Top 2 Apps Similar to The DG Buddy

LaSiRe 1.0.2
Die App LaSire bietet eineVielzahlvonBerechnungsmöglichkeiten für stabile Ladungenundwirdherstellerunabhängig entwickeltHaupteigenschaften:* Berechnung **** sowohl nach DIN EN 12195-1:2010 alsauchnachVDI2700/DIN EN 12195-1:2004 ***** Berechnung von Niederzurren und Direktzurren – hier:Diagonal-undSchrägzurren* Berücksichtigung von Formschluss: LKW Aufbauarten nach DINEN12642(Code XL, Code L - Koffer- und Pritschenaufbau,Schiebeplane)sowieEingabemöglichkeiten individueller Daten* Transportmittel LKW, Bahn und Schiff (Seegebiete A,B und C)* Eingebaute Winkelmessung mit Smartphone oderTablet-Computer* herstellerunabhängigBitte beachten Sie bei Ihren Berechnungen auch den HinweisdesDINzur Verwendung der Norm DIN EN 12195-1:2010. SiefindendieseAusführungen durch Eingabe der Norm als Suchbegriff aufdenSeitendes Beuth Verlags ( app LaSireoffersavariety of calculation options for stable chargesandisindependent of manufacturers developedMain Features:* Calculation according to DIN EN 12195-1 **** both:2010andafter VDI2700 / DIN EN 12195-1: 2004 ***** Calculation of lashing and direct lashing - here:diagonalandInclined* Consideration of form closure: Truck constructions accordingtoDINEN 12642 (Code XL, Code L - trunk and platform body,movableroof)and input options of individual data* Transport truck, rail and marine (sea areas A, B and C)* Built-angle measurement using a smartphone ortabletcomputer* Vendor-independentPlease note that your calculations also the note of DINforusewith the standard DIN EN 12195-1: 2010th You canfindtheseversions by entering the standard as a search term onthesides ofBeuth Verlag (
LoadAdvisor 0.2.4
As the world market leader ofinflatabledunnage bags for cargo protection, Cader innovates withthe veryfirst app in the world: ‘optimization of cargo combinedwith theuse of inflatable dunnage bags or airbags'.Cader in Best – specialist in the field of packaging andloadsecuring – part of the Signode Industrial Group, globalmarketleader in the field of load securing – introduces a fast,simpleand unique app for calculating and optimizing container loadsincombination with the use of dunnage bags or airbags, takingintoaccount the fixed values such as given in IMO.Based on many years of experience in the field of transport,loadsecuring and airbags, this user friendly app provides asolution forloading FCLs and LCLs with standard pallets and FIBCs(CPUs) securedwith airbags.Taking into account height, weight distribution anddestinationthe program calculates and draws a plan, fitting to theindividualweight and transport mode.The unique feature of this app is that the user immediatelywillhave a load plan and reliable stowage proposal available, to beornot to be combined with other load securing materials suchashoneycomb and pallets.The load proposal can be retrieved immediately, can beviewedfrom the top, side and front and the loader or user can shareitinstantly with a co-worker, customer and/or receiver. The CaderPPWGorilla dunnage bags are AAR certified and extremely suitableforload securing for sea and intermodal transport. A load proposalforabnormal loads, rail transport or road transport is availableonrequest.The LoadAdvisor App is available for iPhone, iPads andAndroids.For more info: [email protected]