Top 12 Apps Similar to Tutorials for Photoshop CC

Learn Photoshop Fast Pro 1.0
Howcast Media
Looking to break into graphic design or wanttolearn another skill to make you more competitive in theworkplace?Maybe you just want to trick your friends with a pictureof you andQueen Elizabeth having tea together? You can learn allof this andmore with this video series on Photoshop C5 that willhave you onyour way to photoshopping like an expert!
Photoshop Script Tutorials 1.0
▧ Learn Photoshop Scriptbytap-dancing!!!▧ Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, justlikeyou are learning on the real Photoshop!▧ More effective and funny than watching the videos or readingthebooks!▧ The first and only app to focus exclusively on advancedPhotoshopScript techniques!WHAT IS PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT?Photoshop is well known for its support for Filters andActions,but there's a third way to increase the functionality ofAdobe'simage editing tool – Scripts. Photoshop Scripts are a littlelikeActions, but rather than simply being able to replay a seriesofsteps, Scripts can make conditional decisions during processingtoenable them to be more intelligent.They also have access to the whole set of Photoshopfunctionality,including elements not easily accessible to mereactions, so theycan do things simply not possible with actionsalone.WHAT IS INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT?INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT brings yousimple,funny, interactive learning app for Photoshop Script. Theappteaches you about each of the features of Photoshop Script andshowyou how to use them in detail. With candid, jargon-free adviceandstep-by-step guidance, you’ll get everything of PhotoshopScript.It's like having your own personal tutor teaching youPhotoshopScript. You'll learn how you can use Photoshop script toexpressyourself and fine tune your images more quickly thanbefore!ENVIROMENT- Adobe® Photoshop® CC 2014- ExtendScript Toolkit- JavaScriptFEEDBACKApp is continuously updated based on your feedback. Pleasebekind in your app reviews, tell others how you useINTERACTIVETUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT, and stay tuned for newand excitingfeatures.√ Help? Comments? Suggestions? Contact us at [email protected] tutorials for Illustrator, CorelDRAW,Flash,indesign, Firework, Premiere, 3D Max, Maya are coming...
Training for Photoshop CS6 2.0.0
Learn to be an advanced user of Photoshop CS6.
ABC StarterKit Deutsch DAF DFA 1.1.2
ABC StarterKit: Beginning German / German Language DFA DAF
Tutorials Photoshop CC Light 1.0.2
We present you the new videotutorialsforPhotoshop CC. Now, you don’t have to lose a lot of timespendingalot of money, reading tones of books or watching hoursofvideos.We have selected and structured only the information,whichis themost effective and easy to learn. It took us years tofind,readand structure this information for you so you could reallygetyourdesired results as quick as possible, of course,ataffordableprices.
Computer Excel Photoshop Tips 1.0
CML Studio
Every Day New TipsTips & Tricks ExcelThe best Tips & Tricks on using Microsoft Excel.Tutorials,Shortcuts and step by step guides.Tips & Tricks WindowsAre you new to using computers? If you are new to thecomputer,don'tworry,with this "learn computer with this app".Tips & Tricks WordThe best Tips & Tricks on using Microsoft Word.Tutorials,Shortcuts and step by step guides.Tips For PhotoshopThis App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials tolearnAdobePhotoshop! Very easy to read and follow step-by-stepforeveryone.Want to learn all the tricks, tips?SEO TIPSProvide you with real examples (from our web sites) on howourSEOstrategy can give your web site search engine visibilityinGoogle,Bing and Yahoo.
Praktek Photoshop 1.0
Dalam dunia photoshop seleksimerupakangarisputus-putus yang membatasi bagian gambar yangdilakukandalamrangka proses pemotongan,pergeseran/perpindahansetelahseleksitersebut dibuat sedangkan masking mempunyai kegunaanyanghampirsama dengan erasing tool, bedanya jika menggunakanteknikmaskingmaka gambar tidak akan rusak dan bisa dikembalikansepertisemulakarena efek ini hanya menutupi bagian yang tidakdiinginkan.bedadengan teknik erasing dengan eraser tool yangmenghapusobjeksecara langsung. oleh karena itu editor fotoprofesionallebihmenggunakan masking ketimbang dengan erasertool.untuk itudisiniakan dijelaskan secara detail berbagai teknikseleksi danmaskingyang sering digunakan oleh editor fotoprofesional,diantaranya:- menghapus warna solid- masking sebuah pohon- teknik profesional masking rambut- masking objek transparan*jika tutorial ini berguna untuk anda,jangan lupauntukmemberikanrate 5 dan jika ada keluhan/kritik jangan sungkanuntukmengirimisaya email di [email protected] the worldofphotoshopselection is the dashed line that limits the portionofthe imageis done in the framework of the process of cutting,shift/displacement after the selection is made while maskinghaveutilitysimilar to erasing tool, except when using amaskingtechnique thenthe image will not be damaged and couldrestoredbecause thiseffect only cover the unwanted. different fromerasingtechniquewith the eraser tool that removes the objectdirectly.therefore amore professional image editor using maskingthan theerasertool.untuk it here will be explained in detail a widerangeofselection and masking techniques are often usedbyprofessionalphoto editors, including:- Remove solid color- Masking a tree- Professional engineering masking hair- Masking a transparent object* If this tutorial is useful to you, do not forget to givearateof 5 and if there are complaints / criticisms do nothesitatetosend me an email at [email protected]
Tutorial Photoshop Indonesia 6.1
Aplikasi Tutorial photoshopIndonesiainimempermudah seseorang untuk belajar photshop diSmarthphone.Adobephotoshop atau lebih sering disebut denganphotoshop adalahsebuahperangkat lunak editor milik adobe system.Photoshop inidikuhsuskan unutk pembuatan efek dan pengeditan fotoatau gambardantelah banyak digunakan oleh para fotografer digitaldanperusahaaniklan.Denga Aplikasi ini anda bisa Belajar:1. Manipulasi foto dnegan Photoshop2. Disain Text dengan Photoshop3. Trik mengedit tulisan di photoshop4. Belajar Tools Photoshop5. Membuat Vector6. Membuat Effect Foto7. DLLIndonesia'sPhotoshoptutorial application, enables a person to learnphotshopinsmarthphone. Adobe Photoshop or more commonly referredtophotoshopis a software editor adobe-owned system. Photoshop isinkuhsuskanfatherly effects creation and photo editing or imageandhas beenwidely used by digital photographers andadvertisingcompanies.Premises This application you can Learning:1. Manipulation Photoshop dnegan photo2. Design Text with Photoshop3. Trick edit the text in Photoshop4. Learning Tools Photoshop5. Make Vector6. Make Photo Effect7. DLL
VOXApp Photoshop 1.0
« Apprendre par soi-même »n’estpasune tâche facile à accomplir, c’est pourquoi lesVOXAppsVOXPedagovous accompagnent dans la phase de découverteet/oud’apprentissaged’un logiciel ou de techniques.Les livres et les vidéos représentent aujourd’hui lesdeuxmédiasles plus répandus pour un transfert deconnaissances,efficaces etsimples d’usages, constituent-ils pourautant lesmeilleuresméthodes et approches pédagogiques pourl’apprentissaged’unlogiciel ?L’idée de création d’une VOXApp est née d’uneréelleexpériencepédagogique en salle de cours. Alors qu’ungrouped’étudiantsétaient en difficultés pour reproduire unexercice, unenseignant aeu l’idée de chercher à les dirigeroralement pour lesaider àatteindre leur objectif. Il les aaccompagné oralement dudébut àla fin, instructions aprèsinstructions, mot après mot,lesapprenants s’exécutaient simplement,leur mémoire se limitantàretenir ce qu’ils étaient en train defaire. De là est néleconstat suivant : un simple enregistrementaudio aurait pu jouerlemême rôle ! Dans ce dernier cas, lesétudiants auraient pufairerépéter l’enregistrement autant de foisqu’ils le souhaitaient,ils auraient également pu le mettre en pauseà n’importequelmoment.Une VOXApp est donc un merveilleux moyen pour apprendreparsoimême un logiciel ou une technique, vous serez guidéoralementàtravers plusieurs enregistrements audio que vousécouterez àvotrerythme tout en effectuant les manipulationsénoncées. Uncontrôleurspécialement conçu pour un écran tactile sursmartphonevouspermettra de contrôler facilement la lecturedesenregistrementsaudio qu’une VOXApp contient."Learning byoneself"isnot an easy task, so the VOXApps VOXPedago accompany youinthediscovery phase and / or learning software or techniques.Books and videos are now the two most common mediaforknowledgetransfer, efficient and easy to use, they are providedthebestmethods and pedagogical approaches to learning software?The idea of ​​creating a VOXApp was born of areallearningexperience in the classroom. While a group of studentswereindifficulties to reproduce a year, a teacher had theideaof​​trying to direct them orally to help them achieve theirgoal.Heaccompanied them orally from beginning toend,followinginstructions instructions, word by word, learnerswererunningsimply limited their memory to remember what theyweredoing. Thuswas born the following observation: a simpleaudiorecording couldhave played the same role! In the lattercase,students may have torepeat the recording as many times astheywanted, they would havealso been able to pause it atanymoment.A VOXApp is a wonderful way to learn by itselfsoftwareortechnique, you will be guided through several oral audioyoulistenat your own pace while performing the setmanipulations.Acontroller designed specifically for a touchscreensmartphoneallows you to easily control the playback of audiothatcontainsVOXApp.
Shortcuts+ Photoshop 1.0.3
Wanderas Inc.
Your essential companion to AdobePhotoshop.Access your favorite program's keyboard shortcutssimultaneously asyou work, or use it as cheat sheets on your questto master AdobePhotoshop.For both Windows and Mac users. Includes filter option toquicklyfind the shortcut you're looking for! Simple and elegant.Downloadit now.More info at
Curso Photoshop CS4 1.3
aulaClic S.L.
Cuso de Photoshop CS4. Con explicacionesclarasy sencillas. Partiendo desde cero llegarás a dominarPhotoshop. Conabundantes imágenes, ejercicios y autoevaluaciones.Adaptado almóvil.Cuso Photoshop CS4.Withclear and simple explanations. You arrive from scratch tomasterPhotoshop. With abundant pictures, exercises andself-assessments.Adapted to the mobile.
Basic Photoshop 2013 Tutorial 1.0
On-the-go photo editing was never sofun,fast,and cool. Touch your way to better-looking pictureswithautomaticfixes and filters. Get your pictures to pop! Andaftersharing,you’ll be the talk of your friends. 
Get more of what you want: 

•Basics: Crop, straighten, rotate, and flip your photos.Removeredeye, and pet eye.•Auto-Fix: A one-touch adjustment for contrast, exposure,andwhitebalance. 
•Blemish Removal: With one touch, remove spots, dirt, anddustfromyour photos.•Color: Slide controls for clarity, contrast,exposure,highlights,shadows, temperature, tint, sharpen andvibrance.
•One-touch filters “Looks”: Choose from more than20eye-catchingeffects! And now control the intensity ofLooks.•The image rendering engine improves performance andenableshandlingof large file sizes – i.e. panoramic photos.•Borders: Add a distinctive personal touch to your photoswith15borders and frames. Express yourself!•RAW photo support: Import and edit photos in RAW format.•Share to all your favorite social sites: Facebook,Twitter,Tumblrand more. 
•Add the Premium Looks pack to give your photos fun, freshlookswith20 new one-touch filters.*•Add the Advanced Paid Pack (formerly called NoiseReductionPack).This pack includes:-Noise Reduction to minimize unwanted grain and specklinginyournight photos.-Defog to reduce fog and haze from photos.*