Top 16 Apps Similar to Vegan Grocery List

Crudo Vegan 2.1
La prima applicazione italianadedicatainteramente al crudismo, adattata ai prodotti che possiamotrovarein Italia.Più di 100 DELIZIOSE RICETTE crude e vegane. Facili,appetitose,sane e veloci!Scopri nuovi piatti con la possibilità di: aggiungere le tuefotoalle ricette, creare la tua lista della spesa e votare letuericette preferite per averle sempre a portata di mano.Vuoi mangiare più cibi crudi, ma non sai cosa preparare?Stai cercando nuove idee per i tuoi pasti all’insegnadelcrudismo?Sarebbe più semplice scegliere quale ricetta preparare apranzomentre sei al supermercato?Qui puoi trovare le risposte che cerchi, deliziosericettesalutari e facili da preparare da inserire nella tuadietacrudista, dai condimenti al dolce.Qualunque percentuale di cibi crudi deciderai di inserirenellatua alimentazione, sai che ne trarrai comunque giovamento,meritidi avere una salute e una forma fisica eccellenti senzastress conquesta applicazione a darti una mano. Per essere più sanosenzarinunciare al piacere del cibo.Cosa hai con questa app:- Oltre 100 ricette vegane crudiste e altre ancorasarannoaggiunte!- Cucina crudista semplice: ricette così deliziose e facilichetutti possono prepararle.- Scegli le ricette per categoria: creme, salse econdimenti,primi piatti e piatti unici, bibite e frullati…- Scegli le ricette per ingrediente: cerca la preparazioneinbase all’ingrediente che hai già o di cui hai voglia.- Scegli in base alla valutazione che hai dato alle ricette,cosìpuoi ritrovare subito le tue preferite.- Aggiungi la foto della tua preparazione alla ricettausandodirettamente la fotocamera del tuo device o dal tuorullino.- Inserisci le tue ricette.- Possibilità di aggiungere più di una foto per ricetta.- Nessuna connessione internet richiesta per farfunzionarel’app.- Se i tuoi amici non hanno ancora questa fantasticaopportunità,puoi inviare loro la ricetta, anche con la tua foto,via maildirettamente dall’applicazione.- Shopping semplificato grazie al salvataggio degliingredientiper singola ricetta.- Possibilità di aggiungere altri ingredienti alla listadellaspesa.- Possibilità di inviare via mail la lista della spesa- Imposta il timer per raggiungere la perfetta “cottura” coniltuo essiccatore.***NOTA: Per favore contattaci a [email protected] per ognidomanda,dubbio o suggerimento. Vogliamo aiutarti per far si che iltuopercorso nel crudo sia il più possibile semplificato!***Inviaci le tue ricette con il tuo nome a [email protected] peresserepubblicato nel prossimo aggiornamento.- ora puoi inserire le tue ricette- puoi inviarci le tue ricette per essere pubblicato nell’app- possibilità di aggiungere più di una foto per ricetta- aggiunta la possibilità di inviare via mail la listadellaspesa- aggiunta la possibilità di aggiungere altri ingredienti allalistadella spesaThe firstapplicationdedicated entirely to Italian raw food adapted to theproducts thatwe can find in Italy.More than 100 DELICIOUS RECIPES raw and vegan. Easy, tasty,healthyand fast!Discover new dishes with the ability to: add your own photostorecipes, create your shopping list and vote for yourfavoriterecipes to have them always at hand.Do you want to eat more raw foods, but do not know whattoprepare?Are you looking for new ideas for your meals full of rawfood?It would be easier to choose which recipe to prepare lunchwhileyou're at the supermarket?Here you can find the answers you need, delicious and easytoprepare healthy recipes to be included in your diet rawfood,condiments to dessert.Whatever percentage of raw food you decide to include inyourdiet, you know that it will derive benefit, however, deservetohave a health and fitness excellent stress-free withthisapplication to give you a hand. To be healthier withoutsacrificingthe pleasure of food.What you have with this app:- Over 100 Vegan Recipes crudiste and more will be added!- Cooking raw food simple recipes so delicious and easythatanyone can prepare.- Choose recipes by category: creams, sauces andcondiments,pasta dishes and stews, beverages and smoothies ...- Choose recipes by ingredient: search preparation accordingtothe ingredient that you already have or that you want.- Choose based on the assessment that you gave to the recipes,soyou can immediately find your favorites.- Add photos of your preparation for the recipe directlyusingthe camera on your device or from your film.- Enter your own recipes.- Ability to add more than one photo per recipe.- No internet connection required to run the app.- If your friends do not yet have this fantastic opportunity,youcan send them the recipe, also with your photo, via maildirectlyfrom the application.- Shopping simplified with the rescue of the ingredients foreachrecipe.- Ability to add other ingredients to the shopping list.- Ability to email your shopping list- Set the timer to achieve the perfect "cooking" withyourdryer.*** NOTE: Please contact us at [email protected] foranyquestions, concerns or suggestions. We want to help to makesurethat your path in raw and simplified as much as possible!***Send us your recipes with your name [email protected] tobepublished in the next update.- Now you can enter your recipes- You can send your recipes to be published in the APA- Ability to add more than one photo per recipe- Added the ability to email your shopping list- Added the ability to add other ingredients to shopping list
Vegan List 1.1
Vegan List is a quick andeasilysearchabledatabase populated with over 20,000 listings ofveganfood, candy,beer, wine, and liquor to help guide those inaplant-based stateof mind. United States-based listings.
TuttoVegan 8.6
TuttoVegan è un progetto che vuole fornireunaserie di strumenti che possano semplificare la quotidianitàsiadelle persone vegane che delle persone che si avvicinano aquestostile di vita. TuttoVegan è anche un social, utilizzato ognigiornoda migliaia di persone e migliaia di attività. Questo perchèlanostra app e il nostro portale sono utili e ricchi di contenutiesono anche facili e intuitivi da utilizzare.Ristoranti, Bar, Gelaterie, Pasticcerie, Farmacie, maancheFarmacie, Specialisti, Negozi Bio, Eventi e così via.ConTuttoVegan trovare attività che garantiscono prodotti, servizieospitalità vegan è un gioco da ragazzi. Tocchi un solo pulsanteel’app ti restituirà una lista di risultati che potrai filtrareoordinare in base alle tue preferenze.In tuttoVegan inoltre sono presenti anche centinaia diricette,gratuite nella versione base, più la possibilità diacquistarne dinuove.Ricette adatte ai pasti di tutti i giorni, ma anche alleoccasionispeciali, suddivise per categorie.Scoprite nuovi piatti con la possibilità di:- aggiungere le vostre foto alle ricette- aggiungere note alla preparazione di una ricetta- creare la vostra lista della spesa- organizzare le vostre ricette preferite per averle sempreaportata di mano.Lavoriamo ogni giorno per migliorarci e fornire un’appdiqualità. Questo perchè non vogliamo solo fornire uno strumentoperidentificare il mondo vegan che ci circonda, mavogliamoattivamente contribuire a crearlo.Per favore, se hai suggerimenti o hai bisogno di informazioniosupporto, scrivici a [email protected] un mondo vegan, tuttoVegan.TuttoVegan is aprojectthat aims to provide a set of tools that can simplify thedailylife of both the vegan people of the people who come tothislifestyle. TuttoVegan is also a social, used every day bythousandsof people and thousands of activities. This is because ourapp andour website are useful and rich in content and are also easyandintuitive to use.Restaurant, Bar, Ice-cream, Pastry shops, pharmacies, butalsopharmacies, specialists, Shops Bio, Events, and so on.WithTuttoVegan find activities that provide products, servicesandvegan hospitality is a breeze. Touch a button and the app willgiveyou back a list of results that you can filter or sortaccording toyour preferences.TuttoVegan In addition there are also hundreds of recipes, freeinthe basic version, plus the chance to buy new ones.Recipes suitable for everyday meals, but also for specialoccasions,broken down by categories.Discover new dishes with the ability to:- Add your photos to recipes- Add notes to the preparation of a recipe- Create your own shopping list- Organize your favorite recipes to have them always at hand.We work every day to improve and provide quality app. Thisisbecause we want to not only provide a means to identify theveganworld around us, but we want to actively contribute tocreateit.Please if you have suggestions or need information orsupport,please write to [email protected] dream of a vegan world, tuttoVegan.
¿Es Vegan? 2.2.3
Finaly available in English!! Please report if youfindlanguageerrors ;) Endless and incomprehensible lists ofingredientswhenyou're buying? You don't know what they mean? Youhave doubtsif aproduct is vegan or not? With "¿Es Vegan?" You willbe abletosearch and get info about E numbers, INS numbers,foodadditivesand many other products such as textiles, drinks, etc.andeasilyknow if they are vegan or not. It has visual and quickinfoaboutorigin, production, uses, secondary effects, andadescriptionabout each additive and product. You can search byEnumber (E100,E130, E330...), INS number or by the name oftheadditive oringredient you find. Really useful when you goshopping,you canquickly check if the product that you want is veganor not,despitehow hidden sometimes ingredients are. You can alsofind infoabouttextiles, cosmetics, drugs, drinks... And you caneasily sharethatinfo with your contacts, mail, social networks...just touchingabutton. If you have any doubts, suggestions, bugs,languageerrors,features you would like or any product or additiveyou miss,do nothesitate to comment here o by mail [email protected] Youcan alsosearch and download the paid version tocollaborate withthemaintenance and development of the app, If you liked it, please, share and letacomment.Enjoy and go vegan ;)
Vegan Recipes and Nutrition 2.3-googleInApp
The best vegan recipes from across the web in one place!
Berlin-Vegan Guide 3.6
Vegan food and shopping options in Berlin, Germany.
Vegan Body Building Recipes 1.1
Vegan Body Building Diet RecipesRecipes for body builders on a plant based dietBulk up on vegan food!Natural Steroids!Vegetarian body building tipsVegan Bodybuilding recipes
eMeals - Meal Planning Recipes 4.23.0
Easy weekly meal plans with customizable shopping list &onlinegrocery options.
Vegan kochen 1.0
Vegan – einfach, leckerEntdecken Sie die neue Art zu Kochen – mitreinpflanzlichenProdukten!Denn mit der App „Vegan kochen – Die besten RezeptevonGU“verwöhnen Sie nicht nur Ihre Geschmacksnerven, sondernsorgenauchganz nebenbei für eine ausgewogene Ernährung. ObbunteBeilagen,würzige Hauptgerichte oder süße Naschereien –alleGerichte kommengarantiert ohne tierische Erzeugnisse aus undsinddabei auch nochbesonders alltagstauglich.Noch nie war veganes Kochen so abwechslungsreich: EgaloberfahrenerVeganer oder interessierter Neueinsteiger – hier istfürjedenGeschmack etwas dabei.Das steckt drin in der „Vegan-App“- 50 beste Rezepte von GU zum Genießen mit Fotos,ZutatenundZubereitungstipps- Rezeptsuche nach Zubereitungszeit von „bis 30 Min“, „über30Min“,oder Kategorien wie „Vorspeise“, „Hauptgericht“,„Süßes“,„bis 400Kalorien“ oder „über 400 Kalorien“- Mit einem Klick blitzschnell alle Zutaten von 2 auf4Personenumrechnen- Zeitsparende Einkaufsliste für unterwegs, die ZutatennotiertundGleiches addiert- GU-Infos mit Tipps zu ZubereitungHier eine kleine Auswahl der leckeren Rezepte:- Zwiebelkuchen mit Kräuterseitlingen- Pastasalat mit Roten Linsen- Cranberry-Brownies- Mandelsuppe mit Oliven und Safran- Reisnudeln mit Tempeh- Salatröllchen mit Mangosenf- Brokkolinudeln mit Tomaten-Chili-Zwiebeln- Mohnplätzchen- Quinoabratlinge mit Avocadosalsa- Rotkohlsalat mit Pflaumen und Walnüssen- Tofupäckchen im ZucchinimantelWir können leider nicht auf jede Rezension direktantworten.Wirfreuen uns aber über Ihre Wünsche, Kritik, FragenundAnregungenunter: [email protected] -simple,tastyDiscover the new way of cooking - with pure herbal products!Because "cook Vegan - The Best Recipes of GU" with theapp,younot only pamper your taste buds, but also provide wholethingfor abalanced diet. Whether colorful side dishes, main dishesspicyorsweet treats - all dishes are guaranteed withoutanimalproductsand are also particularly suitable for everydayuse.Has never been vegan cooking so varied: Whether experiencedvegansorinterested newcomers - there is something for everytaste.That's inside the "Vegan App"- 50 best recipes from GU to enjoy photos,ingredientsandpreparation tips- Recipes by preparation time "to 30 minutes", "30Min",orcategories such as "appetizer", "entree", "sweet", "upto400calories" or "about 400 calories"- Lightning fast convert all the ingredients from 2 to 4peoplewithone clickRecorded time-saving shopping list on the go, thesameingredientsand added -- GU information with tips on preparationHere is a small selection of delicious recipes:- Onion with oyster mushrooms- Pasta salad with red lentils- Cranberry Brownies- Almond soup with olives and saffron- Rice Noodles with Tempeh- Salad Rolls with Mango Mustard- Broccoli pasta with tomato and chilli onions- Poppy Cookies- Quinoabratlinge with Avocado Salsa- Red cabbage salad with prunes and walnuts- Tofupäckchen in courgetteUnfortunately we can not reply directly to any review.Wewelcomeyour inquiries and comments, questions andsuggestionsat:[email protected]
Deliciously Ella
The Deliciously Ella App is allaboutcelebrating natural healthy food. It has over a hundredsimple,easy to follow recipes, which you and your body will love.They'reall plant-based and free from gluten and refined sugars.Itincludes everything from sweet potato brownies and banoffee pietosuperfood bread, butternut squash risotto, amazing smoothiesandrainbow salads. It's the perfect introduction to a new worldofdelicious healing living, keeping you happy and energizedfrombreakfast to dinner and everything in between!Features- Over 240 simple, easy to follow recipes withclearinstructions- Over 40 exclusive recipes- Timing and serving number for each recipe- Multiple photos- Vegan, vegetarian, paleo, sugar free, gluten free, dairyfreefriendly- Share recipes and ingredients by email- Share on Twitter- Save your favourites
Vegan Backen 0.0.1
NeunZehn Verlag
Als kleines Dankeschön für unserenErfolgbieten wir 50% Rabatt auf unseren Preis: jetzt nur 0,99€statt1,99€. Nur für kurze Zeit!Endlich gibt es die beliebte iOS-App jetzt auch für Android:mehrals 50 leckere Rezepte, neue Variationen, alles zu100%gesundheitsbewusst & rein pflanzlich, Vegan Backen.Vegan Backen bedeutet genussvoll und gesund leben.KöstlicheBackspezialitäten aus verschiedenen Ländern werden ohnetierischeZutaten (z.B. Milch, Butter, Eier, Honig,...) hergestelltund durchrein pflanzliche Produkte ersetzt. Dieses Backbuch bieteteineVielzahl von unterschiedlichen Rezepten, sowohl für süße alsauchpikante Backwaren und auch Brot und Gebäck kommen nicht zukurz! Soentstehen ganz unkompliziert leckere Spezialitäten, die dasLebenversüßen oder ihm die nötige Würze geben!Köstliche Mahlzeiten nicht auf Kosten von Tieren zubereiten!Dasist die Philosophie des veganen Backens. AlletierischenLebensmittel (z.B.: Fleisch, Fisch, Milch, Eier, Honig…)werden ausder Küche verbannt und durch rein pflanzliche Produkteersetzt.Gesundheitsbewusste, diätätische, ethischeundumweltschutztechnische Aspekte sprechen mehr als deutlich fürdieseForm der Ernährung - nicht nur zum Wohle des einzelnenMenschen!Diese Back-App soll Neu-VeganerInnen neugierig machen,inspirierenund bestärken, sich auf diese Art des Backenseinzulassen und neueWege zu beschreiten. VeganerInnen der erstenStunde werden ihreBackkünste durch köstliche Rezepte und besondereVariationenerweitern und bereichern.Folgende Rezepte (mehr als 50) sind in dieser App enthalten:-> BasicsErdbeerkonfitüreAprikosenkonfitüreHimbeerlikörHolunderdicksaft-> KekseFrüchtebrotLebkuchenMürbe PlätzchenNusskränzchenGefüllte Sterne und HerzenNougatkipferlnVanillekipferlnKnuspernüsseSchokoladentalerGefüllte DattelnFrüchtespiesseHimbeerpralinenLikörpralinenRumkugelnHeidelbeer-CakepopsNussnougat-CakepopsHimbeereis-HerzenVanille-CupcakesCaramell-CupcakesTraubentörtchenSchokoladenmuffinsApfel-Zimt-MuffinsNusskipferlnWaffeln-> TortenChampagner-HolundertorteSchokoladen-MarzipantorteErdbeersahnetorteJoghurtsahnetorteKiwi-JoghurttarteHeidelbeerkuchenSchokoladenblechkuchenMarmorkuchenApfelstrudelKäsekuchen-> BrotBierbrötchenRoggenbrotKartoffelbrotDinkelbrotMehrkorn-KnäckebrotVollweizenbrötchenWeizenschrotbrötchenDinkelbrötchen-> HerzhaftesMaiskuchenZucchini-ZwiebelwäheFlammkuchenGefüllteTeigtaschenFrühlingsrollenMürbes KnabbergebäckKümmelcrackerGrissiniInklusive Funktionen wie z.B. "Zutaten alsEinkaufslistespeichern" und "Einkaufsliste per Emailversenden".Diese App benötigt keinen Internet-Zugang und auch keineanderenBerechtigungen auf einem Android Gerät!Copyright © 2012 NeunZehn VerlagWir freuen uns über jede positive Bewertung und könnenleidernicht auf Rezensionen direkt antworten. Bitte schreibt unsdaherEure Wünsche und Fragen per Email. Vielen Dank.Herzlichst Euer,NeunZehn VerlagAs a thank you foroursuccess, we offer 50% discount on our price: Now only 0,99€instead of 1,99 €. Only for a short time!Finally there is the popular iOS app now available forAndroid:more than 50 delicious recipes, new variations, all at 100%healthconscious and purely vegetable, vegan baking.Vegan baking is enjoyable and healthy living. Deliciousbakedspecialties from different countries are made withoutanimalingredients (eg milk, butter, eggs, honey, ...) and replacedbypure herbal products. This Backbuch offers a variety ofdifferentrecipes, both sweet and savory pastries and breads andpastries arenot forgotten! The result is quite simple deliciousspecialtiesthat sweeten your life or give him the necessaryspice!Delicious meals not prepare at the expense of animals! Thisisthe philosophy of vegan baking. All animal foods (eg meat,fish,milk, eggs, honey ...) are banished from the kitchen andreplacedwith pure herbal products. Health conscious, diätätische,ethicaland environmental aspects speak more than clear for thiskind ofdiet - not only for the benefit of the individual! Thisback-app tomake New vegans curious, inspire and encourage to getinvolved inthis kind of baking and to break new ground. Vegans thefirst hourwill expand their baking skills through delicious recipesandspecial variations and enrich.The following recipes (more than 50) are included inthisapp:-> BasicsStrawberry JamApricot jamHimbeerlikörElderberry juice concentrate-> BiscuitsFruitcakeGingerbreadShortbread cookiesNut WreathStuffed stars and heartsNougatkipferlnVanilla biscuitsKnuspernüsseChocolate cookiesStuffed datesSkewersRaspberry chocolatesLiqueur ChocolatesRumkugelnBlueberry CakepopsNougat-CakepopsHimbeereis HeartsVanilla CupcakesCaramell cupcakesGrape TartChocolate muffinsApple cinnamon muffinsNusskipferlnWaffles-> CakesChampagne elderberry pieChocolate marzipanStrawberry Cream CakeYogurt cream cakeKiwi yogurt tartBlueberry PieChocolate cakeMarble cakeApple strudelCheesecake-> BreadBeer breadRye breadPotato breadSpelled breadMultigrain crispbreadWhole wheat breadShredded wheat bunsDinkelbrötchen-> HeartyCorn cakesZucchini ZwiebelwäheTarteFilled dumplingsSpring rollsMature breadsticksCaraway crackersGrissiniIncluding features such as "Save ingredients as a shoppinglist"and "Send shopping list by e-mail".This app requires no internet access and no other permissionsonan Android device!Copyright © 2012 Nineteen PublisherWe are happy about every positive review and are unabletorespond directly to reviews. Therefore, please write usyourrequests and questions via e-mail. Many thanks.Sincerely yours,Nineteen Publisher
Secretly Vegan 1.0
Mitch Said
Are you a vegan, or at least shopping forone?"Secretly Vegan" is what you need at hand next time you're atthestore! The app contains regularly updated, categorized andfullysearchable lists of common products found in most grocerystoresthat just happen to be vegan!You'll discover a range of foods you didn't know you couldeat,and save tons of time combing through ingredients labels.
Vegan Fitness & Health 2.2
This app covers all of the information onveganhealth, fitness, nutrition, fat loss, workouts and generalveganlife which we share on and across our socialmediachannels all wrapped up in one handy little package.Get sexy and save the planet in mere minutes per weekbyimplementing PlantBased Nutrition, HIT Training &IntermittentFasting. We’ll show you how!Hi! We're Darren and Georgie and we used to beridiculouslyunhealthy, until one day in 2012 when we watched adocumentarycalled Earthlings. We instantly decided to go vegan andthen westarted to get fit.We became sub-3 hour marathon runners within three years andnowwe are even becoming bodybuilders! We are regular peoplewithcommitments and a family, so we have researched and discoveredthemost time efficient and inexpensive methods to go vegan, getfit,healthy and add years to your life.If we can do it, so can you, so please follow along as we goonthis journey together and grow the vegan fitness crew! Also,ifthere's anything you need help with, leave us a comment on anyofthe social medias and we'll do our best to help you out. :)
Vegetarian and Vegan Diet 1.1
Gets vegetarian and vegan diet for morehealthand energy through the careful combination of ingredientsmade ​​byus in each of the recipes you will cook.Our app features*Different types of recipesThis app has many recipes which meet the tastes and needs ofeachuser*Control of the nutritional propertiesEach recipe contains a lot of data regarding itsnutritionalproperties. This allows the user more have control ofvitamins,fats, calories and other features when cooking*Search engineThis app allows users to search by recipes,ingredients, ratingandname and also allows to add favorite recipes for these aretakeninto account in the future.*Facebook ConnectionWith this app you can share with your friends via facebookthatrecipe that you like, while you're cooking* Enjoy this free app right now!!!Please show support by posting comments and ratings!Thankyou!Supports all screen sizes!!------------------------------------------------To get informed about updates you can join Alpha Code LabsonFacebook:’re always excited to hear from you! If you have anyfeedback,questions, or concerns, please email us at:[email protected] follow us on twitter:
Vegan Food Restaurant Locator 1
This app locate all Vegan orVegetarianRestaurant and Food Store in the United States on Map.Our userscan easily locate nearby restaurant, food store, grocery,bakery orcafeteria that offer food choice for vegetarians. We alsoprovidedetail information on each store such as vegan level, pricerange,available food choice, address, hours etc. This app is aniceutility for our vegan community.
Atkins Diet Shopping List 2.0
Have the induction, weight-lossandpre-maintenance phases all in one shopping list application.Theseshopping lists will help you navigate through the suggesteditemson phases 1, 2 and 3 of the Atkins diet.These extensive and customizable lists reflectourrecommendations to help you make wise decisions during allthreephases of the Atkins diet. Please consult your doctor beforeanydiet program and follow your doctor's recommendations.Tip: to modify the list, just do a 'long press' on anycategoryor food item.