Top 11 Apps Similar to Android Eclipse Live Tutorial

Developing Android Apps Basics 2
This free short book describes the basics of Android development.
Easy Eclipse 0.0.2
Vmak Design
Easy Eclipse Application is useful totheprogrammer or coder who uses Eclipse As IDE to developdifferentapplications. This app contains the commonly usedShortcuts forEclipse IDE.We have categorized the shortcuts so thatuser caneasily get it.Your feedback is very important for us to improve the contentofapplication. Please share your comments with us.
Eclipse 4 IDE 1.0
TM SoftStudio
Книга посвящена разработке широкогоспектраJavaприложений с использованием среды разработки Eclipse 4IDE. Вкнигерассматриваются основы работы в Eclipse 4 IDE, втомчислеиспользование средств отладки, тестирования ирефакторингакода.Также рассматриваются команднаяразработка,интернационализация илокализация приложений, созданиеграфическогоинтерфейсапользователя на основе библиотек SWT/JFace.Вы узнаетеособенностиразработки RCP и Android приложений, а такжеWeb и Ajaxприложенийна основе Eclipse проектов RAP, GWT, Riena,SCA, Scout,WPT, DTP,BIRT и др. Книга сопровождается большимколичествомпримеров сподробным анализом исходных кодов.The book isdedicatedtothe development of a wide range of Java applicationsusingtheEclipse development environment 4 IDE. The book coversthebasicsof working in 4 Eclipse IDE, including the use oftoolsfordebugging, testing and refactoring code. It alsodiscussesthedevelopment team, the internationalization andlocalizationofapplications, creating a graphical user interfacebased onthelibrary SWT / JFace. You will learn the developmentfeatures ofRCPand Android applications as well as Web and Ajaxapplicationsbasedon Eclipse Project RAP, GWT, Riena, SCA, Scout,WPT, DTP,BIRT, andothers. The book is accompanied by a large numberofexamples witha detailed analysis of the source code.
Eclipse Shortcuts 3.0
Bhavna Raiya
Eclipse Shortcuts App containscategory-wiselist of commonly used Eclipse Shortcuts.This is very useful to Developers who use Eclipse as IDE.Your feedback in form of ratings and comments will behighlyappreciated.
Eclipse Calculator 1.0.4
This is an application to compute andsimulateastronomical events. A tool for astronomy lovers thatallows toknow in a simple way the general and local circumstancesfor solarand lunar eclipses and planetary transits.Which futur eclipses will be visible from my location? Andfromthe antipodes? What they will be like? How long will they last?Andin the past, how many eclipses have there been? All these andmanyother questions about both, eclipses and planetary transits,areanswered with this tool. Now, all the information abouttheseevents in your mobile thanks to this application.This applicaction has the support of the GeneralitatdeCatalunya, Institut d'Estudis Espacials de CatalunyaandUniversitat de Barcelona.Characteristics:* Access to data of all solar and lunar eclipses andplanetarytransits between 1900 and 2100.* Computation of general circumstances of thephenomenon,including global visibility maps.* Computation of the local circumstances of the phenomenonforany place in the world (beginning, end, duration, altitude oftheSun or Moon above the horizon, ...)* Simulation of the phenomenon from your observationalpoint.* Choice of observation place from a data base, manually orfromthe GPS coordinates.* Available in English, Catalan and Spanish.
Mobile Application Development 3.0
An application designed to teach anyone willing tolearnaboutAndroid development. Originally a Moodle course createdforthestudents of Garland Independent School District (GISD),thiscourseis now completely free andavailableat Covered Topics: • HowtouseEclipse • XML Programming • User Interface Design •Terminology•Android Activity Lifecycle • Android Layouts • TextView•EditText• Button • ToggleButton • RadioGroup • CheckBox •ListView• Intent• Menus • Toast • Sound • Icon • Much, much more!Optimizedforsmall, medium, large and extra-large screen sizes sothe applooksgreat on any device! Forthepublic: ForGISDstudents:
Learn Java 3.8.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get ithere: in a greatly improved learning environment with morelessons,real practice opportunity, and community support.SoloLearn's LearnJava is a comprehensive guide to one of the mostpopularprogramming languages in the world. And here's a bonus:Learn Javais FREE! The lessons in Learn Java lessons are fast,easy, andeffective; the app is set up to be completed in less thanthreehours. No prior programming experience is needed. With LearnJava,you’ll learn object-oriented Java programming and have theabilityto write clear and valid code in almost no time at all. Sodon'thesitate. Begin our step-by-step tutorial today, and learn anewskill! The app's 64 lessons cover the following topics: •JavaBasics: Variables, Operators, etc. • Conditional StatementsandLoops • Arrays • Classes and Objects • Encapsulation,Polymorphism,and Inheritance • Abstract Classes and Interfaces •Anonymous andInner Classes • Exception Handling • Lists • HashMaps• Sets •Threads • Working with Files • And Much More! Become aJavadeveloper – start SoloLearn's FREE tutorial today!! Unlocklevels,collect points, and compete with your peers around theworld. Learnand have fun with SoloLearn!
Eclipse 2016 1.1.5
W. Strickling
Your companion to the total solar eclipseof2016 March 09 in Asia, Indonesia, Singapore and the Pacific.Learn,how to observe this eclipse and where you will find thebestobservation places. Although a bit of the eclipse will be seenfrommost parts of Eastern Asia and the Pacific, you will get thebesteclipse experience only in the very narrow corridor oftotality.This app will guide you to the best places to enjoy thiswonderfuleclipse and tells you what you need to observe theeclipse!This astronomic app informs you about the exact timings oftheeclipse based on your individual GPS or network position. Itwillshow you a map with the entire eclipse path, giving you detailsontimes and local circumstances. Even before the eclipse you willseean animation of the event as it will be seen from yourlocation.When the eclipse is in progress, it will show a realtimeanimationof the celestial event. You will hear acousticannouncements ofimportant stages of the eclipse and see a countdownon yourdisplay. Search your favorite location from a huge databaseor fromthe map or simply use your actual device position.For each selected location you will see an animation howtheeclipse will look like. With this animation, you can comparetheaspect of the eclipse from your location to any other locationorimportant places like the point of maximum eclipse.To select your best viewing spot the app provides anaugmentedreality view. The progress of the eclipse is projectedonto a lifecamera picture of your device. So you can avoid blockedof yourview by trees or buildings and select the best place toenjoy theentire eclipse.To be reminded of the eclipse of 2016-03-09 you can addthecalculated timings to your personal android calendar.Engaged amateur astronomers will find a screen withdetailedinformation and the local circumstances of the eclipse.Available languages:English, German, French, Italian, Spanish,Malaysian,Indonesian.Required Permissions:- Exact location: For site-specific calculations of thecontacttimes.- Internet Access: Online selection and network basedlocalizationof an observation site.- SD card access: Storing settings, event lists, logs andlocationscoordinates for offline search.- Hardware controls: Camera. Required for AR.- Your Account - Read Google service configuration: Needed fortheGoogle maps module
Planet's Position 2.3.2
Tim Gaddis
Planet's positions and solar/lunar eclipse calculations.
Eclipse UI Tips 1.5
Kaloyan Raev
Best practices for building Eclipse user interface
JDK7 Javadoc Explorer 1.1
This is a javadoc reference for JDK7.This app is designed to be quicker to use for developers.How to use:Enter just class name : e.g. String either select fromdropdownmenu OR tap search buttonORenter at least first 3 chars of a class and select from dropdownmenu.To browse a package:enter package name followed by dot(.): e.g. lang. select classofchoice from the dropdownTo make a new search, just tap on the search text menu.If you find a bug, please put it in the review, I will try togetthat fixed probably within a week or so :)