Top 10 Games Similar to Hijab Dress Up and make Up

【ゲーム】妖怪クイズ(ようかい)♪ 1.0.1
quiz king
遂に登場!全300問が搭載された、子供たちに人気のあの妖怪クイズ♪ゲームやアニメからのクイズが盛りだくさん!君は全問正解できるかな?さっ、まずは挑戦だっ!==========================================【あそびかた】1 まずは、クイズのレベルを選択!(入門編・初級編・中級編・上級編)2 ランダムで出題されるクイズを下の3択からを答えてね!3 タイムリミットもあるので、頭をフル回転で!要注意!4 1回のゲームで出題されるクイズは10問!5 結果発表では妖怪からポイント発表もあるので、よーくウォッチしてね!6 最後に、ポイントはランキング登録ができるよ!上位目指して何度もチャレンジだ!====================================================================================【クイズ内容】2014年7月に発売されたニンテンドー3DS用ソフトの大ヒットタイトルは?人間と妖怪が持つコミュニケーションツールとは?サブクエストの数を増やすには何を上げていけばいい?メインクエストの「お父さんの忘れ物」を進めると貰えるアイテムは?アニメ「妖怪ウォッチ」OPテーマ“ゲラゲラポーのうた”の歌いだしは?「おふだじいさんの頼みごと」をクリアすると貰える成功報酬は何?次のうち「団々坂」で発生するサブクエストはどれ?学校や街のあるケータ達がクラスマップ名は次のうちどれ?アニメ版「妖怪ウォッチ」の監督は?山中で熊島五郎太が取ってケータ達を驚かせた昆虫は?ケータらの昆虫採集に文花(ふみか)が現れたのは何故?神木に現れたガシャポン機でケータが引き当てた物とは?190年前に妖怪のウィスパーが封印されたのは何故?不思議な妖怪ワールドへ誘った「ウィスパー」がケータに名乗った“通名”とは?おふだを売ってくれる「おふだじいさん」がいるのは何処?夜になると「さくら第一小学校」で現れる変化とは?さくら中央シティにあるゲームセンターの正式名称は?そよ風ヒルズにある「もののけ道」に行くにはどこから入ればいい?ジバニャンが生前に飼い主からもらっていた名前は?珍しいケータ家の夫婦喧嘩。意外な原因とは?言葉の語尾に“ジュゴ~ン”とつける、とってもチャーミングな妖怪は?妖怪ドンヨリーヌに対して妖怪ホノボーノを召喚すると?ジバニャンが交通道路に佇(たたず)むようになった訳とは?ジバニャン曰(いわ)く寸止め事故協会の合言葉は何?「妖怪ウォッチ」のメインクエストをクリアすると追加される要素は?「ノリちゃんのダイエット」のストーリーを進めるのに必要な妖怪は?妖怪から必ず逃げられるアイテムは次のうちどれ?キャラの性格を「短気」にするのに使うアイテムは?漫画雑誌「ちゃお」で連載されている“妖怪ウォッチ”もう一人の主人公の名は?口が軽くなる「妖怪バクロ婆」に掛かったジバニャンから判明した秘密とは?ノガッパがバクロ婆を破った勝因とは?“妖怪バクロ婆”初登場の同時期にドンヨリーヌとホノボーノがいた場所は?ケータの母が5時間待ちで買ったという“レアもの”とは一体何?妖怪人面犬が脱サラをして次に目指した職業は?次のうち妖怪合成効果のあるアイテムはどれ?「ようじゅつ超百科」を作成するのに必要な素材は?「アッカンベリー」で売られているパンは?妖怪のニックネーム変更に使うプレイスポットは?「妖怪ウォッチ2」に登場する新しい妖怪は次のうちどれ?世の若者における青春のあやまちの98%はどんな妖怪の効果によるもの?ジバニャンがワルニャンになるとパワーアップするものは?グレルリンに人面犬を投入するとどうなる?人間とトイプードルが合体した妖怪は?ケータの“救急車に搬送される妄想”が起きたのは何故?「こぶた銀行」の専用窓口“ふしぎなレンズ”で受けれるサービスは?「ひょうたん池公園」の中央にあるトロフィールームでアイテムを貰うのに必要な妖怪は?さすらい荘のすれ違い通信で出現する幻の妖怪は?さすらい荘のストック部屋は最大で何部屋持てる?妖怪ウォッチ2から登場するキャラはどれ?学校の生徒たちが楽しい幻覚症状になるのはどんな妖怪の作用?…etc==========================================※クイズは随時アップデートを予定しているよ! 常にアプリをウォッチしててね★※非公式
折り紙であそぼう Yokai Watch Origami 1.0.2
☆ このアプリは、妖怪ウォッチのファンが作った非公式アプリです。☆ 本家「妖怪ウォッチ」と「(株)レベルファイブ」とは一切関係ありません。☆妖怪ウォッチに登場するキャラクターたちを楽しんでください。まず自分が覚え、それからお子さんに教えてあげるのもいいかもしれません。子どもたちが、お父さんやお母さん、おじいちゃんやおばあちゃんに手伝ってもらいながら遊んでいただきたいと思います。This is an unofficial app made by fan of Youkai Watch and isnotrelated with the original “Youkai Watch” and Level FiveLtd.Please enjoy this origami, or paper folding, of characters ofYoukaiWatch. You learn and get used to folding them first and thenshowthe skill to others including your sons, daughters and otherkids.This is much easier for kids to enjoy. Or, they enjoy foldingwiththeir grandpas and grandmas and it will be much enjoyable forkids.Kids can play better in that way.Origami is a traditional play among Japanese especially for kidsandladies. The targets of folding items have been dogs, cats,birds,plants and tools around us.Sometimes boys used to fold newspaper and make a toy that createsabig sound.Nowadays, much complicated origamis have been created andenjoyedpeople in foreign countries. For nimble-fingered people,whoevermaybe, can enjoy Origami!!Origami can be a training and applied not only for children butagedpeople. It is proven that Origami is useful forpreventingdementia.We really hope that you and many others enjoy this app.☆ This app is fanofmonster watch is an unofficial app that was made.☆ the head family as "specter watch" and "(Ltd.) level five" Itdoesnot matter at all.☆ Please enjoy the characters who appear in the specter watch.Heremember first, then you might say even the'll teach yourchild.Children, father and mother, I would like to play while askedtohelp to grandpa and grandma.This is an unofficial app made by fan of Youkai Watch and isnotrelated with the original "Youkai Watch" and Level FiveLtd.Please enjoy this origami, or paper folding, of characters ofYoukaiWatch. You learn and get used to folding them first and thenshowthe skill to others including your sons, daughters and otherkids.This is much easier for kids to enjoy. Or , they enjoyfolding withtheir grandpas and grandmas and it will be muchenjoyable for kids.Kids can play better in that way.Origami is a traditional play among Japanese especially for kidsandladies. The targets of folding items have been dogs, cats,birds,plants and tools around us.Sometimes boys used to fold newspaper and make a toy that createsabig sound.Nowadays, much complicated origamis have been created andenjoyedpeople in foreign countries. For nimble-fingered people,whoevermaybe, can enjoy Origami !!Origami can be a training and applied not only for children butagedpeople. It is proven that Origami is useful forpreventingdementia.We really hope that you and many others enjoy this app.
折り紙であそぼう ようかいWATCH 1.0.4
このアプリは、妖怪ウォッチのファンが作った非公式アプリです。本家「妖怪ウォッチ」と「(株)レベルファイブ」とは一切関係ありません。妖怪ウォッチに登場するキャラクターたちを楽しんでください。まず自分が覚え、それからお子さんに教えてあげるのもいいかもしれません。子どもたちが、お父さんやお母さん、おじいちゃんやおばあちゃんに手伝ってもらいながら遊んでいただきたいと思います。もちろん、「妖怪ウォッチ」大好きのファンならだれでも楽しめる折り紙です。折り紙は日本伝統の遊びで、犬、猫、鳥、植物などの生き物、暮らしのまわりにある道具などが作られてきました。男の子たちは新聞を使って兜(かぶと)を折ってかぶったり、大きな音が出る折り紙を作ったりして遊んだものです。今ではとても複雑な形の折り紙が新しく作られるようになり、さらに日本から発信されて外国の人たちも楽しめるようになりました。手先の器用な人なら、日本人でも外国の人たちでも楽しむものです。折り紙は指の訓練にもなり、小さな子どもたちはもちろん、今では年配の人たちのあいだでも楽しまれ、それが痴呆症防止に役立っています。この「妖怪WATCH 折り紙」が皆さんに楽しんでいただけることを願っています。Please enjoy this Origami, folding paper, of Youkai Watch!This is an unofficial app made by fan of Youkai Watch and isnotrelated with the original “Youkai Watch” and Level FiveLtd.Please enjoy this origami, or paper folding, of characters ofYoukaiWatch. You learn and get used to folding them first and thenshowthe skill to others including your sons, daughters and otherkids.This is much easier for kids to enjoy. Or, they enjoy foldingwiththeir grandpas and grandmas and it will be much enjoyable forkids.Kids can play better in that way.Origami is a traditional play among Japanese especially for kidsandladies. The targets of folding items have been dogs, cats,birds,plants and tools around us.Sometimes boys used to fold newspaper and make a toy that createsabig sound.Nowadays, much complicated origamis have been created andenjoyedpeople in foreign countries. For nimble-fingered people,whoevermaybe, can enjoy Origami!!Origami can be a training and applied not only for children butagedpeople. It is proven that Origami is useful forpreventingdementia.We really hope that you and many others enjoy this app.このアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとしてアンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。 app, thespecterwatch fans are unofficial app made.Honke the "specter watch" and "(Ltd.) Level Five" is not relatedatall.Please enjoy the characters who appear in the specter watch.Theyremember first, then it might be good to'll teach yourchild.Children, father and mother, I would like to play while askedtohelp to grandpa and grandma.Of course, it is the origami to enjoy anyone "specter watch" Ilovethe fans.Origami is a play of Japan tradition, dogs, cats, birds, suchasliving creatures, some around the living tools, such as theplanthas been made. The boys are used to play with or make orwearingfolding the helmet (Kada) using the newspaper, a big soundcomesout origami.Now it looks like a very complex form of origami is newlycreated,now enjoy the people of foreign countries are stilloriginatingfrom Japan. If the person of hands, is what to enjoy inpeople offoreign in Japanese.Origami is also made to the training of the finger, thelittlechildren, of course, enjoyed even between the people of theelderlyby now, it has helped to prevent dementia.This "monster WATCH origami" We hope that enjoy to everyone.Please enjoy this Origami, folding paper, of Youkai Watch!This is an unofficial app made by fan of Youkai Watch and isnotrelated with the original "Youkai Watch" and Level FiveLtd.Please enjoy this origami, or paper folding, of characters ofYoukaiWatch. You learn and get used to folding them first and thenshowthe skill to others including your sons, daughters and otherkids.This is much easier for kids to enjoy. Or , they enjoyfolding withtheir grandpas and grandmas and it will be muchenjoyable for kids.Kids can play better in that way.Origami is a traditional play among Japanese especially for kidsandladies. The targets of folding items have been dogs, cats,birds,plants and tools around us.Sometimes boys used to fold newspaper and make a toy that createsabig sound.Nowadays, much complicated origamis have been created andenjoyedpeople in foreign countries. For nimble-fingered people,whoevermaybe, can enjoy Origami !!Origami can be a training and applied not only for children butagedpeople. It is proven that Origami is useful forpreventingdementia.We really hope that you and many others enjoy this app.The developer of this app is authenticated to theofficialdevelopers of andro riders as a developer of safe andsecureapplication.
العاب تلبيس بنات 2016 Dress up 1.0
تطبيق لعبة تلبيس بنات 2016يمكنك من خلال التطبيق:1- تلبيس بستايل و موضة جديدة2- ادوات مكياج جديدة ورائعة بالوان جميلة جدا3- يمكنكم استخدام ملابس مختلفة من تلبيس فساتين واكسسواراتبناتروعةواحذية بكعب وغيرها4- كما يمكنك تغيير الخلفية للصورة اكثر من مرة بصور مختلفةنتمنى ان تنال إعجابكم ولا تنسو التقييم ب5نجومApplication Dressupgirls2016You can through the application:1. Dress Bstyl and New Fashion2. new and wonderful makeup tools very beautiful colors3. You can use different clothes from the dressinggownsandaccessories Girls splendor and heeled shoes and other4. You can also change the background of the picture morethanoncein different waysWe hope that you like it Do not forget to assessment b 5stars
Selena Gomez Huge Dress Up
Do you want to be like her, do you want toplaywith her.Dress Selena perfect style chose the bag you’ll be alright.Change the perfect top and shoes, make Selena super cute.
Fashion Style - Dress Up 3.10
Become a trendsetter and play Fashion Style now!
Quizduell PREMIUM
FEO Media AB
Quizduell ist ein intelligentes,farbenfrohesund unterhaltsames soziales Quiz, in dem du deineFreunde und andreSpieler zu einem Wissensduell herausforderst unddabei neue &spannende Fakten lernst!Quizduell 2.0• NEUES Design > Frische neue Graphiken, Avatare,Toplisten,Schriften, Interfaces und Farben!HIGHLIGHTS• Mehr als 35.000 Text- und Bilderfragen von hoherQualität,geschrieben vom Quizduell-Team und von unseren eifrigenQuizzern.Wähle aus vielen verschiedenen Kategorien.• Erklimme die Toplisten - messe dein Wissen mitanderenTop-Quizzern aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum.• Steuere mit deinen eigenen Quizfragen zu unserem Spiel beiunderhalte eine Belohnung dafür.• Verbinde deine Accounts aus den sozialen Medien mit Quizduellundlade deine Freunde zu einem Quiz ein.• Gestalte deinen eigenen Quizduell-Avatar.• Quizduell bleibt immer aktuell. Neue Text- und Bilderfragenwerdentäglich hinzugefügt!Auf zum Quizzen!www.feomedia.comTwitter: @quizduellFacebook: QuizduellQuiz duel is asmart,colorful and entertaining social quiz where you challengeyourfriends and other players to a duel knowledge and thereby learnnewand interesting facts!Quiz Duel 2.0• New Design> Fresh new graphics, avatars, Toplists,fonts,interfaces and colors!HIGHLIGHTS• More than 35,000 text and image issues of high quality, writtenbythe quiz duel team and of our zealous Quiz Group. Choose frommanydifferent categories.• Climb the Toplisten - messe your knowledge with other topQuizZern from German speaking countries.• Take control with your own quizzes to our game in and get arewardfor it.• Connect your accounts of social media with quiz duel andinviteyour friends to a quiz.• Customize your own quiz Duel Avatar.• Quiz duel is always up to date. New text and image issuesareadded daily!On the quizzes!www.feomedia.comTwitter:quizduellFacebook: Quiz duel
Andien - Let It Be My Way 1.0
Game Melengkapi Lirik Andien - Let It BeMyWay[OST Hijab The Movie] ini bebas virusKuis Melengkapi Lirik Andien - Let It Be My Way [OST HijabTheMovie]ini gratisPermainan Melengkapi Lirik Andien - Let It Be My Way [OSTHijabTheMovie] ini tidak memakan banyak memori.Cara bermain:1. Pilih Play Now2. Lihat Soal3. Tap jawaban yang menurut kamu paling benar.Jangan download game ini sebelum tahu lirik darilagunyasecaraFULL..Karena banyak jebakan2.. heheBila belum punya lagu ini bisa membelinya di terus penyanyi / band indonesia dengan membeliyangoriginal.^_^.[Peringatan] yg ngerate 5 bintang, kita doain enteng jodoh!..D I S C L A I M E R :APP INI TIDAK MEMASUKKAN AUDIO DARI LAGU INIDAN TIDAK MEMFASILITASI USER UNTUK MENDOWNLOAD LAGUINISECARAILEGAL.TERIMA KASIHCompletinggamesAndienLyrics - Let It Be My Way [OST Hijab The Movie] isvirusfreeCompleting the quiz Andien Lyrics - Let It Be My Way [OSTHijabTheMovie] is freeCompleting the game Andien Lyrics - Let It Be My Way [HijabTheMovieOST] This does not take up a lot of memory,How to play:1. Select the Play Now2. See the Problem3. Tap the answer you think is most true,Do not download this game before knows the lyrics of thesongareFULL ..Because many jebakan2 .. heheWhen you do not have to buy this song in continues to singer / band Indonesia by buyingtheoriginal.^ _ ^,[Warning] who ngerate 5, we Doain lightly mate!,,D I S C L A I M E R:THIS APP DOES NOT INCLUDE AUDIO FROM THIS SONGAND NOT FACILITATE USER TO DOWNLOAD THIS SONG IS ILLEGAL.THANK YOU
Tebak Judul Sinetron 2 2.1.1b
Tebak Judul Sinetron 2 adalahgametebak-tebakan judul sinetron terpopuler dengan jumlahepisodeterbanyak.Sinetron (lakuran dari sinema elektronik) adalah istilahuntukprogram drama bersambung produksi Indonesia yang disiarkanolehstasiun televisi di Indonesia..Sinetron pada umumnya bercerita tentang kehidupanmanusiasehari-hari yang diwarnai konflik berkepanjangan. Sepertilayaknyadrama atau sandiwara, sinetron diawali denganperkenalantokoh-tokoh yang memiliki karakter yang khas satu samalain.Berbagai karakter yang berbeda tersebut menimbulkan konflikyangmakin lama makin besar sehingga sampai pada titik klimaksnya.Akhirdari suatu sinetron dapat bahagia maupun sedih, tergantungdarijalan cerita yang ditentukan oleh penulis skenario..Cara main game ini:1. Lihat soal dan pertanyaannya adalah lengkapilah *****agarmenjadi judul sinetron lengkap.2. Ketik jawaban huruf per huruf yang ada di bawah soal.3. Mainkan hingga level terakhir.4. Tekan tombol hints untuk mendapat clue / bantuan.5. Kumpulkan koin dengan melihat video ads..Berikut adalah sinetron-sinetron yang ada dalam game ini:Kesetiaan Cinta - Antara Cinta dan Dusta - ABG Jadi MantenGajah Mada - Dia Anakku - Disini Ada TuyulCerita SMA - Si Doel Anak Sekolahan - Kita Nikah YukRT Sukowi - Binar Bening Berlian - Si YoyoSampeyan Muslim? - Bayu Cinta Luna - Yusra dan YumnaAqso dan Madina - Ada Ada Saja - Manusia HarimauDewi Bintari - Cinta Di Langit Taj Mahal - Tangisan IssabelaNamaku Mentari - Ketika Cinta Bertasbih - Jagoan SilatPutri Duyung - Yang Masih di Bawah Umur - Bawang MerahBawangPutihCucu Menantu - Putri Bidadari - Jilbab In LoveUpik Abu dan Laura - Doa Membawa Berkah - Pashmina Aisha.Kalau kamu memang penggemar sejati sinetron indonesia, pastisangatmenyenangkan kalaumainin game ini. Ayo uji kehebatanmu sekarang juga! Jangansampaiketinggalan!Kalau suka game ini jangan lupa rate 5 bintang ya.. danajaktemen2nya juga. Makasih!Guess the title SoapOpera2 is a game of guessing the title of the most popular soapoperawith a number of episodes.Sinetron (portmanteau of electronic cinema) is the termforserialized drama program production Indonesia broadcastbytelevision stations in Indonesia.,Soap operas in general about the lives of everyday peoplewhocharacterized the conflict. Like drama or farce, soap operabeginswith the introduction of characters who have adistinctivecharacter to each other. A variety of differentcharacters thatgive rise to a conflict that increasingly large soto the point ofclimax. End of a soap opera can be happy or sad,depending on theway the story is determined by screenwriter.,How to play this game:1. See the question and the question is complete the sinetron*****order to be complete.2. Type the answer letter by letter that is under question.3. Play up to the last level.4. Press the button to get a clue hints / help.5. Collect coins to see video ads.,Here is a soap opera soap opera that exist in this game:Faithfulness Love - Between Love and Lies - ABG Jadi MantenGajah Mada - He's My Son - Here There TuyulStories High School - Si Doel the School Children - KitaNikahYukRT Sukowi - Binar Bening Diamond - Si YoyoSampeyan Muslim? - Bayu Cinta Luna - Yusra and YumnaAqso and Madina - Ada Ada Saja - Tiger ManDewi Bintari - Love In Sky Taj Mahal - Tears IssabelaMy name is Mentari - When Love - Champion SilatMermaid - That Still Underage - Bawang Merah Bawang PutihCucu-law - daughter Angel - Veil In LoveUpik Abu and Laura - Prayer Brings Blessings - Pashmina Aisha,If you are indeed a true fan of the soap opera Indonesia, wouldbenice ifflickey this game. Come test kehebatanmu now! Do not miss!If you like this game do not forget rate of 5 yea .. andinvitetemen2nya well. Thanks!
انت والمليون 2.0
n games
انت والمليون لعبة مسابقات ثقافية عربية جديدةاللعبة في احدث نسخة لها تطل عليكم بميزات وتفاصيل جديدة ..اللعبة سهلة جدا كل بعد بداء التحدي تبداء رحلتك لتربح مليوندولارعبرخمسة عشرة سؤال ممتعة ومسلية تزيد وتختبرمعرفتكوثقافتكالعامة...تتوفر اللعبة ايضا علي وسائل المساعدة والتي يمكنك ان تستخدمهافيحالواجهتك صعوبة في اي سؤال كان ..منها حذف اجابتين او الاتصال بصديق او الاستعانة بالجمهوركمايمكنكتغيير السؤال ايضا...ماذا تنتظر .. حمل اللعبة واستمتع بلعبة الاسئلة والثقافةالعامةمنانت المليون بإصدارها الجديد ..The Million PoundDropgamenew Arab cultural competitionsThe game in the latest version of its new featuresyouoverlookthe details ..The game is very easy to every disease after challengeprimitivetripto win five million dollars over ten question morethan funandentertaining and test your knowledge of your cultureandpublic...The game also on the means of assistance and that you can useincaseyou encounter any difficulty in question wasavailable..Two answers delete them or call a friend or use the public asyoucanalso change the question ...What are you waiting .. download the game and enjoy thegameofquestions and general culture of the new issuing youamillion..