Top 15 Apps Similar to Poisoning - First Aid Lite

BfR-Vergiftungsunfälle bei Kin 2.0.66
Accidental poisonings in children: BfR app for first aid andpoisonemergency
Poisoning Child Aid PRO
Be always informed about the right steps!
First Aid White Cross 15.0.4
Realer GmbH
First aid basics for adults, children and infantsincludingvideocliops for free
eErsteHilfe - Rotes Kreuz 1.1.0
Mit „eErsteHilfe“ steht dem Benutzerdergesamte Inhalt der Ersten-Hilfe-Fibel aus demErste-Hilfe-Grundkursin kurzer, anschaulicher und übersichtlicherWeise für seinSmartphone zur Verfügung. Regelmäßige Updatesgarantieren, dass derAnwender immer am neusten Stand in der ErstenHilfe bleibt. DieApplikation ersetzt keinen EH-Kurse, sie dient inerster Linieinteressierten Nutzern zur Wiederholung derErste-Hilfe-Maßnahmen,da bereits ein Jahr nach Absolvierung einesKurses viele Inhalte inVergessenheit geraten. Sind mehrereErsthelfer am Unfallort, kannein Helfer die anderen mittels dieserApplikation anweisen undunterstützen.With"eErsteHilfe"available to the user all the contents of the FirstAid fibula fromthe First Aid Basic Course in short, vivid and clearmanner for itssmartphone available. Regular updates ensure that theuser remainsin first aid always on date. The application does notreplaceEH-courses, it is interested primarily users to repeatthefirst-aid measures, as already advised a year after taking acoursea lot of content into oblivion. If more than one rescuer onthescene, a helper can instruct the other means of thisapplicationand support.
Pass "Notfall-Hilfe" - an app for all emergency purposes! -Youneedto do an emergency call and want to submit your position?Youhavethe possibility to do an emergency call directly fromtheapp’s homescreen. The current location (street/city) isdisplayedthere aswell. The location can be examined further on amap viewand be sentvia Email/SMS. - You would like to carry majorstepsfor first-aidall time with you? As a first-aid provider youwillget awell-structured and pictured workflow forimmediate-aid,accidents,fire and poisoning. The breakdown servicepage providesadditionallyan option to directly call the police andthebreakdown service. Itis also possible to take pictures oftheaccident and store them inyour picture gallery. - You wouldliketo store your ”in case ofemergency” records to be wellprepared?For cases of emergency youcan store your personal I.C.E.records.The following personal datacan be stored: name, address,birthday,gender, health insurance,height, weight, pregnancy,organdonation, blood group and anarbitrary number ofpharmaceuticals,injuries, allergies, attendingdoctors and emergencycontacts (incase of emergency contacts). Yourdata is directlystored on thesmartphone - you do not need anInternet connection. Inthat waythe stored data is accessiblewithout any time delay. Duringtheprocess of pharmaceuticalsacquisition it is possible todefinedaily or day-specificapplication rates (morning/noon/evening,1/4up to 50 pills assingle dose). This way you can createyourpersonal application rateplan. - You would storesecurecredit/debit cards data to be able tocancel if the cards arelost?It is possible to enrich your personaldata by your identitycardid, drivers license ID and an arbitrarynumber ofcredit/rail/bonuscard ids to have easy access to all ofyour data incase ofrobbery/losing. This data is protected by apassword and isstoredencrypted on your Phone. With thisfunctionality you candirectlydial the number of the cardcancellation service whilegetting asummary of all entered cardids. - You would like to find adoctoror hospital or pharmacy nearyour location? The searchformedical-aid uses your current locationand displays all hits intheselected category of doctors aroundyou. Your viewingdirectionwill be visualized to ease uporientation. The search issplit upinto categories such as clinics,pharmacies, pediatrists andfieldsof medical expertise. Searchresults are shown in asurrounding mapas well as in a list. Thedetail view shows theaddress, offers tostart a navigation to thedoctor’s location and tocall the doctordirectly (if the relatedinformation is available).The freeversion of the app is currentlydesigned to be used inGermanyonly, thus German emergency callnumbers are configured. Toobtainnumbers for other (supported)countries the travel extensionhas tobe installed. Noresponsibility is taken for the correctnessofthis information andthe content of the app. Thisdescriptionincludes some non-freefeatures from the in-app store.Map-dataprovided by Google.
Erste Hilfe Hand 1.5.1
Information about different types of Handverletzugen
Baby and child first aid 2.10.1
Learn baby and child first aid with the British Red Cross app.Beprepared.
Pet First Aid 2.7.1
Critical pet first aid info at your fingertips.
webPOISONCONTROL® Poison App 100021.0.1
The webPOISONCONTROL®mobileapp provides expert help with a possible poisoning. It helpsusersdetermine if an exposure is poisonous and requiresmedicalattention.Did the baby eat a berry, a flower or a cigarette? Did youtakethe dog’s medicine? Did your toddler eat pills fromgrandma’spurse? Did you swallow something that might be poisonous?Don’tguess what you should do. Get accurate answers prepared bypoisoncontrol experts.Use the webPOISONCONTROL® app to find out ifyouneed to call Poison Control or go to an ER. This free,confidentialapp will guide you. Just enter the age, substanceswallowed, amounttaken, weight, and time since the exposure to getan immediaterecommendation.Often, it’s safe to stay home, but the app will tell you,basedon the info you enter, what symptoms to expect and when tocallPoison Control or go to an ER. A barcode reader allows you toscanthe product instead of typing or searching for theproductname.
Erste Hilfe DRK 1.30
The official first aid application by the German Red Cross.
Emergency First Aid - Instant 0.5.1
√ Master Emergencies on yourownWithoutMedications using Traditional Chinese MassagePoints√ Easily find the right Massage Points with simple FullHDVideoclipsand Photos√ Never forget a Massage with a built-in Reminder"In short, it [Acupressure] provides maximum benefitswithoutthedangerous side effects associated with many of theapproachesofconventional medicine."-William Michael Cargile, B.S., D.C., F.I.A.C.A.,ChairmanofResearch for the American Association of AcupunctureandOrientalMedicineThe Emergency Acupressure is perfectly suitable for youwiththeseimmediate benefits:√ You can help yourself immediately while waiting fortheemergencydoctor, if needed.√ You do not need to spend a considerable amount of money.√ There is no danger of being hurt, infectedorexperiencingpain.√ You massage the points gently with your own finger.√ The app reminds you automatically of yourmassageappointments.These Emergencies can immediately be handled using the App:→ Muscle Spasms→ Faint→ Nosebleeds→ Diabetic Coma→ Insect Bite→ Massive Menstruation (Women)→ Extremely High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)→ Anxiety Attack→ Breathing Difficulty→ Strong VomitThe massage points offered are:√ especially effective√ easy to find, no need for someone else's assistance√ shown with professional Full HD Photos and VideosThousands have done it already. Download the App now! Itworksalsowithout internet connection (on the plane, abroad, onthetrainetc.)For a price of a cup of coffee, you get a provenEmergencyHelperforever with free lifelong updates containing moremassagepoints.If you are dissatisfied with the product, let me knowandyou willget your money worth back.Are you interested in more massage points? Share it onmyFacebookpage and get people interested. The larger thefollowing,thefaster you will get the update of the app. Free.Have Fun with the App!Your Dr. BargakHave some questions? Feel free to get in touch:-Facebook: Twitter: E-Mail: [email protected]:
Real Time CPR Guide 3.01
Chen Gantz
There is no more frustrating feeling to seeaperson needing help and you cannot help him or are afraid tohelphim.With "Real Time CPR Guide" this is not going to happen.As a CPR course instructor, lots of students told me that"intimes of stress I would never be able to remember what to do,and Iwould probably prefer not to perform CPR"."Real Time CPR Guide" comes to resolve this fear, becausetheapplication displays the CPR flow in an easy and intuitiveway.Furthermore,with "Real Time CPR Guide" you can learn howtoperform CPR the correct way and also remember its steps.In time of need, the application will guide you throughthecorrect flow steps and will explain to you how to performeachstep."Real Time CPR Guide" displays videos without networkconnectionso you can take it with you whereever you go.NOTE - If you have comments, an idea how to improvethisapplication or if you find bug, I would really appreciate ifyoucontact me so I can make this application better.
TOXBASE® is the clinical toxicology database of the UK NPIS.