboration withtheMagnifica Comunità di Cadore.DESCRIPTIONGuide divided by municipalities comprising the entire areaof​​Cadore. Are described for each common areas ofhistorical,artistic and cultural using a clear and simple languagetostimulate the interest of the tourist, inviting him to deepentheargument going on the site.Common: Pieve, Calalzo, Domegge, Lozzo Lorenzago, Vigo,Auronzo,Hospitable, Perarolo, Valley, Cibiana, Vodo, Zoppè, Borca,SanVito, Selva, Comelico Superiore, Danta, St. Nicholas, St.Stephen,St. Peter, Sapphire .Special: Val Visdende Centro Cadore Lake, The Long Cycle ViadelleDolomiti, Lee Cadore, Dolomites, index and routeVecellianothematic itineraries.INTENTIONThe project idea is a publication bringing together all the areasofinterest of Cadore hope to the promotion of the area as onepackageto visit. Are indicated for short places of interest withtheintention of creating a network that fosters knowledge andnavigatea route that motivates tourists to travel to visitdifferentcountries. Still there is a publication of quick andeasyconsultation encompassing the entire area Cadore that despitebeingcompact is not proposed as a tour itinerary only. The tourististhus led to the discovery of Cadore made up of manymunicipalitiesall close and easily accessible via a road itinerarydivided intothree zones (Centro Cadore - Val Boite - Comelico).CREDITSEdited by ProdAction Company srl, Via Monferrato 9-11, 20094Corsico(MI)Study and design by Matteo GracisEdited by Marta De Zolt and Matthew From Deppo in collaborationwiththe municipal government of the territoryIntroduction and special pages edited by Bepi CasagrandeApp developed by Mozzillo Next Level: [email protected]
Val di Fassa App - Dolomites 3.3
Everything what you should know, see and doinVal di Fassa!The new Val di Fassa App for Smartphone guides you to unknownroads,ski trails, mountain trails and appointments which shouldn’tbemissed inwardly the Dolomites. Between MANIFESTATIONS,SPORTEVENTSand TASTING the Val di Fassa App offers thousanddifferent ways toenjoy your vacation, especially for naturelovers.In the winter season you find an INTERACTIVE SKI TRAIL MAPtodon’t be lost while you are skiing in the Dolomites.Furthermoreyou can send the coordinates of your position to friendsorcalculate your maximal daily speed.In summer you can follow ALL the TREKKING and MOUNTAINBIKETRAILS! Once started the excursion, it is possible to visualizetheOWN POSITION, even WITHOUT INTERNET CONNECTION, andreceivedescriptions of the uniqueness on the trip.Using the AUGMENTED REALITY the App makes it possible tovisualizeon your smartphone or tablet the places of events in theregion Valdi Fassa with opening hours, details and furtherinformation.Finally to guarantee a wonderful vacation Val di Fassa Appshowsseveral recommendations of the BEST RESTAURANTS, themostCOMFORTABLE HOTELS as well as the best offers from FITNESSCENTERS,BARS, NIGHTCLUBS, SPORTS OUTFITTERS, CLOTHES SHOPS and manymore.Furthermore it provides you the possible routes to experiencethelocal tastes, traditions or the pure shopping with the comforttovisualize immediately the road to follow relating to yourcurrentposition.
Outdoor Südtirol 3.9.5
Keep your outdoor activities organized the best way possible
Val di Fassa Travel Guide Wami 4.0.0
Wami APP
If you can’t wait to get back onsnowandchallenge yourself on the ski slopes in the DolomitiSuperskiarea,Val di Fassa is the perfect app for you.A unique guide to discover the best of the Dolomites.Freeandfeaturing offline usage.Once you download the app, you can have access to contentandmapseven if you don’t have an active internet connection.Updateswill beloaded once you get online.Search the various ski slopes on the map and view themevenwhenyou’re offline. If you love the mountains - whether you’reaskieror not - you’ll have plenty of options: discover things toseeandto do around you and get to know Val di Fassa inanunconventionalway. Enjoy your own tailor-made travelexperience.Also, save timethanks to integrated services such ashotel booking:it’s fast andeasy.Discover Amerigo, our smart geolocated suggestion systemthatcanprovide you with valuable tips about the best activitiesaroundyouaccording to your position, the time of the day andtheweatherconditions.The guide features up-to-date content presenting themainpointsof interest in the area and all the activities you canenjoyduringthe day and at night:- eat & drink- what to see- nightlife- shopping- spare time- accommodation- facilitiesThe guide covers the territory of Canazei,Campitello,Moena,Vigo, Pozza, Soraga.Content is selected from trusted sources, validatedandoptimizedthanks to Wami proprietary algorithm. Each contentsheetfeaturesbeautiful photo galleries and is rich with detailssuchastimetable, contact info and pricing.Take full advantage of this guide:- use the app everywhere, even offline- view all the ski slopes in the Dolomiti Superskiarea(noconnection required)- discover what’s around you thanks to our lightandofflinemaps- find a place on the map and get directions- search the various points of interest using theinternalsearchengine- let Amerigo suggest you what you can do- share content with your friendsOnce you login, you will also be able to bookmarkyourfavoriteitems and like or dislike content. This will helpusimprove theguide and offer you services that are more andmorecustomized onyour needs.Do not forget that besides Val di Fassa you can downloadtheappsrelated to Campiglio and Alta Badia!
DOLOMITE mountain range map 2.1
Offline topographic mapprovidedby of the Dolomite mountain range, asdefinedbythe European Alpine Club (AVE: for planning summer outdoor activites such ashiking,rockclimbing or mountain biking.The comprehensive map of this region can be viewedunderthefollowinglink: this is an extremely large region it is necessry tohaveamemory capacity of at least 200MB available on yourdevice.Pleaseactivate your WLAN connection before proceeding todownloadthismap.The installer allows you to download and install the mapontoyourAndroid Smartphone or Tablet, so that an Internetconnectionis nolonger necessary for its usage. The usage of themap issupported byany one of the following Apps:- ( Locus Map Free or Pro (
Dolomiti Friulane 1.3
Dotata di un’interfaccia semplice eintuitiva,l’app permette all’utente di visualizzare informazioni efotografiesulle Valli Pordenonesi, il Piancavallo, i Magredi el’assecicloturistico pedemontano.Quasi 600 sono i punti d’interesse censiti e geo-localizzatisuuna mappa cartografica interattiva, e con la funzionalità"Realtàaumentata" è ancora più facile scoprire ecomusei, cultura,natura,chiese, tempo libero, dove mangiare, dove dormire, aree disosta,meccanici di biciclette e uffici turistici delterritorio.Per ogni punto d’interesse è stata realizzata una schedainformativache riporta immagini, informazioni utili e recapiti dicontatto webe telefonici.Gli utenti possono organizzare le loro escursioni e, nel casodicicloturisti, utilizzare l’applicativo per programmare eregistrarel’itinerario attraverso un sistema di navigazione gpsinterno,sofisticato dal punto di vista tecnologico ma estremamentesempliceda usare.Gli itinerari sono classificati in base alla difficoltà eallalunghezza del tragitto, del quale il sistema calcola evisualizza -oltre al percorso geolocalizzato sulla mappacartografica di Google- anche il profilo altimetrico.L’app permette anche di conoscere le notizie e le iniziativedelterritorio e di accedere a siti web e profili socialnetworksdedicati al territorio. Non manca poi una sezione dedicataainumeri utili e di emergenza, attivabili direttamente con untoccodi dita.Dolomiti Friulane è quindi una guida interattivaindispensabileper vivere al meglio il territorio della ComunitàMontana delFriuli Occidentale e conoscere le bellezze dei suoi 27comuni:Andreis, Arba, Aviano, Barcis, Budoia, Caneva, CastelnovodelFriuli, Cavasso Nuovo, Cimolais, Claut, Clauzetto, Erto eCasso,Fanna, Frisanco, Maniago, Meduno, Montereale Valcellina,Pinzano alTagliamento, Polcenigo, Sequals, Spilimbergo, Tramonti diSopra,Tramonti di Sotto, Travesio, Vajont, Vito D'Asio, Vivaro.Equipped with a simpleandintuitive, the app allows the user to view information andphotos onthe Pordenone Valleys, the Piancavallo, the Magredi andthe axisfoothill cycling.Nearly 600 are the points of interest listed and geo-located onacartographic map interactive, and functionality "Augmentedreality"is even easier to discover eco-museums, culture, nature,churches,leisure, eat, sleep, areas parking, bicycle mechanics andtouristoffices in the area.For each point of interest was carried out a fact sheetthatcontains pictures, information and contact addresses of webandtelephone.Users can organize their trips and, in the case of cyclists,usethe application to schedule and record your route throughaninternal GPS navigation system, sophisticated in termsoftechnology but extremely simple to use.The itineraries are classified according to difficulty andthelength of the journey, which the system calculates and displays-in addition to the geo-location on the map of Google mapping -eventhe elevation profile.The app also allows you to know the news and events oftheterritory and access to websites and social networksprofilesdedicated to the territory. There are also a section forusefulnumbers and emergency, activated directly with a touchoffingers.Friulian Dolomites is therefore essential for aninteractiveguide to better enjoy the Mountain Community of WesternFriuli andknow the beauty of its 27 municipalities: Andreis, Arba,Aviano,Barcis, Budoia, Caneva, Castelnovo del Friuli, Poffabro,Cimolais,Claut, Clauzetto, Erto and Casso, Fanna, Frisanco,Maniago, Meduno,Montereale, Pinzano al Tagliamento, Polcenigo,Sequals,Spilimbergo, Tramonti di Sopra, Tramonti di Sotto,Travesio,Vajont, Vito D'Asio, Vivaro.
South Tyrol Travel Guide 3.21
Now with travel guide content by MARCO POLO With the TOURIASTravelGuide South Tyrol, you always have all the importantinformation athand when traveling. Whether at home on the couchduring travelplanning, on the way in the resort or even after thetrip - theTOURIAS Travel Guide South Tyrol will give you usefultips for yourtrip. Whether it's exploring sights, discovering greatrestaurantsor going out in the hippest clubs. But the TOURIAS appscan do muchmore: • High quality travel guide content from TOURIASand MARCOPOLO with up to 60,000 POIs. • Free offline maps andcompleteoffline use without expensive roaming charges. • With ourMyGuidefeature you can create your own entries in the app. Ofcourse, thepersonal experiences can also be shared directly viaFacebook. •Tour tickets: Fancy tours by locals can be bookeddirectly via theapp. You discover the destination in a very specialway. •Augmented Reality: Discover the spots of the holidaydestinationvia the camera of the smartphone / tablet. • Pointerdictionary •GPS use to locate - Where am I? • ""Nearby"" feature -Where is thenearest restaurant? • Upgrade: With the optionalupgrade you canmake the TOURIAS Travel Guide free of advertisingand enrich itwith additional entries from MARCO POLO includinginsider tips (thebest information from the popular MARCO POLOvolumes). TOURIAS is abrand of the publishing group MAIRDUMONT. Weare constantly workingto optimize our products and offers for ourcustomers. The productrange of our media house is cross-media andincludes print productsand digital media. The publishing programincludes the MARCO POLOtravel guides, Falk city maps, Baedekertravel guides, the ADACcartography, DuMont travel guides, theGerman Lonely Planet travelguides, the Kompass outdoor program, theVARTA guides and ShellAtlas, various travel and mobility portals,mobile applications, TVoffers and eBooks. We are happy to receiveyour feedback,information on the destination, wishes andsuggestions [email protected]. 3.2.15
Let's spread the love for biking in the city
Cheap flights and airline tickets — Jetradar
Cheap airline tickets at your fingertips.TheJetradar app compares airfare deals from hundreds ofairlinesand travel agencies, sending great deals on airlineticketsdirectly to your smartphone, tablet, or another mobiledevice.Flight booking made easy. Download the Jetradar app today tostartyour flight search!Top Trending App and TOP Developer awards byGooglePlay.---Features:---Jetradar gives you access to these incredible features,deliveringthe cheap airline tickets you deserve:• Comprehensive Search Engine: Jetradar comparesairfaredeals from 1,038 regular, charter, and low-cost airlines.Compareflight ticket prices from hundreds of travel agencies andbookingsystems, too. Great deals on air tickets and flightsawait.• Explore options with Price map: A convenient pricemapdisplays cheap plane tickets across several destinations. Pickaplace, book flights with peace of mind, and save. Low-costairlinescan take you places you’ve always wanted to see!• Price calendar with cheapest flights: Are you flexible?Flya few days before or after your chosen date and save up to 70%onyour airline tickets price! Air tickets prices can varydepending onthe day or week. Book flights knowing you’re gettingthe best deal.Airline tickets booking is finally easy.• Personal profile: Browse your flight searching,favoriteflights, alerts, passenger info — everything issynchronized acrossall devices in your personal profile. Cheapplane tickets aren'tall we’re here for; we want you to have apersonalizedexperience!Discovering cheap airfares and deals on low-cost airlines isnotenough? Jetradar offers a number of valuable additional featurestodeliver the best airline tickets booking experience:Favorites: Find cheap airfares but think they might get cheaper?Addairfare search results to your "Favorites" list — trackplanetticket price changes instantly! Jetradar sendsautomaticnotifications about airfare changes, giving you the chanceto bookairline tickets at the cheapest prices, every time.History: A comprehensive archive organizes all your previousflightsearching. With a tap of your finger, view every air ticketdealyou've scored and every plane ticket you've ever purchased.Airfaresearch history provides a detailed account of cheap airfaresacrosslow-cost airlines.Flight statistics: Check baggage allowance, delayinformation,aircraft models, and even who’s running your flight.Who knew planetickets could come with so much? We do more thanproviding deals onflight tickets, we give you the juicydetails.Flexible Filtering Options: Search for cheap airline ticketshoweveryou want, whenever you want. Narrow flight searches by anumber ofstops, total price, journey time, stopover duration, andmore.Jetradar even provides recommendations for cheap flightsbased onyour preferences! Flight tickets booking made easy.Sharing: Easily share cheap plane tickets via severalmessagingservices. Great air tickets and flights for the perfectjourneywith friends or family. You don’t have to be the only onewithawesome airplane tickets!Jetradar is designed to make flight booking easy, helpingyoucompare cheap flights with convenience. Find unbeatable dealsonairline tickets from American Airlines and AllegiantAirlines.Whether you're looking for domestic flights, internationalflights,or last minute deals on flight tickets — it doesn'tmatter.Jetradar empowers you by delivering all the cheap airlineticketsavailable, and other helpful options you need when trying tobookflights with great airfare deals. Get the best air ticketsprice,every time.*NOTE: The Jetradar app helps you find cheap flights from A to B.Wedon’t sell airplane tickets. We look for the best airfaresavailableand lead you to airline and agency websites to bookairline tickets.We’d love to hear more about your flight searchand flight bookingexperience!
Outdoor Trentino 1.9.8
You get detailed descriptions, datasheets,maps and gpx routes to be saved offline to experience summerandwinter sports in Trentino.- On foot: Hiking trails, Mountain tours, Alpine tours, Fixedroperouts and more- By Bicycle: Mountainbiking, Roadbiking and more- In winter: Back country skiing, Snowshoeing and more- Other activities: Fishing, Horseback riding and moreDon't miss the opportunity to create your ownpersonalizedtours- plan your tour track in the APP maps- record your track and personalize it with your picturesanddescriptions- share your favourite tours with your friends to plan togetheryournext outdoor challenge in Trentino and in the Dolomites... discover more other helpful functions!Note:Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.
Accurate Altimeter 2.2.32
AR Labs
The most downloaded Altimeter on the PlayStoreis now updated with a new interface and new features!- Altitude estimation with three different methods to be alwayssureto get a reliable measure, even without internetconnection.- Historical charts to see your excursions elevation gain.- Map with your elevation and contour lines.- Pictures with impressed place name and altitude.Altitude can be estimated:- With satellites triangulation. Slow and less accurate but itworkseven with no internet connection.- Taking the ground elevation at your current position fromaninternet web service.- Using the pressure sensor of your device (if available).Itcalibrates itself on pressure from the nearest weather stationtoimprove accuracy.As additional PRO features you can also:- compensate systematic error of pressure sensor- record altitude without opening the App- remove advertising
Alta Badia Travel Guide - Wami 4.1.0
Wami APP
If you can’t wait to get back on snowandchallenge yourself on the ski slopes in the Dolomiti Superskiarea,Alta Badia is the perfect app for you.A unique guide to discover the best of the Dolomites. Freeandfeaturing offline usage.Once you download the app, you can have access to contentandmaps even if you don’t have an active internet connection.Updateswill be loaded once you get online.Search the various ski slopes on the map and view them evenwhenyou’re offline. If you love the mountains - whether you’re askieror not - you’ll have plenty of options: discover things to seeandto do around you and get to know Val Badia in anunconventionalway. Enjoy your own tailor-made travel experience.Also, save timethanks to integrated services such as hotel booking:it’s fast andeasy.Discover Amerigo, our smart geolocated suggestion system thatcanprovide you with valuable tips about the best activities aroundyouaccording to your position, the time of the day and theweatherconditions.The guide features up-to-date content presenting the mainpointsof interest in the area and all the activities you can enjoyduringthe day and at night:- eat & drink- what to see- nightlife- shopping- spare time- accommodation- facilitiesThe guide covers the territory of Corvara, Colfosco, Arabba,laVilla, San Cassiano.Content is selected from trusted sources, validated andoptimizedthanks to Wami proprietary algorithm. Each content sheetfeaturesbeautiful photo galleries and is rich with details suchastimetable, contact info and pricing.Take full advantage of this guide:- use the app everywhere, even offline- view all the ski slopes in the Dolomiti Superski area(noconnection required)- discover what’s around you thanks to our light andofflinemaps- find a place on the map and get directions- search the various points of interest using the internalsearchengine- let Amerigo suggest you what you can do- share content with your friendsOnce you login, you will also be able to bookmark yourfavoriteitems and like or dislike content. This will help usimprove theguide and offer you services that are more and morecustomized onyour needs.Do not forget that besides Alta Badia you can download theappsrelated to Campiglio and Val di Fassa!
Sentres 3.8.7
# 1 touring portal
Visit Trentino Travel Guide 2.8.3-trentino
The easiest way to discover Trentino, to know everything it hastooffer and to plan your ideal holiday. A detailed guide,constantlyupdated, that can be used in different ways: - todiscover theplaces of interest and the sites to visit near you, ifyou are inTrentino; - to find the best accommodation and know oftheactivities on offer, if you are planning your nextholiday.Download this general guide or choose one of the specificguides,available on this page, dedicated to the splendid valleysofTrentino! DISCOVER TRENTINO: if you are in Trentino, the appwillrecognize your position and will point out the places ofinterestclosest to you, just like having a personal tour-guide atyourservice. You won’t miss out on any of the best things to see,tasteand experience in Trentino, with the added convenience ofbeingable to lay back and let yourself be guided in the discoveryof themost beautiful valleys of the Dolomites. WHAT YOU WILLDISCOVER: -the most renowned towns and places of interest, such asRovereto,San Martino di Castrozza and Madonna di Campiglio. -unmissablenatural attractions, such as Lake Molveno and theAdamello BrentaNature Park; - castles and monuments, brimming withhistory, suchas Palazzo del Buonconsiglio in Trento and Castel Thunin Vigo diTon; - itineraries you can embark on and via ferratas forexpertclimbers; - skiing facilities or other sports facilities,such asSnow Parks and sports centres, as well as the places to rentallthe equipment necessary; - playgrounds for your childrenoradventure parks for you and your friends; - the best places toeatand the best accommodation available near you; - themostinteresting wine and food events, exhibitions, shows andothercultural events happening in the area. PLAN YOUR HOLIDAY: ifyouwant to book your holiday in Trentino and you are looking forthebest place to enjoy your stay, the app will give you alltheinformation regarding the best tourist facilities as wellascountless other suggestions to help you plan your holiday. Ifyoulike to ski, the app will show you pictures, videos andotheruseful information on the ski-areas with the best facilities.If,instead, you prefer trekking or walking by the lakes, you willfindall you need to know on the itineraries best-suited to you:themore demanding trails if you are a mountain-climbing enthusiastoreasier itineraries immersed in nature for those who aretravellingwith their families and are looking for something moreleisurely.CHOOSE YOUR FAVOURITE ACTIVITIES: you can receive tipsand ideas totruly experience this region, to enjoy your stay to thefullest,creating a dream vacation: ski-mountaineering, skating,climbing,rafting, canoeing, horse-riding, golf and mountain-bikingare onlya few of the activities that can be planned to conceiveyour idealholiday both in summer and in winter. SHARE SPLENDIDMULTIMEDIAFILES: you will have hundreds of magnificent picturesofbreathtaking views taken in Trentino at your fingertips as wellasvideo footage of the most fascinating sites of this region,fromthe Dolomites to Lake Garda. No end of high qualitymultimediafiles to save onto your computer and share with yourfriends. CARRYTRENTINO IN YOUR POCKET: all information isdynamically updated viainternet so that you will always have themost up-to-dateinformation on what is happening in the area youwant to visit. Inaddition, the app is also accessible offline: youwon’t need toworry about having a constant internet connection tomake the mostof all that Trentino has to offer. DOWNLOAD now themostcomprehensive app for your visit to Trentino, or choose one ofthespecific guides to the different tourist areas, and startyourjourney through the wonders of this region!
iFassa 1.0.0
Con l’applicazione Android per la Val diFassaentri nel mondo incantato delle Dolomiti, patrimoniodell'Unesco,scoprendo la cultura e le tradizioni ladine dellelocalità dellavalle e i migliori itinerari escursionistici.Grazie alle sezioni meteo e webcam, aggiornate in temporeale,puoi pianificare le tue uscite in tutta serenità, consultandoanchela guida alle escursioni che offre consigli pratici edutili.Scegli tra le più belle manifestazioni in base ai tuoigusti,potrai metterti in contatto diretto con gli organizzatorieraggiungere l’evento facendoti guidare dall’applicazione finoadestinazione.Nella media gallery trovi le immagini più suggestive,panoramiunici e incantevoli di questa valle che accoglie chidesideratrascorre le proprie vacanze a contatto con la natura connumeroseoccasioni di sport, relax e svago.L’App iFassa è gratuita e facile da utilizzare: scaricalasubitosul tuo smatphone/tablet Android.Ogni aggiornamento dell’App ti verrà notificato in automaticoL’applicazione sarà gradualmente arricchita con nuovefunzionalità:ogni tuo suggerimento o segnalazione in merito saràprezioso pernoi.Powered by Viamatica srlin collaborazione con Dolomiti Network - FassaCom.com si richiedono permessi di Accesso ad Internet peralcunesezioni dell'applicazione (meteo, webcam, gallery)
naviBike Dolomiti 1.6.8
For those who ride with pleasure, we havethe„NaviBikeDolomiti“, a free navigation app with offl ine function!It’s up to you- how long and how far you want to go- starting point and goal- what you want to experienceContent- bikeways of the Pustertal (South Tyrol, East Tyrol)andBelluno,pictures- ‘filling stations’ for you and your bike- tastings of local products- many interesting places to visit – with insider-tips- safety information along the routeAll features:- photos,routes and route discriptions- offline navigation on OpenStreetMap maps- online navigation with routing to the starting point- altitude profile with on-line position- points of interest at the route- display of routepictures on the map
Motorrad Touren Europa 3.0
Die bewährten Tourenführer des Motorradtouren-SpezialistenBRUCKMANN– jetzt als praktische App!+++ Sommer Special: Reduzierter Preis bei allen In-App Käufen!-je nur EUR 2,99 +++• Touren in 41 Regionen Europas• Von der zweistündigen Spritztour bis hin zuranspruchsvollenMehrtages-Runde• Einfache Bedienung der AppGPS-DATEN EXPORTIEREN, APP OFFLINE NUTZBAR:• GPS-Tracks sind zu jeder Tour exportierbar (Menü >WeitereInhalte > Gekaufte+geladene Touren wählen>exportieren)• Praktisch für unterwegs: Aktuelle Positionsbestimmung wirdzurRoute stets angezeigt.• Die Tourentexte und Karten sind auch offline nutzbar(nacherstmaligem Download)ERST TESTEN, DANN KAUFEN:• Zum App-Start sind 5 Beispiel-Touren schon mit an Bord.WeitereTouren gibt es per In-App Kauf.• Jedes InApp-Tourenpaket enthält 10 - 30 Touren und kann vordemKauf geprüft werden.• So geht's: Alle Touren auf Karte anzeigen > Filter>gewünschtes Tourenpaket auswählen > Filtern:• Zu sehen ist eine Vorschau mit Tour-Name, -Distanz undPositiondes Ausgangspunkts auf der KarteALLE TOUREN VON UNSEREN WANDEREXPERTEN:• Alle Touren wurden von unseren Motorradtour-Autoren vorOrtgeprüft.• Komfortabel: Die App lotst Sie bequem via Google MapsNavigationzum Ausgangspunkt der Tour.NOCH OFFENE FRAGEN?Kontaktieren Sie unseren App-Support: [email protected] REGIONEN STEHEN IN DER APP BEREITS ZUR VERFÜGUNG:Jetzt mit neu zugeschnittenen Touren-Sammlungen - diebeliebtestenTouren für Ihre Region:Deutschland: Touren für Rheinländer, Touren für Münchner - Ab indieBerge, Touren für Münchner - Ins Hinterland, Touren fürBerliner,Touren für Hamburger, Touren für Freiburger undKarlsruher, Schweiz:Touren für Schweizer - Der Osten, Touren fürSchweizer - Der Westen,Alpen: Touren für die Alpenüberquerung -Ost; Touren für dieAlpenüberquerung - West, Deutschland: Allgäu,Allgäu fürLangschläfer, Baden Württemberg, Bayern, BergischesLand, DeutscheMittelgebirge, Die besten Alpenpässe, Harz,Nordostdeutschland,Nordrhein-Westfalen, Oberbayern, Oberbayern fürLangschläfer,Rheinland, Sauerland, Schwarzwald; Frankreich: DiebestenAlpenpässe, Elsass & Vogesen; Italien: AlpenpässeSüdtirol &Dolomiten, Alpenpässe Trentino & Lombardei,Dolomiten &Südtirol, Norditalien, Oberitalienische Seen,Toskana; Kroatien: Dieschönsten Touren; Norwegen: Die schönstenTouren; Österreich:Alpenpässe Kärnten, Alpenpässe Tirol,Burgenland, Kärnten,Niederösterreich & Wien, Oberösterreich,Osttirol, SalzburgerLand, Skandinavien: Bis zum Nordkap;Steiermark, Tirol, Vorarlberg;Schweiz: Alpenpässe Graubünden &Engadin, Die besten Alpenpässe,Die schönsten Touren; Slowenien& Istrien: Die schönsten Touren;Spanien: PyrenäenTheproventour guide of motorcycle touring specialists BRUCKMANN - nowashandy app!+++ Summer special: Reduced price with all in-app purchases!-Depending only EUR 2.99 +++• tours in 41 regions of Europe• Of the two-hour jaunt to challenging multi-day round• Ease of use of the appGPS Download, APP used offline:• GPS Tracks are every tour exportable (Menu> MorecontentSelect> Purchased + loaded Tours> Export)• Convenient for travel: Current positioning is always displayedforthe route.• The tour texts and cards are also available offline (afterthefirst download)Try before you buy:• For App-Start are 5 Example tours already on board. Othertoursare via in-app purchase.• Each InApp tour package includes 10-30 tours and can betestedbefore buying.• How it works: Tracks on map> Filter> Select desiredtourpackage> Filter:• It can be seen with a preview tour name, as distance andpositionof the origin on the mapALL TOURS OF OUR HIKING EXPERTS:• All tours were tested by our motorcycle tour-authors onthespot.• Comfortable: The app guides you conveniently via GoogleMapsNavigation to the starting point of the tour.Outstanding issues?Please contact our App Support: [email protected] following regions may stand in the APPalreadyavailable:Now with new tailored tours collections - the most popular toursforyour region:Germany: tours for Rhinelander, tours Munich - From themountains,tours of Munich - the hinterland tours for Berlin, toursforhamburgers, tours of Freiburg and Karlsruhe, Switzerland: toursforSwiss - the Eastern, tours for Swiss - The West Alps: routesforcrossing the Alps - East; Tours for the crossing of the Alps-West, Germany: Allgäu, Allgäu for late risers, BadenWuerttemberg,Bavaria, Bergisches Land, German low mountain range,the bestalpine passes, resin, East Germany, NorthRhine-Westphalia,Bavaria, Upper Bavaria for late risers, Rhineland,Sauerland, BlackForest; France: The best alpine passes, Alsace& Vosges; Italy:Alpine passes Tyrol & Dolomites, Alpinepasses Trentino andLombardy, Dolomites & South Tyrol, northernItaly, ItalianLakes, Tuscany; Croatia: The best tours; Norway: Mosttours;Austria: Carinthia alpine passes, mountain passesTirol,Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria and Vienna, UpperAustria,Tyrol, Salzburg, Scandinavia to the North Cape; Styria,Tyrol,Vorarlberg; Switzerland: Alpine passes Graubünden &Engadine,Best Alpine passes, the best tours; Slovenia and Istria:Mosttours; Spain: Pyrenees