Top 4 Apps Similar to @SAUCE (SAUCE ART TOOL)

Dress Up Maid 1.0
Dress Up Maid: It is popular among thehighschool girl and the girl.Maid Uniform dressing Coordination application of Legend.The uniform and the costume are chosen pushing the easyitembutton and the operation just drag to the girl.It enjoys the fashion of the yearning.The number of items is 200 and more.The background is a Kawaii Room, Cafe ・・・ It is possibletoselect it a lot.Girl's face can be changed.The uniform of the yearning is coordination and anoriginalcostume is tried by an original combination. Have enjoycostumeplay.
HKT48指原莉乃 ボクの彼女 2nd~さようなら!~ 1.0.0
人気短編ドラマHKT指原莉乃ボクの彼女シリーズ第2弾!みなさんの大反響に応えてついに登場♪「狭くてすいませんっ!」そう案内されて初めて踏み込む彼女の部屋。今度のデートはさしこの部屋で2人きり…!?初めて訪れた彼女の部屋で、いつもと違うさしこにドキドキ☆あなたとさしこの距離はもっともっと急接近!!?「お母さんの言う通りにやっちょんけど出来んのって!」あなたのために一生懸命、料理を作るさしこ。彼女が作る手料理とは。。デートを重ね、近づく2人の距離。でも。。。感じる違和感。。。。さしこらしくない積極的な行動のワケとは!?最終話でさしこから渡された手紙の内容は一体?■収録話数:Second Season第9話  『自宅にて』 はじめて訪れたさしこの部屋で…第10話 『目覚まし時計』 ベッドの脇に座る彼女と向かい合っていると…第11話 『アルバム』 彼女の部屋にあるアルバムを見ていたら…第12話 『料理』 彼女が作ろうとしている料理は…第13話 『メイドカフェ』 さしこのネコミミに思わず萌え~第14話 『私がやりますから』 出てきたオムライスを前にしてさしこがとった行動は?第15話 『ショップにて』 今日の思い出にとさしこがプレゼントを…第16話 『さよなら?』 デートの最後にさしこが差し出した手紙には…※このアプリはHKT48指原莉乃モバイルで携帯サイト向けに配信された人気コンテンツ「ボクの彼女」の単行ドラマ動画アプリです。※動画の再生にはネットワーク環境が必要となります。大容量動画のためwifiを推奨いたします。※サポート窓口は、日本語のみの対応を行っております。※利用規約スマートフォンからのみ閲覧可能)2nd her popularseriesofshort drama HKT Sashihara Rino me!♪ appeared at last in response to the great response of your"Suimasen~tsu narrow!"Room of her stepping for the first time under the guidanceofso.Date of turn 2 all alone in the room of needlework ...! ?In her room that I visited for the first time, poundinginneedleworkunusual ☆This distance is approaching rapidly more and more to be withyou!!?"The N Ya~tsucho but it does for me to be as you say mom!"Hard, and needlework to cook for you.home cooking and she can make. .Overlaid dating, distance of two approaching.But. . .discomfort you feel. . . .The Wake of aggressive behavior does not seem to bequilting!?The contents of the letter that was passed from the needleworkinthefinal story on earth?■ Collecting Episode:Second SeasonIn the room of needlework that "at home" I visited for thefirsttimeEpisode 9 ...When you are face to face with her sitting beside Episode10of"alarm clock" bed ...If I look at the album in the room Episode 11 of"album,"she...cuisine Episode 12 "cooking," she is trying to create the ...The Moe involuntarily Nekomimi Episode 13 of"MaidCafe"needleworkAction needlework took in before the omelet "I'll doitbecause"Episode 14 came out?Episode 15 "in the shop" and the memories of today'sneedleworkgifts...Episode 16 Goodbye "? The letter needlework is held out to theendofthe "dating ...※ This app is a single-line drama video app"MyGirlfriend"popular content that is delivered to the mobile siteforat HKT48Sashihara Rino mobile.※ It becomes the necessary network environment for playingvideo.Werecommend wifi for high-capacity video.※ support window, we do support the Japanese only.※ Terms and Conditions viewable by smartphone)
Tasty Veggies Live Wallpaper
The noun vegetable means an edible plantorpart of a plant, but usually excludes seeds and most sweetfruit.This typically means the leaf, stem, or root of a plant.In a non-biological sense, the meaning of this word islargelybased on culinary and cultural tradition. Therefore,theapplication of the word is somewhat arbitrary and subjective.Forexample, some people consider mushrooms to be vegetableseventhough they are not biologically plants, while others considerthema separate food category. Some vegetables can be consumed raw,somemay be eaten cooked, and some must be cooked in order to beedible.Vegetables are most often cooked in savory or saltydishes.However, a few vegetables are often used in desserts andothersweet dishes, such as rhubarb pie and carrot cake. A numberofprocessed food items available on the market containvegetableingredients and can be referred to as "vegetable derived"products.These products may or may not maintain the nutritionalintegrity ofthe vegetable used to produce them.The USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends consuming3to 5 servings of vegetables daily. This recommendation canvarybased on age and gender, and is determined based uponstandardportion sizes typically consumed, as well as generalnutritionalcontent. For most vegetables, one serving is equal to1/2 cup andcan be eaten raw or cooked. For leafy greens, such aslettuce andspinach, a single serving is typically 1 cup. Servingsizes forvegetable-derived products have not been definitivelydetermined,but usually follow the 1/2 cup standard. Examplesofvegetable-derived products subject to this standard areketchup,pizza sauce, and tomato paste. Whatever their form, eatyourveggies!If you’re not sure what live wallpapers are, they're a typeofapplication that works on a mobile device using theAndroidoperating system (like your device!). The application worksas awallpaper – providing the background image for the homescreen—butalso works as a conventional application since it canprovideuser-interaction with the touch screen (allowing the imagetochange dynamically, for example) and access other hardwareandsoftware features within the device (accelerometer, GPS,networkaccess, etc.).**Multiple backgrounds!** Switch up the background as often oraslittle as you like with user-configurable options.**Power saving features!** This app uses much less powerthantypical live wallpapers. It will take a bit more power tooperatethan a normal wallpaper, but much, much less battery powerthan theaverage live wallpaper.**Super easy to use!** Upon install the app will bring uptheoptions menu and then immediately let you set the wallpaper.Nohassle and easy to use!**Translated to 35 languages!** Do you really, really wanttolearn Russian? We didn’t think so, but it’s available just incase,in any language your phone can display!Please note that live wallpapers can’t be setautomatically.We’ll bring you to the setup screen where you’llselect the livewallpaper. We’d love to do it automatically butAndroid doesn’tallow it. Maybe some day.Some tasty veggies were harmed in the making of this app.Selecttext from Wikipedia, which does not endorse this product.Licensedunder the creative commons(
VW Tommy Touran 1.9
Hru vám přináší Volkswagen."Čau posádko, jmenuji se Tommy Touran! Jsem extra třídavesvětěbouráků. Cesta se mnou uteče dřívnežřeknetesupermegaprimanejnejnejTommyTouran! Asfalt pod kolyrozpálímdoběla, tak jedééém."Naložte svým dětem na cestu novou aplikaci VW TommyTouran,sekterou si užijí spoustu zábavy. Postavička Tommy Touranmáneustáledobrou náladu, zadává vtipné i přemýšlivé úkoly,kterénadšeněkomentuje.Děti se při plnění úkolů místo koukání na displejtelefonunebotabletu musí dívat kolem sebe, vymýšlet příběhynebozpívatpísničky. Aplikace tak podporuje fantazii dětí atakéjejichdovednosti, jako je například orientace v barváchneboprocvičovánípočtů.Tommy Touran má pro vaše děti například tyto úkoly:- Dokud neuvidíš žluté auto, říkej: "Pudl prdl pudr.Pudlprdlpudr."- Napočítej pět modrých aut a vyjmenuj pět řek.- Kdo má na nohách tenisky, vyjmenuje tři značky aut.- Kam na světě bys chtěl jet?- Kdybys mohl být slavný zpěvák, kým bys chtěl být?- Vymysli napínavý příběh o Tommy Touranovi.Aplikace se ovládá jednoduchým šejkováním(zatřesetetelefonem)nebo slajdováním (pohyb prstem ze strany nastranu podisplejitelefonu).Tak zařaďte pětku, popojedem. Nainstalujte si TommyhoTouranadosvého telefonu nebo tabletu, a už nikdy od vašichdětíneuslyšíteotázku: "Kdy už tam budem?"The gamebringsVolkswagen."All hands Hi, my name is Tommy Touran! I am extra classintheworld of muscle car. The road runs off me beforeIsaysupermegaprimanejnejnejTommyTouran! The asphalt underthewheelsset alight to white and jedééém."Load up your children on the path of the new applicationVWTouranTommy, is that you have plenty of entertainment.CharacterTommyTouran has a constantly good mood, funny andthoughtfulentered tasksenthusiastically commented.Children, when performing tasks instead of watching thescreenofthe phone or tablet has to look around, invent storiesorsingsongs. Applications and supporting the imagination ofchildrenandtheir skills, such as orientation, color or practicecounts.Tommy Touran is for your children, for example,thefollowingtasks:- Until you see the yellow car, say: "farted powderPoodle.Poodlefarted powder."- COUNT five blue cars and Name the five rivers.- Who has legs sneakers, enumerates three brands of cars.- Where in the world do you want to go?- If you could be a famous singer, who would you want to be?- Invent a thrilling story about Tommy Touran.The application is controlled by a simple šejkováním(shakethephone) or slajdováním (move your finger from side to sideoverthephone screen).So merge five, Moving on. Install Tommy Touran to yourphoneortablet, and you'll never hear from your child'squestion:"Whenwill you be there?"