Top 49 Games Similar to Feed The Baby Deer

Ravenous Boy Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Ravenous Boy Escape is a point and click escapegamefrom games2jolly family. A small boy is so ravenous andneedssomething to stuff up his stomach. He saw an apple tree nearbyandwent near it to fetch some apples for his hunger. The apple treeisso high that he couldn't reach those apples. He fetched a stickandtried but that too didn't worked. Find him a hook and tie itwiththat stick so that the ravenous boy won't be hungry anymore.Goodluck...
Brisk Boy Escape 1.0.1
Brisk Boy Escape is a point and click escape game fromgames2jollyfamily.
Foal Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Foal Rescue is the new point and click escapegamefrom games2jolly family. A horse family is living in a forest.Thefather horse was kidnapped and killed by evil hunters andtheylocked the mother horse and their foal in different places,Untiethe foal and let the family reunite, good luck...
2017 New Year Escape 1.0.1
2017 New Year Escape is a point and click escape gamefromGames2Jolly Team.
Escape The Car From Shed 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape The Car From Shed is a point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. The weekend has just over andall thefun our Drake has ended and it's Monday again. He brushedhisteeth, took a bath, dressed up well and came out to start tohisoffice. When he came in front of his garage he found thatthegarage key was missing. Help him find the key by using theobjectsaround and manipulating them so that Drake can reach officeontime. Good luck...
Dalmatian House Rescue 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Dalmatian House Rescue isapointand click escape game from games2jolly family. A dalmatiandogisbeing raised by a man as a pet. He has built a den for thatdog.Ona normal day when the dog went inside the den to relax itfoundasnake lying there. The dalmatian is very scared so get ridofthesnake ASAP. Good luck...
Queen Honey Bee Rescue 1.0.1
Queen Honey Bee Rescue is a new point and click escape gamefromGames2Jolly.
Delivery Boy Vehicle Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Delivery Boy Vehicle Escape isapoint and click new escape game developed by games2jolly team.Hereis our man who was a bread lover just like others. He haveordereda bread and the delivery man is waiting for bike key. Useyourintelligence to find the objects and solve the puzzles to findthekey.Have fun, Good luck. Jollymania!!!
Escape From Classic Room 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Classic Room is the new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and inyourdream you see yourself locked up in a classic room in whichyouwere staying. You need to escape from there ASAP beforesomethinghappen to you in your sleep. Figure out a way to escapefrom there.Look out for the clues and use them accordingly to finda escaperoute. Good luck in your escape. Jollymania...
Priest House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Priest House Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a priest house in which you werestaying.You need to escape from there ASAP before something happento youin your sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there. Lookout forthe clues and use them accordingly to find a escape route.Goodluck in your escape. Jollymania...
Ravenous Horse Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Ravenous Horse Rescue isanothertype of point and click new escape game concept of this game is to feeding Hay forthehungry Horse.Now, you need to find the Hay for Horse by usingtheclues and by solving the puzzles. Good luck, Havefun.Jollymania!!!
Watering The Grass 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Watering The Grass is anewpointand click escape game from Games2Jolly team. Our friend hasabighouse with a large lawn. The lawn has lots of grass spread.Hehasgone on a tour to neighboring country and will returnaftersomedays. There is a gardener who takes care of the lawndaily. Hefeelsick few days and returned today to see the lawn. Hefoundthegrasses looked dry and needs water to flourish. Open themotorroom(find the key) and water the grass. Good luck...
Cross The Cave Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Cross The Cave Escape is a point and click escapegamedeveloped by Games2Jolly Team. We know that you are a greatfan ofEscape games but that doesn’t mean you should not likepuzzles. Sohere we present you Cross The Cave Escape. A cocktailwith anessence of both Puzzles and Escape tricks. Good luck andhave afun!!!
Spirit Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Spirit Escape is a point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly family. There was a good spirit in town whichhelpedthe people in it in many ways. When there's hunger for fooditoffered food, when there's water scarcity it provided withwater.Such a good soul was hated by some ignorants. They haveplanned toseal the spirit since a long time and succeeded in it nowbysealing it inside a coffin. Help the poor soul come out so thatitcan continue its good deed. Good luck...
Goods Train Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Goods Train Escape is thenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. We knowthatyou are a great fan of Escape games but that doesn’t meanyoushould not like puzzles. So here we present you Escape formgoodstrain. A cocktail with an essence of both Puzzles andEscapetricks. Good luck and have a fun!!!
Parachute Boy Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Parachute Boy Escape is another type of pointandclick new escape game developed by A boyjumpedwith a parachute from a flying airplane. His target was toreach acastle which is located in the middle of a forest. While hewasgliding in the parachute wind flew vigorously and pushedhimtowards a building somewhere in the forest. His parachutegotseparated from him and he fell near that building and hisparachutefell on the roof of that building. Help him get to the topof thatbuilding so that he can get his parachute back and fly tohistarget. Good luck...
Escape From Toy Home 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Escape From Toy Home isapointand click escape game from games2jolly forEscapeGmaesDaily.Youfell asleep and in your dream you see yourselflocked up in aBlueDwelling House in which you were staying. Youneed to escapefromthere ASAP before something happen to you in yoursleep. Figureouta way to escape from there. Look out for the cluesand usethemaccordingly to find a escape route. Good luck inyourescape.Jollymania...
Farming Land Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Farming Land Escape is apointand click escape game from games2jolly family. Every person inthisworld choose a profession for their living. Of those there arefewwhich are notably noble. One such an occupation is agriculture-the art of making food. One such farmer put his efforts andraisedcrops in his field. His cow entered his crop land andstartedfeeding on his crops for a while which he noted just now.Find hima rope to tie his cow away from the crop field. Goodluck...
Jolly Boy Rescue 7 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Jolly Boy Rescue 7 is another point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly team. Jolly boy is in bigtrouble,witch captured our jolly boy and about to cook himalive.Find a wayto stop a witch before something goes bad.Use theobject around youand manipulate them mutually in order to solve thepuzzles,do itASAP.Good Luck.
Jolly Boy Rescue From Excavate 1.0.1
Jolly Boy Rescue From Excavate is another point and clickescapegame developed by Fastrack Games Team. A small boy wasplaying neara children's park. When he was very much involved inplaying thathe didn't notice the giant excavate nearby and feelinto that. Finda way to get him out of the excavate before hisparents becameupset. Use the objects nearby for help. Good luck...
Great Small House Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Great Small House Escape is another type of pointandclick new escape game developed by games2jollyfamily.Oneday,Unexpectedly a boy locked inside the room. No onecan't helphim. For this Purpose you have to find some HiddenObjects andSolve the Puzzles to find the objects to unlock thedoor. GoodLuck. Have a Fun. Jolly Mania!!!
Sensible Boy Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Sensible Boy Rescue is anewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. A boy wentoutto play with his friends and returned after a long time. Tohisamazement he saw that his house gate was locked and nobody inhisfamily was there. He was so sensible and therefore he will findaway to get the key to that gate. Be that boy, good luck...
2016 Santa Gift Bag Escape 1.0.1
2016 Santa Gift Bag Escape is point and click escape gamefromGames2Jolly Team.
Golden Sword Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Golden Sword Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. "If there is a strange lookingcavethere will be a hidden treasure inside it" is the unsaid factofcinematic world. Here we have one such mysterious cave and agoldensword is inside it. The cave entrance was covered by a hugerock.You have to move the rich aside in order to get inside thecave andget your hands on the sword. Good luck...
Cute Boy Joy Stick Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Cute Boy Joy Stick Escape is another onepointandclick escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team.It'ssemesterholidays for our boy and he needs to pass the timebyhaving funindoor since it's been training outside. Find himhisgamingjoystick which he had kept somewhere after playing withthatduringlast semester holidays so that he can play thebestmindchallenging games online.
Terrapin Boat Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Terrapin Boat Escape is thenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. Heypal,welcome to Terrapin Boat Escape. There is this cute littleterrapinkidnapped by some rouge hunters and locked inside a cage inthecenter of the forest. after some days the terrapin escapedfromcage but it can't find the way to escape from forest, so allyouhave to do is to help this sweet being by collecting theclues,matching them accordingly and solving the puzzles and thusmakinghim escape from this jungle. Start your favour now.
Tiger Cubs Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Tiger Cubs Rescue is thenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. Forest isanatural habitat for many animals and birds.Tiger won't huntotheranimals unless they're hungry. Tiger are hunted by man fortheirhead, skin, fur, claws, etc.., A tiger cub was wandering aloneinthe first and some evil hunters kidnapped him and locked him inaforest with grilled gate. Save that cute tiger cub before theytakehim to the city. Good luck...
Escape The Black Cat 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape The Black Cat is thenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. Cats arecutepets that are living among humans since many centuries. Onesuchcute black cat is trapped inside cage. Find a way to open acage sothat the cat can get to his owner. Solve the puzzles and usetheobjects around to get help in your task. Good luck
Jolly Boy Rescue From Basement 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Jolly Boy Rescue From Basementisthe new point and click escape game from games2jolly family.Somepricks have kidnapped our jollyboy and locked him up inbasementroom far away from the hometown.You are some how into hismind usingthe mind-transfer technique by accident. It's time foryou to outrun that boy's brilliance. Check out for clues, solvethe puzzlesyou encounter and make him escape ASAP. Goodluck.Jollymania...
Fool Boy Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Fool Boy Rescue is the newpointand click escape game from games2jolly family.There was asmall boyin a park playing alone. He was so playful and also actedsostupid. His activities are dumb and it's easily noted byothers.This time he tried to looked inside a cylindrical drum andfellupside down into that vertical standing drum. Sort out a way togethim out of that drum. Use the objects nearby and manipulate themtoget an idea how to rescue him. Good luck...
Escape The Forest Eagle 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape The Forest Eagle is another one point andclickescape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. A naughty boycaught aeagle from forest and locked-up in cage and ruined theeagle'shappiness, In order to rescue then you need to find theclues tosolve the puzzle you'll encounter. Play well, good luck.
Escape From Great Condo 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Great Condo is the new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. In this game, the houselooksvery beautiful. But the house is locked completely and the keyishidden. To escape from the house you have to find out thehousekey. Use your brilliance to find the hidden objects and solvethepuzzle to get the house key. Good luck, Have fun. Jolly mania!!!
Escape From Casa 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Casa is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a Casa House in which you werestaying.You need to escape from there ASAP before something happento youin your sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there. Lookout forthe clues and use them accordingly to find a escape route.Goodluck in your escape.
Find My Cow 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Find My Cow is a pointandclickescape game from games2jolly family. A small boy risescattleandgrows crops for his living. He takes his cows and goatsintotheforest to feed them. This seemed to be a normal dayuntilhisfavorite cow was missing. He searched through theforestbutcouldn't find it. Finally he got a clever idea and climbedupthewatch tower located in the middle of the forest butcouldn'tseeclearly. Get him a binocular to help him see clearly andfindhiscow. Good luck...
Rescue Man From Well 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Rescue Man From Well is apointand click escape game from games2jolly family. Forestsurrounding amountain is one of the beautiful creations of nature.One such aforest is located near a village. A tourist came by theforest forsight seeing. While he was admiring the Forest's beautyhe found alone well in its middle. He leaned on the side of thewell to seehow deep it goes. He couldn't see clearly so he leanedfurther.Accidentally he fell into that empty well. Rescue him bygiving hima rope to climb up. Good luck...
Watercraft Escape 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Watercraft Escape 2 is a point and click escapegamefrom games2jolly family. A friend of mine lives near a forestwhichis located at a remote location. The quickest and safe way togetthere is by water since his cottage was located near a lake.Heneeds to goto nearby city by water in his raft to buysomegroceries and stuff. While checking he found that the fuel tankisempty. Help him find the fuel he had in stock. Good luck...
Chalet House Escape 1.0.0
Chalet House Escape is another point and click escape game
Historian Book Escape 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Historian Book Escape 2 is a point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. An old historian went to theforestland in search of a precious treasure. That treasure is nogold ordiamond or any such costly things but greater than all ofthem, abook. It's not an ordinary book, it's a book which explainsancientlifestyle. Help that historian to find that precious book.Goodluck...
Abode Escape 2 1.0.1
Abode Escape 2 is the new point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly family.
Escape From Fantasy House 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Fantasy House is a point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. In this game, the house looksverybeautiful. But the house is locked completely and the keyishidden. To escape from the house you have to find out thehousekey. Use your brilliance to find the hidden objects and solvethepuzzle to get the house key. Good luck, Have fun. Jolly mania!!!
Supreme Luxury House Escape 1.0.0
Supreme Luxury House Escape is another point and click escapegamedeveloped by Games2JOlly Team. This is a pretty straightforwardpoint and click escape game. Just imagine that you've beenlockedup in a House , it's rooms are constructed perfectly to liveapleasant life. But to your unluckiness you're locked up thereandyou need to escape from there. Search for the clues, solvepuzzlesin order to escape. Good luck.
Shopping Mall Escalator Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Shopping Mall EscalatorEscapeisthe new point and click escape game fromgames2jollyfamily.Shopping and shopping mall are the words whichexciteswomen, drivethen crazy, makes them enthusiastic and BTW alsoemptymen's bankbalance. Women aren't the only addicts to shopping,thereareanother set of addicts called children. They like tobuytoys,colorful dresses, tasty chocolates, crispy snacks andmanymore.One such child is standing at the bottom of anescalator.Theescalator was not working. Fix the thing so that theboy willstarthis purchase happily. Good luck
Find The Record Book 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Find The Record Book is a point and click escapegamefrom games2jolly family. The concept of the game is to findarecord book to the school girl who needs to submit her projecttoher teacher. She lost her record book in her house, she couldnotfind it. She needs your help to find her record book to submititto her teacher. Help her to find the book and escape herfrompunishment. Good luck and have a fun.
Black Stone Fort Escape 1.0.1
Black Stone Fort Escape is another point and click escape game
Save The Patient 1.0.1
Save The Patient is a point and click escape game fromgames2jollyfamily.
Escape The Postman 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Escape The Postman is apointandclick escape game from games2jolly family. We know that youareagreat fan of Escape games but that doesn’t mean you shouldnotlikepuzzles. So here we present you Save The Patient. Acocktailwith anessence of both Puzzles and Escape tricks. Good luckandhave afun!!!
Escape From Cartoon Room 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Cartoon Room is a point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly Team. You fell asleep and youfindyourself locked inside a house which you have never seen beforebutlooks lively. When you look for an exit to get out you find nowayout except a strong door which is not easy to break. So youmustfind a key to open a door in order to escape. Search for theclues,use the objects you collect logically and escape fromthereASAP.Good luck.
Find The Crown Of Prince 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Find The Crown Of Prince is a point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. Let's imagine A Boy has grownup andhe is the king of an empire for just this game. He needs tobehonored with the King's Golden Crown. But the golden crownwasmissing. The king's maid had kept it somewhere in his housenearbythe palace and couldn't remember where exactly he kept it.You needto help him in finding the crown so that the maid can besaved fromany of the penalties like losing the palace job or evenworse to bebeheaded. Use your instincts and find the crown sooner.Good luck,Jollymania...
Vegetable Cart Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Vegetable Cart Escape is a new point and clickescapegame from Games2Jolly team. A vegetable seller was movingfrom hishome to the market with a fully loaded cart of vegetables.When hewas about to cross his street one of his cart wheels wasdamaged.It's already late for market so find a replacement wheel,change itand make him get to the market soon. Good luck...