Top 2 Games Similar to Solar System Jigsaw

Earth Solar System 1.0
The Earth Solar System Game is ascorekeptmatching game, featuring various objects of Earth'ssolarsystem.This game is free and challenges the memory. Score iskeptallowingyou to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Earth Solar SystemGamethatmakes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmustfind the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatchthe solar system game for kids & adults will showthelink. Youalso get some help along the way.The Earth Solar System Game is addictive and willchallengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!Solar System: Planets (Definition ˑ PlanetaryhabitabilityˑTerrestrial planets ˑ Gas giants ˑ Rings) ˑ Dwarfplanets(Plutoid)ˑ Moons ˑ Exploration ˑ Colonization ˑ DiscoverytimelineSolarSystem objects more massive than 1021 kilograms (oneyottagram)are known or expected to be approximatelyspherical.Astronomicalbodies relax into rounded shapes(ellipsoids),achievinghydrostatic equilibrium, when the gravity oftheir massissufficient to overcome the structural strength oftheirmaterial.Objects made of ice become round more easily thanthosemade ofrock, and many icy objects are spheroidal at farlowersizes. Thecutoff boundary for roundness is somewherebetween10060;km and20060;km in radius.Solar System models, especially mechanical models,calledorreries,that illustrate the relative positions and motionsof theplanetsand moons in the Solar System have been built forcenturies.Whilethey often showed relative sizes, these models wereusuallynotbuilt to scale. The enormous ratio of interplanetarydistancestoplanetary diameters makes constructing a scale model oftheSolarSystem a challenging task. As one example of thedifficulty,thedistance between the Earth and the Sun is almost12,000 timesthediameter of the Earth.The Solar System planets consists of celestial objectsformedfromthe collapse of a giant molecular cloud approximately6billion yearsago. The four smaller inner planets Mercury,Venus,Earth and Mars,also called the terrestrial planets areprimarilycomposed of rockand metal. The four outer planetsJupiter, Saturn,Uranus andNeptune, also called the gas planets arecomposedlargely of hydrogenand helium and are far more massivethan theterrestrials.The Solar System is also home to two main belts ofsmallbodies.The asteroid belt, which lies between Mars and Jupiter,issimilarto the terrestrial planets as it is composed mainly ofrockandmetal. The Kuiper belt, which lies beyond Neptune'sorbit,iscomposed mostly of ices such as water, ammonia andmethane.Withinthese belts, five objects Ceres, Pluto, Haumea,Makemake andErisare large enough to be termed dwarf planets. ThehypotheticalOortcloud, which acts as the source for long periodcomets, mayalsoexist at a distance roughly a thousand timesbeyondtheseregions.The solar system comprises two distinct solarregions:Mercury,Venus, Earth, and Mars form part of the inner solarsystem,whileJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune form part of theoutersolarsystem. the planets in the inner solar system, also knownastherocky planets are thought to have been condensefromheavierelements and are composed principally of rock andmetal,while theouter planets, two of which are known as the gasgiants(Jupiterand Saturn) are composed of hydrogen and helium;theoutermostplanets (Uranus and Neptune) are made of icewater,methane, andammonia. therefore, they are referred as theicegiants.The Earth Solar System Game is addictive and willchallengeyourmemory. Have Fun!!!
Solar System Billiards 3D 1.1
The 8 planets in our solar system are bound in a purple forcefield,send them into wormholes, and restore the solar system. Ofcourse,you can also consider this game as 3D billiards. CPU:1.2GHz