Top 1 Games Similar to Bugs and Bacon

Bug Zap 1.1.3
Crash landing on an uncharted planet forZaphas been a bad day. Help him out by gunning through all thewavesof enemy bugs coming at him. Purchase bullets for themanydifferent weapons to smash the insect invasion.Similar to asteroids you are placed in the middle of the areaandtap all over the screen to shoot the bugs before they reachthecenter. This fast paced one touch input game will get yourheartpumping and fingers tapping. Included is amazing in gameartwork bythe talented Paul Conway at• 21 Levels• 5 Different weapons• Unique enemy bugs• Great Art by Paul Conway• Ants, Beetles, Wasps, and more• New areas and upgrades coming soon.This game is still young many more levels, areas, purchases,andupdates will be coming soon. Rate it and leave a comment. Sendusan e-mail with requests, ideas, or issues.