Top 2 Games Similar to Aero Watch Pro

Aero Nav 3.1392
Help application to aviation type "moving map"
Aero Watch Free 1.0_beta10
Aero Glass
Aero Watch provides all yournecessaryaviationinstruments - right on your wrist!See details & features at: Watch provides the following instruments onyourwatch,mobile & tablet:* Altimeter* Attitude Indicator* Heading Indicator* Speed Indicator* Vertical Speed Indicator* Turn & Slip Indicator* Clock & Stop watch* GPS raw data* RMI* CDI* HSIThis application is the free demo version for the AeroWatchPro,and includes a small demo navigation database, with21globalairports. Try the Pro version for acomprehensivenavigationdatabase including global coverage forairports andnavaids. ThePro version also allow you to connect to aniLevil AHRSdevice.Airports contained in the demo version by ICAO code arethe20busiest global airports plus a bonus airport:EDDF, EGLL, EHAM, KATL, KDEN, KDFW, KJFK, KLAX, KORD,LFPG,LHBP,LTBA, OMDB, RJTT, VHHH, WIII, WMKK, WSSS, ZBAA, ZGGG,ZSPDThe application runs on a regular phone & tablet aswell,withthe same features as on the watch.For detailed documentation, visit our websiteat