Top 6 Apps Similar to Advanced Firewall

NoRoot Firewall
Grey Shirts
Firewall WITHOUT ROOT. Host name name filtering, fine-grainedaccesscontrol.
LostNet NoRoot Firewall 1.7.2
LostNet Soft
Learn which apps are chatting via Internet behind your back.Seewhich countries they send your data to. With simple andeffectiveLostNet NoRoot App & Geo Firewall, you'll stopallcommunications that you don't need!WIth LostNet NoRoot Firewall you will be able- to block Internet access for any app. Let LostNet Firewallprovidefull Internet access to an app or access only in Wi-Finetworks orno access at all.- to block access to any country/region for all your apps.UseLostNet Firewall to prevent your apps from connecting tothecountries you don't trust or don't want to deal with.- to block background activities of your apps. Surprisingly a lotofapps generate traffic while they are in background mode.LostNetFirewall may decrease your data consumption by blockingtheseapps.- to capture packets (sniffer!) sent to and from your devicewiththe sniffer tool and to analyze them using tool of LostNet NoRoot Firewall allows you to learndetailsabout the data your apps are sending. Use the sniffer toolto checkwhether your personal info is sent out. Also use thesniffer todebug applications.- to monitor amount of data consumed by apps. This informationisextremely useful if you don't have unlimited data plan.Forexample, use LostNet NoRoot Firewall to compare backgrounddataconsumption by Skype, Viber and Whatsapp to choose which oneisbetter for your data plan.- to track the countries your apps are connecting to. ThiswayLostNet Firewall Helps to detect suspicious apps andspyware.- to receive instant notifications. Get notified when a blockedapptries to connect to Internet or when some app tries to connectto ablocked country.- to block ad networks. As LostNet NoRoot Firewallinterceptstraffic from all apps, it is capable of removing trafficto certainad networks.- to create multiple profiles in order to switch betweenspecificrules for different situations. Profiles can be very usefulwhenyou want to set different rules while you are in roaming orforexample when your children use your Android device.- to save your battery life. Most of your apps performperiodicactivities which bring your wireless connection on and,thus, drainyour battery really fast. LostNet NoRoot Firewall canblock theseactivities.Features* NO ROOT required. All features work WITHOUT rooting* Virtual (fake) VPN connection to control your apps. Wedon'ttunnel your packets anywhere!* Simple user friendly interface* Minimum system permissions required* Block Internet connections for any app* Block connections to countries/regions* Block ad networks* Block background activities of your apps* Packets sniffer. Capture packets sent from your device andanalyzethem on (compatible with WireShark andtcpdump)* Monitor per country data usage by app* Monitor countries your apps are connecting to* Create profiles to set specific rules for differentsituations(ex. roaming)* Helpful notifications on your app activities* Ads Free* Saves battery life* Intelligent suggestions to improve your Internet experience* On/Off protection switch and widget* Automatic launch on device restartLostNet App and Geo Firewall Pro is available withadditionalfeatures* Malware shield. Block known malicious networks andwebsites* Block untrusted/suspicious apps in your office network(BYODfirewall)* Block your apps during night hours* Use sniffer without any restrictions* View data usage on per month basis* Switch off alert notifications
Computer Networking Concepts 1.8
One-stop application for everything under Computer Networking!!
LostNet NoRoot Firewall Pro 1.7.2
LostNet Soft
Learn which apps are chatting via Internet behind yourback.Seewhich countries they send your data to. With simpleandeffectiveLostNet NoRoot App & Geo Firewall, you'llstopallcommunications that you don't need! WIth LostNet Firewallyouwillbe able - to block Internet access for any app. ChoosebetweenfullInternet access or access only in Wi-Fi networks or noaccessatall. - to block access to any country/region for allyourapps.Don't allow your apps connecting to the countries youdon'ttrustor don't want to deal with. - to block backgroundactivitiesofyour apps. Surprisingly a lot of apps generate trafficwhiletheyare in background mode. Decrease your data consumptionbyblockingthese apps. - to protect your device from knownmaliciousnetworksand web sites (malware shield) - to block adnetworks. AsLostNetFirewall intercepts traffic from all apps, it iscapableofremoving traffic to certain ad networks. -toblockuntrusted/suspicious apps in your office network(BYODsolution forbusiness). All apps are able to scan yourofficenetwork and accessunprotected resources such as, forexample,shared files. In orderto avoid this, block your untrustedappswhile in the officenetwork. - to block your apps duringnighthours. Save your dataand battery life by blocking trafficgeneratedby your apps whileyou are sleeping. It also helps to avoidnoisynotifications thatmay wake you up. - to capture packets sentto andfrom your devicewith the sniffer tool and to analyze details about the data your apps aresending.- to monitoramount of data consumed by apps. Thisinformation isextremelyuseful if you don't have unlimited dataplan. For example,comparebackground data consumption by Skype,Viber and Whatsapp tochoosewhich one is better for your data plan.- to track thecountriesyour apps are connecting to. Helps to detectsuspiciousapps andspyware. - to create multiple profiles in orderto switchbetweenspecific rules for different situations. Profilescan beveryuseful when you want to set different rules while youareinroaming or for example when your children use yourAndroiddevice.- to save your battery life. Most of your appsperformperiodicactivities which bring your wireless connection onand,thus, drainyour battery really fast. LostNet Firewall canblocktheseactivities. - to switch on/off instant alertnotifications.Getnotified when a blocked app tries to connect toInternet orwhensome app tries to connect to a blocked country.Features * NoRootrequired. All features work without rooting *Virtual (fake)VPNconnection to control your apps. We don't tunnelyourpacketsanywhere! * Simple user friendly interface *Minimumsystempermissions required * Block Internet connections forany app*Block connections to countries/regions * Block adnetworks*Malware shield * Block background activities of your apps*Blockuntrusted/suspicious apps in your office network(BYODsolution) *Block your apps during night hours * Packetssniffer.Capturepackets sent from your device and analyze with WireShark and tcpdump) * Monitorpercountry datausage by app * Monitor countries your appsareconnecting to *Switch on/off alert notifications * Createprofilesto set specificrules for different situations (ex. roaming)*Switch on/offnotifications on your app activities * Ads Free*Saves batterylife * Intelligent suggestions to improveyourInternet experience* On/Off protection switch and widget*Automatic launch on devicerestart
Become A Network Engineer 1.9
If you are looking to make a career change into IT or get aheadinyour current IT role you need to get certified. But whichcareerpath is for you? Network support, desktop support, corerouter andswitch support, voice networking, security engineer...thechoice isoverwhelming.This series of taster lessons will let you dip your toes intoalarge number of courses to see which one you like the best.Thecourses take you from beginner level (A+ to up advanced withCiscoCCNP).*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*✔ Motherboards – Chipsets and Buses✔ Troubleshooting Windows - Troubleshooting Tools✔ Basic Network Theory and Terminology✔ Dynamic Routing and Protocols✔ Security Fundamentals - Information Security✔ Network Security - Network Devices✔ Risk Management - Penetration Testing✔ Installation and Virtualization✔ Maintenance and Updates✔ Device Drivers & Remote Access✔ Active Directory Infrastructure✔ Server Dashboard Quick Look✔ Managing Computer Accounts✔ Overview of Virtualization Technologies✔ Introduction to Cisco Networking✔ Introduction to switching✔ Access Control Lists✔ Introduction to Network Security✔ Understanding Privilege Levels✔ Introduction to Firewalls✔ Course Introduction✔ IOS DHCP Server Configuration✔ A Quick Glimpse at CUE✔ Introduction to JUNOS✔ First Lab - Introduction to Junos OS✔ Junos OS CLI - The Basics✔ Switching & VLANs✔ OSPF✔ Tunneling✔ Intro to Security✔ Security Policies✔ AntiSpam✔ Mass storage devices; adding and removing kernel modules✔ Install and Configure a Bootmanager - GRUB✔ Introduction to Red Hat Linux✔ Basic Red Hat Installation✔ User Administration✔ Introduction to Network Analysis✔ Global and Personal Preferences✔ Find the cause of performance problems*FEATURES*• Lifetime access to 45 lectures• 9+ hours of high quality content• A community of 11800+ students learning together!• Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.• Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!*WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"This is excellent course, I have learned a lot from it.Thankyou for providing such a course."-(Muhammad Younus ) ★★★★★Instructed By : Paul Browning | Cisco Engineer andInternetEntrepreneurI worked in the police in the UK for 12 years as a patrolofficerand detective. While I was in the job I helped teach thenew e-mailsystem to other officers. I took a few IT exams and thenleft for acareer in IT in June 2000.Install the "Become A Network Engineer" app now and join over4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Surveying: Engineering study 7
This free App covers most important topics in simpleEnglishanddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the timeofExams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the mostusefulApp forlast minute preparations. The best app for school,collegeandwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot.ThisusefulApp lists 144 topics in 5 chapters, totally basedonpractical aswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledgewithnotes writtenin very simple and understandable English.Considerthis App as aquick note guide which professors use in aclassroom.The App willhelp in faster learning and quick revisionsof all thetopics. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1.INTRODUCTION2. BASICMEASUREMENTS 3. CONTROL NETWORKS 4. LOCATINGPOSITION 5.PLOTTINGDETAIL 6. Computer-aided design (CAD) 7. Erroranduncertainty 8.SIGNIFICANT FIGURES 9. ERRORS IN MEASUREMENT10.Probability 11.INDICES OF PRECISION 12. COMBINATION OF ERRORS13.Uncertainty ofaddition or subtraction 14. LEVELLING 15.CURVATUREAND REFRACTION16. EQUIPMENT 17. INSTRUMENT ADJUSTMENT 18.Automaticlevel 19.PRINCIPLE OF LEVELLING 20. SOURCES OF ERROR21.LEVELLINGAPPLICATIONS 22. Direct and Indirect contouring23.RECIPROCALLEVELLING 24. PRECISE LEVELLING 25. Parallelplatemicrometer 26.Field procedure 27. Booking and computing 28.DIGITALLEVELLING 29.Factors affecting the measuring procedure30.TRIGONOMETRICALLEVELLING 31. Contouring 32. HEIGHTING WITH GPS33.TAPES 34. FIELDWORK 35. Measuring in catenary 36.DISTANCEADJUSTMENT 37. Sag 38.ERRORS IN TAPING 39. Tension, Sag andSlope40. ELECTROMAGNETICDISTANCE MEASUREMENT (EDM) 41.INSTRUMENTADJUSTMENT 42. FIELDPROCEDURE 43. Setting up using theopticalplumb-bob 44. MEASURINGANGLES 45. Measurement by directions46.SOURCES OF ERROR 47. PLANERECTANGULAR COORDINATES 48.TRAVERSING49. Reconnaissance 50.Sources of error 51. Traversecomputation 52.TRIANGULATION 53.Resection and intersection 54.Resection 55.NETWORKS 56. PRINCIPLEOF LEAST SQUARES 57.LINEARIZATION 58.NETWORKS 59. PRINCIPLE OFLEAST SQUARES 60. LEASTSQUARES APPLIED TOSURVEYING 61.LINEARIZATION 62. PARAMETER VECTOR63. DESIGN MATRIXANDOBSERVATIONS VECTOR 64. Plan network 65.Distance equation66.Direction & Angle equation 67. WEIGHTMATRIX 68. ERRORANALYSIS69. VARIANCE-COVARIANCE MATRIX OF THEPARAMETERS 70. ERRORELLIPSES71. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and errorellipses 72.BLUNDERDETECTION 73. RELIABILITY OF THE OBSERVATIONS74.PRACTICALCONSIDERATIONS 75. ESTIMATION IN THREE DIMENSIONS76.REFERENCEELLIPSOID 77. The geoid 78. The ellipsoid 79.COORDINATESYSTEMS80. Geodetic coordinates 81. Cartesian coordinates82.Planerectangular coordinates 83. Height 84. LOCAL SYSTEMS85.Deviationof the vertical 86. COMPUTATION ON THE ELLIPSOID87.DATUMTRANSFORMATIONS 88. ORTHOMORPHIC PROJECTION 89.ORDNANCESURVEYNATIONAL GRID 90. (t - T) correction 91.PRACTICALAPPLICATIONS 92.Introduction of Satellite positioning 93.GPSSEGMENTS 94. GPS 95.SATELLITE ORBITS 96. BASIC PRINCIPLEOFPOSITION FIXING 97.DIFFERENCING DATA 98. GPS OBSERVING METHODS99.Kinematicpositioning Surveying is part of Civilengineeringeducation invarious colleges and univeristies globally.